Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 203

by Scarlett Skyes

  "You're looking good, Abby. Chill out. Relax." He tried to remove his hand from my grasp, but it locked around him. Patrick strained a bit, but freed his hand from mine a moment later.

  "Oh - thank you. You're beautiful too." I replied, and immediately regretted it. You don't call boys beautiful, Abby.

  He laughed. "Thanks. Never been called beautiful before. So where you heading, Abby?"

  "Human Sexuality. Professor Reese." I was blushing from even mentioning anything remotely sex-related to the guy I just met.

  "Same here. Maybe we can be study buddies."

  "I'd, I'd really like that." I nodded. We started to finish our journey to the class. Professor Reese's lectures were held in this huge hall, with raised back rows, but all the desks ultimately created a semi-circle around the front of room. Oddly, for a psychology course, there was a padded table in the center. It looked like it belonged in med school classes instead of here.

  Professor Reese herself sat at her desk, looking out the window. She was quite young for a college professor, but that only meant she was about thirty, give or take a few years. I saw her eyes draw over the students entering her class. It wasn't a casual glance. it was more studious, curious. Maybe studying people was just part of the psychology aspect of the class.

  I found a seat and blushed more as Patrick was quick to sit beside me. Did he really like me?

  No, of course not. He smelled nerd on you. He just wants to mooch all the answers, like that asshole Darren did in tenth grade. Fake interest and use you.

  Self-esteem and me didn't play along together too well. When I turned nineteen over the summer, my big sister celebrated my birthday by taking me out and giving me with a whole new look. "Abby," she said, "You're a beautiful young woman. But the Princess Leia with thick glasses thing just isn't working for you."

  She didn't mean the sexy slave girl Leia either. In high school, I was the dork, obsessed with the straight As, an endeavor that got me into one of the best schools in the country. I didn't care about how I looked one lick, dressing myself from thrift stores, the cheapest glasses that got the job done, ratty old sneakers, and hair was just an inconvenience I bundled up and shoved away. As such, the boys didn't pay me any attention. Well, not any positive attention, at least. I've had my share of traumatic experiences.

  So after my sister got done with me, I started looking the way a smart young woman should. A low cut shirt, framed by a short sleeved blazer, and some cute shorts. A hair cut that was manageable as well as looking good - my sister was a miracle worker. She made me into a fine package that showed off everything nice about me, displaying my better assets without flaunting them - although knowing I wasn't hideous like I thought I was made flaunting much more tempting. Underneath all the new glitz and glamor, I was still the same geeky girl I always was. Breaking myself free of that self-image would be by no means be easy.

  "Good afternoon, class." The room settled as the professor spoke and snapped me back to the present. "Welcome to Human Sexuality 101. I'm Professor Sasha Reese, and I'll be instructing you over the coming year. Yes, this is a year-long course. Human sexuality is a broad field that can't be covered in a simple semester schedule."

  I did find that odd when I registered for it, but it was a valuable credit for my degree. It did count for double, though.

  Professor Reese took up a stack of papers and began to hand them out. "This class has subject matter that is viewed as controversial, but as an educator I view it as excellent source material for understanding the topic. As such, I'm forced to present all of you non-disclosure agreements. You are not to talk about what happens in this class to people outside of the class. Strict confidentiality. If you break this, I will be forced to drop you and the university will take disciplinary action."

  She began to drone on, but my sights drifted back to the guy sitting next to me. I admired his face, nearly swooning. Clean shaven, well maintained, a jaw I could cut stone on. I wanted to reach over and lay a kiss on him right now, and do things to him. I'm being vague because I only have the slightest clue what to do, being a virgin and all. All I know is that it's wonderful and I want to experience it, if not with Patrick, then with someone as hot as him.

  I snapped my gaze away when he turned his head. "Abby? The professor's NDA?"

  He held it under my face, me not taking it until it was there for a good five seconds. "Oh right. Thank you." You keep making yourself look like such an idiot, Abby. He'll think you're stupid and not even want to mooch answers off you and you'll totally lose your chance completely.

  Professor Reese called out. "If you disagree with these terms, you are welcome to leave. The counselors will work with you to reassign you to an appropriate class. I'm not going to force anyone to do something they don't want to."

  I stared down at the paper. The professor wasn't being oblique. It said everything she just said. That her classes lessons are to remain a secret. I'm suppose to keep confidentiality as a psychotherapist, so I figured I could consider this training. I signed it no issue, the scribbling throughout the the room told me that everyone else agreed too. Not one person went for the door.

  The papers were handed back, and Professor Reese collected them. "Excellent. This brings us to the second part of the legality. I will need two volunteers. One male, and one female for the coming year. This will call for actions beyond what is expected of a student, so this part is not compulsory."

  She dug out more forms, thicker, almost contract like.

  "The two chosen will work closely together, and I expect them to get along. They should have little fear, and be ready to test their comforts of being the focus on the class." Reese sat down behind the desk. "Of course, if you carry out your part as volunteer, I will guarantee you a full A-plus without question of other performance, among," she hesitated, "other perks." She shifted her eyebrows. Something wasn't right with the situation, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

  "Sounds like a good deal to me." Patrick said out of the side of his mouth, aimed in my direction.

  "All those interested, please come forward and take a copy of the contract. I'll expect it filled in and returned tomorrow." Reese leaned back in her chair.

  A few people, including Patrick, got up and went down to Professor Reese's desk. Those who made no moves I gazed over. They were quiet, not making eye contact, meek. They reminded me of, well, myself. All those going down were the confident and beautiful of the class.

  I was sketchy of what Reese was selling. I knew I could get an A-plus the old fashioned way, my academic skills being the only thing I truly had confidence in. My sister told me I should have confidence elsewhere in my life as well. Patrick was signing up, though. If we got matched together for the year, I'd certainly get to know him a lot better, and maybe get to show him I wasn't just some bumbling foolish girl.

  Jumping to my feet, I rushed down and grabbed a contract, and bolted back to my desk, almost embarrassed to be seen showing interest. Patrick was already reseated when I returned, shoving his papers in into his stuff. "Oh, you're going for it too, huh?"

  "Trying to live a little." I responded, my voice barely audible. Our eyes met again, his a blue ocean I could get lost in without regret. He was lost in mine too, but they were brown, and I'm pretty sure there's no good romantic metaphor for brown eyes.

  "If I could have everyone's attention and bring the class back to order." Some voice said. I didn't pay it any attention, instead focusing on Patrick. "Eyes to the front of the class, please."

  I cracked a smile. Maybe he did like me beyond just being some nerd to latch on for the year for easy answers.

  "Ahem!" Coughs. A few more moments passed. Then the thunder of a text book being dropped between us rang through the room.

  We couldn't ignore her any longer. Together we glanced up.

  "I do have a lesson to teach today, kids. They'll be plenty of time for you to be boyfriend and girlfriend outside of class." Professor Reese shot a scornful glare.
r />   "We're - we're not..." I blushed, breaking eye contact from her as well.

  "So you're not, then." She rubbed her chin, as she started back to the front of the room. "Alright then class, open up to page 7, and that'll start our introduction to today's lesson."

  I did my best to give her attention, but I couldn't help but fantasize about getting closer to Patrick.



  As I returned to my dorm room, I was faced with the behemoth of a contract. I pulled out my pen and made myself comfortable on my computer chair. The first part was basic information, my birth date, my gender, my name, my hair and eye color, it was like I was applying for a driver's license.

  I flipped over the first page, and I was hit with odder questions. What do you consider your sexual orientation? While college was for experimenting, I considered myself straight. for now anyway.

  How many sexual partners have you had thus far in your life? I saw a list of options: 1, 2-4, 5-9, 10+, and lastly one that said 'I am a virgin'. I blushed a little as I went ahead and checked it off. Professor Reese was all about confidentiality and non-disclosure, so it wasn't like she was going to pull me in front of the class and point to me, and say 'Hey everyone, Abby's a virgin! What a loser!'

  They only got weirder from there, as I got into the female only portion of the contract. Are you currently using any sort of hormonal contraception?, a yes and a no box, and an 'if yes', box with a blank line. I checked no and moved on. Not like I've needed the pill right now, although I'd be on it in a hot minute if someone like Patrick started to get serious. I mean, I like the guy, but I just met him. It wasn't the time to start making babies.

  Do you have any sexually transmitted infections? Nope.

  Do you have any hindrances or disorders with your reproductive system? Still nope.

  When was your last period? I had to stop and think, about a week and a half or so ago, give or take.

  Weird. Really, really weird. Why was she so concerned with my fertility and sexual history? I mean, it was a human sexuality class, but that didn't mean I'd be fucking anyone. Would I? She did say something about being comfortable in high pressure situations in front of everyone. It really bugged me how vague the whole thing was.

  It didn't help the next few pages were thick in legalese. My eyes glazed over, and I just sort of got the gist of it. I had to do whatever Professor Reese ordered during class hours, or else face deferral to the university's disciplinary committee and face high risk of expulsion. Bizarre terms for a class project, but there they were.

  Pushing the papers to the side, I turned to my computer, and brought up a search. I figure even if she was crazy about the NDA and such, some student must have been disgruntled about it. So I typed in 'Professor Sasha Reese', and hit enter. In an instant, the first results were some rate-my-professors sites. I clicked through, and found that all of her former students loved her. Rave reviews about how awesome she was. Some guy named Davey gushing about how she's his favorite teacher ever and he was really sad he had to leave her class, and how she changed his life. Like really over-dramatic, like she fucked him or something. Another entry from one of her colleagues raving how good of a student she was, some guy named Rivera or something.

  Not many negative reviews. Just some people complaining that they got booted out for not signing the NDA. I clicked back out to the search engine and tried to find something else, that wasn't one of those rating sites. Not a lot of luck, until I got to the bottom of the page, which stated Did you mean Sasha Reese? with the Professor part left out. My mouthed dropped.

  The first results were porn sites. Could she have done? No. Sasha Reese doesn't sound like some sort of super rare name. Some porn star just shares it. Then I saw the titles. Sasha Reese gets fucked in front of the class!

  I'll be perfectly honest. I don't do porn sites. I prefer using my imagination, maybe aided by a nice book with a racy romance, or perhaps something that just dumps the romance part entirely. You can be discreet, and I can fill in the details how I like them, like the heroine in every story I read is a frumpy naive virgin who the hero finds beautiful no matter what everyone else thinks. Not like I'm self-inserting or anything like that.

  On a gamble, I clicked on one of those links, and expected a barrage of pop up ads for doing so. Luckily, my browser was well equipped to deal with it, and only had to deal with one or two. The video loaded quickly, teaching me that the university had really good broadband. It was a shaky cell phone camera, blurry, but I could make out what was going on. There was no audio.

  On the table was a young woman, around my age, completely naked. An older man paced around her, touching her breasts, and her vagina. She was a nervous wreck. The face, the hair, they were unmistakable. It was Professor Reese.

  Or at least someone who looks a lot like her. I mean, I don't believe everything the internet tells me. Maybe she has some misogynistic ass of a student who wanted to attach her name to some porn videos? There's billions of people in the world, so it had to be possible for someone else to have an appearance similar to someone else. The video continued, as the man pulled out his penis and began to mount the Sasha/Sasha-look-alike. He started to fuck her, turning to the class, saying things. I wished so much there was sound.

  In the related videos section, there was another 'Sasha Reese' video. I clicked it, same crappy quality. This time it was a younger man on top of her, pounding into her from behind, her breasts swinging back and forth. Mesmerized, I found my free hand drifting down into my skirt, and into my panties. I watched as my professor, or person who looked like my professor, got fucked from behind. Students all around, watching her.

  Shame? Does she have any? She smiled like mad as she was pounded. Everyone was watching her. If the video had sound, I'm sure there would be rude comments thrown at her. It wasn't like she was only naked. She was fucking in front of everyone. Without regret.

  I'd never been naked in front of anyone who wasn't a doctor. Even when my big sister gave me a makeover, I refused to let her come in the changing room with me. I had to admit - the idea was hot, so unbelievably wrong. I thought about what would happen if I was in Sasha's position, of being fucked in front of the class. That all of my peers would know every sexy, sinful desire I had underneath my nice, good girl facade.

  My fingers slid in across my clit, my imagination taking over even as I watched the movie. I didn't see Professor Reese anymore, I saw me.

  A ripple of pleasure went through me, a bit more intense than before in my lonely times. My pussy leaked, and I started to slowly fingerfuck myself as I watched, trying to match the rhythm as I saw it. Harder, faster her student went into her, his balls slapping up onto her skin. My mind created the sound of flesh smacking between them. I was enraptured, and my hands were creating something so special building in my core. My fingers pumped faster through my pussy lips. Quicker over my clit. I became relentless in my pursuit of bliss, that last bit to put me over the top.

  A big wave hit me, my body shuddering as the orgasm lingered through. I knew there could be more for me if I had an actual man fucking me, that reality would blow away my fantasies. I gasped, and my eyes which had closed for my climax opened, watching the boy fucking Sasha groan himself, clutching her hips, and the professor tossing in her own throes of pleasure.

  She turned herself over, and presented her pussy to the class, her fingers spreading her lips, cum leaking out of her. The feeling of hot cream inside you, there wasn't anything I could imagine being more intimate.

  That was so risky. Especially if you're not on the pill. Wasn't she worried about getting pregnant?

  I glanced over to the contract, and all of the fertility-based questions. Wait, could that be the entire point?

  Absurd. Like she would recruit students to breed in her class.

  Then again, one man, one woman, a year long course. If the man was Patrick, you'd get to have sex with him. Feel his seed inside of you.

  Really, really, absurd Ab
by. You said you didn't want to make babies with guys you just met.

  My hands still soaked in my juices, I picked up the pen. I shouldn't even be considering this. This whole thing is shady, and what if it is your worst fear?

  What if your worst fear is your greatest desire?

  You won't even get picked, Abby. She probably wants someone with a bit of experience for whatever they're discussing. Just sign it, hand it in, forget it. I did just that.


  The next Human Sexuality class was more of the same. Patrick and I exchanged a few more awkward glances. I expected him to speak to me, ask me out, but he kept looking away when I looked at him. Could he be as nervous as I was?

  That nasty voice in my head just reminded me he didn't really like me.

  I pushed it aside. I noticed that Professor Reese seemed to be more concerned with the contracts that were set in front of her than the class, only passively lecturing, telling us to study and discuss things about the books ourselves. The fact that I had seen her in those videos stayed fresh in my mind. Those must have been years ago if it really was her.

  The following day though, first thing in the morning, the seats were filled, and Professor Reese had more than a little spring in her step and smile in her face. "Good morning, people!" she called out.

  There was a mumbed greeting in return. College students weren't usually equipped to be awake this early, even at 9 am.

  "I've made a decision regarding our two important volunteers for the year."

  Goosebumps hit my skin. I wondered if I knew any more than the rest of the class what Reese had possibly done in the past. I pushed it out of my mind, reminding myself that, yes, this was all far too absurd.

  "I got many applicants, but unfortunately, I had to reject a good deal of you for various reasons. STIs, birth control selections, or having to wait far too long for your ovulation." She paced as she explained.


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