Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 118

by Scarlett Skyes

  I reached down, trying to give as little indication that I was doing anything as possible. After fumbling around for a while I felt something cold and metallic and picked it up. With a quick downwards glance I was able to orient it properly, slip my fingers through the appropriate holes and curl them up. Cruel silver spikes now extended from each knuckle of my closed fist.

  “That’s very kind of you to apologise, and in front of everybody too. Apology accepted. Now, if you don’t mind, we’re late for a very important date.”

  “Ah yes. The gathering I presume? You sure you want to do that? An awful lot of bear musk in the air tonight.”

  A ripple of nervous laughter spread amongst the werewolves as they looked from Jeff to us and amongst themselves. The self-assured demeanour of the alpha was bolstering the pack’s confidence, and I could see them slowly edging forward as Jeff continued.

  “You could be executed for treason if I remember the old rules correctly. I could smell something special when this sorry excuse for an initiate came crawling back to tell me how things went. She’s the one, isn’t she? Why not hand her over to us? Nobody needs to know the crime you committed, you can just say we overpowered you. We’ll even give you a beating to make the story that much more believable.”

  “We’re going to the gathering. Get out of the way,” Arkadios then whispered to me, “Buckle up.”

  “You sure about that?” Jeff asked

  From out of the doorway leading back to the interior of the house a black-haired werewolf leapt clear across the several feet to the driver’s side window, half-human claw hands extended with obsidian-dark talons reaching for Arkadios’ neck. Before I could even open my mouth to say ‘look out’ Arkadios twisted in his seat, bringing a bunched fist around to connect with the extended snout of the murderous creature, collapsing it back into it’s head with a horrible wet crunching sound.

  The beast dropped out of sight with a thud on to the concrete and my adopted father floored the accelerator. With a brief squealing of tyres, the huge vehicle sprang forward out of our garage. All but one of the werewolf pack scattered out of the way easily, the hapless Carlos Fagarelli dropped like a rag doll by his alpha and turned into an impromptu speed-bump for the heavy four-wheel-drive.

  Somebody else leapt at the side of the Humvee, claws screeching down the side panels with a sound at least a million times worse than fingernails on a blackboard, but it looked like we were going to get through OK. I turned to look out the rear mirror and saw the werewolves packing into cars, the headlights coming on one by one as they gave chase.

  “Holy shit, they’re still coming!” I said.

  “Mind your lang… ah fuck it,” said Arkadios.

  Arkadios took lefts and rights at breakneck speed, tyres screaming in protest at every turn. Up ahead I saw a busy intersection and the red light facing our direction. I turned to Arkadios and saw nothing but concentration on his face as his eyes darted left and right at the flow of traffic on the other road. My heart nearly ceased beating when I realised he intended to blast through without stopping.

  “No. No! Nonononono!”

  I screamed and covered my face with my hands, as if that would do any good if we got t-boned by a Mack truck or something. The blare of horns was deafening as the headlights bore down on us from either side, I was still yelling my head off when we came through the other end.

  Turning in my seat and almost ready to cry with relief I saw three of the werewolf-driven chase vehicles make it through the intersection before the fourth was turned into instant confetti by a huge truck carrying logs to some lumber mill. Chaos ensued and the intersection was pretty much completely blocked up, cutting off the rest of the cars chasing after us.

  Now that we were on a long stretch of straight road, the smaller and more nimble cars the werewolves were driving gradually closed the distance until the lead vehicle was right behind us. Pulling out on to the opposite side of the road, they began to overtake us, but Arkadios kept getting in their way.

  I saw somebody climb out of their passenger window, their body growing and going through that incredible transformation I had first seen back at my house as soon as they were clear of the frame. My brow furrowed in confusion, wondering what exactly their plan was, but I didn’t have to wait for long.

  Like a predator ambushing a much larger prey, the werewolf jumped on to the rear bumper of the Humvee, a feat of acrobatics punctuated by more screeching of metal as I assumed they dug their claws in to hold on. With one open-palmed strike they shattered the rear window and began to climb in.

  Arkadios’ eyes were furtively shifting from rear view mirror, to the road ahead, to the wing mirror, trying to keep track of all our assailants. The rush of wind and noise was incredible with the back window smashed, a sound only made worse by the inhuman snarling of the monster coming for us. My adopted father didn’t take his foot off the accelerator for even a moment.

  “Don’t worry. He’s gonna come for me first, I’m the threat. Keep calm and give him an uppercut right to the throat.”

  “I can’t!”

  “This isn’t the time to lay down and die, Kylie. You’re a fighter, I’ve seen it. YOU’RE A FIGHTER! So fight!”

  The beast was inside the Humvee with us, all hair, claws and teeth surrounding it’s yellow eyes. Arkadios was right, it went straight for him as if I posed precisely zero danger. For a moment, it was right.

  I froze, afraid to move, as the world went into slow motion. I could see each glistening white tooth in the werewolf’s mouth as it’s lips pulled back and jaws parted. It was only a foot away from Arkadios’ neck when his hand shot up and grasped it around the throat, slowing it’s approach.

  Still the awful thing strained forward and though it’s snarls had been replaced with a strangled croak, it’s powerful mouth was getting ever closer to my adopted father’s neck. Arkadios’ arm was shaking with the effort of trying to keep his neck from being ripped apart, his teeth clenched with the strain.

  “Do it, Kylie, do it or we’re fucked.”

  To my surprise I saw my hand shoot forward and drive the spikes of my knuckleduster into the throat of the werewolf just below where Arkadios was holding it. The monster let loose a wet and choked scream and bucked against my hand, bending my wrist backwards painfully.

  I snatched my hand back to shield it from any more injury, afraid that it might be broken. Regardless of any damage done to myself, it was clearly far worse for the werewolf.

  A torrent of blood so dark it might have been black gushed out over Arkadios and the dashboard, foul and smoking. The stench of burning filled the air as the werewolf tore itself free of the werebear’s grip and hurled itself backwards, desperate to get away.

  The area around the wound I had inflicted began to glow with heat as it’s fur seemed to catch fire, bursting into flames as it dived out the rear window. I stared with my mouth wide open in shock as it hit the road behind us, immediately in front of the closest chasing car.

  As Carlos had done before him, this werewolf too became a reluctant speed bump. However, this speed bump had one hell of a trick up it’s sleeve. As the front wheels rolled over it, the flames leapt from creature to tyre, which was soon burning with a thick and toxic black smoke.

  Shortly after that the tyre exploded, sending the car veering off to the right and crashing through the barrier on the side of the road before getting incredible air time and disappearing from view as it fell down a hill. I looked down at my hand, dumbfounded, then up to Arkadios, who was still gritting his teeth.


  I didn’t know what to say, and didn’t have time to say it anyway. Two cars were still chasing and the next one tried to overtake us. Arkadios reached under the seat and pulled out a handgun, transferring it to his left hand so he could hold it out the window.

  “Silver bullets?”

  “Silver bullets don’t work, they disintegrate in the gun and kill whoever‘s holding it.”

fired five shots until I heard the tell-tale ‘bang’ of a tyre blowing out and the car swerved into the side of the Humvee, hitting with surprising force considering the differing sizes of the vehicles. I felt our rear wheels losing traction as our four wheel drive suddenly veered into the wrong lane.

  I saw a brief flash of an astonished looking elderly couple as they stared through their windscreen into the headlights of the Humvee before we managed to get back into our own lane. Looking backwards I saw the werewolves’ car rolling over and over sideways in a cloud of dust on the side of the road.

  Arkadios looked into the rear view mirror and smiled.

  “And then there was one.”

  The last car of chasing werewolves was right behind us, I could only see two in there. For the first time since barrelling out of our garage, Arkadios used the brake pedal. Hard.

  The seatbelt dug into my neck, I was first flung forwards and then backwards as the werewolves rear-ended us. Before I knew what was happening, Arkadios had leapt out of his seat, over the back seat and out the smashed rear window, transforming into his majestic bear-shape as he went.

  I looked on in a complete daze as he came down on the hood of the car with a metallic crunch and punched through the windshield, grabbing the driving werewolf by the neck and hauling him through the hole in the safety-glass.

  Arkadios slammed him down on the hood and began pulling on his head. I couldn’t watch. When the sounds became too horrible to bear, I held my hands over my ears too. It was all over quickly and the werebear was climbing back into the driver seat, assuming the form of my most trusted protector once more.

  I sat up and did not let myself look over my shoulder. Arkadios put his foot down on the accelerator again and we pulled away. With absolute devastation in our wake, I hoped the road ahead had some peace for us.


  We had driven for a few hours when Arkadios said he had to stop to rest. Although he said we’d only be stopping to get cleaned up and have a quick nap, he had refused to turn into the seedy looking motel that apparently charged by the hour, instead choosing the one directly across the street, saying we would pay for the whole night. Although it was close, it might as well have been a world away, it was that much nicer.

  The motel room was simple but clean, the dominant smell now being soapy steam from the bathroom where Arkadios had showered. He had gone first due to being covered in the werewolf filth and when he came out, towel wrapped around his waist, I couldn’t help but admire his huge muscular build.

  “Oh my God, look at your arm!”

  Arkadios glanced down at his upper arm where a huge burned-looking cut went from shoulder to elbow. I hadn’t seen it before due to him being covered in werewolf blood.

  “You caught me when you pulled the knuckleduster out of him. It’ll heal, eventually.”


  “Don’t worry about it, you did great. Get cleaned up, and have some rest, we’re leaving before sunrise.”

  By the time I emerged from the shower Arkadios had made a makeshift bed on the floor for himself and I could see he had wrapped a bandage around his arm, perhaps from a first aid kit in the Humvee or something. He was asleep, or at least pretending to be, so I flicked off the light and climbed into bed.

  The curtains were thin and my eyes soon adjusted to the dark enough so that the powerful full moon brought the room back into view. I tried closing my eyes to bring on sleep but every time I did, all I could see was Arkadios coming out of the shower, or Arkadios keeping me safe from the most insane dangers that life could throw at me.

  In my mind’s eye, he dropped the towel and stood naked in front of me, his huge cock throbbing with desire for my body. In my mind’s eye, I remembered how he had lifted me up and fucked me so hard we’d put a huge dent in the wall.

  I opened my eyelids and raised my head, searching for the shape of his body lying on the ground. With the immediate danger now past, the lust that had ruled my day was quickly resettling itself in the seat of power.

  I thought about how it had felt to lose my virginity, the size of him, the heat of him. I could still feel the ghost of his presence inside of me even all these hours later. I wanted him again, but he had called our sex a mistake.

  It wasn’t fair! He was so close, I could reach off the side of the bed and touch him. As it had done so often that day, my pussy tingled with anticipation as I felt myself moisten. My sex was like a magnet and I felt my hand dragged inevitably towards it, sliding over my taut belly and slipping under the waistband of my panties.

  I pulled my knees up and spread my legs, letting out a shuddering gasp that I muffled with the back of my other hand as my fingers lightly glided over my clit. Arkadios shifted position slightly on the floor and I somehow managed to halt my movements momentarily until he became still again.

  My middle finger slid between my soft pink petals easily, my natural lubricants had already made them slippery and inviting, ready to accept what I so desperately wanted but couldn’t have, my adopted father’s cock. I pulled my finger back, smearing my clit with my own juices and clamped my mouth shut before another shuddering sigh escaped it.

  My free hand roamed all over my body and I pretended it was his hand, touching me everywhere, especially where it was forbidden on so many levels. My nipples poked into my palm as it explored the otherwise soft curves and I gave it a playful tweak that made me gasp again.

  Arkadios moved again and I held my breath until he settled down. I had no idea if he was awake and it was getting more and more difficult to stay still and quiet. I squeezed my breast while I waited, remembering how easily he had lifted me in the air and impaled me on his stiff length.

  “Don’t do this to me, Kylie,” said Arkadios in the semi-darkness.

  I blushed at the confirmation that he had most certainly noticed what I was doing.

  “I can’t help it! All I can think about is getting you inside me again, I need it!”

  Arkadios sat up, his head, shoulders and upper torso appearing above the edge of the bed as he turned to look at me.

  “You’re getting further into your breeding cycle… it’s just going to get worse until you mate with your chosen alpha. Maybe we should get going again.”

  I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed towards him, my breasts pulling clear of the sheets and my now sopping wet panties just barely concealed. I reached out with both hands, resting them on his shoulders as I sought to stop him.

  If anybody had told me seventeen short hours ago that I would be sitting topless next to my Adopted father, desperately wet for him and ready to be fucked hard for the second time, I would have told them that they were crazy. But here I was.

  Arkadios was clearly waging an internal battle, his broad shoulders rising and falling with each deep breath under my hands. His head turned to the side, towards the hand that had just been snatched from my pussy and he inhaled deeply, letting his breath out in a low rumble.

  When his eyes flashed up to mine, even in the darkened room, I could see them aglow with an animal lust that he was clearly finding impossible to keep in check. My adopted father rose and pushed me back on the bed, climbing on top of me.

  “Tell me no…” he whispered, half begging.

  He’d told me there was every reason in the world we couldn’t do this, I knew that already. I also knew that having him inside me was my sole hope and dream in life at that moment, so I did what I had to do. Raising my wet fingers to his mouth, I trailed the tips lightly across his lips until he sucked them in and tasted my flavour.

  “Fuck me hard, Daddy,” I whispered back.

  Arkadios’ wall of defence, a ramshackle barrier at best, crumbled without any further pushing and he reached behind my neck, pulling my upper body off the bed into a powerful kiss. With one hand I reached down and felt for his hardness through his underwear, moaning quietly into his mouth when I felt it already straining against the fabric.

  I spread my legs and pulle
d him downwards on top of me, wrapping them around his waist when I felt my soft breasts squash against his firm chest. The shaft of his cock nestled along the groove of my sex, pushing my wet panties inside me slightly.

  The werebear continued to kiss me, rocking his hips in such a way that I could feel him sliding along the entrance to my eager tunnel through the material of our respective underwear. I let my hands roam all over his body, in awe of the power I could feel in those muscles.

  It contrasted especially sharply with the gentleness he had shown me ever since I had met him and accentuated the care and restraint he must have to employ in everything he did to not accidentally hurt anybody. That power gave a sense of danger to what was about to happen, though I knew there was probably no safer place in the world than in his embrace.

  And embraced by the werebear I was, his huge muscular bulk seemed to be above me and all around me. His hands were suddenly everywhere, squeezing my breasts, feeling the smooth length of my thighs, pulling on my hips and forcing his tantalising shaft harder against my most sensitive spot.

  Rising up on his knees, he lifted me with ease and set me down in a more central location on the bed before gripping my panties and tearing them off as if they were wet paper rather than wet one-hundred-percent-cotton. He cast them aside and moved between my legs, getting down on his stomach and sliding his hands under my ass.

  I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his head against my sex, feeling his rough stubble tickle my thighs and the very folds of my pussy lips even as his tongue snaked in and lapped at my plentiful juices. Arkadios let out a groan of bliss that I echoed, pulling him against me even harder.

  My adopted father’s tongue smeared my natural lubricants all over my pussy as he lapped them up furiously. I yelped with excitement every time one of his seemingly random tongue-strokes made contact with my clit, sending a spark of pleasure shooting into my body.

  With every passing second I could feel my orgasm getting closer and closer until Arkadios slipped a finger into my slippery folds and concentrated his tongue on my clit. I had lost my virginity to him a few short hours ago, I had never known another man, but I couldn’t imagine anybody else making me feel so damn good.


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