Chosen Destiny

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Chosen Destiny Page 8

by Rebecca Airies

  “How are you supposed to know when the village needs help when you’re here in a cave, probably deep underground?” She stepped closer to him as he led her into the dark opening.

  His curved an arm around her. The light streaming in from behind them abruptly disappeared. Before her eyes could adjust to the darkness light flared from lamps along the corridor. She looked over her shoulder and the opening had disappeared, a solid wall stood where it had once been.

  “I never leave the opening to the lair unsealed for longer than it takes to get inside. Dragons are usually very territorial.” His lips widened into a fierce grin revealing the sharp points of his teeth.

  “Really, I’m honored you’re showing me your lair.” She laughed softly, but refused to be sidetracked. “How are you going to know when your help is needed?”

  His hand tightened around her and he shot her a suspicious look as if he suspected she might be thinking of not coming here with him. She waited for him to say something, but he just kept striding down the white-gray stone hallway. She was on the point of asking him again when they walked out of the corridor into a large room. It stunned her.

  It was different from what she’d envisioned. She’d expected something austere, maybe even formal with dark heavy furniture. She’d been wrong. The only thing she hadn’t been mistaken about was the sheer size and high ceilings. She’d known he’d want a lot of space.

  Jewels glittered in the walls. The gems flashed as they caught the light. Gold and silver stands held lamps. Three long couches sat in a semicircle around a large hearth. There was nothing formal about them. The fabrics were jewel-toned. One couch was a vibrant green while the other two were a brilliant blue and a deep golden yellow. A large hammock hung at one end of the room. She saw a door on one wall and another almost opposite. For a few moments, she completely forgot about everything they’d been discussing.

  “Do you like it?” His voice pulled her from her study of the room.

  She nodded.

  She forced her mind off the room and back to their discussion. “So how do you expect to know when you’re needed if you’re underground? You certainly won’t hear the trouble. I doubt you’d be able to hear a herd of wild chitan stampeding over the mountain.”

  “No, we wouldn’t hear the battle. Jaeson can communicate with the other vampires psychically. So if anything happens, we’ll know in moments.” He drew her over to the couch.

  “And what if Jaeson isn’t here?” She tilted her head. The two men weren’t always together. There could easily come a time when they were apart for days. His stance, the easy smile shouted confidence, but she knew it was the unexpected which fouled even the best plans.

  “Look up.” He chuckled.

  She looked up and saw the pale green sky through what looked like faceted crystal. She blinked. The ceiling hadn’t been like that. She was certain of it. It had been solid rock.

  “If there’s trouble, I’ll be able to see the magical flare that will be shot into the air,” he explained easily.

  “And what if you’re asleep?” She raised a brow. That arrogant attitude would get annoying fast. She hoped he didn’t show that side too often.

  A low tone sounded, seeming to vibrate through her head and tighten her stomach. She suddenly felt nauseous and dizzy. She put a hand to head and leaned into him. The noise stopped abruptly.

  “Do you think you could sleep through that?” He sat down on the couch and watched her.

  She stood there for a few moments waiting for the sensation to pass. She didn’t know if she could tolerate that while she was awake. She certainly couldn’t sleep through it. She didn’t know anyone who could do that.

  “You have to be joking. That would be impossible to sleep though.” She took a deep breath and was relieved when the worst of the sensations didn’t return. “That would happen every time someone lobs an alarm flare into the sky or a specific person?”

  “Every alarm flare. The spell is keyed to sound whenever any flare spell is used.” He held out his hand.

  She ignored the invitation and walked around a little. Samiel turned his head, tracking her as she tried to look as if she was curious about his lair when her stomach was churning from her nervousness. His eyes burned with intensity and he seemed ready to bolt off that couch. Not that she intended to walk away from him tonight. She just needed a few moments to think. Samiel wasn’t Jaeson. She knew he would take the physical intimacy as a sign of commitment. He’d be possessive from the first touch. One single kiss and a little touch and he would be absolutely certain she was his mate. She knew she didn’t have a prayer of changing how he felt.

  “Nervous?” His voice drew her away from her thoughts.

  She looked up at him and smiled. “Maybe a little, but mostly I was just thinking.”

  “They must have been heavy thoughts. Want to come over here and share them?” He looked from her to the couch beside him.

  She took a deep breath, half expecting an explosion when she told him. She didn’t want to give him false hope. Whatever he thought she’d make her own decisions. She could have just sat down beside him and let desire take them both. It seemed too much like lying. She took a seat near him on the couch, but kept a little distance between them. It probably wasn’t the smartest thing she’d ever done, but she wanted to be near him.

  “I was thinking about the future.” She licked her lips.

  “The future will take care of itself. We need to deal with the Dark Sorcerer first.” He shrugged.

  “I wasn’t talking about the Dark Sorcerer. I was thinking about you, Jaeson and me. I don’t know if it’s going to work. I know you expect me to be with you, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to stay with you.” She tilted her head and watched him.

  His expression froze. She waited for a growl, a head shake or some kind of denial. Aside from a slight tensing, he didn’t seem to react. She let out her breath slowly. His eyes bored into hers and she could tell that that calm expression was a mask. But she couldn’t read anything behind it.

  “It will work.” The words sounded as if they were ground between rocks.

  She opened her mouth, but she snapped it closed as his eyes narrowed.

  “It will work. None of us is going to walk away at the first sign of difficulty. Mates are for life and yours will be extended significantly when both of us bite you.” His hand cupped the side of her cheek. “Now do you want to argue about it or would you like to kiss me?”

  She looked up at him and couldn’t resist a smile at the tone of his voice. He managed to imply that there wouldn’t be any other option at all. It should have infuriated her. She couldn’t explain why but it didn’t.

  “You say it and that’s the way it’s going to be?” She tilted her head and tried to pull her lips into a more serious expression. She knew she didn’t quite succeed when he grinned.

  “Usually, because I don’t give up until I get my way.” He drew his hand along her collarbone.

  She could feel the heat of his fingers even through the fabric of her shirt. She had to clench her fingers to stop herself from touching him.

  “I’ll make my own decisions. You won’t push me into a decision I think is wrong.” She folded her arms across her chest.

  He shook his head. “I’m not going to get into an argument with you about it. We’ll be together years from now, because you’ll see that this is right.”

  She sighed.

  “Now come over and give me a kiss. I missed you last night.” He gently tugged at her shoulder.

  She moved closer, but looked at him. She didn’t understand how he could say that, but she could hear the sincerity in his voice. “How can you miss me? You don’t know me.”

  “You’re a little late in coming to us. You should have found us years ago.” His hands slipped down to her hips pulling her closer.

  She shook her head, not sure if he was joking. “I should have found you? I hadn’t even thought about a permanent man before you two ca
me around. I was just a little busy with other things.”

  He laughed. “Give me a kiss and stop arguing.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him, but he just sat there and waited. Now she understood how he got his way. He simply waited and held on until everyone else gave up. She hooked an arm around his neck and brushed her lips over his. His arms moved up and his warm hands slid under her shirt. She eased closer to him, wanting to feel his chest against her breasts. Her tongue slicked over his lips. She nipped at the fuller lower one. His breath hissed out and his arm tightened.

  “A real kiss, no teasing,” he growled.

  She felt that rumble beneath her fingertips as her hand slid up his chest. A little thrill slipped through her at that sign of his arousal. She loved that she had such a strong effect on him. She didn’t tease. She wasn’t in the mood to play too much. Her lips opened over his and she stroked her tongue over his lips. His mouth opened and his hand cupped the back of her neck. She brushed her tongue against his. She wasn’t about to let him take over. If he did, she wouldn’t be able to get it back until the next time. She sucked at his tongue. He tasted so good, spicy and exciting.

  She felt cool air on her breast and pulled back. He nipped at her lips but smiled as he pushed her shirt off her shoulders. She pulled her hands free of the fabric, but she wasn’t going to let him have all the fun. Working on the ties on his shirt, her fingers fumbled. She couldn’t push his shirt wide as he’d done to her shirt. His shirt didn’t lace to the bottom. She groaned when the shirt kept getting in her way. She pulled the shirt up his chest. He took over and tugged the shirt off tossing it to the ground. Licking her lips, she eyed the broad expanse of chest in front of her. She ran her hands over his ribs and inward. The muscles beneath her fingers tensed and flexed. She loved feeling the ripple beneath his skin. Her fingers flicked over the hard, dark brown nipples.

  He groaned. His hands tightened as they smoothed up her waist. She almost screamed as they stopped just below her rib cage. She wanted him to touch her. He lay back on the couch, pulling her on top of him. He brushed her black hair over her shoulder as she leaned over him. She needed to kiss him. Her lips settled over his, her tongue stroking his. She lifted his hands to her breasts. He squeezed gently before his hands slid down cupping the mounds. The flesh didn’t come close to filling his hands, but he didn’t seem to mind. His brown eyes burned with desire. She felt the ridge of his cock against her buttocks. She wanted to rip away the cloth separating them. She wriggled a little as she unfastened her skirt. She couldn’t get it past her thighs. Frustrated, she used a little magic to remove the barrier.

  “Slow down. We have plenty of time.” His hands stroked down over her buttocks.

  “I’m just getting more comfortable. Wouldn’t you feel better if you were out of those pants and in me?” She traced her tongue over the firm line of his lips.

  He groaned. “Are you trying to make me crazy? I want that but we should go slowly.”

  She could tell he was trying hard to keep his control. Just knowing he felt the need to hold onto his urges made her want to push him until that grip broke, but she sensed there was something more behind the urge than just normal controlling tendencies. So she decided to show him that she didn’t need the extra time he was insisting on. Grasping one of his hands, she pulled it between them. Lifting her hips just a little, she urged his fingers between the slick lips. His finger curled, stroking over her clit. She gasped, releasing his hand to brace her hand on the couch near his shoulder. Her mouth slid over his chin and down to his neck. She nibbled along the strong column to his shoulder. Her tongue swirled and lapped at his slightly salty skin.

  “We can go very slowly if you’ll just cooperate.” She felt a little wicked just suggesting it. She’d never been so bold before but he seemed so restrained that she just had to take some kind of action or he’d push them both to their limits.

  He growled. She felt the rumble, thrilled at his response. She felt a tingle ripple over her lower body and then they were flesh to flesh. He smiled and nudged her hips backward. She rose onto her knees. His hand reached between them as she slowly lowered herself. His cock nudged at her entrance. She felt the head slip inside, a flare of sharp sweet sensation as the skin stretched. She lowered her body slowly. His hands grasped her hips.

  “Ride me. Slowly, and lean down. I want to taste those gorgeous breasts.” His eyes locked on the full globes.

  She rotated her hips grinning at him, then leaned down, lowering her breasts so that he could reach them. His tongue flicked at the hard bead of her right nipple. She licked her lips as anticipation curled through her. She rocked her hips, keeping the strokes slow and shallow. Sparks and flutters of pleasure built inside her.

  His fingers lightly brushed her cheek. “Close your eyes. I want you to focus on what you feel.”

  She looked into those determined eyes. He didn’t even seem to have doubts that she’d follow those orders. His eyes dropped to her breasts as his hands cupped them, urging them closer to his lips. The arrogant, bossy dragon would be in for a serious disappointment sometime when she wasn’t in the mood to cooperate. She knew that it would happen at some point. Right now, she was in the mood to be agreeable as long as he didn’t stop touching her breasts. She shook her head and closed her eyes.

  Without her sight, every sensation burned through her with surprising intensity. Even the light puff of his breath across the slope of her breast sent sparkling prickles dancing over her skin. A slight wriggle of her hips shot a spike of heat straight to the growing knot of hunger growing low in her belly. Her breath caught and she stilled as shivers ripped up her spine.

  Something slightly sharp scraped over her nipple. Sparks danced from that small touch through her. She almost opened her eyes. What was that? It didn’t feel like a fingernail. Trying to figure it out only made the sensation so much more intense. Her back arched and she rocked against him. Need pulsed and writhed deep in her belly. She wanted to ride him hard and fast until she came. Holding back was only pushing the need higher.

  “Samiel, it’s got to be now,” she whispered. Her fingers brushed over the fabric of the couch trying to find something to hold. If he didn’t do something, she was going to attack him.

  He groaned and one of his hands slipped down to her hips as he lifted into those slow strokes. His lips closed over the hard aching peak. A tremor ripped down her spine as he tugged before taking the tip into his mouth. Her thighs tightened and she pressed down against him. She bit her lip trying to hold back the need to come. She couldn’t think beyond reaching the sweet explosion she needed.

  “Be patient.” He grazed his teeth over the tight nipple.

  So easy for him to say. He didn’t seem half as hungry as she was. Her body burned. Each time she rose only inspired a need for more. Her inner muscles clenched. She tried to ride him faster, but his hand tightened, restricting her movement. She groaned. He drew hard on her breast and the sound became a harsh moan.

  “More,” she demanded as she moved her hips in a slow circle. It was the only movement he didn’t fully control.

  “If you don’t stop torturing me, I’m going to open my eyes and take matters into my hands. I don’t do frustration well.” She would have glared at him, but she knew he couldn’t miss the hard tones.

  His laughter sent vibrations through her breast. His hand left her breast and slid down her belly. The muscles tightened a tingling trail following the slight scrape of his nails. His hand slipped between them and stroked her clit.

  “Come for me. Let me see you find your pleasure.” His finger moved in slow circles, the pressure light.

  The lazy strokes pushed her over the edge. She caught her breath, her eyes popping open as a blast of heat slammed into her. His hand withdrew and clasped at her hips, moving her on him. He came, his seed splashing into her. He stiffened beneath of her and a strangled moan came as his hands continued to urge her to ride him.

  Her mind slowly began working
again as the pleasure faded. The more she thought, the quicker the euphoria dissipated. She glared at him. He’d held onto control right to the last. She pushed at his hands. When they fell away, she scrambled off him and off the couch. Her anger rose. She felt used and that made her furious. He’d shown less passion than he would have shown to a whore. Aside from the fact that he’d found sexual release, she didn’t know if he’d enjoyed it at all.

  “By the Goddess’ gilded toes, what do you think you were doing?” She put her hands on her hips and waited for answer. He would give her one. She wasn’t leaving without it.

  “What do you mean?” He sat up frowning, apparently just becoming aware that she wasn’t happy.

  “I mean that having sex with you made me feel cheap. Except for the fact that you obviously came, I might as well have paid for it for all of the passion you gave me.” She gritted her teeth and backed away from the couch as he came to his feet. She didn’t like retreating, but she didn’t want to be close to him right now. The temptation to hurt him was too strong.

  His mouth fell open before a low growl rumbled through the room. “Explain. Now.” The order fell between them like a huge stone.

  “You controlled everything. What I did, what you did. You never let your desire get out of control. Not even when I was wild and aching for you. When you came, you still held control.” She fisted her hands.

  “I gave you satisfaction.” He frowned.

  “Argh…” She felt like pulling out her hair and throwing something. “I want more than an orgasm. I want a man who knows how to relax and have fun with the pleasure. I want to be able to give you as much enjoyment as I get out of it. But you’d never let that happen would you?”

  She shook her head, feeling tired, alone and a little sick. She knew he wouldn’t listen to her.

  He took a step forward, his hand lifting toward her. She stepped back, not willing to let him touch her. He scowled. She could tell his anger was fast outpacing his surprise. She knew she couldn’t be rational about this.


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