Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 85

by Scarlett Skyes


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  Sin with the Sleeping Choir Girl 1: Eve


  Eve Riley's parents send her in for a stern talk with Pastor Luke, but after the older man hears the most depraved confession ever laid out by an eighteen year old choir girl and she gets drowsy in his study, will he be able to resist knowing her, in the biblical sense?


  Sleep Sex, Dubious Consent, Virgin, Priest, Schoolgirl

  Author’s Note

  This series was written in conjunction with the talented Cassandra Zara.


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  Forgive me, my Lord for I have sinned. I have sinned inside the irresistible temptation that came upon me in the form of Eve Riley. I was powerless, as was Adam at the dawn of mankind, to stop myself from taking what Eve showed me.

  I write this now, holding nothing back, so you may see that I hold nothing back from the eyes of the Lord. All my most base and shameful thoughts, all the sinful pleasure I took from her, I will tell it all here.

  As you know, the Riley family have been members of this church for generations, since before I was positioned here. I baptised young Eve those eighteen short years ago and was delighted when her parents said she wanted to be part of the choir. Even amongst the cacophony of her less talented peers, I always found such joy in her angelic voice.

  She may have had the voice of an angel, but if her parents were to be believed she had the demeanour of a minor devil. In the last few years her singing had become downright sarcastic, for want of a better word. All part of a natural teenage rebellion I supposed.

  Her parents, amongst the most devout of my congregation, had forced her to stay in the choir much longer than most others, there are only a few still in the choir as old as her. When the Rileys approached me for guidance regarding their daughter, I had no idea what I was in for.

  They said they suspected she had a drinking problem, that she was staying out late ‘with BOYS’ and they feared they were losing their little girl. Not only that, but she might be losing her faith, which was considered even worse. They wanted me to have a very stern talk with her, maybe direct her to some appropriate bible passages and discuss their relevance with her. Fool that I was, I agreed.

  It was arranged that we would have our discussion after choir practice on Saturday, which they always hold in the church due to how wonderful the acoustics are. Eve stayed back while the rest of the choir said their goodbyes and I closed the doors behind them, not realising I was essentially leaving myself inside with a demon of lust.

  When I turned back I was startled to find Eve standing right behind me, almost uncomfortably close.

  “Where would you like to… talk… to me, Pastor Luke?” She said.

  Eve’s hands were clasped behind her back as she gently twisted from side to side, awaiting my answer. It was as if she was trying to accentuate her small breasts, draw my eyes to them. The bulky choir clothes the singing teacher insisted they practice in nullified her efforts though, if that was what she was trying to do. Her succulent body, firm with youth and curved with her recent development into a young woman, was as obscured to me as it could possibly be.

  “My humble abode is just through that door over there, Eve.”

  She turned on her heel and her hair spread out in a golden blonde cascade as she spun, before settling down over her back and shoulders again as she walked through the door I’d indicated.

  “Just take a seat there. I’m not sure how much your parents have told you about what this talk is about?”

  “Probably the same thing every talk with them is about,” the teen girl leaned forward conspiratorially, “they think I’ve been bad.”

  “What about you, Eve? Do you think you’ve been ‘bad’?”

  “I know it. More than they do.”

  The sheer unrepentant bluntness of her statement gave me pause. She noticed this and it brought the faintest hint of a smile to the corner of her mouth, as well as what could accurately be described as a devilish glint to her eye.

  “Do you mind if I get changed out of these clothes? They’re awfully hot after singing in them for an hour.”

  “Sure, no problem, I’ll just leave you alone for a moment…”

  “No need, I’ve got my other clothes on underneath, you can stay, I won’t take long.”

  Before I could protest or react, Eve was undoing buttons and staring into my eyes the entire time. I couldn’t stop my eyes from darting downwards at the bare skin she was revealing. Whatever she was wearing under there, it certainly had a wonderfully low neckline.

  I sat down behind my desk and averted my eyes, trying to busy myself with shuffling papers around. I was painfully aware that I had no idea what was on the paper in front of me, my entire mind was focussed on every detail that could be gleaned from the periphery of my vision. When Eve pulled the clothes over her head I caught a flash of ass cheek before a slinky little black dress was hastily pulled back down with a knowing look over her shoulder.

  “Whoops, sorry Pastor Luke.”

  “It’s… that’s OK, Eve. Please sit down.”

  The little blonde vixen sat in the chair on the other side of my desk, but not too close, her lower body remained in full view. With a slow and purposeful movement, she crossed her legs and I saw the briefest flash of her underwear between them before her well-toned thighs closed again. When I raised my eyes I saw that Eve was looking at me with that same all-knowing Mona Lisa smile.

  My heart was beating in my chest harder than I could ever remember, I hadn’t seen so much sultry female flesh in decades. I hurriedly tried to regain my composure and launched into the short speech I’d prepared to get things rolling.

  “Eve, young people these days are getting bombarded with more and more pressure to do things that…”

  “Do you have another house, or is this the only place you live?” She asked, gesturing around the small room, which had the desk, a small kitchenette, a bed, a lovely white couch and not much else.

  “Er… well, this is it. Officially, it’s called my ‘study’ but it’s all I’ve got. I don’t need much to help deliver the good word to the congregation.”

  “Do you ever wish you had have gotten married instead?”

  “I’m married to the church, Eve, that’s fulfilling enough for any man. This talk isn’t supposed to be about me though. You parents are worried about you, they think you might have fallen in with the wrong crowd.”

  “Wrong crowd? I’m friends with the same people I’ve always been friends with since I started going to school. My parents are just out of touch with reality, I think. What’s wrong with having a good time?”

  “A good time? Nothing. Some ‘good times’ have consequences though. Drinking too much alcohol, for instance. Your parents are very concerned about this.”

  “Pffff, I can handle my drink just fine. Lots of my friends drink way more than me. It’s just a bit of fun anyway.”

  “Eve, young people have hormones pumping through their bodies, and they don’t have the benefit of age to help them control themselves. What if somebody took advantage of you?”

  “So what if they did?”

  I was getting frustrated by her complete indifference towards this little intervention and decided to turn to the bible for guidance, as well as a distraction for Eve while I took some time to formulate a new strategy for our little talk.

  “I don’t think you realise what you’re saying, Eve. I’d like you to read a short section of the bible for me, and write 500 words on the perils of drunkenness. Here you go.”

  I slid my own bible across the desk and handed her a piece of paper and a pen. She looked unimpressed.

  “Genesis, chapter nineteen verses thirty to thirty eight. I’m going to go take care of a few things and I’ll be back in around thirty or forty minutes, so I suggest you don’t dawdle.”

  “You’re really handsome when you’re taking charge, Pastor Luke,” Eve’s devilish sparkle was back.

  Flustered once again, I didn’t respond, rising without a word and striding out of the door to take care of some essential cleaning chores around the church. I knew something was amiss when I returned to my room and saw the door was closed, having distinctly remembered leaving it open. My suspicions were confirmed beyond doubt when I turned the handle and found the door locked.

  “Eve? What are you doing in there? Open this door!”

  “What took you so long, Pastor Luke?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I found your stash of wine, the bible is much more interesting after a whole bottle, I can see why you keep so much of it in here.”

  “Wine? Eve, that’s the sacramental wine!”

  “Well, whatever it is, it’s good stuff. I like to have a bit of wine before deep and meaningful conversations anyway. Would you mind if we just talked like this for a while?”

  “You mean with you half drunk and through a closed door?”

  A muffled schoolgirl giggle could be barely discerned from my room.


  I sighed, “OK Eve, as long as you try to be honest with me. And yourself.”

  The sound of a cork popping followed by the clatter of it ricocheting around the ceiling and walls emanated from behind the door.

  “I honestly love this wine. Is that a good start?”

  “Not really, Eve. You said you wanted to talk? To have a deep and meaningful conversation? I’m listening, my child.”

  “OK. Yes, I did say that, didn’t I? OK… here goes. Do you… um… you know… think I’m pretty, Pastor Luke?”

  “That’s not really an appropriate question to ask, Eve.”

  “I really hoped that’s what the meeting would be about…”

  The sound of a wine bottle being enthusiastically emptied could be heard between Eve’s questions and comments, a slur rapidly creeping into her pronunciation.

  “You hoped the meeting would be about you being pretty?”

  “No, silly! About you thinking I’m pretty. Because I think about you, all the time.”

  Once more, in such a short space of time, I found myself temporarily lost for words, while the sounds of Eve’s continued binge drinking session continued to make their way to my ears. The thought of such a beautiful, young and, dare I say it, sexy girl thinking about me like that caught me by surprise.

  Another thing that caught me by surprise was the sound of another cork being popped. Could it be possible that she had drunk an entire bottle in only a few minutes? And had just opened her third? I had to bring this to a close as quickly as possible.

  “I’m flattered, Eve, but you should be with somebody your own age.”

  “Yes! I have been, Pastor Luke, and I loved it! The feeling of that hard dick sliding up inside me was so good… I bet yours is bigger though.”

  So, Eve’s parents’ worst fears were true, their daughter had known a man, or at least a boy her own age.

  “What will it take to get you to open this door, Eve? You can’t stay in there all day.”

  “You have to promise me something, and then I’ll open the door.”

  “What is it?”

  “You have to promise to fuck me.”

  “I can’t do that, Eve!”

  “Then I’m not opening this door!”

  Eve’s voice was heavy with slurring and teenage rebellion now, as she powered her way through the third bottle of sacramental wine. She had asked the impossible, though.

  “I saw you watching me undress… I think you want me as much as I want you. Why won’t you admit it?”

  “I can’t… you’re a beautiful girl, Eve, I just can’t.”

  “You do think I’m pretty!”

  “Yes,” I whispered, not sure if my voice carried through to her, not sure if I wanted it to.

  “That calls for a celebration,”

  The sounds of more dedicated drinking could be heard from inside my room, and Eve began to sing a few lines of some awful song that was popular amongst her generation that week.

  “I lost my virginity last month, you know,” she said, eventually.

  “That’s not something you should have done outside of marriage…” I began before being cut off.

  “Fuck that, when the captain of the football team says he wants to take you on a date, you say ‘yes please’ and you say it quick!”


  “We went to watch some movie, I don’t even know which one because he made me suck his cock the entire time. He used my mouth as his little cum dumpster, and I loved it!”

  “You shouldn’t…”

  “I kept imagining it was your cum, Pastor Luke! Whenever that thought ran through my head I would suck twice as hard, push his cock hard against the back of my throat to try and take as much of it as I could!”

  “That’s not…”

  “Afterwards he took me up to lovers’ lane and we got in the back seat. I told him I wanted him to fuck my virginity away, fuck me hard, but I really wanted you to do it… I just thought you’d never be interested in a little girl like me.”

  “It’s not…”

  “He asked if he could film my pussy taking his cock for the first time… I said yes, and I whispered your name when I felt him pop my cherry, and the whole time he was fucking me. He said I had the tightest little pussy he’d ever felt. I’m pretty sure he showed the video to all his friends on the football team too, because I started getting asked out on dates left, right and centre!”

  “I’m sorry…”

  “Sorry? It’s been great! I haven’t gone on any more dates yet, but the whole football team will do anything for me! You should see how pissed off all the cheerleaders are! Little Eve the choir girl has taken all their boyfriends away. I like to be bad, Pastor Luke!”

  “You don’t know what you’re saying, Eve!”

  The sound of another cork being popped was her only response to that comment.

  “Please, Pastor Luke, promise me that if I open this door, you’ll come straight in and make me cum on that big hard cock I just bet you’ve been hiding all these years.”

  I could barely understand her through the slush the wine had made of her speech, but I certainly got the gist of it. I still found the strength to resist her request, somehow, but the truth be told, my cock was as big and hard as it had ever been. The little minx’s filthy, depraved, talk had worked a dark magic on me and I was almost enthralled.

  “I can’t… Eve, please…”

  “I’m so hot just thinking about you, Pastor Luke. I can’t believe I’m in your actual room, the room of the man I most want to get fucked by. I’m going to stroke my pussy while I wait for you to change your mind… please change your mind!”

  From my room I heard the faint rustling of clothes, followed by little satisfied purrs and gasps as the innocent-looking choir girl, presumably, masturbated. Her breathing gradually got heavier and heavier until she was nearly screaming the church down.

  “Oh God, Pastor Luke, I’m thinking about your throbbing cock pumping in and out of my little slit over and over again, I promise it would be the best pussy you’ve ever had, don’t you want it? Oh… oh….OH! Hold my hand, at least, please!”

  From under the door I saw Eve’s fingers frantically searching for something. Lord help me… I reached out and felt her little digits grasp at my hand. Shortly afterwards her gasps and sighs reached a crescendo and her fingers conveyed what must have been a body-wide shuddering orgasm. Eve’s fingers slowly slid back under the door as I heard her trying to catch her breath, as well as taking on more fluids from the bottle of sacramental wine.

  “Holy shit, Pastor Luke… you’ve made me make a mess of my
panties. Will you please make me cum again?”


  “I’m going to hide them in your room! If you don’t fuck me then I’ll say you forced yourself on me and when they find my panties in here they’ll believe me!”

  I heard Eve rummaging around behind the closed door and felt a pang of panic, this situation was well out of hand. I could only imagine the kind of stand offs she’d had with her parents if she was this horny all the time.

  “I’m waiting for you, Pastor Luke! I bet you fuck better than a silly boy my own age! I bet… I bet… bet…”

  Eve’s voice trailed off in the middle of her flattering wager on my sexual ability. On one hand I was relieved that the constant barrage of nigh-on irresistible propositions had ceased, on the other hand I was very concerned for the poor girl’s well-being.

  That’s when a realisation dawned on me that literally made me slap my forehead in disbelief that I had forgotten it. I had hidden a key to my room, just in case the wind ever blew it shut and locked me out or something. I rushed to retrieve it and returned, inserting the key and twisting it to the sound of a click from somewhere inside the door.

  After turning the door handle I gave it a quick shove, pushing it open in front of me. I wasn’t sure what I was going to find in there, but I was thankful when I saw Eve sleeping peacefully on my bed. She looked almost entirely angelic again, from just looking at her you would never have guessed at the tirade of filth that had poured from her mouth in the last several minutes.

  No, you would never have guessed about what a dirty little girl she had been, but note I did not say she was entirely angelic. Her hair was slightly dishevelled, her skin had a hot flushed look and there was the minor matter of her fingers being in her mouth, as if she was licking something tasty off of them.


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