Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 122

by Scarlett Skyes

  “It’s a bit late for that, Mom. What’s he gonna do? Let me put make-up on him? Chaperone while I go trick or treating dressed up as a little princess? Make me call him Daddy?”

  “Well, you’re spending this weekend with him. I think I know which of those three you’ll be doing.”

  “What are you talking about? I’ve got things to do.”

  “I know, honey, nobody is more proud than I am about your internet thing, but I need you to do this. I’m not having you keep up that stand-offish attitude, and I think Castor can show you a whole new world, one that you never even suspected existed.”

  “Mom, I’m eighteen, I don’t have to do this.”

  “That’s true I suppose, but you will won’t you? For me?”

  My mom batted her eyelashes and looked so set on this happening that I growled in exasperation and threw my hands up, accidentally flicking some milk from my spoon on to the window.

  “OK! I don’t believe this.”

  “You won’t regret it, honey, believe me. And thank you.”


  I was ready to keep up what my mom called my ‘stand-offish attitude’ the entire weekend, but Castor seemed to know exactly what to do to bring my defences down. After being collected in a car that was not quite a limo by Castor and his driver we drove into the city and visited Castor’s visual effects company. I spent the morning talking to the unsung legends of the video editing world, getting ideas I never would have thought of by myself.

  It was so exciting that by the time Castor took me to lunch I had temporarily forgotten who the enemy was and jabbered away happily over a meal that may have cost as much as a small car for all I knew, the restaurant struck me as that fancy. After lunch Castor said he had another surprise for me and when we rolled up outside a nice looking building I had no idea what to expect.

  Castor pressed the button for one of the apartments and a strangely familiar female voice answered before pressing the buzzer and letting us in. I almost screamed with excitement when Mariam Danelle, famous investigative journalist, opened the door and welcomed us to her penthouse overlooking the park.

  I could have exploded with pride when she told me how much she’d enjoyed my sexual harassment story. It was beyond belief that she’d watched it, she was as close as I had to a hero in my chosen career.

  If I had been allowed I would have spent all afternoon, evening and night there picking her brain and listening to her stories, many of which had never been even hinted at in her documentaries. By the time we left for dinner I was buzzing even more than at lunchtime. I’d never had a day like this, never.

  Castor commanded respect everywhere we went, his intimidating size sufficing where his intimidating reputation had not yet reached. His classic good looks handled many other situations such as with the starry-eyed young women that served us dinner and kept my wine glass topped up.

  By the time we left the restaurant and returned to his mansion I was definitely a bit tipsy, part of it was the alcohol, the rest of it was the joy of the experiences I’d had. Castor invited me to something called a ‘drawing room’ that looked kind of like a small library with a currently empty fireplace, a small bar and a couple of padded chairs.

  “More of the same?” Castor asked, pulling a bottle of wine out from behind the bar.

  “Why not?”

  Castor filled up two glasses and handed me one. We clinked them before he gestured towards one of the seats and settled himself into the other. I took a few mouthfuls of my wine, mulling over the incredible events of the day and staring into the spot where a fire would have been at a colder time of year.

  “Quite a day, huh Carmen?”

  “Wow. Understatement! Yes. Thank you, Castor.”

  I took another sip of wine considering what I’d just said, I’d never thought I’d thank a man for anything but it had just happened.

  “It’s incredible what can be achieved when men and women work together, wouldn’t you say?”

  That was a leading question if ever I’d heard one, especially given my usual topic of conversation. The last thing I wanted at the end of an otherwise perfect day was a heated argument that had me waiting outside for a taxi to take me back home so I tried to change the subject.

  “Is that a real bearskin rug?”

  “No, but why don’t you sit down on it, I bet you can’t tell the difference. I wouldn’t kill a bear unless I was able to do it with my bare hands, and that’ll never happen. They’re too majestic a creature.”

  I’d never felt a bearskin rug before anyway, but it did look soft and luxurious so I set my wine down and got down on my hands and knees, running my fingers through the ‘fur’ as I stretched out and finally settled on my stomach. With my head resting on my hands, I curled my lower legs upwards and kicked them back and forth slightly, wondering how I could keep the conversation steered away from any controversial subjects.

  “Look at you. Such a shame,” he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your mother tells me you’ve never been fucked hard and left full of cum before.”

  For a frozen moment I couldn’t move, then I bolted to my feet and bunched my fists up, my face heating with my rage.

  “How dare you! How dare she! I don’t believe this! Call me a taxi, I’m getting out of here.”

  I took two confident steps in the general direction of the front of Castor’s mansion before he fixed me with a look that stopped me in my tracks. With two dagger-like gestures of a single outstretched finger he demonstrated his expectations accompanied by a tone of voice that was no more capable of being disobeyed than the earth was capable of not turning.

  “Sit your ass in that chair. Right fucking now.”

  I tried to muster the willpower to keep walking, but instead went straight to the chair just like he said, my fists still little balls of rage. Castor stood up, towering over me even more than normal, and slowly walked around me as if gathering his thoughts.

  “We’re going to change your worldview, Carmen.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh yes. See, you don’t understand people. Hell, you don’t even understand yourself. I’ve known it ever since I watched that sweet little piece you did about Brassman Corp. You’ve got talent at what you do, guts, brains, passion. And a body built for being fucked hard.”

  I couldn’t believe I wasn’t halfway home already, why was I still sitting here listening to him? What was wrong with me?

  “Look what you did when I said you’d never been left full of cum before. You paused. Just long enough to think about a. Big. Hard. Cock. Driving into your tight little pussy until you were a sperm soaked mess. You thought about how good it would feel inside you, didn’t you?”


  I couldn’t even remember exactly what had flashed through my mind in that instant before I’d shot to my feet. Now however my mind did go back to a time when a friend and I had been looking at something on the internet when, for no apparent reason, a video had popped up of some hardcore sex scene.

  For a few seconds my friend and I had watched enthralled as some petite girl who looked to be our age was impaled on the huge veiny shaft protruding from the man, her legs spread wide and her whole body shaking as he fucked her with reckless abandon. I’d never admitted it to her or anybody, but I’d definitely felt… funny between my legs after that. I licked my lips without even thinking about it and Castor smiled.

  “That’s right, Carmen, you want to suck cocks too. You want to taste the pure essence of man, have it coating your tongue, your mouth, your whole face, like it was filling up your world.”

  “I don’t…”

  Why wasn’t my voice stronger, more emphatic? Everything Castor was saying was instantly turned into a graphic image in my mind, distracting me from my indignation. I could see my tongue swirling around the throbbing heads of those cocks he was talking about, almost taste them. It was imagery I had tried to avoid my whole life, be it in exter
nal media or my imagination, but for the first time Castor was making me think about it… and holy fuck but it was hot.

  A sudden tingle shot up from between my legs and I clamped my legs closed with an embarrassing slapping sound that drew attention to what I’d just done. Castor smiled and continued stalking around me, bending down to whisper a few words now and then for emphasis.

  “Your body knows what it wants even if you’re still denying it, Carmen. You’re a champion of the truth, aren’t you? An untainted investigative journalist? Then tell me what you feel between your legs. Wet and ready for action… or nothing?”

  I turned my head away from him, blushing at the truth I felt seeping out between my labia. My heart rate seemed to be picking up with every word he spoke, fuelling my muscles for an eagerly anticipated physical encounter. Not that that would happen of course, I was still in charge… wasn’t I?

  Castor circled around until he was standing right in front of me, I stared down at the socks peeking out from under the cuffs of his expensive suit pants unable to raise my head to look him in the eye.

  Before I knew it, he had reached down and taken my hand in his. For a crazy few seconds I thought he was going to get down on one knee and propose to me too but instead he slowly brought my hand towards his crotch.

  When I realised what he was doing I struggled feebly to pull my hand away, but even I could see my act for what it was, a token effort. Any real fight that might have been left was driven out when I noticed that huge bulge in his pants, like there was something barely restrained in there that was desperate to get to me.

  Castor held my hand a fraction of an inch away from the surface of that material, so close I could feel the heat radiating off him. I trembled with anticipation and shame, unable to push forward or pull away, completely at his mercy.

  “Tell me you want to feel my cock.”

  “Please don’t make me say it…”

  “It’s right there Carmen… just say the magic words.”


  “What was that?”


  “Say it god dammit, Carmen.”

  “OK… yes I want it.”


  Out of nowhere Castor’s free hand made open-palmed contact with my cheek, rocking my face to the side. I raised my own hand to where the sting was burning me and glanced up at him in shock, my other hand still held in place just over his crotch.

  Castor’s face was a mask of power. He had just taken corrective action on a piece of his property, nothing more, nothing less. What was most shocking of all was how I just couldn’t muster the anger I knew I should have been feeling. All I could sense was that shame, at being so easily taken down off my own pedestal but even more prominent was the shame at having disappointed him, that was the worst. I blinked away a tear and looked up at him hopefully, not daring to do anything else.

  “Tell me exactly what you want.”

  “Please can I feel your cock?”

  “Good girl, that’ll do.”

  The swell of pride I felt when he praised me was second only to the wonderment at the huge shaft that I suddenly felt pressed into the palm of my hand through Castor’s pants. It was hard to tell for sure, but I swore it must have been even bigger than that cock I’d seen in that brief video clip, it had to be.

  I rubbed my hand up and down, feeling for each end, fascinated by what I was grasping. Castor was looking down at me with approval, so I kept right on rubbing until he put his hand over mine again, halting my motions.

  “Take it out.”

  “What? But what about Mom?”

  “She knows what this weekend is all about. Take that cock out.”

  I desperately wanted to but it was still so sudden and unexpected. This was my mother’s fiancé for God’s sake! I turned my head away again, almost afraid to watch what I was doing, and felt for his zip, beginning to pull it down.

  Castor gathered my hair into the firm grip of one hand and forced me to watch his zip come down. I looked up at him imploringly and was met with the same unbendable resolve. With trembling fingers I reached into the warmth of his pants, feeling that same hardness just barely contained by his boxers.

  I searched and found a gap in the front of Castor’s underwear, the very tips of my fingers hesitating at the entrance before I pushed forward again and looked up to my future step-father at the very moment I made contact with his naked shaft. I needed to use my other hand to push and pull the material of his clothes out of the way before I was able to pull his monster cock out into the light.

  My jaw dropped in awe of what I was holding. Through the palm of my hand and my fingers, which were only just able to close around his girth, I could feel the steady throb of his heartbeat. Each time I felt it, the thick cock would twitch a little in my grip.

  I brought my other hand up to it, wrapping my fingers around as if that would help me keep it under control. The end of his cock still poked out, long, thick, and hard with a sparkly bead of some clear fluid gathering at the tip.

  For the first time in my life I was holding the thoroughly aroused cock of a man, I could still hardly believe it. Castor had made me do it but I couldn’t help but feel a little bit proud of myself, as if I was holding a weapon of mass destruction. It was formidable, but it was me that had made it so dangerous.

  After another slap to my cheek, much lighter than the first, Castor guided his cock towards my face and I was staring down the barrel of that weapon as it approached me. Castor had a fistful of my hair, I had nowhere to go. I opened my mouth.

  Castor’s huge cock slid over my lips and I tasted that slippery salty liquid from his tip as it touched down on my tongue. My eyes bulged at how wide I had to open my jaws, there was no space to spare in my mouth and still Castor slowly pushed forward.

  I felt the ridge of his cock gliding over my tongue, right at the back, and then the tip hit the back of my throat and I pushed backwards with all of my strength as I gagged and coughed. Castor kept a firm grip on my hair, letting me compose myself but not letting me go anywhere. With his free hand, he grabbed the base of his cock and began tapping it on my cheeks, nose and lips as if in light punishment for my reflex.

  “You’re going to have to do much better than that, Carmen. You want to make me happy, don’t you?”

  The contrast of punishment and praise over the past few minutes, and my reactions to them had convinced me that yes indeed, I wanted to make Castor happy. I nodded and wiped at my watering eyes.

  “Then say ‘Please let me deepthroat you, Daddy’.”


  “Don’t talk back to me.”

  I gulped. “Please let me deepthroat you, Daddy.”

  “Good girl, hands at your side this time, they’re just a distraction.”

  Once more I parted my lips to accept his massive member into my mouth, my hands clenched into little fists again. This time though, they were clenched in concentration rather than anger.

  Every instinct I had was telling me to bring my hands up so I could push his cock out if I needed to. I managed to hold myself back, part of it stemmed from the determination to show Castor that I really was a good girl like he said. Part of it was because a little voice told me Castor might not let me push him out again.

  When the throbbing head of Castor’s cock hit the back of my throat again, my eyes watered anew and I looked up at him in a nearly-silent plea for him to be gentle. If he understood that plea, he ignored it, using his fistful of hair to push ever harder on the back of my head until I felt as if some barrier gave way, and suddenly the steady progression of man-meat into my neck resumed.

  My throat and tongue worked uselessly in an instinctive effort to force out the invader but that only seemed to pleasure Castor more. After a few seconds, my lips disappeared inside the open zip of Castor’s pants right against the base of his cock, I had somehow managed to take it all.

  “I knew you could do it, Carmen. I knew from the first moment I sa
w you that you’d be a good little cock worshipper. You may pleasure yourself.”

  My brow furrowed in confusion, which must have looked a bit strange with a cock buried to the hilt in my mouth. Surely he didn’t want me to just, you know, masturbate while his cock was in my mouth… wasn’t he supposed to get me off if I got him off? Wasn’t that how it was supposed to work.

  Still, there was no denying the tingly pulsations emanating from between my legs and I began hitching up my skirt so I could get easy access to my eager pussy. While I was doing that Castor began slowly sawing his hard cock in and out of my formerly virgin throat, pulling out into my mouth every few strokes so I could breathe.

  At last I had my skirt high enough so that I could pull my panties aside and stroke my sopping wet slit. My natural lubricants had made a mess of my panties already, and I spread the slippery fluid all over my sex, dipping a single finger inside and dragging it out over my sensitive little bump.

  Whenever Castor’s slick cock head slipped into my mouth, my tongue flicked from side to side in time with my furiously stroking finger on my clit, as if pleasuring him was indistinguishable from pleasuring myself. As my orgasm approached I began moaning on his cock whenever I could get air in and out.

  Just before I came, the tip of Castor’s cock was getting an enthusiastic tongue bath. I took a deep breath, ready to let it all out in the sluttiest moan I’d ever emitted, when he shoved his length back down my throat, cutting off my oxygen once more.

  I closed my eyes but was immediately stung by a sharp slap to my cheek , which only seemed to fuel the explosion of bliss running rampant through my body at that moment. I looked up at him in the midst of my climax, my eyes glazed with my ecstasy, my whole body blurred between pleasure and pain.

  “Look at me, Carmen, look at me while you cum, you little slut. Right here. Know your place. Feel my cock all the way down your throat.”

  I’d never let anybody speak to me like that, especially not a man. Never even dreamed of it, but every word that came out of his mouth only made my orgasm all the stronger. I never wanted him to stop.


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