Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 157

by Scarlett Skyes

  In my eyes, he was perfect, the kind of guy I wanted to end up with when I was done with school and travelling, once I was ready to settle down. I guess that meant I had daddy issues, but whatever.

  That’s why I never made a big deal about it, never let them know that I had seen it. It just made it difficult for me to act normally around him, having seen his huge cock at full mast as he used it with devastating efficiency while calling out my name. So things had become a bit distant.

  When Leon came and sat on the bed next to me and put his arm around my shoulder, it was the closest we’d been in months. When I let my head rest on his shoulder in return, it was easily the most contact we’d had in over a year.

  I stayed like that for a few minutes, cautiously letting him console me, until he touched his finger to my chin and tilted my head upwards to look at him. He was so close I thought he was going to kiss me, and flinched slightly before that smaller part of my brain let the scent of his cologne hold me still, let me want him to kiss me, so I could feel desired and sexy again.

  He looked into my eyes for a second, but just when I thought he was going to lean in, he spoke instead.

  “You’re going to prom.”

  “I can’t, I don’t have a date, everybody will laugh at me.”

  “No they won’t,” he said.

  I didn’t answer.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes…” I said, hesitantly.

  “Then keep an eye out of that window.” He tilted his head to the side, where I could see an empty street out of my window.

  Leon left me there without explaining what exactly he planned on doing. It wasn’t like he was going to be able to find me a date in time to get me to prom. I hoped I was going to see Trent being dragged behind a car, but that was unlikely too.

  It was fifteen minutes later when I heard a honk outside. I’d only managed a couple minutes of wistful staring before lying flat on my back and looking up at my ceiling, so I had to sit up and peek out of the window again.

  To my surprise I saw a limo by the kerb with a driver standing patiently next to the back door. At the same instant, Leon was in my doorway again.

  “Time to go, Bree. Time to have your special night, a better night than you would have had with that shit for brains little punk anyway.”

  I smiled, despite myself. “Do I look… pretty?”

  “You look like…” Leon paused as if reining in an inappropriate comment. “You look like the Prom Queen,” he finished.



  “OK. If you say so, Daddy,” I said, slipping back to what I used to call him as I occasionally did during the most emotional times.

  “That’s what I like to hear.”


  To my surprise, prom was actually a lot of fun. It started off really well with the limo, which was much more expensive than anybody else I knew had ever been able to afford. The driver even rolled out a little red carpet for me when I arrived, I felt like a real celebrity!

  Far from laughing at me, everybody was really supportive. Some even came up with elaborate plans at revenge that I said I would consider implementing.

  To top it all off, I was voted Prom Queen! Karen’s boyfriend, Mark, was voted Prom King and while we were having our dance he couldn’t stop thanking me about the little pep talk I gave Karen. The bulge I felt pressing against me and the look in his eye told me just how thankful he really was.

  When everything was said and done, and I was back in the limo, I was glad Leon had insisted I go. It had been fun. Not all I dreamed of, but fun.

  The limo didn’t take me straight home, instead the driver took me on a little tour along the waterfront and then right through the middle of the city. I opened the sunroof and stood up on the seat, letting the night air whip my hair around as I stared up at the skyscrapers slowly drifting by on either side and far above me.

  It felt so good that I closed my eyes and held my arms out, getting the sudden feeling of flying. I smiled, forgetting about my troubles for the first time since that damn text message came through.

  When I felt the limo slow and turn, I opened my eyes again to see that we were heading towards the front entrance of the Viktorov Hotel, the most prestigious in the whole city. I was a bit confused.

  The driver wasn’t able to provide any enlightenment, he just handed over a room key and said that the checking-in process had already been taken care of. All he’d been told was that I was supposed to go to my room and enjoy myself.

  The room turned out to be one of the lavish suites near the very top of the hotel, and it took me a good solid minute of standing in the doorway before I could gather my jaw off the floor. It was like an entire house sitting suspended twenty stories above the city streets below.

  Not just any house, either, everything looked expensive and painstakingly chosen to be part of a high-class and modern décor. I stepped inside and clutched my handbag against me as I looked around, hardly believing what I was seeing.

  Leon must have done this for me. I was about to go look at the size of the bath when the popping of a champagne cork startled me and I whirled to the side to see none other than my step-father himself tipping the bottle into a couple of glasses.

  “How did you manage to arrange all this on such short notice?” I asked as he approached me with the glasses and handed me one.

  “I know a couple of people that owe me some favours. It was time to call them in. Cheers,” he said.

  Our glasses clinked with a musical ting and a static-like fizz of bubbles. I felt those bubbles going down my throat and settling in my stomach where they were almost tickly. A shiver went down my spine and I took another sip.

  “Cheers,” I said.

  “So, how was it?”

  Leon was looking at me in a similar way to how Karen’s boyfriend had earlier in the night. Similar, but different in a very important way. They both had this wild and hungry look in their eye, as if I was the only thing in the world that could satisfy their animalistic appetite, but where Karen’s boyfriend was a cub, Leon was a full-fledged alpha lion.

  Leon knew how to hunt, how to get what he wanted, and he was looking at me with absolute self-assurance. I squirmed under the unspoken scrutiny.

  Surely, surely, I must have been mistaken. It was one thing for him and my mom to have a little role-play fun, it was just off the scale crazy to think that… what? He might grind against me until he came in his pants like Karen’s boyfriend had been on the verge of doing?

  No, that crazy part of my brain responded. This is no schoolboy, he doesn’t cum until he’s good and ready. And balls-deep.

  I clamped down on that little devil on my shoulder, blushing at the thought just as much as the little jolt of excitement it had elicited from between my legs. I used a big gulp of champagne to hide my turmoil before answering.

  “It was good, really good. Thanks for talking me into going.”

  Leon finished his glass and set it down on the table, before taking my own out of my hand and putting it beside his. I froze on the spot when he stroked my cheek with one hand and then curled his fingers around the back of my neck as if he was going to pull me into a kiss.

  “And now… it’s time for you to pay the price for your magic night.”

  “D-daddy… what are you doing?” I stammered.

  “I’m taking what’s mine, Bree. You are mine, aren’t you? You know you want to let me do anything I want.”

  “This isn’t… we can’t do any… Daddy… what?”

  I was a mess of confusion. These things he was saying were almost my own exact words, the things my friends and I had been plotting and scheming for years.

  Leon’s free hand came up and squeezed my breast, and I was lost for a moment in just how good it felt, how tightly he was gripping it, how much the silky material of my strapless dress rubbed on my nipple, before I came to my senses and pushed his hand away. I started slowly back-peddling, but Leon st
ayed right with me, as if I was leading him by his hand on my neck.

  Every time I pushed his hand away, he moved it somewhere else. My thigh, my ass, back to my tit, until I felt my back bump up against the wall and Leon pressed his whole body against me.

  For the second time that evening, I felt the bulge of a hard cock pressing against my belly, but Leon’s felt so much bigger. I knew it was from the video I’d seen, but to actually feel it was a whole other ballpark of sensation.

  His hand was back on my breast, kneading it roughly, more forcefully than any of my boyfriends had ever dared to do. They’d treated me like a delicate princess, nothing like this.

  “I know it’s exactly what you want, Bree,” he said.

  “How do you know?” I pushed his hand away again.

  “You accidentally copied me into an email to all of your friends. I know the rules of the pact. I saw you that day, fingering yourself while you watched the video of me, you sexy little bitch. I bet you’re so tight you could barely get your pinky in.”

  “Daddy! You can’t talk like this… this is… this is wrong.”

  “I don’t care.” Leon leaned in close and spoke directly into my ear. “I am doing to fuck you so hard, Bree, fuck you harder than you’ve ever dreamed. Tell me you want it.”

  The way he said ‘fuck’ so hard, so sharp, made me gasp as a second, stronger, spark of excitement jolted into my body from my clit. I’d never felt like any boy was as dead-set on fucking me as Leon was right now.


  “Tell me, now.”

  I bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes. It was prom night. The guy who had given me my special night was right here, his hard cock already pressing against me, demanding his fair dues for what he’d done. I’d made a pact… but this was Leon, he was married to my mom!

  My step-father pulled back a bit and then brought my hand to the bulge in his pants and my eyes flew open, as did my mouth. I could now feel even more clearly how big he was, how hard and ready for me he was, and my entire body just screamed out in my mind WAAAAAANNT THAT!

  “OK… but please… can you be gentle? I’ve never done this before.”

  “No. We do this my way. You give me what I want, and I want to fuck you until you scream.”


  My protests were cut off as Leon leaned down and kissed me hard, pushing his tongue into my mouth. The back of my head was touching the wall, and Leon kissed me forcefully, there was nothing for me to do but work my jaw open wider and wider until he was giving me the deepest kiss I’d ever had in my whole life.

  By the time he pulled back, I was gasping for air, partly because of how truly epic the kiss was, and partly from sheer heart-palpitating excitement. My hand was still on the bulge of his hard dick, and I realised I’d begun stroking up and down without even thinking about it, running my fingers from the very bottom all the way up to the tip. It was like an automatic reaction.

  “On your knees,” said Leon.

  My knees seemed to go weak as if they were responding to his commands just as much as my own, and I slowly sank down until that hard bulge was right in front of my face. I could see it straining at his pants, like a virgin-seeking missile or something.

  “Take it out and open wide, Bree, I’m gonna fuck that pretty face of yours,’ he said.

  I blushed at the contrast between this ‘request’ for a blowjob and the begging and pleading my previous boyfriends had done before I relented. I didn’t feel like I had any wiggle room with Leon, he wanted his cock sucked now.

  Reluctantly taking my hand off his mesmerising bulge, I undid his zip and reached inside, navigating my fingertips in the warmth until I found the gap in his boxers and felt the shaft of his manhood for the first time. I looked up at him and licked my lips as I managed to tug it out, amazed at how small my hand looked holding on to it.

  I pulled down until the fat head of his cock was pointing right at my face, and only barely parted my lips in time as my step-father thrust forwards, feeling like he was filling my whole world with cock instead of just my mouth. It was hard, fleshy and smooth, and as I ran my tongue on the underside, it tasted like the absolute essence of sex. Sweet manmeat.

  My previous boyfriends had blown their loads all over their own stomachs almost the instant I had kissed the tips of their cocks, but I had hardly begun bobbing my head when Leon started thrusting his hips back and forth, literally fucking my face rather than receiving a blowjob. His hard rod slipped over my full lips easily, each stroke slowly becoming more powerful and edging ever deeper into my mouth.

  The deeper he pushed, the more I moved my head away until the back of my head was against the wall again. Leon’s hands were on the sides of my face, keeping me facing in the right direction as he took his pleasure.

  Eventually the inevitable happened and the tip of his cock squelched against the back of my throat. I coughed and gagged, turning my head to the side as I gasped for air. My eyes watered, no doubt leaving tell-tale streaks of my mascara down my cheeks.

  Leon stroked my hair away from my face, so gentle after the vigorous defilement of my mouth, and I had a moment of respite. It was only a moment though, because it turned out he wasn’t being tender.

  He had gathered my hair into two fistfuls, and pulled me back up until I was at cock-height again and he was controlling my head like he had a grip on the handlebars of a bike. I looked up at him, my vision blurry with the tears.

  “That’s right, Bree. You look so fucking sexy right now. I’m going to make such a mess of you. Now get my cock back in your mouth, you’re going to take it all the way.”

  I gasped in a few more breaths of air as I tried to blink myself to clarity. His huge cock bobbed and twitched right in front of me intimidatingly, and I could see the smear of my lipstick on his shaft, reaching maybe one fifth of the way down from the tip. I gulped and did what he wanted, because he was right. He gave me my special night and now I was his to do with as he saw fit.

  With careful angling of hips, Leon’s hard length slid over my lips and tongue again. He wasted no time, immediately pinning my head against the wall by pushing the tip against the back of my throat.

  My eyes were absolute fountains and I felt my face going red from the effort of staying still as he tried his damndest to get his dick into my throat. Finally, while shoving with what felt like enough force to push-start a car, he gave some sage advice.

  “Stick your tongue out.”

  I looked up at him through the blur of tears with no small amount of confusion, but did as he asked. The instant I did, I felt that odd sliding sensation of hard dick going down my throat and my eyes flew wide open in surprise.

  Once the tip was in, the rest of it was almost no trouble at all and I felt a surge of triumph as all that magnificent cock disappeared into me. The base of his erection approached and before I knew it, my nose bumped against his pelvis.

  I was deepthroating! Me! I never thought I’d be able to do something like this, but Leon seemed to want to get every last fraction of an inch of his cock into me and pulled on my makeshift pigtails with all his might, holding me there and looking down with satisfaction until I was desperate for air.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, he pulled out until the head of his cock popped into my mouth again and I managed to gasp in some oxygen around it before he plunged it all the way down once more. Leon’s balls bounced off my chin with every full-length stroke, splashing in the rivulets of pre-cum and saliva that dribbled out of the corners of my mouth before dripping on to the curves of my breasts and flowing down my cleavage, disappearing behind my prom dress.

  As Leon furiously pistonned his cock in and out of my mouth, I was able to blink the tears away occasionally, and felt that surge of triumph again when I saw the look of satisfaction on my step-father’s face. To think that me, just a little blonde virgin, was able to make him feel so good made me positively wet between the legs.

  I gathered up my dress
and slipped a finger along the length of my slit through my panties, confirming that they were absolutely sopping. When that fingertip touched the little bump of my clit I moaned right on Leon’s cock and I swore I felt it swell in response.

  My finger slipped under the material of my panties, right into a sticky mess, and I urgently flicked from side to side across my clit. I felt like I was going to burst into flames at any moment, I was so turned on.

  With my clit being stimulated at one end and a big dick stoking the fire at the other, I felt an orgasm quickly grow from a faint buzz to a quaking time-bomb as my eyes darted back and forth between that magically disappearing-reappearing cock, and Leon’s face as he looked down at me. Just when the timer was counting down the last few seconds to the big climax, Leon pulled out of my mouth and I fell forwards, sprawling out with my hands to stop myself from falling on my face.

  The frustration of an orgasm so close made me cry out and I looked up at him, trying to put every ounce of begging into my eyes as I could without words. Please let me cum, Daddy!

  “This way, Bree. Stay on your hands and knees like a good little girl.”

  Leon transferred both pigtails to one hand and slowly led me from the living room area of the suite, through to the bedroom. I crawled the whole way, looking up at him the whole time with the same expression. I’ll do anything, just please let me cum.

  My step-father yanked me to my feet and roughly unzipped my dress, pushing it to the ground and unstrapping my bra before firmly guiding me on to the bed with a hand on my back. I crawled on and then, slowly, turned around, giving him his first unfettered look at my breasts.

  “There’s nothing in the world perkier than teen tits,” he said, beginning to undress.

  “Do you… like them?” I asked.

  “I fucking love them. I’ll love them more when they’re bouncing every time I bury my cock in your sweet little pussy.”


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