Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

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Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 11

by Anya Merchant

  He knew that if he left without checking in with her, as a responsible, intelligent woman, her first reaction would be to call the Ludling Estate. That would result in Olivia finding out that he had ditched for the day, and only compound her frustration with him. Instead, John put on his most formal air and walked down the hallway to the classroom with a confidence that required every ounce of his being to sustain.

  “John,” Ms. Willis turned from the blackboard to the door as he entered, as did Kari. “You’re late.”

  “I’m sorry Ms. Willis, I’m not going to be able to sit in for my lesson today. There are some pressing issues that I must attend to as the new Count. Perhaps I can schedule a private lesson to get caught up over the weekend?”

  John’s tone of voice was nuanced, professional, and laden with a deep respect for his teacher. He could tell from the look on her face that it had worked. The same couldn’t be said for Kari van Katho, who smiled at him with a teenage knowledge that saw through his ruse with a natural ease.

  “Oh, come on, John,” said Kari. “Count business? Is that the best you could come up with?”

  John glared at her, more out of necessity than anger. She was smart, sexy, the same age as him, and so many other things that he found attractive, but he found himself hoping that she’d also be intuitive and tactful enough to get the message he was trying to give her with his gaze.

  She apparently was.

  “Kari, John has a lot on his shoulders at the moment,” said Ms. Willis. “Broad as they may be, I get the feeling he might be a little overwhelmed having to contend with school at the same time.”

  She walked over to him and set a hand on one of his aforementioned broad shoulders and smiled at him. There was kindness in her expression, along with something else, something that made John’s heart speed up and his lower half fill with excitement.

  “I will drop in this weekend for a private lesson, John,” said Ms. Willis. “First thing tomorrow morning. And I expect to see you on Monday, absolutely no excuses to the contrary.”

  John nodded slowly, meeting the older woman’s gaze and feeling a strange, forbidden heat fill the space in between them.

  “Of course, Ms. Willis,” said John. “Anything you need.”

  She licked her lips and then walked back over to the blackboard. This time, it was Kari who was glaring at the two of them as he made his way back towards the door. John understood the message, loud and clear. She was there in the classroom, and he was leaving. On the surface, it was blatantly unfair.

  But John didn’t have time to make it better, or explain why it had to be. The evidence from the night before was out there, somewhere in the world, and it was up to him to find it before it was too late.


  John headed deeper into the town, thinking with intent, desperate focus about the best way to proceed. He still had no clue where to start, not a single real idea to work from. He’d known the woman by her face alone. It felt like it was impossible to track someone down based off so little, and when he found her, he’d still have to figure out a way to get her to give up the evidence.

  He had his cell phone in his pocket, and it suddenly dawned on him that there was one other person who could help him out. His mom had been there with him, been the entire reason that he had to begin his search in the first place. He ignored the memory of what had happened, and focused instead on what he needed to do in order to fix it.

  “Hello?” Natalie didn’t answer until the phone had been ringing for a while, and her voice echoed around wherever she was in the background.

  “Hey mom,” said John. “I’m trying to sort out what’s going on with what happened last night.”

  “John, I told you not to worry about that.” His mom’s tone was reassuring and a little dismissive. “Besides, you’re supposed to be in school.”

  John sighed, and tried to keep his frustration in check.

  “If I don’t get this figured out, I’ll never be able to go to school again,” he said. “Mom, this will destroy us! I’m the Count, and well…”

  He paused and looked around the area as he walked down the sidewalk.

  “What happened last night… nobody can know about it.”

  There was silence at the other end for a moment, and then John heard his mom clear her throat in a manner that was both cute and a little awkward.

  “Alright, fine,” she said. “I’m at the swimming pool in the Blackthorn Fitness Center right now. Come join me for a swim and we can talk some more.”

  John shook his head, a useless gesture over the phone.

  “Mom, I don’t have my swimsuit with me,” he said. “Besides, this is a pressing issue. I can’t-“

  “I won’t take no for an answer,” said Natalie. “I brought one for you in my bag. I got a feeling that you might be joining me sometime today.”

  “… Alright.” With a word, John relented. He didn’t want to, but he had no other leads to go on. His mother knew Blackthorn better than he did, and her hunches would be worth following through on.

  It took him about ten minutes of walking to get there. He stopped to ask for directions outside of the grocery store and discovered that the Blackthorn Fitness Center was on the far edge of town, in the opposite direction of Ludling Mansion.

  It was a large building, made of cement and heavy brick. It was only two floors high, but it extended a fair way out to the back and sides. There were a number of cars parked in the lot outside, more than John would have expected.

  He made his way up the front stairs and inside, and was greeted by a very cute, very bored looking girl behind the front desk. She was reading a magazine and didn’t look up as he approached.

  “Hi there,” said John. “I’m looking to get a day pass to go swimming. I think my mom is a member here.”

  “The day pass fee for nonmembers is fifteen…” The girl looked up and trailed off in surprise, her eyes blinking as though she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Dollars. Do you, uh, do you have a swimsuit?”

  “What is it?” asked John. The girl smiled politely and then pointed over to a newspaper on the desk. His mouth did an imitation of hers when he saw it, falling open in surprise.

  The headline read “THE NEW YOUNG COUNT LUDLING”. With it, was a photo of him standing up on the cliff, taken the day before. John felt a strange mix of emotions as his mind began to put things together.

  His stalker had taken that photo. His stalker worked for the newspaper. John wanted to throw up. It was worse than he could have imagined. He reached for the newspaper, intent on tearing it up, and then stopped himself, forcing his anger back under control.

  “I think it’s a nice photo,” said the girl. “You look totally hot in it.”

  “Uh… Thanks, I guess?” John took a deep breath, and then pulled out his wallet and paid her the money.

  “The locker rooms are over that way,” said the girl, smiling and pointing to a hallway behind her. “There is a door in the back that leads to the pool. Let me know if there is anything that you need…”

  She slid her hand over his as she said the last few words, but John was too focused on what needed to be done to react or care. He hurried down the hallway and into the locker room, feeling as though he was running out of time.

  His mom had sent him a text letting him know that she’d left his swimsuit in locker 658. John found it and quickly changed into it. The suit wasn’t one of his and looked a little old fashioned, clinging more tightly to his skin than he would have liked and showing an outline of his package. He realized with a bit of a start that it probably had belonged to the old Count.

  When John walked out into the main pool area, what he saw made him stop dead in his tracks. His mom was lying on a lounge chair, reading a magazine, waiting for him. There were about a half dozen men in the room, and every single one of them was either blatantly checking her out or at the very least stealing glances in her direction.

  And John could see exactly w
hy. She was wearing a tiny blue bikini, one that barely managed to contain her big breasts and perfect butt underneath sheer scraps of fabric and thin strings. The material of her suit was so insubstantial that it looked like it would have fit more appropriately as lingerie than as swimwear.

  John felt his mouth drop open and tried to contain himself as he walked over to her, the blood rushing straight to his cock. It was hard for him to think of anything but her body in the moment, not about where he was or the fact that she was his mother.

  “Mom.” John came to a stop right in front of her, his cock half erect and poking out against his swimsuit in an embarrassing manner. “What in god’s name are you wearing?”

  Natalie smiled at him, set her magazine aside, and then stood up. She presented herself as though she was a model standing in front of a beauty pageant judge, complete with a broad, oblivious smile.

  “Do you like it? It’s one of my old bikinis from when I was in high school!” His mom slowly turned in a circle, running her hands along her body as though inspecting herself. “It’s a little small for me, but this used to be my favorite one back when I was 17.”

  John could feel the eyes of all of the men in the room on the two of them. He found himself feeling strangely protective of his mom and almost wanted to usher her off to the locker room, force her to change back into her regular clothes, but he knew that she wouldn’t listen to him.

  On top of that, a small part of him felt just like all of the other guys ogling her did and wanted to just stare. He wanted to watch her move, watch the water run down her perfect curves and burn the image of her bodacious cleavage into his mind forever.

  “Mom…” John tried to remember why he had come to the pool in the first place. “I uh, I think we should talk in private.”

  “Nonsense, honey!” Natalie smiled and stepped closer to him. “You just got here! Let’s get in the water and do some swimming.”

  John opened his mouth to object, but before he could his mom had wrapped him into a tight, soft hug. He could feel so much of her flesh against his body, even the shape of her nipples through the thin fabric of the bikini, and it drove him wild with emotions that he didn’t understand enough to be properly ashamed of.

  “I’m going to throw you in if you won’t go willingly!” Suddenly, Natalie was wrestling him towards the pool. Her breasts rubbed against him, and John felt one of her thighs push into his cock as she grabbed his arms and tried to twist him into the water. He let out a small, involuntary laugh and began fighting back, very aware of how close his mom was to twisting out of her bikini top.

  She let go, relenting for a moment so she could lean over and splash water from the pool onto him. John let her, his eyes focused on nothing other than the beautiful bouncing of her boobs. The water was cold, but not as cold as he’d expected, and a second later, Natalie had slipped into it.

  “Catch me, John!” she yelled.

  He was making his way over to the ladder to slip easily down into the pool when a couple of guys that looked to be in their mid-twenties started splashing her.

  “Hey can we play too?” asked one of them. John could tell from the looks on their faces exactly what they had in mind.

  “It’s a two person game, sorry!” he replied.

  “John, that’s ridiculous,” said Natalie. “Of course you can play!”

  John glared at them as he entered the water, and swam over as quickly as he could. The game, if it could be called that, was simple. They were splashing his mom, and swimming as close to her as they could, trying to grab onto her and get her to “give up” to score points.

  John found that he had to play defense as much as offense. One of the guys was a little shorter than him, but with quick swimming abilities. He put them to good use, sneaking up behind John’s mom and surfacing near her. John took one look at his crotch and saw that he was hard as a rock. The next thing he knew, the guy had closed in on her, grabbing her around the waist, grinding himself into her.

  “Ooh, I’ll never give up!” yelled his mom. One of the guy’s hands began to drift up to her breast, and John breathed a sigh of relief as she slapped it away.

  “I, I’ll wrestle you under!” yelled the man unconvincingly. He pushed his crotch forward into Natalie’s butt, and John saw the look on her face shift. She slipped out of his grasp, dove underwater, and then resurfaced right in front of him.

  “Not so fast, mom!” yelled John. He lunged forward at her and pulled her into a bear hug. Natalie laughed and leaned back, her legs opening and wrapping around him. John managed to hook his arms around her shoulders, trapping her in place against him as she laughed and shimmied from side to side.

  His mom’s crotch was pushed up against his cock, pinning it against his groin and flooding it with pleasure. Natalie was laughing, but all John could do was stare at her boobs as they hung forward and bounced in front of him. It was as though he was getting a private lap dance from a laughing, somewhat unwilling stripper, except that stripper… was his mom.

  Strangely, John heard splashing from over in the corner of the pool. Most of the people had left since he’d gotten there, and it was now only him, his mom, and the shorter man in the pool. John glanced over at the noise and did a double take at what he saw.

  The man was leaning against the side wall, one of his hands moving slowly back and forth inside of his swimsuit. John realized that he was masturbating and felt a strange mixture of disgust and arousal. The man was pleasuring himself to the sight of John’s gorgeous mom, and somehow, he couldn’t fault him for it.

  Natalie kicked away from John, laughing. He turned towards her and saw that one of the cups of her bikini had almost come loose, her boob pushing at an angle that suggested that one of her nipples was about to pop out. She glanced at John and the other man, as though daring them both to come get her.

  John shot the man a look that told him exactly what was going to happen. She was his mother, and hot as she was, he wasn’t going to allow a teenage pervert in the midst of getting off to close in on her, to touch her body. He saw a kind of shame in the man’s face that was strangely familiar to him, and then John pushed off the pool wall and closed the distance to his mom.

  “Not this time, John!” said Natalie. She turned away from him to swim away a moment too late. John grabbed his mom by the waist and pulled her into him, his cock sliding into a perfect equilibrium in between her bikini bottom covered buttocks.

  It felt amazing. His mom was laughing and trying her best to swim away, an action that only made her vibrate and grind against his cock with even more inappropriate movements. John was free to slowly run his hands up her half naked body, which he couldn’t stop himself from doing, not even as his finger grazed across the bottoms of her breasts.

  “Whoa there,” said Natalie. She stopped struggling for a moment, John’s meandering touch having flipped a sensitive, erotic switch inside of her. John could see out of the corner of his eye that the man in the corner was pumping his cock faster, and faster.

  “You aren’t getting away this time, mom.” John let his palms cup her boobs as he said the last word and began blatantly dry humping her, fighting his own shame as he enjoyed the forbidden pleasure racing through his crotch.

  “Oh no!” yelled his mom. “I, I won’t let you catch me!”

  Contrary to her words, John continued for another few seconds, rubbing his cock against his mom’s butt and thighs and aching to do more. He heard an embarrassed grunt from over where the short guy was, and Natalie finally twisted away. She swam over to the side of the pool and pulled herself up onto the edge, and John felt sanity, and shame, come back to him in a wave.

  “That was fun, but I think we should take a break.” His mom said the words gently, with an embarrassed tone of understanding that made John’s cheeks flush with red.

  “Uh, yeah,” he said. “You’re right, we should.”

  Compared to him, the other guy looked as though he was about to die of guilt. He slinked arou
nd the far wall of the pool, towards the locker rooms, and John shot him a knowing smile. He understood just how hot his mom was, and couldn’t blame anyone for anything when it came to her.

  John pulled himself out of the pool and walked over to his mom, who was adjusting her bikini and smiling. She sat down on one of the lounge chairs, crossed her legs, and patted the seat behind her, which John lowered himself down into.

  “Now,” she said. “What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?”

  John swallowed silently and collected his thoughts.

  “The photo, mom,” he whispered. “From last night. On the roof.”

  He watched as she blushed a little, and then shook her head.

  “Sweetie, I was just… helping you out.” She put her hand down on his thigh as he spoke, which was torture to John’s still erect cock.

  “If people see a photo of us…” He trailed off, not sure what words to use. “Well, if they see it, they might think differently. I need to track this stalker down.”

  Natalie nodded solemnly and then thought for a moment.

  “There is a private investigator on the island, you know,” she said. “One of my old friends mentioned it to me yesterday when I was looking into how my father… what happened to him.”

  “That’s perfect!” John gave her a quick hug, her breasts pushing against him and threatening to ignite his illicit lust all over again. “What’s his name?”

  “It’s actually a woman, John,” said his mom. “Her name is Alison Orton. She has an office on the east side of town, on top of the hill.”

  “Perfect, that’s perfect!” John stood up and started towards the locker room. Before he could take more than a step or two, Natalie grabbed his hand.

  “John… Be careful,” she said. “Don’t… say anything, beyond what you need to. Nothing happened last night up on the roof, nothing for the private investigator or anyone else to be concerned about.”


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