Uncovered Secrets: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book 7

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Uncovered Secrets: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book 7 Page 15

by Maris, Savannah

  “Me either. My father always told me that if I’ve received the gift of a woman’s body, I shouldn’t be ungrateful enough to ask for seconds.”

  Rachel turned to look him in the eyes. “You ask for seconds any time you want them, okay? That was amazing.”

  A bright smile flashed across his face. “Yes, ma’am. Your wish is my command.”


  Ben walked into the workroom with two cups of coffee and Rachel flipping through a file.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “Chloe’s birth certificate.” She closed the file and pulled up the pictures on her phone. “What if Martin isn’t Chloe’s father?”

  Ben jerked, causing the coffee to spill onto his hands. “Ow, fuck!” He quickly sat the cups on the table and wiped his hands down his pants. “Spell it out for me.”

  Rachel took a deep breath. “You said that you thought Martin, Hailey, and Theo were into a threesome relationship.”


  “And Martha’s comment about Martin telling her that he loved her when he asked for the divorce.”

  “Go on.”

  Rachel showed him a picture she’d taken during the evening. “Look, Ben. The way Martin is looking at Martha … that’s a man in love. I watched and didn’t see him look at Hailey like that the whole night which brings up my next point. There are no pictures of Hailey with Martin until she pops on the scene as his wife.”

  “Yeah, everyone thought they were very good at keeping his image intact.”

  “Didn’t you say that even Martha didn’t know anything was happening when she had dinner with Martin, and Hailey was there?”

  “Yes, but she also said that he was turned on watching Hailey and Theo.”

  “So what if that’s all he did … watch. Maybe he’s into voyeurism.”

  “Maybe he wasn’t.”

  “Okay, maybe he wasn’t. Let’s think about what Martha told you about Martin and Theo. Martin took care of Theo, and Theo made sure Martin stayed clean. Now, Theo has something he could leak if Martin deviated from their long-standing arrangement—either he’s a voyeur, or he’s had an affair. Either way, Martin’s image is destroyed.”

  “Don’t you think Martin would’ve known?”

  “Not without a paternity test, and Martin couldn’t very well ask for one, could he?”

  “You think Theo is Chloe’s father?”

  Rachel nodded. “Yes, and I think Theo took Martin out with the intention of getting him drunk and telling him that Chloe is his … on the night of the accident. Why else would Martin have gotten that drunk? Are there any indications of him being a heavy drinker before that night?”

  “I don’t remember any, but I was a young agent. There hasn’t been anything to come up in my research.” Ben took a sip of coffee. “Say you’re right, Chloe would have been … what four by then, and Hailey and Martin would have already been married.”

  “Yes, but paternity was never confirmed.”

  “Why would he wait so long to say something?”

  “I don’t know … to let Martin know he’s really the one holding power in their arrangement?” Rachel massaged her forehead. “The way I see it is that there was a fifty-fifty chance that Martin was the father, but who knows, maybe there was never a chance in hell of him being the father. Unless one of them confesses, we’ll never know.”

  Rachel stood and walked around. “This is how I see it going down, let me know if you hear any holes. When Hailey popped up pregnant, Theo suggested that it should be Martin who marries Hailey. After all, he’d be the better provider for the child. How would Martin feel if he thought his child was being raised by Theo, who didn’t really have a job?”

  Ben watched her. “Martin, the family man, wouldn’t be able to handle his child not being with him, but no way would Martha let him bring his love child into their home.”

  “Exactly. Theo may have threatened to expose his extramarital activities if he didn’t marry Hailey. Again, without a confession, we may never know.”

  “Having Gloria Hightower stuffed away upstate allowed Theo to basically live two lives.”

  “Theo has one of his children taken care of for the rest of their life. All he had to do was take care of Gloria and Matthew, which no one knew about. Then the accident happens, and Theo sees a way for Matthew to get a hand up in the world. He offers seven years of his life to ensure Matthew is now taken care of. One slip up and the world knows all of Martin Pickens’s dirty little secrets.”

  “Holy shit, Rachel. I’m starting to think Theo is a fucking genius.”

  Rachel turned with a sad look in her eyes. “We’ll never prove it.”

  “The campaign contributions.”

  She shook her head. “They were all within the legal limits. Maybe, and it’s a stretch, we find how Theo gave money to Martin while he was on the inside. If Matthew had access to that account, Theo could easily say he didn’t know anything about it.” She laid her hand on Ben’s chest and stared into his eyes. “We’ve got the connection, Ben. It’s right in front of us, but there isn’t a reason for a court-ordered paternity test. Chloe isn’t in any physical harm, and no one is fighting for custody of her. Theodore Nobles served seven years for Maggie’s death, so unless someone rolls on Martin, there’s no way to prove any of it in court.” Never taking her eyes off him, she wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry.”

  “So she still doesn’t get justice…”

  “We know the truth, but I don’t know if we’ll ever get a confession from Theo or Martin, and at this point, that’s what we’d need.”

  Ben rested his head against Rachel’s and closed his eyes. “Do you have enough to move on Matthew?”

  “Yes, as long as people testify. I need to present everything to my boss next week. I’ll call him Monday and set up the appointment.”

  “I’ll take you. You aren’t going to Charleston alone.”


  The following morning, Rachel walked into the kitchen with Ben already on the phone. “I’ll be in within the hour. Are the officers still at Senator Pickens’ house?” There was a pause. “Thank you. Have them stay, and I’ll be there shortly.”

  When he turned, Rachel was leaning against the kitchen counter. “Why are you going to the Senator’s house?”

  “There’s still an APB out for Theo for trying to run over you in Charleston.”

  “You know this is futile, right?”

  “He broke the law, and I’m a sworn officer of the law. I will arrest him here and have him transferred to Charleston.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You’re going to try to get a confession, aren’t you?”

  “I’m going to talk to him. He’s facing more jail time, so maybe he’ll tell me Martin asked him to do it. To our knowledge, he doesn’t have any more children, so what’s Martin going to offer him for this act?”

  She poured a cup of coffee. “I don’t know. I guess it’s worth a shot.” She turned back toward Ben and stepped close. “You know you can’t go on a witch hunt, right?”

  “If Martin Pickens is guilty of jaywalking, I want him. He needs to pay for something, Rachel.”

  “I agree, but if you go after him like this, it’s going to backfire, and you know it.”

  Ben ran his hands over his face. “This isn’t right. He can’t continue to get away with breaking the law.”

  “Ben, you know how this works. It doesn’t matter if you arrest him a thousand times if I can’t prove it in court—the burden of proof is on us.” She placed her hand gently against his face, and he turned into her palm.

  “Well, we know that Theo attempted to run you over. We’ve got the witnesses and the license tag.”

  “Yes, I agree. That’s an easy one to prove. But I don’t think you’ll get him to say who asked him to do it.”

  “Maybe not, but with their enforcer off the streets, it’ll be interesting to see what happens.”

  “I agree.”

; “Gotta go, Rach. Watch for the fireworks to begin.” He wrapped her in his arms, and she buried her face against his neck.

  Kissing her way to his lips, tears stung her eyes. “Be careful. I love you.”

  “I love you too. I’ll call you in a bit. Let me know when the meeting with your boss is.”

  She nodded as he released her and walked out the door to his SUV. Please be safe.

  * * *

  Ben pulled to the front of Senator Pickens’s house where two uniform officers were still parked outside. “Theodore Nobles still hasn’t come out?”

  “No, sir.”

  Ben nodded. “James, stay here. Walter, come with me.” The men made their way to the front door. “Mr. Nobles is wanted in connection with a hit and run in Charleston. I saw him here last night. Since none of you have seen him leave, it’s believed he’s still here.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Ben rang the doorbell and waited. A girl about the age of fifteen opened the door. “Hello?”

  Ben smiled and greeted the girl. “Hello. I’m Sheriff Stevens. You’re Chloe, aren’t you?”

  The girl took a step back as she nodded. “Yes. Do I know you?”

  Ben showed her his badge. “No, but I know your father, and I was here last night for the engagement party.”


  “Last night, there was a man here—Mr. Theodore Nobles. Do you know him?”

  “Yes, he works for my father.”

  “Is he here? I’d like to speak with him.”

  “No, sir. He left early this morning.”

  Ben cut his eyes to Walter and raised a brow in question. “Sir, the only person that left was Mr. Hightower.”

  “Was he alone?”

  The girl replied, “Mr. Nobles left with Matthew.”

  Ben felt as though he were watching a tennis match when he looked at Walter again. “His driver was with him.”

  “Matthew Hightower doesn’t have a driver.” Ben turned back to Chloe. “Thank you.”

  Before the door closed, Martin Pickens’s voice carried through the door. “Chloe, who are you talking to, pumpkin?”

  “Sheriff Stevens.”

  The door opened further to reveal the senator. “Sheriff, what brings you to my home this early in the morning?”

  “Looking for a suspect in a hit and run in Charleston, but Chloe tells me he isn’t here.”

  Martin’s lips curled into a sly smile. “Good luck finding him, Sheriff. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re preparing to go home.”

  Ben’s head tilted. “Funny, Senator, I thought this was your home and that you just worked in Columbia.”

  “You know how it is, Ben. All I have to do is maintain a residence here.”

  “No, Senator, I don’t. Please excuse us.” Ben radioed dispatch as soon as he turned from the door. “Send two officers to Matthew Hightower’s residence with orders to arrest Theodore Nobles. No lights or sirens. We do not want to give them time to leave. I’m en-route.”


  Ben rushed to his SUV and headed toward the middle of town where Matthew resided. Another SUV pulled into the driveway just as he turned on Matthew’s block. Ben rounded the vehicle, and Sam stepped out.

  “Sam, you shouldn’t be here.”

  “Why? I thought this had to do with Theodore Nobles.”

  “It does.”

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t be here.”

  “I’ll stay down here.” Ben moved to the side of the house to watch for anyone trying to leave out the back while Sam and another deputy approached the front door. Walter and James blocked the driveway. As Ben moved to the side of the house, the back of a car caught his attention. He quietly spoke into his radio. “I have a car in the back other than Matthew’s Navigator. Familiar color.” He stepped closer and recognized the car, so he pulled up the picture of the one from Charleston. The tags matched the car from Rachel’s hit and run. He found the picture of the registration and compared the VIN number.

  “We have Theo’s car in the back. Walter, call Jimmy.” Ben eased back around the corner of the house and heard Sam’s voice.

  “Matthew, we know he’s here. His car is around back, and Jimmy has already been called. You, the county prosecutor who’s getting ready to marry a senator’s daughter, don’t want to be charged with aiding and abetting.”

  “Why do you care?”

  A smile formed on Sam’s face. “I don’t. I’ll be happy to arrest you here, but Mr. Nobles is going to Charleston County. How are you going to explain why you’re hiding a suspect in a hit and run attempt of an assistant DA?”


  “Yeah, Mr. Nobles tried to run over assistant DA Rachel Davis. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

  Matthew’s jaw tightened, and Ben was mentally doing fist pumps. Matthew held up a finger. “Just a minute.” Muffled voices came from inside the house. “You tried to run her over? What the hell were you thinking?”

  “I was doing what I was asked to do.”

  “Who asked you? I sure as hell didn’t. No, don’t answer that.” The silence seemed to take longer than it should. “I have to let them take you, Dad.”

  “Shut up. You know not to call me that when people can hear.”

  “You think they don’t know?”

  “Shut up, boy.”

  “Don’t call me that. I’m not a fucking boy. I’ve got to turn you over, and I can’t help you with this.”

  “I never asked you to. I’ll be out before nightfall.”

  A sad chuckle came through the window. “Don’t count on it this time. Come on, they’re waiting.”

  Matthew and Theo walked out the front door, and Sam faced Theo. “Mr. Nobles, turn around.” He pulled the cuffs from his utility belt. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say…”

  Ben motioned for Walter to let Jimmy enter the driveway. He directed Jimmy into place behind the car. “Hook her up, Jimmy, and take her to the impound lot.” He walked back toward the other SUV just as Sam was opening the back door. “I’ll take him back.”

  Sam narrowed his eyes and stared at Ben. “Not without a witness.”

  Ben leveled Sam and furrowed his brows with a look of disbelief. “Then I suggest you ride back with me.”

  Sam moved Theo to the other SUV. Theo hesitated, and Sam nudged him forward while the other officers disbursed. Sam opened the back door and helped Theo inside while Ben slid behind the wheel, calling dispatch. “Call Charleston County and let them know we have their hit and run suspect in custody. They can come get him.” He cranked up the vehicle and backed out of the driveway.

  The other officers turned left from the driveway, but Ben turned right. “Where—”

  Ben cut his eyes to Sam to silence him. “We’re taking another way to the department.” He glanced in the rearview mirror. “I want to give Mr. Nobles the opportunity to explain some things to me.”

  Theo’s gaze locked with Ben’s in the mirror. “I don’t have to say nothin’.”

  “You’re right. You don’t, but let me tell you what I know.” Ben noticed Theo swallow. “Ten years ago, you knowingly took the rap for Senator Martin Pickens in a traffic accident that killed my wife—that’s obstruction of justice and an accomplice to vehicular manslaughter. Martin was drunk when his car struck ours. You moved him and took the rap so that both of your children would be provided for.” A gasp came from the backseat. “That’s right, Theo. We know all about Matthew being your son, and that it was you who was with Hailey.”

  “You don’t have the proof.”

  “Have you looked at Matthew and Chloe? They look to be more related than Stephanie and Chloe.”

  “You’ll never prove it.”

  “Don’t want to.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  “I want you to tell me what would cause a man to give up seven years of his life for someone like Martin. You were his protector and caretaker. Hell, you were basically
his maid in college, or was it his mama? Did you wet nurse him? What did he do for you?”

  Theo struggled against the cuffs, and Sam turned around. “Sit still before you hurt yourself.”

  Theo stared out the window. “He gave me a job—or at least his father did.”

  Ben glanced in the mirror again. “What do you mean?”

  Theo shrugged. “He paid me to make sure Martin stayed out of trouble in college. Yes, I was his driver, friend, maid, bodyguard. You name it, I did it so Martin would graduate top of his class.”

  “Martin didn’t pay you from his allowance?”

  A half smile formed on his face. “Well, yeah, he didn’t know his old man was paying me too. It was the only way his mother would let him go to school in the big city.”

  “And you took the rap to make sure Matthew was taken care of since you already had Hailey married to Martin, insuring Chloe’s future would be secured.”

  “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, Sheriff.”

  “Or do I? Seems Matthew has an issue with girls telling him no.” Ben caught Sam tensing at the comment, and he glanced in the mirror in time to see Theo cut his eyes toward Sam.

  “Fuck you, Sheriff. I’m not sayin’ nothin’ else.”

  “Language, Theo, but that’s fine. From what you’re telling me, seems blackmail is the name of the game.”

  Theo narrowed his eyes as he looked at Ben. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Didn’t Martin pay off that girl’s family when she reported Matthew touching her in high school? And what about the girl in college? Martin made sure she didn’t get a job upon graduation. Let’s not forget about Carrie Williams … who paid her off? You or Martin?”

  Theo’s jaw ticked with each passing minute.

  “Seems to me that all of you are guilty of obstruction and keeping the secrets keeps each of you from blackmailing the other. You’ve got Martin for whatever indiscretions he had with Hailey and the car accident. Martin has you for all the illegal activities you’ve done for him, such as running over assistant DA Davis. Then there’s Matthew. I think you’d do whatever Martin told you to protect him because Martin could cut Matthew’s career real short. Matthew is in a position where he needs both of you … protector and benefactor. Do I have it about right?”


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