Lemon Tart Mystery

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Lemon Tart Mystery Page 7

by Naomi Miller

  Thinking about how Freida went on about how wunderbaar it felt kissing Thomas, Katie found herself wondering what it would be like to kiss Travis...

  What am I doing? I should not be thinking about kissing—especially about kissing Travis.

  Knowing what she should and should not be thinking about did not stop Katie's thoughts.

  What if Freida is right? What if we are meant to be together? What if Travis has the same feelings for me? What would I do if he kissed me? Unfortunately, Katie seemed unable to stop herself from thinking about what it might feel like to be kissed—for the very first time—by Travis Davis...

  When the young man himself walked into the kitchen a minute later, Katie felt her cheeks flush.

  “Hiya, Katie-girl. Penny for your thoughts.”

  Her cheeks stained a deep pink, Katie was unable to answer him. More embarrassed than she could remember being, Katie fled to Mrs. Simpkin's office and closed the door behind her.

  Thankfully the office was empty, so Katie didn't have to worry about explaining her presence to her employer.

  A moment later, Katie heard Travis placing boxes on the cart, then rolling it outside. After the door closed again, she heard the sound of another door shutting and, a moment later the sound of the bakery's delivery van.

  Knowing she had baking to do and orders to fill, Katie slipped back into the kitchen.

  Dear Gott, please take control of this. Please help... I cannot entertain thoughts of courting an Englischer—I cannot. I do not want to leave my family to marry someone outside.

  Katie felt better and quickly hurried back to her nine-grain bread.

  I know better than to think such thoughts. I just got wrapped up in Freida's news. In another minute, my thoughts would have been on something else.

  Oh no! What will Travis think of me—running away from him like I did. Now I will have to apologize for my rude behavior.

  Determined to keep her mind on her work, Katie set out to make up for the lost time, working even faster than she normally did.

  When Freida came into the kitchen a few minutes later, Katie was placing the dough into individual loaf pans. After covering the pans with a clean cloth, she moved back to the shelves to gather ingredients for peanut butter cookies.

  Before Freida had a chance to speak, the back door opened again. This time it was Mrs. Simpkins who came into the kitchen.

  “Gudemariye, Mrs. Simpkins. How are you doing this morning? Is this not a wunderbaar day?”

  “Good morning, Freida. I am well, thank you. Good morning, Katie.”

  “Gudemariye, Mrs. Simpkins.” Katie replied, but kept her eyes on her work. Without further comment, Mrs. Simpkins went straight to her office and Freida headed back to the front room.

  * * *


  Katie looked up an hour later when her boss spoke to her.

  “Yes, Mrs. Simpkins.”

  “You have been very quiet this morning. I wanted to make certain you were not upset with me for my recent behavior. Are you all right?”

  “Oh no, everything is fine. I just got a bit of a slow start this morning and my mind has been on catching up.”

  “All right, if you are sure.”

  Turning to head back to her office, Amelia stopped at the doorway and spoke again. “If there is something bothering you, my door is always open to you.”

  Katie said nothing, so Amelia went into her office and closed the door.


  Memorial Day began with beautiful blue skies, soft fluffy clouds, and a warm breeze blowing through the town square.

  Everyone was there. Katie had ridden to town with her family, bringing her Triple Lemon Cookies, Lemon Surprise Cupcakes, and Orange Supreme Bliss Bars. Only her mamm knew that hidden away in the back of their buggy was a box full of cookies and cupcakes for the Davis family... as well as the Orange Supreme Bliss Bars that Katie had discovered were a special favorite of the young man who still had her feeling a bit flustered.

  As per their unusual arrangement, Mr. O'Neal was keeping his distance from Mrs. Simpkins, and his nephew was conspicuously absent.

  Katie put several cookies and an orange bliss bar on a plate and meandered over to him.

  “Gudemariye, Mr. O'Neal. I have brought you several treats to enjoy.” As she spoke, she glanced around, looking for her boss.

  “Thank you, Katie-girl. What a fine, young lass you are to be thinkin' of me.” With a quick wink to Katie, Andrew continued. “Now don't ya worry none about me. I have faith that everything will work out in the end. Milly is a stubborn woman, but she can't hold a candle to me. No sir, I can wait around as long as I have to—until she comes to her senses.”

  Katie could not help but smile at the cheerful determination she heard in Mr. O'Neal's words.

  Hearing a scrambling sound, Katie looked away, searching for the source of the odd noise. She noticed a cage on the ground. “What is that?”

  “I bet you heard about the rodents in my cafe last week... it turns out that Sean bought a couple of ferrets, but they got loose. When Ada Mueller saw them, she thought they were rats—and she was happy to spread the word.”

  “Ferrets? I have never heard of them before. Do they make pets?”

  “Ya, they make great pets, but since they caused an impromptu visit from the health department, Sean's agreed to sell them. That's why I have them here... so people can see how harmless they are.”

  “Is that when the police came to your cafe?”

  Andrew chuckled out loud. “Is that what people are saying? I get policemen in and out all day... they love my food! Don't tell me... Ada the busybody is spreading rumors again.”


  Katie turned to see Freida heading in her direction. Saying goodbye to Mr. O'Neal, she walked back to meet her.

  “Katie, Thomas came by again on Saturday night. I did just what you suggested; well, not really. Right after we started out, he kissed me and I forgot all about asking him about the cruise... until later. But it all worked out anyway.”

  “Tell me what happened. Did he ask you to marry him in November; he needs to ask you.”

  “Oh jah, he stopped the buggy, took my hands in his, and after clearing his throat a time or two, asked me all proper like. Then he asked me if I had any idea of where I would like to go on our honeymoon. That was when I finally mentioned the cruise... and he loved the idea!”

  “He did? He really did? That is wunderbaar!”

  “Jah, he even said he had dreamed about taking his frau on a cruise some day. With Mrs. Simpkins' offer, we can go right after we marry. I cannot wait until November!”

  Freida hugged her freind, then laughed.

  “Now we need to get you married. Then our kinner will be best freinden, too.”

  Katie laughed before saying, “Maybe I should give serious thought to joining the church with you.”

  “Jah, and we will find you a nice man to court in no time.” Freida wrapped an arm around Katie's, pulling her toward the festivities.

  Smiling, Katie looked around at her family and freinden. Everyone was having a gut time.

  It was time to join them.

  Dear Gott, danki for working things out for Freida and Thomas. Bless their marriage... and help me to find the one you have waiting for me.

  Katie's Lemon Tarts

  Pastry Ingredients:

  1½ cups flour

  1 tbsp sugar

  ¼ tsp salt

  ½ cup butter, chilled

  ¼ cup ice water

  Lemon Filling Ingredients:

  3 egg yolks

  1 cup sugar

  6 tbsp cornstarch

  2 cups water

  ½ cup lemon juice

  ¼ tsp salt

  3 tbsp butter

  2 tsp lemon peel, grated


  1. Mix together flour, sugar and salt.

  2. Add butter, using a pastry blender or fork (do not over ble

  3. Sprinkle water on the flour mixture, a tbsp at a time, gently mixing with fork until all dough holds together.

  4. Form into ball. Let stand several minutes.

  5. Roll out dough onto lightly floured surface until thin.

  6. Cut in 5” circles (makes 8 tart shells).

  7. Fit over inverted custard cups.

  8. Pinch together at 4 corners.

  9. Prick with fork.

  10. Bake at 375(F) 10-12 minutes.

  11. Mix sugar and cornstarch in saucepan over low heat.

  12. Stir in water.

  13. In small bowl, mix lemon juice and egg yolks together.

  14. Beat with fork until well blended.

  15. Add to sugar mixture.

  16. Stir in salt.

  17. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens.

  18. Continue to cook for 2-3 minutes.

  19. Remove from heat.

  20. Add butter and grated lemon peel.

  21. Stir to blend.

  22. Cool for one hour, then spoon onto cooled tart shells.

  23. Top with fresh blueberries.

  Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne

  of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and

  find grace to help in time of need.

  Hebrews 4:16






  1) Freida and Katie have been friends all their lives. How important are friendships? Do you have friends that you've known for many years?

  2) Freida apologizes to Katie... then Mrs. Simpkins apologizes to both girls. Do you extend apologies when needed? Do you find it difficult to apologize?

  3) Mrs. Simpkins is no longer seeing Mr. O'Neal. Relationships are hard to maintain. What is the longest relationship you have had?

  4) The Yoders are getting ready to care for more than a hundred chickens, plus gathering the eggs and preparing them to sell to customers. There are lots of rules when selling products to the public. Do you think it's worth the trouble? Do you think mass producing food is a viable option?

  5) In Abbott Creek, the Amish families begin thinking about marriage and family much sooner than the English families. Do you think it is a good idea to make plans when you're in your teens? Or should people wait until they're older?

  6) Do you believe marriage is meant to be for a lifetime? Are there reasons that divorce should be allowed? How do you think divorce affects the children in a marriage? How can problems be overcome and the marriage saved?

  7) Katie eventually decides to join the church and marry someone who belongs to the church. Freida thought she should give Travis a chance... What do you think? Would you change your faith for someone else? Should you?


  Q: What was your inspiration for writing Lemon Tart Mystery?

  A: I believe people are tempted by choices that may or may not hurt their walk with God. Maybe Katie will stay with her church, or maybe she will leave and marry an Englischer... either choice could hurt her.

  I also wanted the chance to show how people can say and do things to hurt or offend others. When this happens, they need to be sorry—and seek forgiveness. When someone apologizes, we should be ready to forgive.

  Q: What do you hope your readers will take away from reading Lemon Tart Mystery—or others in the series?

  A: That faith, family, and forgiveness aren't just words, but should be practiced in our daily lives.

  Q: Will there be more books in the Amish Sweet Shop Mystery series?

  A: Oh, yes. I’m working on book four now, titled Pumpkin Pie Mystery, which I hope will be released later this year.

  Q: What does your writing space look like?

  A: My writing space is a beautiful desk, left to me by my sister. But, most of the time, I’m either sitting at the dining room table, or sitting on the couch, with my laptop. Honestly, I can write most anywhere.

  Q: What is your favorite Bible verse and why?

  A: I have many favorites—too many to list all of them, but I’m happy to share one with you today!

  “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” ~Proverbs 3:5-6

  Q: Do you have a favorite scene in your newest release?

  A: Honestly, my favorite scene is when Freida is teasing Katie about being in love with Travis. It's the perfect “friend” scene. And when Katie insists that it can't work, is she trying to convince Freida? Or herself?

  Q: Where can readers connect with you?

  A: Here are the links for each site:

  NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://eepurl.com/bPdjGn

  WEBSITE: https://naomimillerauthor.com

  FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/NaomiMillerAuthor

  TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AuthorNaomi

  INSTAGRAM: https://twitter.com/AuthorNaomi

  PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/authornaomi

  GOODREADS: http://bit.ly/1VMIegX

  INDIEBOUND: http://bit.ly/1PsB9MR

  FICTION FINDER: http://bit.ly/1UOlI5P

  I would also like to take a moment here to point out that there are several mentions of Katie's cousin—who lives in upstate New York. This was done with permission from my fellow author Rachel L. Miller. Yes, it is the same Leah Fisher from her upcoming release: A Mother for Leah.


  To God be the glory! HE is THE AUTHOR of my life! God gives me the inspiration for each and every book... books of family, faith, forgiveness, and grace...

  When God placed it on my heart to write a light-hearted mystery series, I’m glad I obeyed.

  Thanks to my daughter Rachel, who not only designs my covers, memes, posters (well, you get the picture), but is also an amazing author and inspirational speaker.

  Rachel, I couldn’t have done it without you!

  A big thank you goes out to Pam, my dear friend and founder of S&G Publishing. If not for Pam, I might never have been published!

  Last, but by no means least, thank you to my awesome readers, who do so much to encourage me and continue make this series a huge success!


  Naomi Miller mixes up a batch of intrigue, sprinkled with Amish, Mennonite, and English characters, adding a pinch of mystery—and a dash of romance!

  Naomi works full time as an author, blogger and inspirational speaker. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) organization.

  When she’s not working diligently to finish the next novel in her Sweet Shop Mystery series, Naomi tries to make time for attending workshops, writing conferences and other author events. Whenever time permits, Naomi can be found in one of two favorite places—the beach and the mountains.

  Naomi’s day is spent focusing on her writing, editing, and blogging about her experiences. Naomi loves traveling with her family, singing inspirational/gospel music, taking a daily walk, and witnessing to others of the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.




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