Scholarship Girl

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Scholarship Girl Page 17

by Kat Cotton

  Looking around the foyer, Angela was the only one in a “proper” ball gown. The skirt of her pink dress hung in tiers of frou-frou with more ruffles than I thought possible to fit on one dress.

  Most of the other girls wore dresses like mine. Knee-length and fancy without being too formal. I had no idea what that style was called.

  “Our car’s here.” Ren nodded to Lucas and Britney. The four of us planned to travel together.

  Ren swept through the lobby, the waiting students clearing a path for him. Someone pushed me in the back and I stumbled a little but Ren’s arm kept me upright.

  When we settled in the back of the limo, I actually looked at Ren. His tuxedo fit him perfectly. I guess it’d been tailored for him. He had his hair slicked back so that he looked like an old-time movie star.

  I gulped.

  “Don’t worry about what she said.” He tried to look reassuring.

  “I’m not. In the list of things I’m worried about, Angela’s opinion of me is way near the bottom.” She was just another on a long list of people who wanted to kill me.

  “You don’t think she’s the one spreading information,” Britney asked. “She doesn’t seem trustworthy.”

  I nodded my head. I didn’t think so. For one thing, it’d ruin her chances of dating Ren if he got taken by vampires and that was way outside her plans.

  “She’d better not be spreading information about me. I’ve got a few things on her.”

  I tried to hide my smile. I’d never told Lucas about that night and didn’t want him questioning me.

  After that, the four of us kept quiet most of the way to the dance. Lucas fidgeted with his suit, tugging at the collar and pulling at the knees of his pants. Britney kept sighing and Ren tried to look cool but clenched his hands into tight fists on his legs.

  When we pulled up at the reception center, someone opened the car door. Ren got out, then he offered me his hand.

  “I can’t.”

  “Huh? Oh yeah, that thing.”

  I got out myself then Lucas followed offering his hand to Britney, copying what Ren had done. He shot me a smile, pleased at himself.

  The four of us walked into the reception center. The place looked a lot classier than I’d pictured in my head. Fairy lights twinkled around the walls. Sigils and protection marks had been worked into the decorations. Vampire repelling decorations covered the tables and had even been added to the dance floor but, for now, most of the students stood around near the entrance.

  A waiter walked by with a tray of food. I reached out and grabbed one of those tasty morsels. If we were going to face an attack, I needed to keep my strength up.

  “We should find our table,” Ren said.

  I gazed lovingly at the next tray of food coming around. There’d be nothing left on that tray by the time it got to our table.

  One of the staff showed us to our seats.

  “This isn’t right.” Britney pointed at the table. “We’re supposed to be near the doors.”

  The staff member smiled. “Because you have an important guest with you, management decided to upgrade you.”

  “Well, you can downgrade us.” Lucas stepped forward. “We want to be near the doors.”

  “The doors are all locked and guarded for tonight. Security reasons. So, you see, there’s no advantage at all to being on that side of the room.”

  Britney glanced at the dance floor. I understood her concern. That dance floor was empty right now but soon it’d be jam-packed. Blocking our access to the terrace.

  “Anyway, it’s impossible to move you now.”

  Ren scowled. He knew the plan as well as any of us.

  “Ren, you traitor.” Oscar’s scream could be heard over the band. “Ditch the losers.”

  I ducked my head. I didn’t want anyone seeing my face redden.

  With the distraction, the staff member had disappeared. Bollocks. We had to get this sorted out.

  “Don’t worry about Oscar,” Ren said. “Let’s dance.”

  I shook my head. I didn’t dance. And no one else was on the dance floor. I couldn’t stay inconspicuous being with Ren but I didn’t want to flaunt it either. I sat down with my back to the room. I didn’t want to turn around and see people talking about me.

  “I’d rather eat than dance.” Where had that waiter gone?

  Mr. Norton came over to join us.

  Lucas screwed up his face. “We’re really not going to look cool with a teacher sitting at our table.”

  I never knew looking cool was so important to him.

  “You’ll just have to deal with that because you’re not here to win cool points. We have a job to do.”

  I nodded. Focus on the job. That seemed a much better thing to do than to wonder if those eyes boring into my back would translate to something much nastier later on.

  “We all know the plan,” Britney said. “Mark, Tarragon and Seth are in position on the roof?”

  Mr. Norton nodded. “They’re ready.”

  “So, you want Ren and me to go outside. The vamps attack and the guys stake him. Let’s get on with it.” I half stood but Mr. Norton pulled me back to my seat.

  “You can’t go outside with him now. It’s too early in the evening. We need to wait until the right time.”

  “I’ve never been to a dance before so I have no idea what the right timing is for that kind of thing.”

  As much as I didn’t want to do any of this, I’d rather do it sooner than later.

  Before we could work this out, Angela came to our table, almost pushing me off my chair as she leaned in close to Ren.

  “I asked the band to play our song. It’s next up.”

  They had a song? I didn’t want to care about that. Ren could have a song with anyone he liked.

  Ren shrugged. “I’m not well enough to dance.”

  I bit my lip to stop from laughing. Lucas did the same.

  “Dance with Angela?” Mr. Norton scratched his head. “That sounds like an excellent idea. I’m sure you’re well enough, Ren. Enjoy yourself.”

  “But the fever...” Ren said through gritted teeth.

  “Enjoy yourself.” Mr. Norton’s teeth were every bit as gritted as Ren’s.

  He obviously wanted to get Angela out of the way for our last-minute planning.

  “Go ahead,” I said, smiling sweetly. “I don’t mind if you have one dance with her.”

  Ren tried to argue but his words were lost as Angela dragged him onto the dance floor. The band started a song I didn’t know but then that was not a big deal. I wasn’t exactly into popular music. It was a slow song, though and they danced way too close to each other.

  Half the room seemed to get on the dance floor once Ren and Angela did, blocking my view of them.

  “Are you listening. Cherry?”

  I turned back to Mr. Norton and nodded.

  “Because you seemed more interested in what Ren and Angela are doing.”

  “No. No. Not at all. I’m all ears.”

  Mr. Norton ran through the plan again. Not much had changed from when he’d told us earlier in the day. I nodded in all the places to prove that I was listening and not paying attention to Ren.

  “Oh no!” Lucas pointed to the dance floor. “Angela’s dragging Ren outside.”

  I spun around. She sure was, and Ren tried to fight her off but it seemed like he started having another fit.

  Chapter 31

  “I’ll let the guys know, you follow them out.” Mr. Norton nodded.

  Yeah, of course, everyone decided this was the ideal moment to hit the dance floor. Instead of rushing to the door, we fought our way through flailing bodies. The music pounded in my ears, emphasizing the urgency.

  Britney moved in front, pushing her way through. A couple of times I got pinched and whispers of “bitch” and worse rang in my ears. One girl almost slapped me in the face as her hand flew up.

  “Which door did they go out?” Britney shouted over the band.

“The end one, I think.” Lucas led us to the large doors leading to the patio outside.

  A security guy blocked the door. “Sorry, you’re not allowed out.”

  I sucked in my breath. Mr. Norton had said that we’d be allowed out even if no one else was. This guy obviously hadn’t got the memo.

  “We’re on the list.” Britney folded her arms. “Check it.”

  We didn’t have time for protracted discussions. I tried to catch Mr. Norton’s eye but that dance floor had become way too packed.

  “Sorry, rules are rules.”

  “Sorry,” she said. “But we’re got a job to do.”

  Britney flicked her hand at the guy. I’m not sure what she did but he suddenly grabbed his crotch, moaning in agony.

  We slipped out to the terrace, looking around for Ren and Angela. Spotlights flooded the terrace. Extra lighting had been added to make it harder for an attack out here.

  Lucas sniffed the air. “I can smell her perfume.”

  He rushed across the terrace and down the stairs to the lower level. Angela’s screams hit our ears before we even got to the bottom of the stairs.

  Angela stood near the balustrade still screaming while Ren convulsed on the ground near her.

  They shouldn’t be there. Our plan hadn’t included a lower terrace. Not with Mark and the rest of the team on the roof. They could jump down for a surprise attack on the main terrace but not here.

  We rushed over to them. Britney put her arm around Angela.

  “I didn’t do a thing. I didn’t.” Tears streamed down her face and her voice rose to a high pitch. “It’s not my fault. Now he’s going to turn to dust like that other guy, isn’t he?”

  I saved that comment for later. “Run inside. We’ll look after him.”

  But, as Angela run across the terrace, something dropped from the shadows, grabbing her around the neck. Her screams almost broke my eardrums.


  If it was up to me, I’d let the vampire take her. But I couldn’t let my personal feelings interfere. With Ren convulsing on the ground though, someone had to protect him.

  “I’ll save Angela, you look after Ren.” I rushed across the terrace.

  The florals of Angela’s perfume mixed with the smell of death. Angela struggled in the vampire’s arms. He wasn’t the same vampires who’d taken Ren. I’d kill him if I had to but it wouldn’t help Ren any.

  “Give me the boy and I’ll let her go.”

  I could try zapping that vamp to kingdom come but not in front of Angela.

  “Let her go.”

  The vamp laughed.

  “Help me, Cherry. Please.” Angela’s voice was little more than a squeak and wow, that was the first time she’d spoken politely to me.

  The vampire pressed his teeth against Angela’s neck. If he wanted Ren so badly, why didn’t he drop her and go straight for the prize?

  That meant other vampires were going for Ren. I had to defeat this guy fast before they got to him.

  He dragged her into the shadows.

  Ha, fool. Playing to my strength. I’d disappear, dusting him without Angela seeing a thing. I need to cause a distraction, just for a split second, so I could disappear and get my stake out.

  Something smashed on to the terrace. Mark?

  Angela twisted in that direction and the vampire’s gaze followed the thud.

  I couldn’t get the vampire in the heart, not while he held Angela in front of him.

  Knife, it’d have to be.

  I hiked my dress up. My hand wrapped around the handle of my knife. Now to get close enough to attack him.

  I sprung, much quieter on my feet than Mark. Melding into the darkness, I rushed the vampire.

  I’d never stabbed anyone before but this was no time for beginner’s nerves. The knife sunk into his neck with no resistance. As he slumped, his grip on Angela weakened.

  Yes! I was a natural at this vampire stabbing.

  Luckily Angela took off, running for the stairs. I whipped out my stake and plunged it into his heart.

  No one ever mentioned how hard it would be getting that stake through the fabric of his clothes. If he hadn’t been weakened by my blade, I’d have never managed. But I gave that stake an extra hard shove.

  Whoa, those suckers really did turn to dust. The body just dissolved, the dust pile blowing across the terrace.

  Gross. I didn’t want any of that dust on me.

  One done, and who knew how many more to go. I spun to face Ren. At least three of those vamps surrounded him. Where the hell were Mark and the others?

  Chapter 32

  Britney had a vamp pinned against the wall, using her power to keep him there by the look of it. Lucas fought the other. Why hadn’t he shifted? I guess it’s hard to stake a vamp without opposable thumbs. Why weren’t either of them staking vampires instead of fighting them? The third vampire leaned over Ren, trying to lift him off the ground.

  I rushed into the fray, knife in one hand, stake in the other. I could do this. I’d dusted one vamp and power flowed through my veins, giving me a rush of energy.

  Firstly, I had to save Ren.

  I had the element of surprise.

  Slam. The stake went easily through the vampire’s cheap shirt, dusting him in seconds. I laughed. Killing vampires was too easy.

  Ren groaned. I wanted to get him inside, safe from this danger. Screw using him as bait. He’d stopped convulsing but he looked weak as a kitten.

  “Can you get up?”

  He just groaned again. That didn’t sound good.

  Britney screamed. I didn’t want to leave Ren but I needed to help her. She still had the vampire up against the wall but she slumped, looking pale and weakened.

  I slammed into the vamp, trying to stake him. Missed the first time and he smashed me to the ground. Jumping up, I knifed him in the stomach. He hadn’t expected that.

  As he folded over, I rammed the stake into his chest. He crumpled, leaving just his clothing in a pile on the ground.

  Britney reeled back, gasping.

  “Why didn’t you stake him?” I spun around to see if Lucas needed help.

  “I tried.” She panted.

  Lucas growled. I wondered if he’d turn before he could stake that vamp. Strands of hair stuck to the sweat on my face but I had reserves of energy left. I’d take down that fourth vampire and be back inside before they served the main meal.

  Before I could stake that last vampire, Lucas lunged forward, getting that vampire in the chest.

  “Is that all?” I looked around.

  Lucas nodded. “That’s all we’ve seen but none of them are the one who bit Ren.”

  I’d thought so too. We couldn’t fail now, not with Ren so weak but then we couldn’t just linger on the terrace waiting for another attack.

  “We need to get him safe.”

  Lucas nodded and grabbed Ren around the shoulders.

  “I’m fine.” Ren tried to get to his feet. “Did anyone see that?”

  “Nope but maybe we should get back to the school.” I tried to smile at him but the way he moved scared me.

  This dance had been a complete disaster so far but it’d still been better than I’d expected. I’d dusted three vampires. I gave myself three hundred points for that. And Ren had survived.

  Britney could barely walk but heck, she’d done all that in those shoes. I straightened my dress and tried to brush off the vampire dust.

  I’d done it. I’d been the champion of the world. From being the worst scholarship student ever with no paranormal ability, I’d taken on three vampires and defeated them all. No matter what anyone had said, I’d become the best.

  Lucas tried to help Ren walk but Ren pushed him away.

  “He can’t go back inside looking like that. I’ll run and get Mr. Norton.” Britney took off, her strength seeming to return.

  “Why didn’t she stake that vampire?” I asked Lucas.

  “She doesn’t like killing things.”
r />   I shrugged. I guessed killing things was bad but they were vampires and they’d have no issue with killing us.

  We’d just got Ren to the top of the stairs when suddenly the music became louder. I figured it was Britney coming back with Mr. Norton.

  Then I looked up.

  Angela rushed out the doors with a pack of students behind her.

  “There she is. She attacked Ren then she attacked me.”

  “Huh?” I didn’t expect gratitude when I saved Angela but for her to say I attacked her...Lucas and I exchanged glances.

  “Ren, baby, are you okay?”

  Ren backed away as Angela rushed toward him but was too weak to stand on his own.

  The crackling in the air intensified. A heaviness fell around me, like the still before a storm. That was all we needed right now.

  But instead of a storm, a fluttering surrounded us.

  I inhaled. Vampires. Lots of vampires. And half the student body was outside on the terrace.

  “Get inside!” I screamed.

  “Not likely,” Angela stomped her foot. “Not when you’re going to do goodness knows what to Ren. How did you get him to ask you to the dance in the first place? You’re not safe to be around him.”

  I didn’t have time for this.

  Mr. Norton came out to the terrace with Britney trailing behind him. They had a bunch of those security guys with them, trying to round up the students.

  The sky turned black, even the stars were hidden.

  My belly sunk. We needed to get those students inside fast. And we needed to get Ren to safety. Maybe I’d been a bit premature in declaring myself champion of the world.

  The fluttering came closer, like a massive wind storm.

  Finally, Mark and the others joined us, looking a little banged up.

  “This is going to get bad,” Mark said.

  Yeah, that much was obvious. My legs trembled.

  “I didn’t know there’d be a show,” someone yelled out.

  They thought this was part of the entertainment? They could keep believing that. So long as they went back inside. Even with the extra security, there were too many students pressing out for them to be controlled.


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