Starborn (The Order of Orion Book 1)

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Starborn (The Order of Orion Book 1) Page 7

by Samantha Jane

  Dark almond-shaped eyes stared at the three Queensgate women, surveying them in detail. “I’m Serena. You need to come with me for your audits.”

  Willow felt like an ungainly giant standing beside her and found herself slouching. Serena’s flawless ivory skin—no freckles for her—was complemented by rich, chocolate brown hair pulled up in a ponytail. As the woman continued to stare at them, Willow sensed Paige and Isobel feeling self-conscious at the woman’s blatant scrutiny and became instantly protective. Willow also felt agitated that she couldn’t read Serena’s aura, and went on the offensive. “Audits?” asked Willow. “When are you people going to tell us where we are and what’s going on?”

  Serena put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. “I am telling you what’s happening,” she said as if talking to children. “Each of you will be interviewed by one of my colleagues. You’ll be asked about your life and ability. You must answer all our questions.” She looked pointedly at Willow. “We don’t just let anyone become one of us.”

  Willow wanted to scratch the woman’s eyes out, but took a deep breath and followed the other girls to quickly change.

  In their bright red beacons of newness, they followed Serena through the white corridors. Two female guards trailed behind the group, making Willow feel nervous.

  Isobel called out to Serena’s back. “Can’t you at least give us a bit of a tour? Why is everything white? It’s hideous.”

  Serena kept walking, but answered over her shoulder, “For ambient light. We live mostly underground, so we need as much reflective light as possible.”

  “Are we allowed up onto the island?” asked Paige in a timid voice.

  “In time, if you pass your auditing and initiation.” Serena nodded to another female Starborn dressed in black as she passed them in the corridor.

  “Why live underground?” asked Willow.

  “Buildings can be seen by routine satellite survey.” Although Serena’s tone was terse, she at least seemed willing to share information.

  Soon they came to a set of elevator doors at the end of a corridor and Serena entered a pin code. The doors slid open and after they all piled in—even the guards, Serena pressed three on the seven-level panel. The doors slid shut and Willow barely felt the hydraulics as the elevator silently traveled further down into the compound. More white greeted them when the doors opened. Again, they strode through a conglomerate of white corridors—only stopping when they came to a door marked Auditing.

  Serena ushered them through and introduced them to a young woman who was waiting with a clipboard. “This is Kiara. She’ll be handling your audits.”

  Kiara smiled warmly and shook each of their hands. When she clasped Willow’s hand, Willow was surprised she could easily detect the young woman’s emotions, which were a mix of enthusiasm and nervousness, belying her calm and efficient facade. Serena’s emotional footprint was still impenetrable and Willow wondered if the difference had something to do with Serena’s ability being something related to blocking.

  Gabriel arrived with the swaggering Granger and before they could talk with him, Kiara read aloud from her clipboard. “Willow you’re in audit room one, Isobel in room two, Paige in room three, and Gabriel you’ll be in four.”

  “Wait! We’re being separated?” Paige’s face paled. “Gabriel just got here. Let us talk to him first, please.”

  Gabriel moved close to her and Willow sensed a sudden burst of fierce protectiveness from him, and then Isobel.

  “Can’t we go together?” asked Willow, hoping to diffuse the tension but suspecting it would be futile. They were about to undergo the third degree, maybe even be interrogated from the look of audit room one across the hall. It had the look of a cop TV show interview room with only two chairs and a table, she thought grimly. Stark white, it also had a mirror along one side of the room, which she was willing to bet was a two-way.

  Kiara’s smile lost some of its warmth and she glanced at the guards who stood behind them. “I’m sorry. Our protocol is to always separate individuals.”

  Paige took quick shallow breaths and her body shrank into her tiny frame. Despite Gabriel’s arm around her, she began to shake, her body succumbing to a full blown panic attack. Kiara’s smile disappeared and a frown took its place.

  Where was the comrade in arms compassion? Surely most new arrivals were freaked out by the cloak and dagger secrecy, especially after the invisible dock sideshow.

  “Come on, surely you can bend the rules, just this once?” asked Willow as she reached out to comfort Paige. “Let one of us stay with her.”

  Kiara shook her head. “No, that’s not part of our protocol.”

  “Well, stuff your protocol. There’s no need to frighten us.” Willow raised her voice. “I want to see who’s in charge.”

  Kiara’s perfectly shaped brows dipped in annoyance. “I’m in charge.” She referred to her clipboard once again and rattled off their names and allocated rooms. Reluctantly the Queensgate group separated. After Paige walked to room three with her head held high, despite her wobbling legs, Kiara motioned to Granger. “Granger, please escort Willow Trilby to room one.”

  “It would be my pleasure, Kiara,” he said, giving her an easy smile.

  A faint blush warmed Kiara’s cheeks and Willow thought that Granger’s boyish good looks were surely the basis of his charm rather than his personality.

  “Come on, Doc,” he said as he grabbed her arm and led her across the hall. “Time to spill all your secrets.”


  Suddenly, Willow lost her attitude about their procedures and protocols. As she was led into the cold bare room she thought of Eve.

  Had her sister ever been through this process? Had she been frightened or brave? She wondered if Eve had told these Starborn people what a twelve year old Willow had done, how she’d torn her family apart. In her pocket she’d smuggled her treasured picture of Eve, and knowing it was close gave her courage. Wresting her arm from Granger, she walked into audit room one determined to find out answers.



  A monitor, set up on the table in front of Lucas, displayed all visual, auditory and extrasensory material occurring in audit room one. Willow flashed up on the small screen, showing her take the seat that faced the two-way mirror. He stepped up to the glass and allowed himself a moment to appreciate her beauty. She was a striking vision in scarlet, with her regulation red outfit and her dark red hair flowing loose around her shoulders. She stared into the mirror and he had the sudden feeling she knew he watched her. He swallowed hard. On the boat, her blue eyes had been dark like the stormy seas they’d traveled through, now, in the stark white room, they were a pretty sky blue.

  “Wow,” said Ned, The Order of Orion’s lead technician. He sat in front of the recording equipment and as he stared at Willow, his fingers slowed at the keyboard. “She’s smart and a knockout.”

  “Just make sure everything is online and working.”

  The door to the observation room opened and Granger slipped in quietly. “Hey, I thought I’d watch Doc’s audit.”

  Lucas wished he had a legitimate reason to say no to Granger, but given they often observed the audits of their capture orders together, he couldn't stop him. “You sure you don’t want to watch one of the patients?”

  Granger gave him a smile that reeked of mischief. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  “Ned, send in Kiara.” Lucas moved to stand behind Ned and waited for the technician to instruct Kiara to commence the audit via audio link.

  Kiara entered the audit room and took the seat opposite Willow, sitting slightly to the left to allow them a clear view of Willow. The contrast between Willow and Kiara couldn't be more different. Average in height with shoulder length, mousy brown hair, Kiara was a pale sparrow compared to the vibrant Willow.

  “Welcome to the Sanctuary. Part of the orientation process is to conduct an audit or what you might call an interview.”

on? You make it sound like a country club.” Willow raised her eyebrows. “But I’m starting to get the impression that this place is far from it and that it’s maybe more like a compound.”

  Lucas worked hard to keep a smile off his face.

  Kiara glanced down at her standardized audit questionnaire, rattled by Willow’s sass. She was relatively new to the auditing team, but he’d heard she showed remarkable promise despite her young age. “Unfortunately this is standard protocol for all new arrivals,” she continued.

  “So I’m’s not exactly welcoming to people who are frightened out of their minds.”

  “Willow, I’d like to start. Could you please confirm your full name?”

  “Willow Rose Trilby.”

  “You’re twenty-six, is that correct?”

  Willow nodded.

  Kiara referred to her clipboard. “You were born on the twentieth of June?”

  Willow’s response was unintelligible.

  “Ned did you get that?” barked Lucas.

  “No, I couldn’t pick it up.”

  Kiara frowned. “Willow please speak at an audible level at all times.”

  “Yes. I was born on the twentieth of June.”

  “Could you please tell me the location and exact time of your birth?”

  Willow shifted in her chair. “Why?”

  “Please answer the question.”

  “British Columbia.”

  Kiara frowned. “But what about the exact location and time?”

  “What’s that got to do with anything?” asked Willow, defensively.

  “Everything. It’s very important, Willow.”

  She was quiet for a few moments before she replied in a soft voice, “I don’t know. My mom moved around a lot…I don’t know who my biological father is.” She leaned forward, her elbows on the table. “Please tell me why you want to know these things?”

  Lucas gave Ned the go ahead for Kiara to respond to Willow’s question. Kiara nodded as she received the instruction via her ear piece.

  Kiara gave a slight smile. “I’ve been authorized to answer your questions as long as you continue to cooperate.”

  “Yes, yes, I’ll cooperate.” Willow’s eyes were alight with interest. “Tell me, is my birth significant to my ability?”

  “Yes, it can be. We here are called Starborn because all of us possess extrasensory ability due to a rare planetary alignment at our birth.”

  “Stars? As in astrology?”

  “Sort of. Hindu Vedic astrology proclaims that people born when the planet Ketu is aligned with the moon will possess metaphysical ability. They’re not too far off, but it’s not so simple. In reality, there are a set of precise factors that need to co-occur for someone to develop significant telekinetic ability.”

  “If someone was born on the same day and at the same time as someone who had an ability, would they have it too?” Willow’s voice was edged with excitement.

  “Maybe. But even if they were born at the same hospital at the exact important astral time, the other one might not develop it. What is significant is the pregnancy, and whether the fetus suffered any trauma before birth. We know this, combined with the astral alignment, triggers later development of metaphysical ability.”

  Willow’s whole demeanor changed, her face paled and her eyes widened. “What about twins?” she asked in a desperate voice. “If one twin has telepathic ability, will the other have it too?”

  Lucas sucked in his breath. None of his research had revealed an identical twin. The only information he’d discovered had been of a sister who had been placed in foster care and separated from Willow when she had been twelve years of age. He couldn’t believe the Starborn research department had failed to discover they had been twins.

  Kiara regarded Willow with interest. “In theory, yes. We have only ever had one set of Starborn twins in our four-hundred-year history. And yes, they both were Starborn.”

  Willow sat motionless for a few moments before she looked toward the mirror with desperate hope in her eyes, convincing Lucas she knew he watched her. Her silent communication to him made for uncomfortable feelings. He wanted to believe she was only a recruit like the many others he’d brought from Queensgate, but his reaction to her said otherwise.

  “Willow, are you a twin?” Kiara leaned forward. “Is that what you’re saying to me?”

  “Yes. Yes, that’s what I’m telling you. Please, has anyone ever come here who looked like me? Exactly like me?”

  An identical twin? Lucas felt as though he’d been punched in the gut.

  Kiara’s eyes bulged before she took a shaky breath. “I’m sure someone will be able to check our database.” She smoothed her brown hair. “But I need to follow protocol and continue with the audit.”

  “Please...if she’s Starborn then you must have some record of her. Please, can you check?” Willow fumbled for something in her pant pocket. With shaking fingers she withdrew a well-worn Polaroid. He couldn’t see the image from his position, but he assumed it was a picture of her sister. Willow placed it on the table and slowly pushed it toward Kiara.

  Kiara didn’t look down. “Willow, I’m not able to stop our protocol yet. Can you please tell me when you first noticed your ability?”

  “Fuck your protocol!” Willow stood and paced around the small room. “Lucas Black promised me you would help. I’m not telling you a damn thing until someone finds out the answers to my questions.”

  Lucas grabbed the microphone headset off Ned. “Kiara, this is Lucas. Tell her someone will find out for her, but if she wants answers, she needs to cooperate and answer our questions first.”

  After Kiara relayed his message, Willow came to stand in front of the mirror. “Fine! Fire away.”

  “Can you please tell us about the first time you suspected you were different? When your ability first appeared?”

  “I was twelve years old. I was in a new foster home and I started having what my foster mother called emotional fits.”

  “What would you call it?”

  “I became overwhelmed with emotion; sadness, anger, excitement. But these weren’t normal child reactions to childhood excitements and disappointments. An emotion would wash over me that was irrelevant to what I was doing or experiencing at the time. For example, I would be eating my favorite dinner and suddenly become inconsolable with sadness.”

  Willow turned away from Kiara and her voice became hoarse. “I’m sure I was exactly what my foster mother hoped she wouldn’t get. A basket case. It’s always a gamble for the foster parents and which child they’re allocated. But she tried her best. She took me to a counselor who helped me cope externally. I could better hide the roller coaster going on inside. As I got older I realized the emotional fits were worse when I touched someone, and it wasn’t my emotions I was coping with…it was everyone else’s.”

  Lucas listened as she went on to answer questions about specific times, places and people involved in situations where her telepathy had been activated. She swore she had told no one about her ability and he found himself believing her. She grew restless under Kiara’s questioning, twisting her hair and then drumming her fingers on the stainless steel table. As the interview drew to a close, Lucas spoke into the microphone, “Kiara, ask her about directing her emotions onto others. I want some examples.”

  Granger moved to stand close to Lucas. “You worried she’s been making you a love zombie?”

  Lucas reacted before he could think logically. He grabbed Granger by the shirt and pulled him up close. “I’ve had enough of your shit. Both our careers depend on her, not to mention her life. What the hell’s wrong with you?” He shoved Granger away and took a few deep breaths.

  Granger made a deliberate show of straightening his shirt. Ned didn’t make a peep, but watched them with interest. Lucas inwardly groaned. His altercation with Granger over a woman would be the talk of the Sanctuary by sundown.

  Kiara’s voice came through the audio. “Willow, you’ve de
scribed how you’re able to receive another person’s emotions. We would like to know, can project your emotions onto others?”

  “Please, I want to find my sister. Can’t we talk about this later? You’ve got to help me find out if she’s been here.”

  Kiara ignored Willow’s plea and persisted. “Willow, are you able to transmit or project your emotions onto others?”

  Suddenly a scream ripped through the audio. Primal and tortured, the sound lifted the hair off the back of Lucas’ neck. Just as quickly, it stopped. Kiara’s face was white as she took deep breaths, one hand touching her throat as she struggled to calm herself.

  Willow sat in the aluminum chair, her face calm but determined. Slowly, she turned to look at the mirror. “Now, will you check your records?”



  Willow was escorted back to her quarters by a female guard. As she waited for Isobel and Paige to return, her mind raced with the implications of Kiara’s revelation of how Starborn people developed their abilities. Adrenalin and excitement pumped through her as she paced around the room. Eve! She’d been right to focus on researching metaphysical power in the hope of finding her. Still not knowing her whereabouts though was a kick in the guts. Frustration gnawed at her. Made her feel desperate for action. She took a deep breath and walked to the door. Opening it quietly, she took a quick peek down the corridor.

  A young female officer stood guarding the door.


  “Hey,” said Willow.

  “Can I help you with anything?” The officer’s hands rested on her hips just above a wicked looking gun.

  “Er, I’m feeling a bit hungry. Can I order a pizza?”

  The officer frowned at Willow. “Ma’am, you need to wait inside. There should be food in the fridge for you.”

  Ma’am? Willow closed the door and decided to lie down on her bed for a while to collect her thoughts. Plumping up two pillows, she leaned back with her hands linked under her head. She needed a plan. One that didn’t involve pissing off other Starborn. Messing with Kiara this morning had come from the heart and not her head. Nothing would be gained from alienating the people who could help her find Eve.


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