Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection Page 36

by Heart, D. J.

  “That was amazing!” David cried, voice too loud as he stumbled out of the theater sandwiched between Misha and Amy. They had just finished watching a show at The Venetian, and he was feeling exceptionally happy.

  The show had been themed to resemble an old western saloon, with a full cast of acrobatic performers really getting into their roles as whores, pastors and sexy cowboys, and though their skill had been impressive, it was the raunchy humor and free-flowing drinks that David had enjoyed.

  “I knew you’d like it,” Amy said, leading them all through the winding corridor to exit the show and back into the hotel. “Your sense of humor has always been juvenile.”

  “Shut up, you loved it too,” David said, stumbling and using Misha’s arm to right himself. “That sexy cowboy guy let you touch his abs.”

  David pushed away from Misha and put his arm over Amy’s shoulder, pulling her into a sloppy hug, leaning in to kiss her cheek and then remembering at the last minute that she would murder him if he messed up her makeup.

  “Of course I did,” Amy said, pushing his arm away and making sure her hair hadn’t fallen out of place. “I wouldn’t have let Misha book us a booth if I didn’t think we’d all have a good time.”

  “Knew it,” David said, buzzed and happy. He bumped into Misha again, letting his friend support him as the floor wobbled. “So what are we doing now?”

  “Dancing,” Misha said, wrapping a supporting arm around David’s back. “We’re going to hit the clubs.”

  Grinning, David allowed himself to be led out of the hotel and into the waiting car. He came close to knocking his head as he bent down to get in, but Misha was quick enough to catch him by the hair and pull him back at the last second.

  “Thanks,” David said, sliding into the back of the car. The tug on his hair had reminded him of Adam, giving him a warm tingly sensation that started at the top of his spine and crept down the length of his back like a buzz of electricity.

  Adam was really good at pulling his hair just hard enough to make it feel good.

  “No problem,” Misha said, oblivious, sliding in after him and helping him to put on his seat belt.

  Amy gave the driver their next stop, and David let out a whoop of joy as the car pulled away from the curb, making Misha bark out a laugh.

  “Fuck, you’re so drunk,” he said, shaking his head and smiling. “How many drinks did you have at the show?”

  David rolled his eyes and let himself lean against Misha. “Not too many. What are you, my dad?”

  “I just don’t want you quitting on us before the night has a chance to get started.”

  David ignored the warning and looked to Amy, a slow grin pulling at his mouth. She was looking at her phone, ignoring him and Misha.

  “There was a stripper,” David said, nudging her ankle with the side of his shoe. “He was hot.”

  “He was,” she agreed, looking up from her phone. “So was the girl.”

  “I knew you liked her!”

  David had noticed how much Amy liked the girl playing the young whore who ended up running away with the young cowboy. She hadn’t taken her eyes off her the whole time the girl had been on stage.

  “Of course I did,” Amy said, sounding pitying and amused. “She was exactly my type and she was taking her clothes off. Why wouldn’t I like that?”

  “Oh,” David said, closing his eyes. He’d expected her to deny it, but in retrospect that wasn’t like Amy at all. “I guess that makes sense.”

  “So the cowboy, that’s your type?” Misha asked.

  “Mhm,” David said, and then thought again. The cowboy had been cute, but not really what he found attractive. “I like bigger muscles,” he clarified. “And taller, and older, and like-”

  “Ugh, don’t say-”

  “Like Adam.”

  Misha groaned, which David thought was unreasonable. Adam was exceptionally handsome and would make an impressive stripper. David’s mind flashed to a mental image of Adam dressing up in a costume and stripping for him. The thought was enough to make his balls pull tight and his toes curl in the tip of his shoes.

  He hoped that Misha and Amy had planned for a real stripper at some point during the weekend. Not Adam, obviously, but he wanted the full bachelor party experience.

  “Strippers and bachelor parties go together,” he said, needing to make sure that Amy and Misha understood that he wouldn’t be offended if they got him a stripper. That he wanted one. “It’s tradition.”

  Amy snorted out a laugh. “So it is.”

  “I’m just saying…” David said, feeling like he had gotten his point across very subtly.

  “And we hear you,” Misha said, putting his hand in David’s hair and petting him. The car slowed down, and David realized that they were at the club.

  Misha got out first, helping David and Amy to step out of the car.

  “So are you ready to have some fun?” Misha asked, clapping him on the back.

  David nodded, looking between Misha and Amy with a teeth baring grin.

  “Bring it on.”



  Adam didn’t hear from David for the rest of the night, but he got several more updates from Pavel, the bodyguard.

  None of the updates made Adam particularly happy.

  Pavel’s last update of the night – or rather early morning – was to let Adam know that despite being too drunk to stand, David had made it safely back to the hotel.

  Taking a sip of his bourbon, Adam breathed out through his nose and put his phone down. He’d been sitting in his home office, distracting himself with work, waiting to see if David would fuck up.

  If the worst thing David did during his trip was get too drunk, Adam would take it. That didn’t mean that David wasn’t racking up a shit-ton of spankings, though. If he could sit comfortably by the time their wedding rolled around it would be a miracle.

  It wasn’t particularly healthy to have his boyfriend followed, Adam was well aware, but given David’s tendency to drink until he was incapacitated, Adam felt better knowing that he was looked after.

  Standing, stretching his back, Adam downed the last of his bourbon and wandered down the hall to the bedroom. He brushed his teeth and took off his clothes, crawling under the cool sheets and laying down on his back.

  There was nothing better than going to bed when you were well and truly tired, Adam thought as he shifted position, the silky brushed cotton soft against his skin. Well, except for going to bed with David there.

  Even though he was bone tired, it took Adam an embarrassingly long time to drift off to sleep. When he finally did, he dreamed about putting David over his lap and turning his ass red.

  * * *

  The next morning, Adam woke up with a raging hard-on.

  He pushed his face into David’s pillow, breathing in his scent, and took his morning wood in his fist. He worked his hard length with the palm of his hand, all the while closing his eyes and imagining David, until he had enough pre-cum that he could jerk himself off properly.

  Turning over on his back, he pushed off the covers and fucked into his fist.

  It didn’t take him long to come – not when he was thinking about David’s ass and all the abuse it was in for when he got home. He shot his load all over his abs, spraying his chest, and a few stray spurts even hitting his chin.

  Rubbing his spent load into his stomach, feeling relaxed and happy, Adam got up and took a shower. He washed away the evidence of his morning fun and got ready for the day ahead.

  Changing into one of his more comfortable suits – there was no need to go for anything tight fitting with David away in Vegas – Adam grabbed a bagel to eat in the car and headed to work.

  The office was busy as ever, and Adam was quickly absorbed in his work. Over the course of the day he got regular updates from Pavel, but other than a truly excessive amount of drinking, there was nothing significant in the reports.

  David and his friends spent the day at Wet
Republic, a day club that Adam would never in a million years consent to spend even a single second in, before getting lunch, taking in another show, and then spending the night clubbing.

  He got a few texts from David, all of them assuring him that he was being good and ‘not drinking too much,’ which made Adam snort. He knew exactly how much David was drinking, and each time David lied to him he was just digging his grave deeper and deeper.

  Adam was tempted to let him know that he was being followed – that every drink was being recorded – but he decided against it. Even though it galled him, he would let David have his weekend of fun.

  David would be paying for his behavior later, but for now Adam wasn’t going to intervene.

  After he got home from work, Adam jerked off again, after which Derek called him to let him know that everything was ready for his bachelor party the next day.

  Adam was a little surprised. He’d half expected Derek to come back to him and tell him it was too short notice.

  “So when should I be at the club?” Adam asked, putting his feet up on the coffee table and crossing his ankles.

  “We’ll get started at around eight,” Derek said, sounding excited. “We’ve reserved the whole top floor.”

  “Great,” Adam said, looking forward to it. “Is Clay bringing his own sub, or are we providing someone?”

  “I’ve got someone in mind,” Derek said, his tone tinted with pride.


  “A student. He’s broke as fuck and desperate, and exactly your type. You’re going to love him.”

  Adam grinned. Derek knew exactly what Adam liked, and no doubt the student would be adorable.

  “Does he know what he’s in for?”

  “He thinks he does,” Derek said with a truly evil chuckle, making Adam’s cock harden. “We’ll see how he handles it. Oh, and by the way, Rex asked if he could bring Brick and a guy named Oliver? What should I tell him?”

  “That’s fine,” Adam said, wondering why Rex wanted to bring Brick and Oliver of all people. Was he having them put on a show?

  “Great, I’ll let him know.”

  After a few more minutes of talking about nothing, Adam and Derek said goodbye and hung up the phone.

  Adam looked to see if he had any more messages from either David or his watcher, but there were no messages from either of them.

  That was probably for the best, Adam thought to himself. No news was good news and all that.

  Feeling tired, having stayed up way too late the night before, he decided that this time he would be sensible and go to bed at a reasonable hour. He watched a few more hours of TV, his phone staying stubbornly silent, and finally headed to bed when he caught himself yawning for the third time in under a minute.

  Climbing under the covers, David’s side of the bed tragically empty, Adam couldn’t wait until David’s ridiculous trip was over and he had him back where he belonged.



  “Where are we going?” David asked, spilling his drink as Misha yanked him through the club and off into a private room.

  The door closed behind them, cutting off the sound of the thumping music like someone had hit a stop button.

  “Amy and I have a surprise for you,” Misha said, steering David toward an empty chair in the middle of the room. In the corner, a few feet away from the chair, there was an L-shaped sofa and a low table ladled with bottles of liquor and mixers. Amy was seated in the middle section of the sofa, ankles crossed and waiting patiently.

  She looked up as Misha and David entered the room. “There you are!”

  “I had to detour to the bathroom,” Misha explained. He put his hands on David’s shoulders and steered him toward the chair, pushing him down and patting his shoulders in a silent gesture to stay put. He then walked over to Amy and sat down, asking her, “Is everything ready?”

  Amy nodded, sending off a message on her phone and leaning back like she was getting ready to watch a show.

  Excitement growing in his belly – and in his groin – David had a pretty good idea of what was about to happen.

  He couldn’t wait.

  Glancing over at his friends, feeling like he was on display, David wondered what kind of stripper they’d gotten him. He thought he remembered telling them he liked men that looked like Adam – tall, muscular and sporting dinner-plate sized hands made for spanking – but then again he might have been drunk and just thought about it rather than said it out loud.

  He hoped he’d remembered to tell them.

  David hadn’t been this drunk for this long since before he met Adam. He’d almost forgotten how the days started to blur and how difficult it became to keep track of events.

  A knock on the door startled David out of his thoughts. He held his breath, butterflies exploding in his stomach, and looked over at Amy.

  “Tell them to come in,” she said, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

  “Come in!” David called, his voice cracking. All of a sudden he was nervous, and he didn’t know why.

  The door flew open like someone had kicked it in, and the next thing David knew three massive cops were standing around him in a half circle, glaring down at him with fierce expressions.

  Amy and Misha had done good. The guys were massive – all of them at least six-foot-three – bulging with just the right amount of muscle. They were handsome, with square jaws and masculine features, but it was the black man standing to his right that had David transfixed. He had the most gorgeous cheekbones David had ever seen, like they were sculpted from marble, and he had the most ridiculous shoulder to waist ratio David had ever seen.

  The black man’s fierce expression broke, a small smirk tugging at his lip when he saw what an effect he was having on David. David blushed and jerked his head away.

  He stared up at the man right in front of him, instead. The stripper had short black hair and a five o’clock shadow, and his uniform shirt was unbuttoned to reveal the clefts of his hairy pecs. David let out a gasp when the stripper lifted his foot and planted his big black boot directly between David’s legs, pushing it forward and forcing David to scoot back.

  He leaned down to sneer in David’s face.

  “We’ve had reports of a troublemaker at this club that matches your description, boy,” the stripper growled, startling David by grabbing his chin and squeezing hard. “You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

  David’s mouth filled with drool and he swallowed loudly. He tried to shake his head, but the stripper-cop’s grip on his chin prevented him from moving.

  David was in shock. He’d seen strippers before, but he’d never seen any that came in and took control like this. It was fucking hot.

  “Maybe, sir,” he said, licking his lips. “I’m sorry.”

  The stripper-cop grinned, the expression mean and aggressive, and then he tightened his grip on David’s chin. He held him like that for several seconds, hard and bruising, before letting go and standing up straight, keeping his boot planted between David’s legs.

  “What about that, fellas?” he said, sounding like a jovial bully. “Our boy here just confessed.”

  “That he did,” the black cop agreed. David could tell he was trying to copy the hard-assed aggressiveness of the guy who still had his boot planted between David’s thighs, but he was failing completely. He looked more amused than anything.

  David didn’t mind.

  “I think we need to show him who’s boss,” the stripper on the left said, his extremely deep voice making David shudder. He glanced over, eyes catching on the rumbling man’s huge bulge. “Teach him a lesson.”

  “I think I agree,” the cop in the middle said, removing his foot from between David’s legs and crossing his arms. All three strippers stepped back, and with a discreet press on a remote from the guy on the left, music filled the room.

  The three strippers began dancing, thrusting their hips and gyrating to the music, and David’s hands itched to touch as the se
xy hunks pulled off their shirts to expose beautifully oiled chests.

  The black stripper had pierced nipples, and David wondered what it would feel like to take them in his mouth.

  Eyes fixated on the black guy’s pecs, David wondered what having pierced nipples felt like. Adam had promised him that they would look into getting David’s nipples done, but he seemed to have forgotten. David was tempted to remind him, the idea of getting even more pleasure from his sensitive nipples making his cock throb, but on the other hand he wasn’t sure he could handle it.

  David’s thoughts were cut off as the most aggressive of the three strippers straddled his lap, sitting down and grinding his heavy weight on David’s lap.

  “Put your hands on my ass, boy,” he growled, grabbing David’s hands and putting them on his ass with a firm grip on David’s wrists.

  Laughing, David squeezed the guy’s muscular cheeks, letting his hands cup the firm muscle.

  The lap dance lasted for the length of the song, and when the next one started up the guy stepped off his lap, making room for the next guy. One by one they straddled him, grabbing his hands and directing him to touch their bodies, pressing their weight down on him and in all sorts of improbable positions.

  On the sidelines, Amy and Misha cheered, and as the playlist progressed, two of the strippers made their way over to them too, leaving David alone with the black stripper with the cheekbones.

  “So, you’ve been a bad boy?” the black guy asked, all pretense of being an aggressive dom forgotten. He was grinning, muscular arms on either side of David’s head as he gripped the back of the chair, using it for leverage as he thrust his crotch against David’s abs.

  Nodding, David grinned, letting out a grunt of surprise when the stripper grabbed him by the back of the head and pressed his face into his abs. He rubbed David’s face up and down his ripped abdominals, moving down so that David’s face came to rest in the cleft between his bulging pecs.

  “Well, what should we do about that?” the stripper asked, squeezing his arms around David’s head and holding him trapped against his pecs as he slowly ground his ass down on David’s lap.


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