Uncovered Secrets: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book 7

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Uncovered Secrets: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book 7 Page 18

by Maris, Savannah

  Mr. Watson seemed uncomfortable. “Mr. Hightower, please—”

  “My father’s.”

  Rachel rolled her lips inward. “Where did he get that kind of money?”

  Matthew tilted his head. “Where do you think?”

  “Matthew, I’ve got testimony and written statements regarding your conduct, and with Carrie’s testimony, you’ve also got misconduct in office. Don’t add a count of obstruction to it. I’m willing to trade what you know about Martin and Theo for your freedom. All it’ll cost you is your office and leaving town.”

  Matthew burst out laughing. “You don’t get it, do you? All it will cost me is my life.”

  Ben sat straighter in his chair. “Then help us understand, Matthew. Rachel is trying to help you get out of this mess as best as she can. You’re going to lose something, but it doesn’t have to be everything.”

  Matthew narrowed his eyes and stared directly into Ben’s. “Evan Riverton and the rest of you came in here thinking you were cleaning house, but you have no idea who’s behind it all. Yeah, some people went to jail, and others left town, but who do you think opened the fucking doors for them to come in? I’ll tell you who—Martin Pickens and Theodore Nobles. I was the only legitimate member invited to that party.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Not so legitimate, Matthew.”

  Ben’s eyes grew as big as saucers. “You mean to tell me that Martin and Theo were behind all the shit with Masterson Investments?”

  “Mr. Hightower, please,” Mr. Watson begged.

  Matthew turned to Mr. Watson. “Don’t you see, it doesn’t matter anymore.” He looked at Rachel and Ben. “Theo met a guy when he was inside. He looked out for Theo, and then when Theo got out, he owed the man.”

  “Fuck.” Ben ran his hand down his face. “Did you know that Martin knew Scott Jones?”

  Matthew nodded. “They met in college. I don’t know any more than that, though.”

  Rachel stood. “Dammit, Matthew. I thought quid pro quo was what we had you on. Now, you’re telling us that you’re just as guilty of obstruction as they are. You even prosecuted Sam’s case. And the boy who was driving the car is dead, Matthew.” She leaned over the table and looked directly at him. “I’m sure it wouldn’t take me too long to piece together a case for negligent homicide.”

  Matthew’s head fell forward. “What do you want from me?”

  “A signed statement with everything you know to be fact.”

  “You’re asking me to sign my death wish. What do I get out of this?”

  “We’ll get you set up somewhere they can’t find you. We’ll change your name. You can never hold another public office, and you won’t be able to practice law again.”

  “Fuck, that means I lose Stephanie too.”

  Ben looked at him. “Do you really love her?”

  “Other than Donna Bickley, she’s the only woman I’ve ever loved …can I take her with me?”

  Ben looked at Rachel then back at Matthew. “Does she really love you or the political life?”

  He shrugged. “I guess I’m getting ready to find out.”

  “How did you first know Carrie was in town?”

  “I saw her at the hospital, or at least I thought I had. When I left Patient Services, Nurse Jamison Moore was on the elevator, going to the same floor as me. When I didn’t meet Sam’s fiancée, I gave Jamison a hundred bucks for a picture.”

  Rachel sat back down. “How do you know Jamison Moore?”

  Matthew looked at her with an expression that asked how do you think? “We’d gone out a few times before Stephanie came back to town.”

  Rachel slid a legal pad toward Matthew. “Print legibly and start writing. We’ll leave you alone, so take your time.” She slid her chair back and picked up the stack of folders.

  Ben stood. “There will be an officer outside the door if you need anything. You don’t leave this room without him, Rachel, or me. Do you understand?”


  “Mr. Watson, you’re free to stay with him until he finishes.”


  Ben and Rachel walked back into his office. His phone was pulled out of his pocket before the door shut. “I’ve got a call to make.”

  “Who are you calling?”

  “The Richland County Sheriff. Since I was state police at the time, he may want to handle this.”

  “We need to go after them at the same time.”


  “We know where Theo is. Do we know where Martin is?”

  “Martin said they were heading back to Columbia.”

  “Let’s see what Sheriff Traverse has to say.”

  Ben placed the call. As he listened to the rings, he looked at Rachel. “It’s almost over. Did you really think Matthew would roll that easily?” Before Rachel could answer the voice came through the phone. “Richland County Sheriff’s Department.”

  “This is Sheriff Ben Stevens. I need to speak with Sheriff Traverse.”

  “One moment, please.”

  Ben put the phone on speaker while they waited. Within seconds, a boisterous voice came through the phone. “Ben.”

  “Evening, Leo. How are you?”

  “Great. I heard you left the state and became sheriff in a small county in the low country.”

  “I did.”

  “How you likin’ it down there?”

  “I love it.”

  “Well, to what do I owe this call?”

  Ben squeezed his eyes together and pinched his nose. He was finally getting justice for Maggie. He was finally able to move on with Rachel. It had all come down to this moment. “Leo, I need your help. We’re on speaker, and assistant DA Rachel Davis is in the room.”


  “Ten years ago, when I was with state, I was involved in a car accident that took the life of my wife.”

  “I remember that. What does that have to do with this call?”

  “The man who did the time for the crime wasn’t the man behind the wheel of the car. It was Senator Martin Pickens.”

  “Ben, are you sure?”

  “Yes, and I have someone writing a statement to confirm everything I’m telling you as we speak. Since I was with state at the time, do you want it or do you want me to turn it over to them?”

  A heavy sigh came through the phone. “They’d just kick it back to me, so it doesn’t look like they’re protecting one of their own.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “Who’s prosecuting?”

  “Rachel is.”

  She cleared her throat. “I’ve turned it over to Chad Morrison. I’ll sit second chair.” She smiled at Ben, whose mouth had fallen open, and she shrugged. “I don’t want them walking on a technicality.”

  “Who has the warrants?”

  “I do,” Rachel said. “I need the senator served tonight.”

  “When are you serving the other one?”

  “In the morning. I’d like Pickens in custody before Nobles knows because he’s going to want to call his attorney, and I don’t want him available.”

  Ben cut his eyes to her. “Rachel and one of my deputies will leave here shortly.”

  “What’s your officer’s name?”

  “Sam Baxter.”

  “I’ll be waiting on them.”

  “Thanks, Leo.” Ben disconnected the call and walked around his desk. When he stood in front of Rachel, he pulled her into his arms. “I don’t want you out of my sight.”

  “I know, but you need to stay here with Matthew.”

  “I know.”

  “I’ll be back in your bed by midnight.”

  “I sure would like it better if it were our bed.”

  Rachel cocked her head to the side. “It’s not over yet.”

  He nodded. “Soon.”

  “Yeah, soon.” She rubbed his back. “Where are you putting Matthew?”

  Ben shook his head. “I think some of the deputies may be spies for Martin.”

“I think the same thing.”

  “How long do you think it’ll take Chad to get him in witness protection?”

  “If we’re getting Martin tonight, Theo is in jail, he may be safe tonight unless you think he’ll run.”

  “He may, but I don’t want him talking to Stephanie until you have Martin in custody. If she were only in it for the position, she’d be too quick to call Daddy.”


  He pressed his lips firmly to hers. “You need to go so you can get back.”


  “Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  Ben opened his office door and placed his hand at the small of her back while they walked to the middle of the office. “Sam...” He turned around. “I need you to accompany Rachel to Columbia to serve a warrant with the Richland County Sheriff.”

  Sam raised a brow. “Yes, sir.”

  “I’m going to be here until Matthew finishes writing, but tell Carrie to call if she needs anything while you’re gone.”



  Rachel didn’t get into bed until after midnight, so when Ben nudged her awake, she mumbled incoherently and turned over.

  “Sweetheart, you need to tell me how it went last night, and we need to go pick up Matthew.”

  “Justafewmoreminutes,” she mumbled.

  “I’m going to pour your coffee, that’ll give you a few minutes.”

  Her body wiggled farther under the covers and settled back to sleep. The smell of coffee and mint teased her before lips peppered kisses along her cheek and lips. “Mmm…”

  “Come on, sleepy head.”

  Her eyes barely opened to find the coffee sitting on the table beside her bed. I’m going to need a gallon of you today. She slid to a sitting position as Ben handed her the mug. He sat on the side of the bed.

  “I know you gave me the highlights last night, but give me the details this morning.”

  Rachel wrapped her hands around the mug and took a sip. “He didn’t expect it at all. My only regret is that it happened in front of Chloe. Hailey just stood there with her mouth gaping open. She didn’t scream or cry or anything … just stood like a statue watching it all go down.”

  Ben nodded. “Was there any media there?”

  “I didn’t see any.”

  “Hailey will probably try to call Theo this morning if she didn’t do it last night. We need to get to Theo, and Matthew to Chad, before Martin’s mug shot is released to the press. Will Chad hold a press conference?”

  “Yeah, once everyone has been served. He’ll want people to see that he’s not afraid to take on the big fish.”

  “I can see that.” He rubbed her leg through the covers. “How are you?”

  “I’m ready for this to be over.”

  Ben nodded. “After today, it will be.”

  She nudged him from the bed and headed toward the shower. Twenty minutes later, she emerged. In another ten, they were walking out the door ready to pick up Matthew Hightower from county lockup where he stayed overnight.

  They had only been in the car a few minutes when Ben’s phone rang. He looked at it and furrowed his brows. “Stevens.”

  “Sheriff, it’s Walter. We have a situation.”

  Ben put the phone on speaker. “What kind of a situation?”

  “It’s Matthew Hightower, sir. The guard took him breakfast this morning but found him hanging from the top bars of the cell. He’s dead, Sheriff.”

  Rachel gasped, and Ben flipped the lights and siren. “This isn’t a situation. It’s a fucking catastrophe! We’ll be there in five.”

  “Yes, sir. Do I need to call someone?”

  “Not yet.”


  The call disconnected and the tension built in the car. “Oh God, Ben … I thought he was on board with the witness protection. I didn’t think he was suicidal.”

  “He did say he was signing his death wish. I guess he figured it’d be better for him to do it than one of their associates.”

  “I guess, but I didn’t want it to end like that.”

  “I know, sweetheart. I didn’t either.” Ben pulled into the parking lot. “Let’s go.”

  Rachel didn’t wait for him to open her door. She met him at the front of the car as they rushed into the jail. They looked at Sam and Walter, who were waiting at the front door. “How the hell did this happen? There are cameras all over that hall,” Ben said as he went straight for the holding cells.

  “I don’t know, Ben. I just got here myself. I haven’t looked at the video yet.”

  He leveled Sam with flat lips and stern eyes. “I want a name, Sam. Someone is losing their job over this.”

  “I know, but I have to say I’m—”

  “Don’t say it.”

  Sam nodded.

  A white sheet had been hung to hide the cell. Ben and Rachel rounded the edge of the sheet, and she immediately covered her mouth. Ben walked in to see how he wrote the message on the floor.


  Walter handed him a pair of gloves, and Ben walked to the bed in the cell. The old bed had a sharp edge on it where Matthew had cut his finger. In the center of the room read the words, “My choice.”

  Ben looked up. “Walter, I want CSI in here taking pictures. I don’t want anything touched until they do. Then call the coroner.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Ben waited until Walter had walked out before he gathered Sam and Rachel for a quiet conversation. “Sam, I need to know if I have officers on this force that are loyal to Martin Pickens. If so, they’re out.” He looked at Rachel. “We need to speak with Stephanie before we head to Charleston.” She nodded, and Ben looked back at Sam. “Can you handle everything here?”

  “Not my first rodeo, Ben. I’ve got this. Y’all go.”

  He slapped Sam’s back. “Thanks, man.”

  * * *

  Rachel and Ben left the jail making their way over to Senator Pickens’s house where Stephanie stayed when she was in town. As they pulled into the driveway, movement from the side of the house caught their attention. Rachel looked at Ben and pointed. “Isn’t that Stephanie?”

  “Yeah, let’s go see what she’s up to.”

  Rachel stepped out and walked around the car meeting Ben at the rear. The privacy gate was opened, so they walked toward the opened Mercedes trunk. Ben cleared his throat. “Stephanie?”

  She jumped and jerked her head toward the voice. “Sheriff, Ms. Davis.”

  Ben looked at the luggage stacked in the trunk. “Are you going somewhere?”

  “Um … yes, I’m going to Columbia to, um, see my mother.”

  Rachel moved where she could see what was going on as Ben nodded at Stephanie. “May we speak with you a moment before you leave?”

  Stephanie’s eyes bounced between Ben and Rachel. “Is this about my father?”

  Rachel’s eyes widened, but Ben kept his poker face. “What about your father?”

  “I know he was arrested last night, Sheriff. Hailey called me.”

  “I see.” Ben tilted his head. “Actually, this is about Matthew.”

  “I haven’t seen Matthew since yesterday morning. Sorry, Sheriff, I don’t know where he is.”

  Ben got the feeling this conversation wasn’t going to go the way he’d originally thought. “I know where he is. You aren’t worried?”

  “Sheriff, my dad arranged that union. I don’t love Matthew, and he doesn’t love me. We were a match made for political gain.”

  “So, you wouldn’t care if I told you Matthew is dead.”

  “What?” Her hand flew to her mouth. “How?”

  “Tell me about this arrangement because Matthew told me yesterday that you were more than that to him.”

  “You must be mistaken. I couldn’t be.” Her hand fell to her chest.

  Rachel stepped closer. “Would you like to sit down?”

  Stephanie nodded and moved to the patio furniture. As she sho
ok her head, she plopped into the closest chair. “Shortly after Matthew was elected, Daddy thought it would be a good alliance for Matthew and me to get married. The plan was when Daddy decided to run for a US House of Representatives seat, then he’d help Matthew get elected into his vacated seat at the state house.” She shrugged. “It would look good if Matthew was married.”

  She picked at a knot in her linen pants then looked at Ben. “If he developed feelings for me along the way, I never knew.” She looked at Rachel. “Our relationship was strictly for political reasons.”

  Rachel crinkled her brow. “Did you sleep with him?”

  Stephanie nodded. “Yes, our relationship was one of convenience. We cared for each other, but political power was the endgame.” She shrugged. “A lot of people marry for a common goal. Matthew needs—needed a strong woman to stand behind him. We made a good team.”

  “A good team,” Rachel mumbled.

  Ben jerked his head toward her. They’d used that term to describe themselves not so long ago, but not like how Stephanie was talking. He needed to make sure Rachel knew the difference on the way to Charleston. Not wanting to break eye contact with Rachel, he indicated she should ask the next question.

  She swallowed, then looked at Stephanie. “How much do you know about your father’s dealings with Theodore Nobles?”

  “They were close friends. Theo was head of my dad’s security. And…” She bowed her head. “And he was Matthew’s father. I don’t think too many people knew that.”

  “Who told you about Theo being his father?”

  “Matthew … a couple years ago.”

  “Anything else Matthew tell you?”

  “Not really, just that my father helped him through the years and he owed him. That’s why he agreed to the arrangement.”

  Rachel nodded. “Thank you. We may have more questions for you, so please make sure we have a way to contact you.”


  Ben stood. “We’ll let you get back to what you were doing.”

  Rachel followed his lead and walked back to the car. They sat there a moment in silence before Ben cranked the car. As they pulled onto the road heading for Charleston, he reached over and took Rachel’s hand. “I saw the look in your eyes when she said they were a good team.”


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