Uncovered Secrets: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book 7

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Uncovered Secrets: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book 7 Page 12

by Maris, Savannah

  “Step, sweetheart. Let me get the other one.”

  She shifted her weight, and he slipped her foot out. As he stood, he made sure there were no injuries he wasn’t expecting—road rash on her knee, a bruise on her hip from where she fell, and scraped hands. He lifted her bridal style and carried her to the bathroom where steam was billowing out the door.

  Rachel stepped into the shower while Ben removed the rest of his clothes then followed her. “Let me wash you so you don’t get soap on your hands. They’ll sting.”

  “The water is already stinging my leg.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I know this will hurt, but hang in there for me, just a few minutes.”

  When she bent and rubbed her ass against his dick, his hands froze. “Rachel, you’re hurt.”

  “I need you, Ben.”

  “I’m going to hold you, Rach, just as soon as we get out of the shower.”

  She shook her head. “No, Ben, make love to me.”

  “Baby, I’ll hurt you.”

  “Go slow…”

  He turned her to face him and tilted her head so the water could rinse out the shampoo. Her neck was vulnerable as he leaned in and kissed it, leisurely marking a path from one side to the other. She lowered her face to catch his lips just as he moved to claim hers. Pressing closer, his tongue entered her mouth and slow danced with hers, melding together. He pulled back, grazing her bottom lip with his teeth.


  “Please, Ben…”

  “Does your hip hurt too much to wrap your legs around me?”


  He lifted her and turned so the water hit his back and shielded her leg. With her back pressed against the back wall of the shower, he eased himself inside her in one stroke. “Fuck,” he murmured.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Don’t stop.”

  “Not a chance.”

  She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and rested her forehead against his. “Right there. Yes, Ben.”

  “Your pussy is squeezing my cock.”

  Her back arched. “Yes—oh, yes…”

  He bent his head to kiss her breasts. His arms were under her ass, helping to guide her onto him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Faster, Ben, please.”

  He pulled back to look at her, and her head leaned against the shower wall. Her nails started digging into his arms, leaving crescent moon marks around his tattoo as she tightened around him, and he knew she was close. He increased his pace, and her eyes began to close. She started to shake when his mouth crashed down on hers, and she quivered as his release shot through him, and his knees slightly gave way. He pressed against her, panting as he righted them.

  “I’ve never been much of the caveman type, but right now I know why they are the way they are.”


  “All of my friends.”


  “Because all I can think is that you’re mine. Mine to hold, mine to protect, mine to love.”


  “Sit down and rest. I’ll get you a couple of Advil. BLTs good with you for dinner?”

  “I can help.”

  “No, Rachel. Put the ointment on your leg and hands. I’ll cook.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

  Ben wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. “Don’t fine me, woman. Let me take care of you.”

  She giggled. “You always take good care of me.”

  “Uh-huh,” he mumbled as he continued to kiss her. “Then be a good patient.”

  “Fine.” Her eyes danced with sass.

  “Grrr.” He grabbed her ass. “Come on. Let’s get you fed because I know you’re going to want to do something with this information tonight even though I think we need to wait.”

  “You know me well.”

  “Yes, I do, and don’t you forget it.” He quickly kissed her lips and followed her toward the living room. “Sit down. I’ll get your stuff.”

  “Ben, I’m not helpless.”

  “No, you’re precious, and I know you’re hurting. You’re just trying to keep a brave face—and you can stop that shit anytime now. I’m going to take care of you.”

  Her eyes softened. “Thank you.”

  Ben’s lips curved into a small smile. “You’re welcome.”

  He brought her a glass of water and two Advil. On his way back to the living room, he snagged the ointment from the table. Kissing the side of her head as she took the pills, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Sam sent me this just as we pulled in tonight,” he began as he brought his phone to life. “Is this the man you saw at Sunnyland?”

  She took his phone for a closer look. “The man I saw wore a hat, so I couldn’t see his eyes, but that chin … I’d say I’m eighty to ninety percent sure that’s him.”

  “That’s Theo’s driver’s license picture. That’s how they knew you went to see Ms. Hightower.”

  Rachel blinked back tears. “We’ve got to do something tonight, Ben, even if it’s nothing but getting organized.”

  Ben nodded. “Dinner will be ready in fifteen. I want you to relax, but I’d love for you to talk to me while I cook.” With the open floor plan of his house, Ben could cook and talk with Rachel at the same time.

  “We’ll need markers for missing information,” he said as he started the bacon. “When we finish eating, I’ll get some notepads from my office.”

  “I’ve got sticky notepads on my bag. That way we won’t lose anything.”

  “Okay. I don’t think my kitchen table is going to be big enough to spread it all out, though.”

  Rachel looked toward the small table. “I think you’re right.”

  “Well, we could, um…” His brow cocked as he glanced toward the closed bedroom door. He took a fortifying breath and held up his hands. “Well, I need to tell you what I did while you were gone.”

  Rachel’s eyes widened as she took a sip of water. “Ooo-kay. You sound worried.”

  He shook his head. “Not worried, but I want to tell you.”

  She nodded. “Shoot.”

  “When I left Columbia, I went to see my parents.” A loving smile appeared on his face. “They want me to bring you to see them. They’re happy for us.”


  “Yeah, Rach. They said it was past time for me to move on with my life, and let’s just say, my mom almost fell over when I told her we’d been seeing each other for years.”

  “Oh, no! Ben, you hadn’t told them before now?”

  “What was I going to tell them? Hell, Rach, it’s only been a week since I got my head out of my ass. Before that, we didn’t label us, remember?”

  “Yes, I remember—quite well, actually.”

  “Yeah, so…” He lifted a shoulder and tilted his head. “Anyway, I asked my mom to call Mrs. Johnson, you know, about Maggie’s dress.”

  Rachel laid her hand at the base of her throat. “Oh, Ben, that’s huge. What did she say?”

  “She told me I needed to do it myself.”

  Rachel raised her eyebrows. “Oh, wow. Are you okay? Do you want me with you when you call her?”

  “Actually, I’ve already done that too.”

  Her eyes popped wider. “You did? How did that go?”

  Ben chuckled. “Better than I thought it would. They understand, Rach. They don’t blame me anymore. I told them about us, and Sally—um, Mrs. Johnson said that I could bring the dress to her and she’d donate it when I bring you by to see them.” Ben looked at her with pleading eyes. “Would you go meet them and my parents?”

  “You’re nervous.” Her hand fell to her chest. “Ben Stevens is nervous to take me to meet his parents. Oh, my. You’re cute when you’re nervous.” She smiled. “God, I could just imagine you at sixteen.”

  He tilted his head. “So, is that a yes?”

  “Of course I’ll go. I want to meet them too.”

  He gave a confirming nod. “Good. We’ll work
out a time later.”

  “Was that all you wanted to tell me?”

  He shook his head. “I packed up the room too. I mean, all the pictures are in boxes, and the dress is still there, but we can use that room if you want.”

  Rachel clamped her hands on his biceps, holding his stare. “Are you sure? I will not push you on this, Ben.”

  He laced his fingers at the base of her back. “I’m sure I need you, and I’m sure I’m ready to move on with my life. I don’t want to forget her, but you’re my number one. It’s time, Rach. Will you help me do something with all of it?”

  Rachel bit her lip. “How do I say this without sounding cold?” She held his gaze. “She was a part of your past, and she’s still a part of your present. She’s one of the people—situations—that made you who you are …the man I love. I get that, my heart gets that, and I know I have nothing to be insecure about with her, but I must confess that I don’t know if I could handle a constant reminder of your time with another woman. Do you understand?”

  “Rach, that’s not being cold. I want to do this not only for you but for me.” He shook his head. “I don’t think I could look at you with another man—dead or not—if the situation were reversed.” He gave her a quick kiss. “I love you, Rachel. I want this to be your space too. No more closed off rooms.”

  A tear slipped out of the corner of her eye. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Me too.” He placed a kiss on her forehead. “Do you feel like taking our laptop cases to that room? I’ll bring the food.”

  “I can do that.”

  He released her, and she took both laptop cases to the one room in Ben’s house she’d never been. She opened the door and flipped on the light. He noticed the hesitation in her step before she walked in.

  “Are you sure you’re okay being in there?”

  A breath left her. “Honestly? Even though you told me everything was packed up, I needed to make sure for myself.”

  “Does seeing her really bother you that much?”

  She shook her head. “I remember the first time I saw those pictures in your old apartment. Seeing how happy you were with her always made my heart hurt. Knowing if she were still here, we wouldn’t be together and the fact that she didn’t choose to leave you, but was taken away…” She shrugged. “I know it’s stupid, but a little part of me feels second best.”

  Ben sat the food on the table in the room. “Rachel, we can’t play the ‘what if’ or ‘if things were different game’ because we don’t know how things would have been. Sweetheart, in my mind, Maggie is who brought you to me.” He cupped her face and stroked his thumbs over her eyebrows. “Everything happens for a reason, and maybe this happened with Maggie because I really needed you. She was in my life for a season, but you’re in my life for a lifetime. Baby, we’ve already been together longer than I was with her. Yes, I loved her then, and I love the memories I shared with her, but I love you now and the memories we’ve made and the ones yet to be made. I’m going to give you the white picket fence. I just think we need to get through this case first, don’t you?”

  “Yes, then maybe we can lay all of that to rest. Not having to rehash and talk about it every day will help.”

  “We can go back to the living room.”

  “No, we can work in here.” She smiled, and he knew she was pulling up her big girl panties. She was determined to get past this.


  Ben had just walked back into the room from getting their drinks when his phone rang.


  Rachel watched his eyes furrow then cut toward her as he put the call on speaker. “Good evening, Officer Marshall. You’re on speaker, and Assistant DA Davis is listening.”

  “Good evening, ma’am.”

  “Hello, officer.”

  “It appears the car that tried to run you down is registered to a Theodore Nobles. Does that name ring a bell with either of you?”

  She knowingly looked at Ben. “Yes, I helped prosecute the case where Mr. Nobles went to jail for vehicular manslaughter in the death of Maggie Stevens.”

  “Stevens? Any relation to you, Sheriff?”

  “She was my wife.”

  “I see.” Officer Marshall cleared his throat. “Just so you both know, there’s an APB out on Mr. Nobles’ car. I’ll call you when we find him.”

  “Thank you, Officer,” Ben said.

  “Do you think he’s gone back to Columbia?”

  “Yeah, I do. Maybe they were trying to scare you.”

  Rachel wrapped her arms around herself. “Is that really what you think?”

  Ben took her hands in his own. “No, I think it was a onetime try. If they got you great, and if not, they couldn’t risk another attempt. But that does bring me to my original statement that made last week hell.”

  “Which one was that?”

  “That maybe you should consider passing off this case.”

  Rachel tried to pull her hands from his. “Ben, that’s not fair of you to ask that.”

  He rotated their hands and entwined their fingers. “I know. It’s selfish, but I’m just trying to protect you. And after the events of today, I think it’s a justified request.”

  “It is, but Ben, I can’t walk away now. Obviously, we’re on to something … something big.”

  “I agree, and I knew I was wasting my breath. So, you need to call your boss and let him know you’ll be working remotely. Don’t tell him where you are. Until we catch Nobles, you’re not safe in Charleston.”

  She agreed as Ben pulled the papers out of his laptop bag. Among them was an unopened envelope with elegant writing on the front. Rachel pointed toward it. “What’s that?”

  “Don’t know. It was in my inbox when I left this morning.” He opened the envelope, and a sly smile appeared. “Did you bring a formal dress?”

  “What? No.”

  “Maybe you need to get one then we can see who knows what.” He turned the card toward her.

  Her eyes widened. “An invitation to Matthew’s engagement party?”

  “I’m the Sheriff. It would be in poor taste not to invite me. It would look a little fishy in the political realm.”

  A bright smile stretched her face. “Why, Sheriff, I do believe that would be correct.”

  “You’ll be on my arm. No one will bother you there.”

  “I’ll send Carrie a text to see if she’ll go shopping with me.”

  “I’ll make sure Sam has tomorrow morning off since Carrie hasn’t gone out without him, and neither of them will let anyone else keep Beau.”

  “Thank you.” She took a sip of her water. “Do you want to start from the beginning and work forward, or from present and work backward?”

  “I think we’d have more gaps working backward.”

  “Okay, so what do we know?”

  Ben bit into his sandwich before he wrote the first yellow sticky note and placed it in the far corner of the room. “Martin Pickens and Theodore Nobles are life-long friends. Met in elementary school.”

  Rachel nodded. “Where did we get that?”

  “Martha Pickens, the first wife.”

  “Will she testify?”

  Ben shrugged. “I don’t know. I think she’s bitter about the divorce, but I don’t know if she’d intentionally hurt him. She said she wasn’t made to be a politician’s wife, unlike her daughter.”

  Rachel cocked her head. “That’s an interesting statement.”

  “Isn’t it though. She said that Stephanie wants to be the ‘first lady’ and she didn’t care of what.”

  “Okay, let’s hold on to that until later. When did Martin meet his first wife?”

  “High school. That’s when it started to become apparent that Theo would do anything for Martin as long as Martin took care of him financially.”

  Rachel handed Ben another sticky note. “But how? They were kids.”

  “Gas money, lunch money, even bought Theo new clothes.”

  “Where di
d he get that kind of money?”

  “Martin’s father was the first doctor brought into the hospital. From what Martha said, he was paid handsomely.”

  “Must have been nice. I was lucky to get five bucks a week. Anything else I had to earn.”

  Ben smiled. “Tell me about it. I cut more lawns than I care to remember.”

  Rachel grinned. “Which I’m sure helped develop your sexy muscles, even then.”

  He flexed his bicep. “You like my muscles?”

  She giggled. “Stop. What’s next?”

  “College. Martin went to USC with Theo coming along. He basically helped with everything outside of school so Martin could focus on his studies. Martha went to Columbia College.”

  “So, when did Theo meet Gloria Hightower?”

  “Martha never mentioned a girl with Theo until Hailey.”


  “What are you thinking?”

  Rachel frowned. “Maybe they couldn’t be seen with the riffraff socially? Think about it—Theo drove them, but he wasn’t a part of their life.”

  “True. So, somewhere during this time, Theo meets Gloria.”

  “And gets her pregnant.”

  Ben pulls a pink sticky note and looks at Rachel. “Birth certificate will give us this information.”

  Rachel nodded. “Along with confirming paternity.”

  “What’s next?”

  She handed Ben another pink sticky. “When did Gloria buy her house, whose name is it in, and who paid for it? Deborah is getting part of this information. Do you think Martha would have known if Martin was paying for another house? Gloria said that Martin helped her get it.”

  They continued with each piece of evidence until half the room was filled with pieces of evidence, pages of notes, or sticky notes.


  The following morning, Ben was already dressed for work and had called Sam when he heard Rachel moving in the back rooms. “Did you get an invitation for Saturday night?”


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