Pureblood (Pureblood series)

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Pureblood (Pureblood series) Page 28

by Ellysia Fields

  “Well, that’s one way I guess. Now can we get out of here, I feel like I’m about to fall over.” Nick nodded at her as he grabbed the scruff of Jeremiah’s neck with one hand, and wrapped his free arm around his mate before turning toward the stairs they now had to traverse. Slowly, carefully, they made their way up the stairs, to the landing and out the door into the cool, welcoming moonlight.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Once they stepped outside, Elizabeth was able to survey the carnage around them. It looked like a warzone in the old abandoned theme park, with lampposts bent and broken, old rotted docks had nearly fallen into the water, concrete broken and pieces spread everywhere. But worse than the property damage was the injured and dead wolves currently being tended to. She counted at least 4 dead from her pack, and even more laying around the battlefield including several of those monstrous Berserkers. She pushed away from Nick, frantically searching the crowd of injured wolves trying to find the one she couldn't stand to see dead. The injured were being tended to nearby at the part of the building that would have been used to serve food, and that’s where she saw the tanned skin and auburn hair she was seeking.

  “Mila!” she cried out as she clumsily ran to the girl who seemed to be getting bandages around her torso. At hearing her name being called, Camila looked up, tears springing to her eyes as she opened her arms just in time for Elizabeth to fall against her.

  “Ow! Easy there girl, I’m injured here! Wait, Liza?! What happened to you?” Her joy changed to confusion as she pulled the woman away to take in her half wolf/half human form.

  “I don’t know, but I’m so glad you’re alive!” Her voice came similar to a howl, making Camila giggle and immediately wince at the pain that caused. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you got hurt because of me!”

  “I’m fine, really. These guys are just being careful since Nick made me acting Beta,” Camila said and sat up a little straighter at her friend’s mouth hanging agape.

  “Well, good to see they are taking care of you, at least. Where’s Colin?” Nick had reached them by now, still dragging Jeremiah behind him. From somewhere behind Camila, a hand raised up into the air.

  “Over here, Brother!” Colin stood and made his way over to the group. He was in his human form holding his bandaged shoulder as he stared at Elizabeth. “My my, Liza I dare say you are looking quite fierce there. Also a bit knackered, but that’s to be expected! How did you manage that Hybrid form?”

  “We don’t know, that’s the crazy thing. I found her like that, with him completely encased in ice. Colin, have you ever heard of anyone using ice before?” Nick questioned, just as astonished as anyone else. He motioned to Jeremiah and asked, “Think you can take him back with you? I fear he won’t make it to trial if he stays within my pack.”

  “Oh sure, be glad to. I’ll also be taking one of those Berserkers with me too, but not till the morning. Liza’s not the only one knackered,” Colin motioned around them, taking in all the wolves either injured or simply exhausted.

  “Of course. What’s our count, since I know you’re a numbers man,” Nick teased.

  “You know I am! By my count your pack has 4 losses and 6 injuries, while mine has 6 losses and 10 injuries. Most of the injured are already healed but just need a night’s rest, or however much they can get before heading back. Byron will not be pleased with this, I’ll promise you that.” The heavy sigh Colin gave showed he wasn’t happy either.

  “I’m sorry, brother. I’m sorry for your losses when this wasn’t your fight,” Nick placed a hand on Colin’s unbandaged shoulder.

  “Ah, don’t you start with that now. You called for help and we came, simple as that. Byron won’t blame you, he’ll blame that one there.” Colin motioned to Jeremiah again before kneeling down to Camila. “You alright, love?”

  Elizabeth blinked at the affectionate tone he used with Camila as she nodded emphatically. “Yeah, thank you.”

  “What happened between you two?” Elizabeth asked, curiously.

  “One of those Berserkers was coming at me and, even though I was too fast for him, he was quickly cornering me. When I had nowhere to go, Colin jumped onto him from behind in his Hybrid form and clamped down on the back of his neck. The thing roared and tried to dislodge Colin, but a couple other pack members grabbed his arms and legs and brought the beast down. Then, to finish it off, he broke his neck. He saved me from being hurt worse than I am.” She smiled up, gratefully to Colin.

  “Anything for my brother’s Beta,” he said, with a flourish and a bow. Camila giggled. Elizabeth smiled at the pair.

  “I still wanna know how Nick became the Alpha! Who’s gonna fill me in?” Elizabeth asked. She tried to sit down, but missed and fell to the ground instead.

  “Woah, easy my love. I think first things first, shift back into your human form.” Nick was there instantly, dropping the wolf he was still holding to take his mate’s paw.

  “I don’t know how,” her words came out slowly, weak from everything she had been through and done. Her wolf was even exhausted because she wasn’t fighting to crawl into Nick’s lap. Colin and Camila looked on, worriedly, wanting to help but not sure how.

  “Just like you shift from wolf to human, release the wolf and the change will happen,” he explained, calmly. With a nod, she closed her eyes, searching for and finding her tired wolf. She felt her wolf separate from herself, as pain raked through her body. Her cry came out as a half howl as the shift was rough on her torn and broken body. Other nearby wolves heard the cries of her agony and glanced over to watch, some with shock and some with horror, as the shift continued. Even Camila winced at the sounds her friend made, but Nick just held very still, ready to scoop her up and ease the pain away. Once the shift was complete, and Elizabeth was in her human form again, her breath came in ragged gasps. She felt ready to pass out as darkness edged her vision.

  “W-why did that hu-hurt so much,” she croaked, pain still lingering around for several long minutes before finally easing to a dull ache.

  “Guess that’s another mystery we need to solve. I’ll go call Byron and fill him in, Nicholas,” Colin suggested as he walked off to make the call.

  Nick eased Elizabeth off the ground and into his lap. He was still in his hybrid form when he wrapped his arms around her, encasing her in his warm, furry arms. Being near him eased away all of her pain, if temporarily. Camila sat, quietly, watching them cuddle for several minutes before coughing painfully to snap the pair back to reality.

  “Oh, yeah. Liza, I have to go make sure we have everything set up now and get food going. We’re camping here tonight and we’ll make our way back tomorrow,” he explained. Nick, reluctantly, unwrapped Elizabeth from his warm arms and helped her stand as he headed toward a cluster of wolves. He doled out orders about sending hunting parties out to gather fresh meat, while others took care of sleeping arrangements and set up a campfire.

  “So, I can explain what happened while you were gone, if you want?” Camila offered.

  “Please, I’m completely clueless.” So Camila went into the whole ordeal she went through after Elizabeth had left in search of her would-be kidnapper. After hearing about Nick standing up for her, Elizabeth’s eyes went to her mate, fully appreciating the depths that he would go for her. “He really took the pack from Beatrice? I never thought he would stand up to her.”

  “Me either, honestly. He seemed the type to never seek to use his dominance in that way but I guess you changed him. For the better mind you, I like seeing him as this strong, fierce Alpha. Beatrice tried to call Byron, but Nick literally took the phone from her hands and spoke for her. That’s why Colin and the others came here, to help his friend.”

  She thought she might cry, but the thought of salty tears running along her bare cheeks and burning her still healing wounds had her blinking them away. “I think I love him even more now.”

  “You should, it was amazing to watch him call the pack to arms to get you and Candice back,” she finishe
d just as Nick was walking up to them again.

  “Seems one of the missing wolves was the Berserker we captured. By the Goddess, how did they become such a thing?” Nick was scratching his head with his claws, ruffling his already messy fur.

  “I can answer that.” Both pairs of eyes turned to her as she fiddled with a roll of bandages left by the wolf who had tended Camila. “Jeremiah got a hold of some kind of potion that turned them into this. It also made him stronger, too. He tried to give me a potion, but I refused and dumped it out.”

  “He was trying to turn you into one of those– those things?” Nick asked, astonished and angry.

  “No, he wasn’t trying to do that, it… it was something else.” She didn’t want to say it, but their eyes were still on her, waiting for her to continue. “The potion he tried to give me would have disconnected Nick and I. Our mate bond would have been gone.”

  Suddenly, this strong Alpha male weakened before his mate as his face utterly fell. “Break our bond? He tried to separate us? Why?”

  “His ‘Master’ said to offer the potion to me. He tried to convince me to drink and it would have worked.” She continued quickly, lest Nick completely lose himself to depression, “but I still told him no. I didn’t feel pressured or forced into anything, like he was saying. I feel complete and whole. For really the first time in my life, I feel I belong.”

  Nick couldn’t wait any longer as he scooped up his mate, holding her tightly to him, but not too tightly. He licked her cheek and neck, causing her to giggle despite the pricks of pain the noises caused. He carried her around the emptied pools to an area that had a tent set up, seemingly for them by the size of it. It was larger than the rest, and set a little aside from the commotion of the wolves talking and eating. He set her down just outside the tent, telling her he’d be right back as he nearly skipped away towards the campfire. When he returned, he carried several sections of meat as well as a large bag he must have brought with him. With a grunt he sat down next to her, handing her some food as he set everything else aside.

  After taking a bite, she sighed happily. “This is really good, whatever it is.”

  He chuckled roughly. “Don’t ask and I won’t tell. You’re a werewolf, most meat is good to you now. Except chicken. Ouch, hey!” He rubbed where she had punched him. She saw him rub it a bit longer than what should be faking injury, and she put her hand over his to still it in concern.

  “You’re hurt. I didn’t think you were.”

  “I’ll live,” he promised as he began shifting out of his hybrid form. His shift back didn’t seem as painful as her shift was, but it wasn’t painless either. She saw a large, black bruise forming along his jawline, and an even nastier one across his bare chest. He slowly lowered himself backward, laying half in and half out of their tent as he reached to get a pair of pants, wincing at reaching too far. “Looks like I was worse off than I thought,” he grunted.

  “How bad? Do you want me to get some help?” She took the shirt he tossed to her, remembering that hers was very torn from the torture inflicted upon her.

  “No, I’ll be fine. Don’t get anyone, I can’t let them see my discomfort. I have to be strong for them, like a proper Alpha,” he put more emphasis on “proper” as he explained and dragged himself back up into a sitting position. “It’s just a couple broken ribs, nasty bruising on my cheek and chest, and maybe some internal bleeding. Like I said, I’ll live.”

  “Broken ribs? Bleeding? You should go to a hospital!” She started to stand, but his hand over her wrist stopped her.

  “Liza, come here.” He spread his arms wide, invitingly. She eyed him cautiously before sitting in his lap and wrapped her arms gently around Nick. He guided her head so her ear rested over his heart, his strong, beating heart that she knew now, without a doubt, beat for her. “Does it sound weakened?”

  “No,” she admitted. His heart still sounded strong and sure, never skipping a beat.

  “Then trust me. You know how old I am, I’ve lived through worse than this, believe me. I’m more worried about you right now. So just be here, with me, and eat.” He let her sit up enough to get comfortable before they settled, nuzzled comfortablely into each other. Once the food was gone, she insisted on at least wrapping the bandages she’s been fiddling with earlier around his chest damage, and he allowed it to ease her mind. Once that was done, Colin came by, teased the “old wolf” for getting hurt and informed him of some surprising news.

  “Cousin Byron said he’d never heard of a Turned being able to shift into a Hybrid, or Hybrid-like form. Neither has he heard of a wolf using ice or cold like Purebloods use fire, earth, or mental powers. You, Liza, are a mystery and he is very interested in meeting you.”

  Elizabeth blinked at Colin before looking at Nick. He smiled at his friend and then his mate. “I knew you were special, but I never knew how special. This could be amazing!”

  “What do you mean ‘amazing’?” She looked at his excited expression.

  “The only way you should be able to have a third shift is if you are Pureblood. But you’re a Turned, so it shouldn't be possible, even though it is. This has to mean, somehow, you have werewolf blood in your past. Not just werewolf, but one of the Three Pureblood lines! You could be related to a Brady, a Faust or… a Connor.” The emotion he put into the last word, warmed her heart and broke it at the same time.

  “But are we sure about that? Maybe it’s just some kind of fluke.” She tried to be rational. How could such a thing happen? “Maybe this is because you turned me. That has to be it, right?” She looked to Colin for support.

  “While I can’t say for sure, the means by which you were bitten shouldn’t matter. You’re a turned, plain and simple. By all rights, you should have a human form and a wolf form. That’s it. As for why you have a third, Nick you know wolves are forbidden to mingle with humans in that way. We do what we must to survive, and sleeping with humans is not needed.” Colin explained as clearly and earnestly as possible, not wanting to hurt either of their feelings, but also not wanting to get their hopes up.

  “I know, you’re right. It must have been a fluke. Thank you for informing me, Colin. I think we’ll sleep now, we both need it.,” Nick said as he placed a hand on his mate’s shoulder.

  “Of course. Rest well and may the Goddess bless you both.” Colin bowed to them, turned stiffly and strode back towards the camp. Elizabeth leaned against Nick’s chest, breathing him in.

  “Thank you for coming for me,” emotions heavy as she spoke, tears coming to her eyes again.

  “Always,” he whispered before kissing her cheek, her jaw, then her lips. They kissed for several long moments before they finally had to part to take a breath. “For the next week, you’re not allowed out of my sight, you hear me?”

  This made her giggle. “If you say so, but you’re going to get tired of me sooner or later.”

  “Not possible, you are intoxicating,” he clarified, a wolfish grin on his face. Seeing his smirk had memories of dreams from weeks ago flooding back. Was it really only such a short time ago? When had the dreams stopped?

  “Nick, you know the story of the Huntress and the Wolf, right?”

  “Of course, everyone knows that story. Why?”

  “You know how they said the first wolf was the Connor wolf? He had two color eyes, one silver like the moon and one golden like the sun?” She could feel like she was on the verge of discovering something, but it kept eluding her. She must be more exhausted than she thought.

  “Yes, I do. What are you-” he started to question, but she put a finger on his lips to silence him. She had to think and process, remember the dreams.

  “The Three, the first three wolves. Empowered by the Goddess and her brother, Artemis and Apollo. After that story from the Lorekeepers, I was having weird dreams that kinda stopped after our bonding. I was running with three wolves, a pair of brothers and another, darker wolf. At first I thought it was my personalizing myself into the story, the other wolves w
ere you, Camila, and Beatrice. The wolf I was though was… weird.” She couldn't think straight, almost couldn’t remember. Why was her memory so fuzzy?

  He gently moved her finger from his mouth. “I can see you using the story as a kind of coping mechanism to deal with being changed. But what was weird about it?”

  “Well, the wolves were running through snow in an unfamiliar forest. When the wolf I was seeing looked into a stream, I saw the two color eyes and heard something. A name.”

  “What name?” She had Nick’s full attention now, and it made her doubt her next words.

  She spit them out quickly, “Fenrir. One of the wolves called me Fenrir.”

  He blinked at her, not quite sure what to make of that. He shifted himself away from her, looking out before them at the wolves milling around talking and eating. Some slept together, needing the closeness of a warm body, some were mated pairs while others were not. “I don’t remember ever hearing that name before. Perhaps we should take a trip up to see Byron soon, he has a lot of old documents and scrolls brought over from the homeland. Maybe he has something that we can use. I’ll mention it to Colin tomorrow too, have him give his cousin a heads up. Guess you’ll be meeting the land Alpha sooner than I thought.”


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