Pureblood (Pureblood series)

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Pureblood (Pureblood series) Page 10

by Ellysia Fields

  The picture on the fabric shifted easily from the wolf hiding in underbrush from the huntress, arrows landing either feet or mere inches from striking the wolf or cleverly avoiding well hidden traps. She was impressed by the animal, and hoped this story had a good ending. Ariel and Allen switched places and the scene changed. It switched to a white temple with large pillars and a beautiful Goddess standing proudly with a bow in her hand and a quiver of arrows on her back, the huntress kneeled before this statue.

  “The huntress, having failed in her mission, went to pray to her Goddess for forgiveness and aid. She wished so badly to please her Goddess, but had failed to bring the creature to her. It was then that Artemis herself appeared before the young, virgin huntress and placed a hand upon her shoulder. With that touch, she blessed the youth to join her in her hunt, extending her life, promising to capture the creature for her and giving her it’s pelt as a cloak. This was beyond what the huntress had ever expected, but Artemis was impressed by this one’s perseverance. So, the Goddess herself, every night from dusk until dawn, hunted the wolf for three hundred nights. Her arrows flew true, striking the creature but once in those three hundred nights. Her traps were less successful, as their bait was taken daily but never triggered. And while she caught sight of him many times, for there was nowhere you could hide from the Moon itself, the one time her arrow grazed the beast was the last night. The beast crumpled to the ground, the arrow having grazed it’s leg but it was still unable to stand. Feeling quite pleased with herself, Artemis walked to the creature to peer into the eyes of the wolf that had eluded her all this time.”

  The white plumes of the arrow stuck in the ground inches from the wolf, blood seeping from the gash in it’s back leg. It’s warm, two-tone eyes watching the goddess approach him. One was golden in color, the other a pale blue. The twins switched once again, Ariel doing the speaking.

  “As she approached the injured creature, she noticed his eyes. One the color of the Sun, the other the color of her own Moon. Surely this wolf was a gift from the Fates to her, so she took pity on the poor thing by not killing it and instead granting it the ability to become human. ‘Such cunning and skill should be rewarded, so a human hunter you shall become,’ she told him. He was very grateful to the goddess and promised her one of his daughters should he have any. She accepted this and led the wolf to a nearby town under her protection. The wolf turned human took up the name O’Connor and gave fealty to the goddess, and also swore to gift the best skins from his seasonal hunts.” Seeing the goddess touch the wolf and change him was blinding for a moment as the flash of light engulfed the whole piece. Nothing was left of the wolf, just a man with an odd pair of eyes. He seemed to still be an excellent hunter, from what Elizabeth could tell as he gave several pelts to the goddess’s temple. He smiled a lot early on, but saddened as time seemed to pass. Allen took up the telling, giving his sister a rest as he stepped forward again.

  “Years passed, the man quickly became the best hunter in the village and lived quite comfortably, but he never forgot the goddess and her gift. One evening, during a hunt he came across an injured wolf and his world came crashing down around him. She was beautiful, more so than any human woman who had ever approached him. The full moon shown on her sparkling grey coat, her golden eyes matching one of his and the sight of her injured by one of his traps nearly shattered the poor soul. He called out to the goddess to help him, come to him and return him to the form he was born. He had found his mate and he must return to aid her in reclaiming her pack. The goddess took pity on the wolf turned man and appeared before them. She healed the virgin wolf and gifted the man the ability to become a wolf at night, and be human by day. That night, the pair howled their gratitude to the goddess all night long as they reclaimed his mate’s pack for them. Before long, the pair were expecting their first pups, and O’Connor explained the deal he promised the goddess. His mate accepted and once they were born, she allowed the goddess to claim the pup she wished. After choosing one, she thanked them and said if ever they needed her, to call to the Moon and she would appear.”

  The pup seemed to be a runt, which surprised Elizabeth. Goddesses were weird, she guessed. Either way, she was enraptured by the story now. Artemis was beautiful each and every time she appeared. She practically glowed in her elegantly embroidered deerskin tunic, shining silver bow and arrows slung over her shoulder like she was the moon itself. The wolves bowed to her every time they met her. The twins switched again, Ariel taking over as Allen barely touched the tapestry.

  “More time passed and O’Connor pulled further and further into the wood and his pack, away from the humans. He added more to the pack, including wolves whose names were Faust and O’Brady. O’Brady was like a blood brother to him, while Faust he trusted above most anyone else. While his pack aged around him, he stayed young, strong, and powerful. It was on the night his mate passed away that he howled for the goddess one final time. In his grief, he explained his concerns to the one who had given him this gift, and begged for her aid again. ‘Please, My Goddess, grant my pack the same blessing you have granted me so that I may not be the only one, alone for eternity as I was when I first met you.’ His plea and the sight of his mate dead beside him touched the goddess’s heart. ‘The pup you have given to me has become my strongest hunter, despite my others coming from Pan himself. I shall grant you better then you request for your kind gift of sacrificing me one of your children. Return to this spot tomorrow when the moon is full, and I shall accept your wish.’

  So the Goddess returned the following night with her brother, Apollo. She explained to her brother and he acknowledged this wolf and the strong pack he had gathered around him. Apollo aided his beloved sister in her task. ‘You, who have the eyes of the Sun and the Moon, we gift to you dominion over fire. May you breathe upon your enemies and burn their filth from you and yours.’ They gifted O’connor with the gift and asked whom he trusted to receive two more. The choice was easy. To Faust, the goddess said ‘I can see your kindness, I give you the ability to share your kindness with others and ease their hurting hearts. Should someone anger you, show them that kindness does not mean you are weak, for you are not.’ To O’Brady, she said ‘all wolves need a den to live in, and you are braver than most so your task will be to delve deep into the earth and find the best places. Should any wish to harm the den your pack resides, may they be forever buried.’ Each gift was given to the Three, they each thanked the goddess in turn. ‘Now you will never be alone again, O’Connor, my clever one. And for the rest of your pack, I gift them the ability to shift into human forms at will, day or night.’ Her brother Apollo agreed to this as well, as day was his domain.” Light washed over the wolves as they were blessed, each shifting to humans before the pair of immortals. They knelt before them honoring the gift and promising to give thanks to Artemis for all their days and beyond. For the final time, the twins switched places, Allen finishing the tale.

  “Before she left them for the last night, she stepped aside and through the moonlight, the huntress who had first hunted O’Connor stepped forward. She knelt down low before the first werewolf, apologising for hunting him. Instead of being upset he thanked her, for without her hunting him he would never be where he is now, happy and whole again. Apollo wished them farewell as he flew away on his chariot, most of the pack began returning to the den to bury the Alpha’s mate, leaving only the Three, the huntress and Artemis herself. She knew this would be the last time she met with these wolves she had gifted, and while she wished it to not be true, the time was growing short. So she gave her huntress a choice, stay here with the wolves and keep watch over them in her place, or return to her side on her long hunt. She chose to stay and help the werewolves adjust to their new forms. The goddess said she would come again for the girl in three months, the exact time she had hunted O’Connor. In that time, she aided the wolves in ways even O’Connor himself was unable to, and was gifted with a fine deerskin in thanks for her efforts. When the time came for
her to return, she did with a lovely, new quiver. And thus ends the story of the Huntress and the Wolf.”

  The twins, the telling finished, paled suddenly, coming to sit on the edge of the stage to face the single viewer. Elizabeth was speechless for a long time before she thought to ask if they were alright.

  “We are fine, just very tired. Such long stories back to back are exhausting on our strength,” Ariel said.

  “Do not worry, we will recover quickly. Especially since it is dinner time.” Allen said, beginning to rise from his position. With a sniff, Elizabeth confirmed it to be true, realizing she had been sitting here for over 3 hours!

  “Oh my, I’m so sorry I took so much of your time!” She began to explain.

  “No need to worry, we expected this, all of it. I hope we helped you in some small way,” Ariel smiled, giving the girl a little hug. Elizabeth hugged her back, inhaling her scent of lavender and camomile.

  “Exactly what I was going to say, dear Sister. We hope you have a better evening then you did last night,” Allen added, being the next to hug her. He smelled of pine and coconuts, an odd combination but it worked for this odd pair.

  “You know about last night?” Elizabeth asked. She suddenly felt very self conscious that they might know more than she would have liked.

  “We know everything,” they said together. Both were smiling until Ariel’s body went rigid.

  “The white wolf won’t harm you,” Ariel’s eyes went blank for a moment. She continued, “do not fear him, but there is another you must fear. He is not as friendly as he seems.” Ariel slumped against Allen as he moved to catch her.

  “What is she…”

  “My sister was having a premonition. She was gifted with the ability when she was quite young. They don’t happen often, but when they do, it presents itself in this way. You must take heed of what she says. It is of the utmost importance. Now go, I will care for my sister.” He picked up the smaller woman and walked out of the room, leaving Elizabeth to try and figure out what just happened and what Ariel’s words meant.

  Chapter Ten

  Putting Ariel’s warning in the back of her mind, she thought back to the tale she just heard as she began towards the dining hall. The Huntress and the Wolf was about how werewolves came to be, and the story fascinated her. The story was so unbelievable and yet… she did. After all, she did just see a tapestry with moving pictures caused by some kind of magic wielded by werewolves. Why not believe a literal goddess gave these people their powers? While she would have loved to think more on that, a fiery ball of energy quickly pounced on her, knocking her to the floor.

  “Liza! I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Where have you been?” Camila asked her while sitting on her friend’s chest.

  “I’ve been with the Lorekeepers. Ugh, you’re heavy, get off!” She responded, pushing her friend off.

  “Oh, did they tell you a story? Which one?” She got off of her friend, shyly helping the other up as other people watched, shaking their heads. The pair walked toward the dining hall and Elizabeth realized that she would not be getting rid of her friend anytime soon. With horror, she also realized that she was quite possibly going to see Nicholas again as well. Which she, obviously, did not want to do again. The look on her friend's face reminded her that she was supposed to answer.

  “Oh, they told me the story of the Huntress and the Wolf.”

  “Really? What did you think of it?!” The other shook with excitement for her friend, Elizabeth felt the vibrations through her arm her friend held. She smiled at Camila, she would miss her excitement and energy.

  “I am still just amazed that they are able to get the tapestries to move! So, Nick’s bloodline was from the first werewolves, huh? Gifted by a real goddess? Sounds too good to be true,” began Elizabeth. “I mean, I’ve never heard of immortal beings gifting so much to people without some kind of consequence.”

  “Yeah, I don’t really get it either, but it’s a story as old as our people. I don’t know how much should be believed, but I trust the Lorekeepers and the tales they wield. Why should I doubt them?” Camila asked honestly.

  “I guess you’re right,” but as the words came out, they left a bad taste in her mouth. As amazing as the story was, something about it felt off from the very first time they mentioned the first of the Three. Come to think of it, she had the same feeling about last night’s story too, a sense of something being wrong. As they entered the dining hall, the room was little more than half full which was surprising. They sat down and as food was brought to them, her eyes darted towards the Alpha’s table. Nicholas was not there, which made her both happy and empty. At least she didn’t have to lie to him too. Camila ate happily while Elizabeth just tried to eat something. She was too worried about whether or not her plan would work, as she glanced around the room looking for her target.

  Benjamin was talking with Jeremiah as they sat with the other males. As she zoned into the pair, she focused her hearing and managed to understand a little of their conversation.

  “So, you’re on guard duty tonight I saw, good luck! Hope you don’t mess up tonight, I hear Alpha has double guards on post now,” Jeremiah was saying as Elizabeth’s heart fell.

  “Yeah, I’m with Beta Darren tonight. He’s so intimidating, but strong so I’ll be sure to be on my best behavior! Maybe Alpha Beatrice will give me a promotion if the Beta tells her how good I was on guard duty! Maybe even to scouting,” poor Benjamin was so excited, she felt bad for her thoughts on tricking him. She tuned back into what her friend was saying, nodding along knowing she now had to contend with two wolves guarding the entrance. Then she glanced back at Jeremiah and remembered she may have an ace up her sleeve.

  After dinner, Camila and Elizabeth walked back to the dens together. A woman by the name of Jessie came up and asked Camila to babysit for them tonight. It was short notice, but of course her friend said yes. They parted ways and Elizabeth went back to her den, keeping her head down so as to not draw attention to herself. It was in that position that she nearly bumped right into Nicholas. Her nose picked up his scent mere seconds before slamming head first into his back, which if the muscles under his shirt were any indication, would have hurt quite a bit.

  “Oh, I was just looking for you. I wanted to apologise about last night, I wasn’t myself,” he explained. Seeing him again, she became aware that the tug she felt yesterday was still there, if a much lighter touch. She noticed his smile twitch just the smallest bit, and knew he was still a bit nervous around her. The knowledge that neither of them might not be normal again irritated her, but she fought the emotion down. She needed to get rid of him, if she didn’t he would surely stop or or worse, tell the Alpha.

  “It’s fine, as you said, it was just the full moon messing with me. I’m fine now,” she lied through her teeth. She started to move past him toward her den where she could be safe, but he stepped in front of her again, hands up defensively.

  “Woah, that’s it? After everything, you’re fine with it? This doesn’t seem like you, are you okay? Where’s Camila?” He looked around her as if she were attached to her back and he just couldn't see her.

  “She’s babysitting Jessie’s kids, her and her mate are going out for a run. Alpha approved it. Not like I can go out on my own yet,” she snorted.

  “Hey, it won't be much longer and you will. If you want I ca-” he stopped himself. She knew what he’d been about to say, and knew why he stopped.

  “Don’t make promises you can't keep, Beta. Now if you excuse me, I want to spend the rest of my night in quiet.” She said his title like it tasted bad to her mouth. Maybe she was laying her emotions on too thick for him, as she caught just the hint of hurt in his eyes and it nearly broke her heart in two. She walked into her den and shut the door, leaning against it as her body slowly slid to sit on the floor. She heard his footsteps walk away and sighed. She lied to him again, but he was not telling her the whole truth either. After regaining her calm again, she stood up an
d walked into the kitchen to find what she had hidden over a week ago.

  Once she found it, she held it out giving it a test sniff. A little stale, but not too bad. She hoped it would still work the way Jeremiah explained, but she would only use it if she needed to. So she sat down and browsed the internet for a while, watched a movie and tried to stay awake until she heard what she was waiting for outside. The quiet hallway, no more wandering wolves up and down the corridors. Taking the small, wrapped package and shoving it into her pocket, she headed for the entrance of the pack den. Avoiding a few stray wolves making their way back to their dens, she made her way easily to the cavern’s large opening.

  Sure enough, Elizabeth saw what she had dreaded. The beast of a man Darren and the easily fooled Benjamin guarding opposite sides of the opening. Taking a deep breath, she ran up to the pair and said her prepared line for them.

  “You have to come quick! Jeremiah is bothering a few females, trying to harm them!” This got the desired response from Ben, but Darren was impassive. She knew how much these wolves placed their females on pedestals, so his lack of response was worrying.

  “The females can handle themselves, there is no need to worry,” Darren stated confidently. Benjamin, while willing to help, could find no fault with his partner’s idea.


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