Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 210

by Scarlett Skyes

  Murmurs among my classmates. The dean started pulling up his pants, stuffing his cock back into his boxers. Every eye remained on me.

  "The little things. They appeal to our brain, our most powerful sexual organ." He placed his hand on my abdomen, letting it lightly pet me and drift down over my sore clit. "Even now, as June lies here, leaking cum, I can't think of anything sexier in the entire world. I can feel my cock twitch with lust for her, wanting to rise again in spite of my own lack of energy, and the organ's need for rest. Even then, our brain leaps into action, creating pills to counteract that very issue. As tempting as it would be, class, our time draws to a close."

  Slowly but surely, the crowd started to pass. I could hear their voices to one another. 'Man she's a slut', 'Bet she'd put out real easy', 'Bitch be crazy' 'Totally cray cray'.

  I still didn't care.

  "Remember the NDA, class. I expect you back here on time next class as I will continue to explore the complex nature of human sexuality with June. It will another learning experience everyone will enjoy."

  The classroom emptied and I heard the jingles of the professor's belt, finally redressing himself. I still couldn't summon the strength to do anything but lie there, and enjoy the afterglow.

  "Gotta say, I like this approach, Nikolas. I was, um, captivated, to say the least." The dean approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You have Jefferson State's full support in your application of your 'method'."

  "Thank you, sir. It'll be good to settle down for a change."

  "Now about my wife cheating on me."

  "How about me and you discuss this over a beer? I have a lot to talk to you about, Dean."

  "Will do, Nikolas."


  "Sure, I suppose." He scratched his head. I wished I could be a fly on the wall as Rivera dropped his story on the dean. The dean shot me a nod and smile. "As for you, young lady, if this doesn't work out for you, you have a strong future as an escort. Seriously, your ass is better than anything I've ever paid for."

  "Thanks, I guess." It was the strangest compliment I've ever received.

  The professor and the dean shook hands and the dean started out of the room, a bit of spring in his step.

  "Blackmail about that was the backup plan if this didn't work." Professor Rivera stood over me and petted my hair away. "But that's hardly necessary, thanks to you. You did incredible, June. I'm sure we'll be teaching some wonderful lessons together." He caressed my belly. "I can't wait for this sexy little baby bump to grow, too. You're going to be a hot momma, I can see it right now."

  His calming touch left me, as he started to collect the items he threw on the floor during the course of our lesson, cleaning and preparing his room for the next class he had to teach. Now having the dean's blessing, would there be other girls he was doing this to? Perhaps even later today?

  What a difference a day makes. Yesterday I was working towards a future I couldn't see or understand, hoping my life would get better. Now, more than ever, I had a clear vision of my future. It was a pretty fucking awesome future.



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  Bareback 105: The Final Exam

  By Eliza DeGaulle


  With one last filthy lesson on her mind, Professor Sasha Reese is going all out, and wants the entire class to participate.

  Sasha has had a long, successful, and very fruitful career as a human sexuality professor. But when an old flame returns to her life, she finds that her time as an educator draws near its end. With one more big lesson on reproduction she needs to teach, she's going to go out with a bang, and she seeks to do just that, spreading her legs and getting ready to take each and every one of her students.


  Breeding/Impregnation, School/College, Student/Teacher, Exhibitionism, Gangbang, MFM Menage


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  My students gathered around my oversized lab desk, watching my lesson intently, not unlike any other demonstration in a class. Like a chemistry professor showing how chemicals react, I had them watch and observe so they could best understand the topic we were to discuss.

  What I was doing was kind of like chemistry.

  Molly's moans filled my lecture hall. I had paid for better sound proofing in my room, paid for it out of my own pocket, but it didn't stop me from getting strange looks from my neighboring professors. My students would leave my class sweaty, horny, and sometimes reeking of sex. It made people talk.

  I had a good purpose, I swear. I raised my voice to try to speak over her moans, something of a challenge, but after you gave this lesson several dozen times, it got easier. "Class, listen to Molly's voice ring through the room. The human female is traditionally a very loud creature when it comes time to breed, a direct contrast to the male. Marcus here's grunts and groans are from exertion, not pleasure, and we can barely hear him over Molly and my lecture. Does anyone have an idea why the female moans so loudly?"

  Their attention was glued onto the act in front of them. Marcus had Molly's legs pinned into her as he drove his cock deep inside her, again and again. It was prime breeding position, and Molly was one of those rare cases where her cycle aligned perfectly with my lesson. I was certain I was watching her impregnation at this moment.

  I gazed over the class, gesturing. "Anyone?"

  "Uh–" One boy began. "To show the male how much he's pleasing her, Professor Reese?"

  "That's a good guess, and there may be some truth to it. But I offer a more primal answer. That the moans are the human equivalent to a mating call." The class broke from their dedicated viewing of the act in front of them to give me a confused look. Only for a second, though. It's quite hard to ignore a girl being carnally pounded in front of you. "Some evolutionary psychologists believe that the female's moans are a signifier that she's ready for sex, and wants any male in proximity to come to her and fill her with his seed, so that she may begin her journey to motherhood."

  Molly screeched especially loud. I loved the look on her face. It contorted in utter bliss. I've seen this scene so many times before, but it still gets me hot and bothered, making me wish I was the one being fucked in front of the entire class again. I've tried to moderate my indulgence.

  I gently pushed Molly's hair out of her face, comforting her. "Yes, what I'm getting at is that I believe that the gangbang is the standard for human procreation, that monogamy is in fact something our more complex brains have created, not something instinctual. It is something we've adapted as we became a society with rules and taboos. Strip all that away, leave the primal woman who wants only to pass her genes onto the next generation? She wants every dick in sight inside her. The cavemen likely entertained themselves with nightly gangbangs with any woman willing."

  Molly's eyes were stolen by fear for brief moments before another deep penetration by Marcus ripped her attention right back. As hard as their being fucked, a gangbang sounds daunting, and something few are prepared for. Given I had announced that I was breeding her in front of the class a short while ago, me suddenly declaring every boy in the room drop their pants and fuck her didn't seem as crazy as it sounded.

  Instead, I smiled, dragging my hand gently over her rumbling breasts, petting her. She was a beautiful twenty year-old after all. "Don't worry, Molly. I tend to focus on modern perspectives, and as I said, the higher thoughts of our mind are what make human sexuality such an intriguing subject." Although the thought of every boy in the room dropping trou and filling my unprotected pussy with their cocks - I have to say, I may I have to change my panties before my next class. I tended to wear short skirts, and panties stained with juices you'd see if I sat in a chair in a certain way? That's just unprofessional.

  Marcus pou
nded faster, harder. His breath came ragged as I went behind him, pushing his bare buttocks deeper, helping his cock plunge through Molly's pussy. Molly's body began to tense, and I knew the signs. Orgasm was overtaking her, the sum of everything she had experienced.

  "Pay close attention. Molly is about to cum – and very hard. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest it may potentially be the hardest orgasm of her life. Why? Because the complexity of our minds raises our arousal beyond the primal levels. The fact that all of you are staring at, admiring her beautiful young naked body. It pets her ego, letting the dopamine flow. The fact she's fucking in public is huge. She may develop an exhibitionist fetish from today." I know that's what I did. "And to top it all off, a fellow student, who she's only known a week, is about to make her carry his child. Ideas to why all these facts are contributing to her fantastic orgasm?"

  One girl raised her hand. "He's rubbing her clit as he fucks her? I love when my boyfriend does that."

  "While that is a good skill, that's not what I'm getting at." I blushed. "I'm looking for a mental perspective."

  "She's being bad?" A boy spoke up. "She's not suppose to be naked in public. She's not suppose to be f– copulating in public. And she's not suppose to be having a man's child outside wedlock."

  "Very good, Antonio!" I gave him a smile. "Although, I allow the use of the word fucking in my class. Feel free to use it in the future." I shook my head – I was advocating this as a lesson. I shouldn't get my panties in a knot over language. "Molly is breaking society's rules. Nudity is the natural state of the body, and there's no such thing as privacy in the animal kingdom. Society has also dubbed that the only proper way to form a family is one man, one woman – although, thankfully, old archaic rules give way to progress."

  I leaned down, gazed into Molly's eyes. I was getting so good at reading my students, seeing the tinges of embarrassment, thrill, and lust all battling within.

  "And even then, rules are meant to be broken. Doing so means we defy the world, and it excites us to no end. We're trail blazers, we're nonconformists. It makes us feel special, further petting our ego."

  Her hot breath brushed over my face as I heard that final powerful moan sweep through her. She was coming.

  "Watch, this moment that we're forbidden to experience in public. When we cum, we lose control. The release of everything feels so completely wonderful. If you took a picture of Molly's face right now, and showed it to her later, she'd die of embarrassment." I heard the click of a phone. "No, Huey, give me your phone after class. The NDA strictly says no pictures or videos." Although having those spread through the internet is exciting in its own way, to be quite honest.

  Marcus grabbed her ass, his fingers clawing into her. His deep groans following, his cock buried in her pussy to the hilt. The little bit that remained outside her I could see rippling.

  "Everything we discussed about Molly applies to Marcus as well, although chastity is not valued in males as much as females, one of society's more questionable double standards. The paraphilia of being watched, of being bad, is causing Marcus to cum especially hard – you can see as his cock continues to pulse, emptying a higher quantity of his sperm than usual into Molly's fertile pussy."

  The two students who were the subject of my lesson fell into one another, ragged breaths their only sounds, trying to recover from what may have been the greatest sex either of them had ever experienced.

  "Also note, that in spite of having no connection between one another before tonight, how they gaze into one another's eyes. They have shared something so very special. This might not be even sexual, it can be compared to brothers in arms, surviving a war with each other. Or in this case, surviving fucking one another in class together." I grinned, and slapped Marcus on the ass. Knew that he had quite the nice ass to view. One of the reasons I chose him. "Any questions?"

  "Um, can I get bred tomorrow, Professor Reese?" A girl shot her hand up excitedly.

  "No, Rose. We only need one pregnant woman for the class. I'm sorry, but I have to show some restraint."

  "That's not fair, why does Molly get the easy A?"

  "Sorry, it's just how it is. I thought deeply about my decision." It was down to her and Molly. I chose Molly because I like alliterative name pairings. Marcus and Rose just doesn't roll off the tongue as well. This was, of course, after eliminating candidates for far more practical reasons.

  Rose pouted from my declaration.

  "That's all the time we have for today, class. Remember, practice safe sex – procreation should be saved for a committed relationship or for the furtherance of education." I sighed, watching them start to file out.

  Marcus was slow to pull himself out of Molly. "Uh, thank you, Professor Reese," he said, finding his clothes and pulling them on. "I didn't expect that to be the project that I signed up for, but it was, uh, enlightening?"

  "I'm glad you enjoyed it Marcus. Make sure you get plenty of rest, I'll need you at your best for the lessons the rest of the year."

  "Yes, Professor Reese." He nodded, dragging himself out of the room, walking kind of funny. It brought a smile to my face when I made the boys cum hard enough for that to happen.

  "Professor Reese, I–" Molly pulled herself up, sitting off the edge of her desk. "I don't know if that was a good idea. My parents will be pissed if I get pregnant. I can't afford a child right now."

  "There, there, Molly." I placed my hand on her shoulder. "There's nothing to worry about."

  Typically, this was where I made it a point to calm the girl who was just bred in my class, as they usually didn't know that was going to happen when they walked into the room today. Today, though, I was distracted by the figure standing at the top of the stairs.

  Professor John Rivera. My heart skipped a beat.

  "Molly, don't worry yourself. Calm down, enjoy your day. I have your e-mail, I'll shoot you one explaining it all later. You'll be taken care of." I spoke, never taking my eyes off my old professor as he slowly approached the front of the room.

  "What do you mean, Professor Reese?" she asked.

  "Asking questions is invaluable for learning, but right now I'd like you to leave, Molly."

  "Oh, okay, I guess." She shrugged, and got herself dressed, taking a tissue out of a box to wipe off the cum running down her leg before putting her panties back on – I suppose she didn't find cum-stained panties sexy. Her loss. She was on her way out as Professor Rivera reached me.

  He started to clap. "Quite the lesson, Sasha."

  My faced blushed like crazy. It was like I was a teenager again. Like I was when I first saw him, my first college crush. "Professor, what are you doing here? I thought you wanted to settle at Jefferson State."

  He sat down on the desk to my side. I remained standing, trembling in excitement. He's your peer now, Sasha. Calm down. You've been talking to him for over a year via e-mails. You're his comrade, his friend – and the mother of his child. Granted, the last wasn't that exclusive of a label, given his curriculum.

  "I figured if I could finally stop roaming the country, making up fake names, I may as well be close to a friend. I'm taking over for one of your fellows – she quit because of this ghostly moaning during her classes in the next room. She couldn't take it anymore, so I leapt at the opportunity."

  "You're going to be teaching the other Human Sexuality class instead of Professor Chapman?" I grinned. Chapman was prudish as all hell, and I always wondered why someone who was essentially a puritan was teaching the topic. I expected her to launch a moralistic campaign against me at some point. If she ever found out what the source of the moaning was, anyway. "That's awesome, Professor Rivera!" I fell onto him with a hug.

  "Having a peer who understands my teaching methods will be something special. A great way to spend my last year."

  "You're retiring?" I gasped. John Rivera was a beautiful man. A decade older than me, late forties, but he was still as sexy as when I first saw him, with a few more gray hairs. Even before that fate
ful lesson, I fantasized about him in my private time. With a dildo I named Johnny. You can guess why it's named Johnny.

  He kept himself in fantastic shape, from the hobby of being a gym rat perhaps, but not bulky in the slightest. His arms were manly, his jaw was square with the right amount of shadow on it. Everything I've done for the past thirteen years has been because of this man, the fantasies he made so true. "But you have at least two or three more decades in you."

  "I could. And I do love teaching. But I've dedicated so many years to it, and only it. It's not like I need the money, Sasha. I want to do some other things for awhile. Maybe I'll return, maybe I won't. I demand my students enjoy it as much as I do – being reamed by some sixty year old man no matter how well he takes care of himself isn't for everyone."

  "Join the club. Men have the option of aging like fine wine. I'm fighting off age and gravity," I muttered, sitting on my desk at his side.

  "You look fantastic, Sasha. You've matured, but you're just as sexy as you were as a college freshman. Especially since you've given birth."

  "Twice." I rolled my eyes, as if it were no big deal.

  Professor Rivera raised an eyebrow. "Ah yes, when you offered yourself as the class project – as the professor."

  "I got my own little family with lil' Johnny and Daiva. Just not a man to share it with." I made it a point to take it to my grave that my son shares a name with one of my old sex toys.

  "You're single, still? A girl like you, Sasha?"

  "Aren't you? You're quite the catch yourself. But I doubt you're going to find a wife who's okay with what you do. You think I'm going to find a man okay with this?"

  "That's true. One of the reasons I came back to be near you." A tingle down my spine. He came back for me.


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