Hard to Kill (Hell Hounds Harem Book 6)

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Hard to Kill (Hell Hounds Harem Book 6) Page 25

by Briana Michaels

  “Where’s Lucifer?”

  “In his room. Whatever you have to say, say to me, Hound.”

  “There’s been a surge in Hell’s prison. A good number of souls have just fell in.”


  Jack cocked an eyebrow at Gabe. “Maybe you don’t understand how things work down here, mate, but unless a cult of serial killers was miraculously mass murdered, this isn’t normal.”

  Gabriel sighed. “I’ll let him know.”

  “We want to tell him ourselves,” Jack argued. “No offense, but we report to Lucifer directly. I only told you out of respect, not obligation.”

  Kalen began walking off, “I’m going to check on Sara.”

  Gabe fought hard to not do another eye roll. He watched Jack and Kalen leave without another word.

  Fuck this was frustrating. He was soon to be the Ruler of Hell, too, and these dogs were going to have to learn that their allegiance needed to reach the other Angels. They were no longer going to serve just Lucifer. They’d serve his brothers too.

  But, like everyone else around here, the Hell Hounds were all fixated on the wrong things. There was a foul scent in the air above this place. Evil was growing stronger. Death tolls were climbing. Someone was attempting to make Dark Angels.

  Uriel and Constantine had taken the drawings Sara made and brought them to her old apartment that she’d painted in a week-long insanity spell a few months back. He didn’t know what they expected to find with those damn drawings.

  To make it more frustrating, Hell lacked technology and better communication lines.

  It was like going from an advanced high-tech civilization back to medieval motherfucking times. Hell was extremely limited and in the dark ages. Like… the really dark ages. Gabriel felt like they were trying to run an obstacle course blind. He wasn’t going to do well adjusting to this way of life.

  Lucifer’s reach only went as far as his realm and no further. He had to rely on the Brotherhood of Angels and those he’d befriended during his reign to do his bidding. How Lucifer managed to accomplish so much with so little was mind-boggling.

  The Devil came in through the back of the room. “Come on,” Lucifer growled.

  Gabriel got up and followed him out of the room and down the hall towards the prisons. “Guess your dogs made their report.”

  Lucifer pivoted and snatched Gabriel by the neck. “Stop acting like they’re animals.”

  Fury started to bubble in Gabe’s veins. He was too frustrated, too trapped, and too helpless down here. He wanted out and he wanted to fight. If he couldn’t escape, then the Devil would serve as his target. “But they are animals. You made them in your image, did you not, brother?”

  Fuck, the instant the words were out of his mouth, Gabriel knew he’d gone too far. He braced for impact… it never came. Lucifer hadn’t retaliated like he should have.

  Releasing his hold, the Devil started moving forward again. “I don’t expect you to understand the love I have for them. But they are what is good in me, and you’re going to need their respect if you really mean to help take over Hell.”

  Mean to take over Hell. How beautifully worded. Gabriel knew what Lucifer meant. The Devil still didn’t believe or trust that his brothers were going to step up to the plate. Maybe that distrust had been warranted, but it didn’t make this moment sting any less. “We’re going to do this together.”

  “Actions speak louder than words,” Lucifer turned the corner and opened another door. The sconces lining the walls lit as they approached each one. They could only see as far as the next light would allow. Such a typical representation of how Lucifer lived. Even the light down here only reached so far. You had to push past it to get to the next illuminated space.

  Living in Hell was seriously going to suck.

  “Why do you give them so much leeway?”

  “My Hounds?”

  “Mmm hmm.” For fuck’s sake, Lucifer even allowed them to sleep in his bed!

  “They deserve it. Just as they deserve every chance at happiness they can fucking get. Life is miserable and hard. Doesn’t have to be lonely, too.”

  They looked at each other for a moment, both walking in perfect stride next to each other. Gabriel tucked his wings in tight to give Lucifer more room. God, he couldn’t imagine a life without wings. What had Luce done when his burned away? Gabriel didn’t know because he’d never asked and he most definitely hadn’t been there for Lucifer when it happened.

  Guilt started to plant roots in Gabriel’s gut.

  Lucifer’s wings were the stuff of legends. Big, bold, strong, Lucifer’s wings were the envy of the brotherhood at one point. And to have lost them? To have them burn, feather by feather, until not even a trace of them existed? Gabriel would have gone crazy had that happened to him. It would be an amputation he would never wish on his worst enemy, let alone his divine brother. Gabe’s stomach clenched. It was a very real possibility that he might lose his wings too after he stayed down here long enough.

  “Earn their loyalty,” Lucifer commanded, dragging Gabriel out of his dark thoughts. “Or you’ll never survive down here.”

  Gabriel shoved open the next set of doors, “Why do you allow them a woman?”

  Lucifer stopped dead in his tracks, right at the threshold between the prisons and his home, and got all up in Gabriel’s face. “You know why.” The two stared each other down. Then Lucifer shoved a finger in his chest, “You’ve got a choice here, brother. Join Hell’s circle or get out while you still can.”

  “Sire!” Reggie called from behind Gabriel, “We’ve got a big problem.”

  Before Lucifer addressed Reggie, he deadpanned Gabriel first, “However you decide to move forward, I won’t judge you. I’ll support whatever decision you make.”

  Yeah, right. He’d heard those words a time or two. See, Gabriel had made choices like this before, and he always, always chose to stick with Lucifer and the others.

  Even when it had cost him the most in the end.

  Chapter 30

  Tilly’s eyes fluttered open. The scent of male was rich in the air. Someone hard and warm pressed against her back, another against her front.

  “She’s awake,” someone said.

  It took a minute for her eyes to adjust. Rusty colored hair smothered Tilly’s face and she moved back to get a better look.

  Valor’s blue eyes came into view. “Och, we thought ye’d never rise, lass.”

  She swallowed. Her mouth was super dry. Although her hearing was crisp again, the onslaught of so many noises at once took some getting used to. The hum of the air conditioning, the birds outside the window, the growls, rumbles, and sighs from her Hounds. Shit, she could even hear the buzzing of electricity running in the walls.

  She felt tingly all over. Valor cupped her cheek and leaned in to kiss her. His beard brushed her too-sensitive skin and she gasped, pressing her hand to her face when he pulled back.

  “Got some sugar for me, Sweetness?”

  Tilly slowly turned to Bishop who was also laying in the bed. Without a word, she reached around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Bishop’s beard wasn’t nearly as long as Val’s, but it was just as soft on her skin. He tweaked her nose, his eyes glinting with happiness. That spark in his gaze zipped joy down her body like a lightning bolt. Her smile grew wider in response.

  “Back up and let me see her.”

  Tilly turned her head and looked at the foot of the bed. Drake… no… Sebastian, crawled up the bed, slanted his mouth over hers and pushed her back onto the pillow in one smooth move. She was about to run her hands down his bare back, but Valor took one arm, Bishop the other, and the two started kissing and nibbling her wrists and arms. Bishop sucked on her middle finger, sending a charge of heat straight to her pussy.

  Tilly gasped when Sebastian’s hard cock pressed against her opening and he pushed a little. He was still in pants, which pissed her off. “Wait,” she said before they went any further, “Where’s Drake?”<
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  Sebastian leaned a little to his right so she could see Drake standing at the corner of the bed.

  “Come here,” her voice was husky.

  “No room.”

  She arched an eyebrow, “There will always be room for you, Hound.”

  Sebastian moved over by Bishop to make room for his twin.

  “Come here,” she bit her bottom lip, starved for her pack.

  Like a cautious predator, Drake crawled onto the bed slowly, “How do you feel, Goldilocks?”

  “Not too hot, not too cold,” she pressed her mouth to his and gave him a small kiss, “Just right.”

  Drake let out a shaky breath and then he kissed her again, this time much more voraciously. His kiss woke up every molecule she possessed. As his tongue swept into her mouth, Tilly felt like she was drowning in something so potent and spectacular she never wanted to come up for air.

  The mattress shifted. “Move up,” someone said.

  Drake repositioned himself as he continued to kiss her senseless. The world felt like it was spinning too fast and Tilly squeezed her eyes shut tighter. Then her body jerked down and her head fell off the pillow. Someone’s hand moved between her legs and spread her thighs. She inhaled through her nose as a tongue licked up her slit. Her eyes flew open and she saw Drake was now kissing her upside down. His large frame was perfectly balanced where the pillows were just a second ago. He held onto the headboard with one hand, the other was braced under her chin, keeping her head angled perfectly for him.

  Tilly’s head spun faster.

  She tried to move her arms so she could touch someone, but they were still being held by Valor and Bishop. “If it’s too much, say so,” Bishop said from her left.

  Bananas. She was to say bananas, right? Would there be a point when that word would come out of her mouth? Her body arched when Sebastian started to tongue fuck her. Drake broke away and Bishop moved in to take over her mouth next. Where Drake tasted like sin, Bishop tasted wild.

  There was a lot of testosterone in this space. It was fucking amazing. She wasn’t saying bananas. Ever.

  Tilly reached out blindly and in one swift motion, she pushed Bishop away, and yanked Valor by his beard, dragging him closer to her mouth next.

  Holy Hell Hounds… this was Heaven.

  Tilly’s eyes rolled in the back of her head when Sebastian dipped not one, but two fingers inside her. He pumped wildly and flicked his tongue over her bundle of nerves. A climax started working its way to the surface and Tilly fought to free her hands so she could shove them in Baz’s hair to keep him where she wanted.

  “Nuh uh, Sweetness. No touching yet.” Bishop locked both her wrists in one of his big hands.

  “Faster, Hound. Harder.” Valor grinned like a cat that ate the canary as he watched Tilly climb that peak and just before she fell off the edge of ecstasy, he growled, “Mine,” and claimed her lips.

  Tilly’s orgasm was no little wave of pleasure. It rocked. Her. World.

  Thrusting her hips to grind against Baz’s face, Tilly went buck wild. Someone suckled on her breasts, her arms were still pinned down, Valor’s tongue was hot velvet in her mouth, and fireworks exploded under her skin. Tilly cried out again as she rode a second wave.

  “Fuck, I can’t hold back much longer,” Bishop said. “I fucking need her, alpha.”

  “We all do,” Valor repositioned to make room so Drake could descend down on her next.

  “Oh God,” Tilly moaned as sensations overwhelmed her, “I need… I need to be filled.” Her cheeks tingled. Her skin felt like she was being hooked up to a charger, energy pumping into her veins and heightening all her senses even more.

  “Your choice, mo leannan. Who do ye want first?”

  “All of you,” the words rushed out of her mouth. Shit, shit, shit. Was that too gluttonous? Fuck it, sinning was better when done right. Four men at once was totally doing it right.

  Drake chuckled in her ear, “Baby steps, Goldilocks. We don’t want to break you.”

  “You won’t,” she scissored her thighs together once Baz lifted away from her. “You’ll be fine.”

  “We’re just as desperate as you are,” Baz shook his head. “We won’t have control. One at a time is best for now.”

  She wanted to pout. No, she wanted to scream, roll over, straddle a Hound and ride him. “Let’s see what I can handle.” She looked at Bishop first. Of all the lovers in this room, he’d been the most wild with her. Maybe if she took him on first, the others would see that she could totally play with the big dogs.

  Climbing on top of Bishop, he moaned when she grabbed his cock and pushed his tip to her opening. As much as she wanted to slam down on him, she enjoyed watching his reaction while she took her time, taking him in inch by blissful inch. Bishop’s head tilted back and he barked when she hit his base.

  Riding him was like hopping on a mechanical bull ride. He let you think you had the control, but really, it was his hips that rocked you, not the other way around. He grabbed her ass with both hands and started grinding against her, lifting both of them off the mattress.

  Tilly wanted to push them all to their limits. What if this was the only time something like this happened? It’s not every day a woman got four insanely sexy men in bed with her at once.

  “Baz,” she cooed, “Get over here and kiss me.”

  As if he could read her mind, Baz climbed in front of her and Bishop’s head was between his thighs. Things were extremely close to uhhhhhh—

  “Kiss her motherfucker,” Bishop rocked her harder and Tilly leaned forward, slamming both her hands on Baz’s chest. He crushed his mouth to hers and she breathed him in.

  Baz was fucking delicious. Intoxicating. He pulled away and grinned, “What next, Tills?”

  They were giving her control. Thankfully, she knew exactly what and who she wanted next. “D.” She didn’t look over at Drake when she called him to join. She knew he’d come to her so she kept her eyes locked on Sebastian while Bishop continued to fuck her.

  Drake’s hot hands held her torso and he pulled her back just a little bit towards him. His smooth cheek brushed against hers as he whispered, “Where do you want me?”

  Fuck if his voice didn’t give her goosebumps. Her nipples hardened and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. “Behind. I want you… behind.”

  “Alpha, pass me the lube.”

  Alpha. Oh shit. Where was she going to put Valor? She knew damn well that she wanted Baz’s cock in her mouth just as soon as Drake entered her. Bishop had already staked his claim to her body… So where was Valor going to go?

  Heat flamed her cheeks as she looked for her alpha. Valor sat in a chair he’d dragged closer to the bed. Sitting naked, relaxed with hungry eyes on her, Valor stroked his cock and her mouth watered.

  His posture said he’d be patient for his turn. His eyes though, they ate her alive and promised one hell of a grand finale. She sucked in a breath when Drake pushed a finger into her backdoor. He bit down on her neck and her eyes immediately sailed back to Baz who was still perched at the head of the bed, stroking his cock much like Valor was in the chair.

  Tilly’s heartrate went into warp speed when Drake pushed a second finger into her ass. He twisted it, working her open, priming her. Meanwhile, Bishop was doing a damn fine job building up another orgasm for her.

  Tilly looked over at Valor again, waiting for him to put a stop to it and claim her as was his right as Alpha. His gaze darkened while he kept stroking and said, “Ready, lass?”

  Chapter 31

  A lot of lines were being crossed right now and Drake didn’t know what to do about it because he wasn’t about to deny his woman a goddamned motherfucking thing. As he worked her ass to get it ready for his cock, he looked anywhere but at his twin. They never shared a woman before. Not like this. Tilly’s luscious tits bounced as Bishop continued thrusting, and Baz still straddled that Hound Dog’s face. Drake couldn’t believe what he was seeing. What he was about to do. />
  Fuck him running, they were really going to do this…

  Drake kissed the back of Tilly’s neck again and whispered, “You ready to let me in?”

  She nodded quickly, like she was too damn eager to fill herself with Hounds anyway she could. The idea of hurting her overshadowed his lust in a major way. What hesitation he felt burned to ashes as she tilted her head back to kiss him again and begged, “Please. I need this. I need all of this, D.”

  Maybe that was true for every Hound in the pack.

  Drake grabbed Bishop’s thigh, signaling him to stop moving, and then Drake guided his cock into Tilly’s ass. Holy…mother of –

  Drake groaned loudly. Tilly relaxed her body enough for Drake to push inside her. Damn, this felt amazing. He took his time, letting her get acclimated to his size. With careful strokes, he pushed and retreated nice and slow, gaining an inch with each thrust. Her body was made for him, for all of them. He let go of Bishop’s thigh, giving the Hound a silent signal to find a rhythm that matched his.

  “Slowly, Hounds.” Valor’s command was so deep, his voice sounded morphed.

  Drake looked over at his alpha, expecting to see him battling self-control. No doubt if it were Drake sitting in that chair watching and not doing, he’d be foaming at the mouth to have a taste of this. But Valor was relaxed in his chair, stroking his big fucking dick and grinding his teeth together. His gaze was hooded, his eyes lit like blue flames, and his focus was pinned on their woman.

  Tilly started to pant, “Oh god, I’m so close already.”

  Drake grinned and grabbed her tits, pinching her nipples as they rode her a little harder. He could feel Bishop’s cock on the other side of the thin tissue in Tilly. He shouldn’t like this as much as he did, but fuck it was a turn on. A big one. His woman being worshipped by his pack had to be the hottest goddamn thing in the whole wide world.


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