Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 90

by Scarlett Skyes

  At last, spent and my pleasurable work done, I rolled to the side and lay next to the well-used teen, running my hands over her body, seeing her shiver when my fingers trailed over her nipples or near her entrance. She was perfect in every way.


  I awoke early the next morning and dressed, leaving Jemima naked and still oozing cum from her pussy in my nice warm bed. I showered and dressed, hoping I’d get a chance to wash my sheets and hang them out to dry before I had to deliver my sermon that morning.

  For an hour or so I busied myself preparing to deliver the good word to my flock until, at around seven o’clock, I saw Jemima’s eyes flutter open. She didn’t move for a moment, looking confused about where she was, or thinking about something, but then sat upright and swung her feet to the ground to look at me, paying no attention, or not noticing, the fact that she was completely naked.

  “Pastor Luke… something wonderful has happened!”

  “Uh… what do you mean, my child?”

  “In my dreams, an angel came to me, he said I would bear the son of God and then he fuh… made love to me all night. It hurt… but it hurt so good, do you know what I mean?”

  “I know exactly what you mean.”

  “I thought it was just a dream… but then I woke up and I’m so sore down there, I can feel the heat of the angel, the heat of God’s love spreading all through my body. I’m full of life, Pastor Luke, I just know it! I’m so happy!”

  “You have been blessed, Jemima, truly blessed. Did the angel say anything else?”

  “There was one other thing… but it’s really confusing.”

  “Dreams can be like that sometimes, what did he say, child?”

  “He said I was to lay with my most trusted spiritual leader as a wife lays with a man… but that’s you, Pastor Luke… you wouldn’t…. you know… want me like that, would you? Please say you would!”

  All I could do for a moment was smile, trying to find the right words, the right verse from the bible to express my feelings or the best way to summarise the situation but the only phrase that came to me was that God works in mysterious ways. That morning, as I delivered my sermon, I saw Eve in the third row from the front with her little one resting peacefully in her arms, Mary next to her with a swollen belly. Jemima sang in the choir with pious enthusiasm, a pussy drenched in cum, and truthfully she had never sounded better.



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  A Sleepy Surprise


  Ever since her birthday, Elizabeth has been waking up a few times each week sore like she's been running a marathon all night. That's not all. In her dreams she hears her mother's husband, Michael, whispering the dirtiest things into her ear and feels him touching her body in places he really shouldn't! Are these dreams just the manifestations of her darkest fantasies?


  Sleep sex, Pseudo-Incest, Dubious Consent, Stepfather, Stepdaughter, Rough Sex, Breeding, Schoolgirl


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  Shortly after I turned eighteen I started waking up in the morning sore between the legs a few times each week. At first I thought I’d caught something from my boyfriend, which would have to mean he was cheating on me because he was the only person I’d ever had sex with. I broke up with him in a rage and then ran home from school crying. He was supposed to be ‘the one’, we were going to the same college the next year and now it would just be awkward and horrible.

  I laid on my bed with a big wet patch of tears forming on my pillow until one of my parents finished work and returned home to console me. I say parents in the plural because my Mom had married when I was ten and I didn’t even remember my real Dad, Michael was the only father figure I’d ever known. I still remembered the day when I was twelve and I sheepishly asked him if I could call him Daddy so I could have one like my friends and how happy I was when he said yes.

  Since then he’d always been there for me, just the way I had always dreamed a Dad would be like when I was growing up. When I was sixteen and returning home one night from a first date with a boy from my school, I was really nervous and panicked when he leaned in to kiss me on our doorstep. The boy took it the wrong way and actually slapped me on the face, calling me a cock tease!

  Well, the front door opened instantly, Michael stormed out. He gently, but forcefully, shunted me inside and closed it behind me. He was out there with the boy for only a few minutes before coming inside and giving me a big hug. The next day at school the boy looked like he hadn’t slept a wink, he looked absolutely terrorised and apologised profusely.

  Suffice to say that Michael was my hero and I had no problems at all with the fact that it was him who arrived home earlier that day to console me. In fact, he was probably better at it than my Mom, he always knew the right things to say and soon had me laughing about what a loser my now-ex-boyfriend was.

  Over the past year I’d felt a growing jealousy towards my Mom, which I was somewhat ashamed of. My Mom deserved happiness, deserved love, but it was absolute torture for me to have a handsome older man, a successful local business man with his own pharmacy, in the same house every single day while my teenage hormones ran rampant through my body. Oh God, the time he walked out of the bathroom after his shower wearing only a towel and I got a good long look at his tanned and toned body… let’s just say the door to my room remained closed for a good thirty minutes after that.

  Given my growing feelings and thoughts about him, I wasn’t entirely surprised when I started having these strange dreams. At about the time when I first started suspecting my boyfriend was cheating on me, Michael had been letting me try this new artificial sweetener in my hot chocolate before I went to bed. My hot chocolate was an indispensable part of my own little bedtime routine, but at the same time I was worried about the calories.

  I’d been voicing my self-doubt about my body, wondering if I was gaining too much weight, the kinds of body issues that a lot of teen girls deal with. Michael told me that my body was absolutely perfect (a compliment that made me squeal with guilty delight inside) but if I was going to worry about it then he had concocted an artificial sweetener I could try.

  It was perfect! That is to say, I couldn’t tell the difference at all, my hot chocolate tasted just the way I loved and Michael assured me that it had about a quarter the calories of regular sugar. If anything the wonderful comforting warmth of the hot chocolate seemed even more intense when it was in my stomach.

  That warm feeling was a recurring theme in my dreams, except instead of localised to my stomach it was spread all over my body. At first it was just all dark, I could hear a deep voice saying something, but it was all muffled as if there was a pillow over my ear, I couldn’t see or feel anything.

  I had these dreams a few times a week, and couldn’t make any sense of them at all. Then the sounds started getting clearer and I recognised the voice when it spoke. I was dreaming about Michael speaking to me but, oh my god, he was saying things to me he’d never said in real life and it sounded like there was a single person in the room clapping as he spoke to me.

  “You’ve go
t the tightest little pussy in the world, Beth,” the voice would say.

  “Do you like getting fucked hard like this, my little cumslut? Getting fucked by Daddy?”

  When I first started having these forbidden thoughts and dreams about him I blushed what I was sure was a lovely shade of bright red the next day at the breakfast table. Try as I might, I couldn’t get him out of my mind, so I supposed it was only natural the dreams became even more intense.

  In a matter of weeks, additional sensations were creeping into my dreams. Feelings of being impaled on a cock that made my ex-boyfriend’s look like a tic tac, feelings of my body being rhythmically shaken in time with that clapping sound, as well as the vague sensation of hands caressing my whole body, pinching my nipples, slapping my ass, flickering on my clit. I was dreaming of Michael using my passive body like a little fuck toy… and it was the hottest thing to ever cross my mind.

  I began to look forward to those dreams, to refrain from masturbating so I was always as horny as possible when I went to sleep. By doing this, I found I was actually able to become excited enough to cum as I slept, even though the sensations of cock and hands on, and in, my body were so nebulous, being from a dream and all. The idea that Michael was fucking me was more than enough to compensate for my dulled senses.

  Then things got even stranger. One morning I woke up with my hair tied into pigtails. This was odd, because I hadn’t worn my hair like that for years and of course because I hadn’t gone to sleep with pigtails. Later on that week, I woke up totally naked with my pyjamas in a crumpled heap on the floor. Was I also sleep-walking now? I was seriously considering talking to a doctor, a sleep therapist or some kind of specialist.

  One night I only drank half of my hot chocolate, and that’s when things got really interesting. I woke up in the middle of the night, that familiar warm buzz humming around my body, but I knew I was awake. My thoughts were just too clear to be asleep. The sensations being fed to my brain were just too normal to be a dream. I could hear my breathing and the crickets outside. I could feel my sheets and blankets around me, my pillow under my head.

  I tried to open my eyes to look at my alarm clock and found that I couldn’t do it, my eyelids wouldn’t respond. I tried to raise my hand to my face, to pry them open manually if need be, but found I couldn’t move my arms either. My body was completely paralysed, I couldn’t do anything except lie there as panic began to set in. I could feel my heart beating against my chest as I struggled against a sleep-addled brain to remember exactly where I was and the last few things that had happened to me.

  Had I been in an accident that left me paralysed? Surely not, I could feel my whole body, but no pain. I remembered clearly sipping at my hot chocolate as I texted in bed with a friend before turning out my light and feeling the comforting warmth spread over me as I fell asleep. Something entirely different was happening. I remembered all the stories about alien abductions, or the older ones about the ‘old hag’ and would have shuddered if I could have moved my body at all.

  With a long and sustained effort I managed to open my eyelids just a crack and, thankfully, my head was facing to the side so I could see my digital alarm clock, which read 2:38am. OK, so I was definitely at home at the very least. And there were no aliens or witches in my room, which was another calming bonus. There was just something wrong with my body that I had to figure out or wait until morning.

  I had only been trapped in my own body, contemplating my situation, for a few minutes when I heard my bedroom door creak open. Panic rose anew as I strained ineffectually to turn my head the few degrees required to look at who, or what, was in my room with me. I couldn’t begin to describe the wave of relief I felt when the smell of Michael’s pine-scented body scrub, which he always used in his pre-bed shower, wafted over me.

  Oh, thank God! Daddy will know what to do! I thought. Help me, I can’t move, Daddy! I did my best to project my thoughts to him as if he could read my mind. Through my barely-open eyelids I felt the sting of the, admittedly, soft light of my bedside lamp. My pupils quickly adjusted and further relief washed over me as I saw Michael standing next to my bed in his bathrobe. The calm quickly turned to confusion when he spoke to me, though.

  “I forgot to bring any condoms home, so it’s bareback tonight, baby.”

  Condoms? Bareback? What on earth was he talking about? My questions were soon answered as wordlessly as they had been asked when Michael undid the belt that was holding his bathrobe on and let it fall to the floor around him. I had the briefest glimpse of his sizable but only semi-hard cock through my eyelashes before he moved out of my field of vision and I felt colder air hit my body as my covers were cast aside.

  As usual I was wearing one of a few sets of pyjamas that I owned, in this case it was the pink ones with little teddy bears all over them. I was lying on my back, one leg straight and the other bent at the knee and sticking out sideways, and I was thankful for the pyjamas because otherwise my pretty little pussy would have been on full display to my Step-Father.

  All thoughts of modesty were soon cast out of my head when I felt the bed shift under me as Michael put his weight on to it. His strong hands grasped my straight leg and repositioned it until it mirrored the other one and I was basically spread-eagle before him as he apparently knelt naked between my legs.

  “Oh fuck yes, Beth, that’s just how I like you, open arms and legs for Daddy.”

  With that summary, he crawled forwards and I felt his body come to rest on top of mine. The shaft of his cock, which must have hardened in record time, was nestled directly between the folds of my pussy, with only the flimsy material of my pyjama bottoms separating us. The thought of that big hard dick, as much as the feeling of it, made me want to lick my lips and pull him against me even harder, but I couldn’t move and I was still so very confused by what was happening… this was my Daddy, after all.

  The next thing I felt was his lips against my neck, kissing me, licking me, over and over. He kissed hard, but not quite hard enough to leave a love bite, as if he wanted to but was barely managing to hold himself in check, and then his hand grabbed my head by the jaw and turned it to face him. I stared out from my barely-open eyelids as Michael’s face lowered towards me and I felt his lips upon mine, kissing gently at first and then working his jaws open and closed as he kissed harder, forcing my own mouth wide open to accept the most passionate kiss I’d ever received.

  Michael’s tongue danced around my unresponsive one, twirling it around inside my mouth as the kiss went on and on. Finally he pulled back and I’m sure my head was almost lifted off my pillow, such was the suction of the kiss, and a loud squelchy smacking sound reverberated around my room.

  “I’m so glad you broke up with your boyfriend, Beth. My cock is the only one those sweet lips should be around.”

  Nobody had ever spoken to me like that before, none of my boyfriends, not even the one I’d had sex with. My inner feminist wanted to be offended… the rest of me wanted him to keep on doing what he was doing, to perhaps go even further. I got my wish.

  Michael wrapped his arms around my legs and pulled me downwards on the bed until I felt my feet just dangling over the edge and my head slipped off the pillow. The bed shifted under me again as he stepped off and walked around to the side again. Before climbing back on he grabbed my pillow and shoved it back under my head, but kept on pushing until it was supporting my shoulders and my head was leaning right back so I was staring at my headboard upside down.

  First one knee appeared in the periphery of my vision, and then the other as he straddled my head, facing towards the bottom of my bed. The only thing I could concentrate on, though, was his massive cock with heavy balls hanging below. If I had thought it was big when only semi-hard, then this was certainly a rude awakening, no pun intended.

  Hard and straight, twitching slightly with every pulse of his heart, it stood over my head intimidatingly. I’d seen two cocks in real life before this night, and they were absolutely dwarfed by
the monster between Daddy’s legs. My mouth was parted slightly due to the position of my head and, with a gentle push at my chin, he opened it fully while pointing his stiff rod at my face and thrusting his hips carefully forward.

  His thickness slid between my lips and I tasted his manhood for the first time, a flavour that somehow seemed familiar. Even when I’d had my naughty thoughts about him I’d never suspected that his cock would be this magnificent, and I was in heaven with the thought of how sexy he must find me to be so turned on even when I was unable to move.

  I had thought he was just going to put his dick in my mouth, maybe gently rock back and forth over my lips a little bit, but I was dead wrong. The head of his cock slid all the way over my tongue until it hit the back of my throat with a squelch and every instinct in my body was fighting to gag and push him back… but the only reaction my body let me have was an instant watering of my eyes.

  The head of Michael’s cock pushed harder and harder against my throat until, with a popping sensation that I half-felt and half-heard, he was advancing inside me again. The blurred image of his balls coming closer and closer was all I could see until, like a warm blindfold, they rested on my nose and everything became considerably darker.

  I’d never even given a proper blowjob before. Whenever my boyfriend and I had been parked up in his car after a date somewhere, it seemed like he was always pushing my head down into his lap. I never did much more than kiss the tip, which he liked enough to not force the issue any further, especially when I let him at my pussy and he almost forgot about my mouth completely.


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