Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 191

by Scarlett Skyes

  “This will sting a little.” A needle at the end of a little articulated arm injected something into the vein on the inside of my elbow.

  “Fuck me!” I yelled, glad to hear the strength returning to my voice.

  “I cannot comply.”

  A warm tingling sensation slowly spread out from the site of my injection, bringing the feeling of control back to my muscles and waking me up a little more. It was a welcome feeling, and I’d have been lying if I said it was unpleasant when that sensation reached my cock.

  There was definitely some movement down there. Maybe Samantha and I could hold the record for the farthest fuck from Earth, even if only for a little while, if she was as eager to end the centuries-long drought as I suddenly was.

  As the hibernation-chamber-turned-mobility-scooter carried me through the halls and elevators, my mind and vision cleared further and the eerie emptiness of the ship unsettled me a little. Surely I should have seen a crew member by now. There were hundreds of them, and they were all supposed to be woken up weeks before us passengers.

  The hibernation chamber stopped and turned to face a door, which slid open, then tilted even closer to an upright position. This put some of my weight on to my legs, and I was educated on the limitations of my returning strength, chemical-induced tingles or not.

  “Welcome to your living quarters, Morris Wright. Try taking a few steps. You may find that you need to have a natural sleep before you’re fully recovered.”

  The 3D avatar swung to the side and I took my first shaky step on to the floor of the Alpha.

  “Samantha? Lily?”

  No answer came, and the sound-proofing of the ship halted even my echo from answering me. It was the sound of pure solitude.

  I shuffled forward, calling their names again, and was hit by a wave of weariness. Soft lights lit up and turned off on the ground one after the other, in a footstep-pattern, leading to a door that slid open. Beyond that was the most comfortable looking bed I’d ever seen in my life.

  Even if the Alpha’s artificial gravity was malfunctioning and set to triple power, I couldn’t have hit that soft bed harder. I tried to stay awake, so I could greet Samantha and Lily… but I couldn’t manage it.


  One year, almost to the day. That’s how long it took me to find Lily.

  Of course, that’s an oversimplification. First, I had to come to terms with the fact that my hibernation chamber had malfunctioned, waking me far too early. I was the only one out of nearly eleven thousand souls on board who was awake, and there was over a hundred years until anybody else would be revived.

  That was… rough, to say the least. Then I tried to send a message back to Earth but, if I couldn’t find a way to put myself back into hibernation, I’d be long dead by the time I received any kind of response.

  I had several messages waiting for me already, though. To my complete shock, most of them were from Samantha.

  Dear Morris,

  By the time you read this, I will have been dead for hundreds of years. I’m so sorry we didn’t get to say a real goodbye. I mean, we said goodbye, but we thought we’d be waking up on our way to our new home together. Now that can never happen.

  It’s true, everything that Lily will have told you by now is true. About a week after you were put under, before mine and Lily’s appointments, I started having some stomach cramps, which was unusual for that time of month. The Astro Oasis Labs doctors said it was premature menopause and, since I was no longer going to be fertile, my pass, the one you worked so hard to get for us, was revoked.

  I’m so sorry, my sweet, perfect, Morris. I’d give anything to change this, but I can’t.

  Lily chose to come with you. I think you know why. You’re worth more than the whole world to her, the old one or the new. I don’t know how secure or private these messages are… so I don’t want to come right out and say it, but you remember what happened back in May? It kills me to say this but… you have my permission, Morris. Lily doesn’t have to fight it if you don’t want her to.

  Oh my God, I can’t believe I just wrote that. I can’t write more right now, I just can’t. I want you two to have the best life. All that wide open space and fresh air, you can build whatever you want. You’re both taking all my love with you and, in Lily, you’re taking the best part of me too.



  How could I forget what happened in May? There was only one thing Samantha could have been talking about. She’d walked into Lily’s room, only to find her in the middle of an epic masturbation session with a 3D projection of one of mine and Samantha’s special home movies playing larger-than-life above her bed.

  Naturally, it had never escaped anybody’s attention that Lily and I were close. I’d been in her life for so long that she couldn’t even remember her biological father anymore.

  Hell, when she turned eighteen, she surprised us by turning up with a certificate showing she’d changed her last name to Wright. That day in May, though, that put things into a whole new perspective.

  When she was little, it was cute how she used to sit in my lap. When she started developing more womanly features, it was a little awkward. By the time she was eighteen, though, it was downright scandalous.

  I knew people talked. They didn’t think a teenager should be fawning over a man twice her age like that, talking about how nice his muscles were and squirming all over his lap as she giggled, bit her lip and flipped her hair.

  Looking back, I must have been in denial. Don’t get me wrong, Samantha was a certified knockout, but Lily was like beauty and sex appeal personified.

  Sexy as she was, she was so innocent in her personality. I thought she must have no idea the kind of thoughts her beautiful face and the soft curves of her slim body put into a red-blooded man’s mind.

  She couldn’t know that she’d been teasing me so much that my dick got hard at the mere mention of her name. Never mind when she was sitting on my lap. If she ever felt my thick cock prodding into her, she never let on that she knew what it meant.

  I sure as fuck couldn’t think of a subtle way to tell her how wrong it was. She couldn’t be meaning to do it, I told myself. I was married to her mother and that kind of touching between the two of us was strictly forbidden.

  So… as long as I was convinced it wasn’t mutual, I let myself enjoy the feel of her teen ass when it wiggled and ground against my cock.

  Then May happened. Samantha had some seriously uncomfortable talks with Lily, and I had to do one of the most difficult things in my life. I had to distance myself from the girl I thought of as my daughter.

  It wasn’t until I did that, until I cut myself off from it, that I realised how much I craved the feel of Lily’s body. She was a like an addictive drug, and I was hooked harder than I thought.

  However, for the greater good, I forced those feelings down. For a happy home, first on Earth, and then on Eutopia 7, I forced them down.

  There were several other messages, from friends and family, I scrolled through them and noted how the time elapsed between them grew longer and longer until they stopped altogether hundreds of years ago. The last one from Samantha was short and to the point, closing off with:

  I can’t use up the rest of my life thinking about you, Morris. It hurts too much and doesn’t make life any better. I’ve found somebody else. I’m going to be happy again. Please, give Lily everything she wants and needs, you’re the only one I trust to do it right.



  I moped around by myself for a solid month before I got to work. I wasn’t a crew member, and as such, I didn’t have authorisation to access the hibernation bays. My passage through those doors was intended to be one-way.

  However, I had the combined knowledge of the entire human race available at my fingertips, a shitload of time on my hands, and no interruptions. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

  When I wasn’t working on the hibernation bay doors, I was
studying the files on the hibernation chambers themselves. It turned out that “hibernation chamber” was a bit of a misnomer. They didn’t have anything to do with the hibernation at all, they were more about containment and revival than anything else.

  I could revive Lily and we could be together again.

  Well, she wasn’t in the first hibernation bay, nor the second. Row after row of strangers were lined up, and I looked into every single chamber.

  The women were gorgeous, and the men seemed to be perfect physical specimens themselves. It was as if Astro Oasis Labs was trying to colonise an entire planet with beautiful people.

  It was hard and lonely work but finally, near the end of the third hibernation bay, I saw her. Lily, my daughter. The teen girl who wanted to take her mother’s place at my side was lying there, just on the other side of the clear hexacarbonite doors of her chamber.

  I collapsed against the side and held my head in my hands, as much to stop my hands from shaking as to rest my suddenly-heavy head. After so long alone, it was overwhelming to see a familiar face in the flesh, especially one as physically perfect as Lily’s.

  When I stood up again, I was half-afraid that I might have been hallucinating, mistaking somebody else for Lily or that she would have disappeared, but no, she was still there. My sweet Lily in all her beautiful glory.

  I hesitated before leaving the hibernation bay. If I was going to hotwire Lily’s chamber, I was going to need a whole other toolkit than the one I’d used to break into this bay but I didn’t want to let her out of my sight.

  Finally, I tore myself away. A year of my voice hitting the walls and dying without being heard by another human ear could finally be over.

  I raced out of the wedged-open doors and went to the area I’d claimed as my workshop, returning to the hibernation bay in record time. My heart raced as an illogical fear gripped me… what if I couldn’t find her again?

  Fortunately, that was entirely unfounded. She was right where I’d left her, third from the end of row fifteen in bay three.

  I unscrewed the panel from the side of her hibernation chamber, near the bottom and referred to the wiring diagram. After finding the appropriate contact points, I bypassed one circuit and replaced a component with an alternative from the spare parts in the cargo hold.

  With an almost silent hiss, the hexacarbonite doors slid to each side, their curves sliding into the main body of Lily’s hibernation chamber to leave her uncovered. I stood over her silent form, almost dumbfounded to be near her again after so long.

  The hibernation process had slowed her visible bodily functions down to an almost imperceptible level. She may have been technically north of four hundred years old, but her body hadn’t aged beyond eighteen years and a handful of months.

  I reached out for her and saw my fingers twitching with nervousness until I stroked her cheek with the bank of my hand. Touching her soft skin was like immersing myself in a calm pool of water, I felt like I was touching home.

  It was my first time ever touching a person in hibernation before. I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting, perhaps for her to be cold, perhaps with stiff skin. She was none of that. She was warm, her cheek was softer and healthier than any model could hope for.

  I let out a great puff of air, and it was only then that I realised I’d been holding my breath. I licked my lips and moved my palm to her other cheek, finding it equally soft, then cupped her face with two hands and stroked her skin with my thumbs.

  After those last few months on earth before we left, the slumber of hibernation and the last year alone on the Alpha, I was almost going into shock at the sudden feel of Lily’s perfect form under the palms of my hands.

  The process to hotwire the hibernation chamber and initiate Lily’s revival process wouldn’t be any more difficult than it was to open her chamber doors. In just a few minutes, those impossibly deep-emerald green eyes of hers would flutter open and end my hell.

  I pulled my hands back and then paused. Hell. That was what it was like on this sterile ship. If I woke Lily up here, that’s what I’d be sentencing her to. Hell.

  She signed up for a life with me, on a new planet where we could build our own home, watch a new sun rise and set each day, socialise with other colonists, maybe even create a whole new family for ourselves. Not this.

  If I woke her up, I’d be signing her up to die on this ship with nobody but me for company. Was that murder? My heart sank. Why did this have to hit me now, when I was so close? After all the effort it took to find her and learn how to sabotage the hibernation systems.

  I couldn’t do it. One hand found its way back to its former spot at the side her head, my fingers buried in her silky hair and my thumb on her cheek. She was so near and yet so far.

  I brushed an errant strand of hair away from her closed eye and bent down to kiss her on the forehead. In some parallel universe, where things happened slightly differently, this teenage perfection would give herself to me. She’d be all mine. But it wasn’t to be.

  With a gulp, I tried to let her go so I could kneel and close her chamber again, but found I couldn’t do that either. I didn’t want to let her go.

  I trailed my fingers from her hair, across her cheek and then touched her full and supple lips, pulling her bottom lip down and letting it spring back into place with a faint plop sound. If you took a thousand genetic engineers and a thousand artists, locked them in a room for a thousand years and told them to design the sexiest cocksucking lips in the universe, they would eventually settle on something that looked exactly like Lily’s.

  If I just had one taste of her… it wouldn’t hurt… I deserve it...

  If I could see my internal monologue it probably would have looked like a little devil sitting on somebody’s shoulder. But it wasn’t wrong.

  It wasn’t like Lily didn’t like me. She loved me, and I loved her. She clearly lusted after me, as I did her. In all our years on Earth, despite the lingering hugs and the borderline lapdances, I’d only ever kissed her on the cheek and the forehead. Once, on the hand, when I called her my little princess and she convincingly pretended to swoon.

  Before I turned my back on my months-long scheme, before I consigned myself to a life alone, what would it feel like to have those lips pressed against mine? These were lips that would start barroom brawls as testosterone-filled idiots tried to prove they were worth her time.

  She wanted to be mine, and I was going to do the right thing by her, so it wouldn’t hurt to have just one taste. I ran my finger gently over her plump red lips, feeling how they were silky and pliable, yet still firmer than the incredible softness of her cheeks.

  My cock ached and I adjusted it in my pants to stop it getting trapped down one leg as my body responded to the sight and sensation of a woman’s touch for the first time in hundreds of years. Visions of what her lips would look like, giving way to the explorations of my cock the way they were for my finger, flashed through my mind as brightly as the first light when I woke up on this ship.

  Those visions would no doubt be playing through my mind later when I jerked off to what might have been, but for now, all I wanted was a kiss from sleeping beauty. I licked my lips and leaned over.

  I closed my eyes and, when our lips touched, hers felt so moist and full of life that I could almost convince myself she’d licked them in preparation for our first kiss. My tongue tentatively reached out between her lips as I kissed her, and they felt every bit as miraculous as I thought they would.

  If only I had let myself succumb to our forbidden desire back on Earth. A kiss like this could have led to so much more. My cock strained at my pants as I sucked and licked at Lily’s lips. It was as if it had a mind of its own and was desperately trying to reach the fertile young woman.

  Her teeth blocked my tongue, and limited us to the kind of kiss that most married couples restrain themselves to when around friends and family. I curled my fingers around the back of her neck and lifted her up towards me, kissing the way I k
new would have made her melt.

  Her head tilted back as if she was yielding her neck to a vampire, and her teeth parted, giving my tongue further access to my daughter’s mouth. I touched the tip of my tongue to hers, and then circled around it in a kind of gentle mating dance.

  Pulling back, I would almost convince myself that she followed me for a second, but it was just my own hand around the back of her neck, lifting her up. I relaxed a little and our lips parted with the gentle sound of released suction.

  Lily settled back down on her hibernation bed and I took longer than I should have, brushing more errant locks of hair away from her angelic face and rearranging her so she was back in her original position with her arms at her side. I held her hand and did my best to swallow my jack-hammering heart, which had been edging up my throat.

  The Astro Oasis Labs standard-issue hibernation attire was almost skin-tight and showed off the petite form of Lily’s youthful body to a maddening degree. I took a moment to admire her slim shape before I went about closing the doors on her chamber again.

  Those two small bumps on her chest had grown suddenly, then stayed pretty much the same for the past five years on Earth, high, perky and perfect. Her flat stomach flared out ever so slightly on the sides at her hips and led down the toned length of her legs.

  I gulped again. She was more attractive than any siren who ever called any sailor to ruin themselves on the rocks.

  Her hand looked so small, clasped in mine. I remembered the video she’d been caught watching. It was one where Samantha jerked me off. According to Samantha, Lily had been extremely engrossed in that before she was interrupted.


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