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Singathology Page 48

by Gwee Li Sui












  Images of the Island Nation


  Translated by Jeremy Tiang

  Picking up my paintbrush again is like walking back into a forest of loneliness.

  This forest nestles quietly in the midst of the tropics, covered with a dense shroud of leaves. As if separated from the rest of the planet, as if there were no clear path back to the outside world. Perhaps you might catch a glimpse of scars in the ground, suggesting tracks left behind by our ancestors, but these blurry marks were clearly not made deliberately.

  Dipping the brush into different-coloured pigments and touching it to the white canvas, there is a sense of being caught out of time, as if preparing for a vivid fairy-tale narration to begin. But it’s hard to say where to start this kind of story, which year or which month. While meditating on possibilities, a chaotic tangle of thoughts churns in mid-air, finally tumbling down into a place the eye cannot see.

  I have no way of capturing the image from my dream on this piece of canvas, just as I’m unable to turn the landscape of my mind into verse. Poems can be streams of consciousness, and pictures impressionistic, but neither has the power to truly reflect the scenes and ideas that live in the brain, in dreams.

  Dreamscapes are beautiful. I often awaken from one, only to discover with frustration that, in the instant of rousing myself, the dream has vanished so completely as to leave no trace behind. Yet, every part of my body constantly seems to be reminding me that I am living in the real world. I am lying in my familiar bedroom, the texture of the dark brown wallpaper as pronounced as always even to the eye alone. The wind chimes on the balcony continue to produce clear, delicate sounds as the breeze sways them.


  After assembling my easel, I begin to conceive a landscape of the Island Nation. Very long ago, I started considering the imagery of this country, the totems that represent Nanyang, the South Seas, as beautiful as their name. From the ancient past, we have respected and worshipped such totems. Naturally, I have no desire to transform these images into picture postcards or similarly rigid landscapes. This island was once a forest of loneliness. Our ancestors were lost for a long time and endured much suffering and many reversals before they found their path out of the jungle. During this process, they were able to see the noontime sunlight pouring down through the dense canopy of leaves.

  Sunlight is good. I gaze in the direction of these rays, and stone slabs that have lain there for centuries begin revealing irregular footprints. I am startled that I hadn’t seen these before. They are obviously not the marks of my own feet. I realise that, before I was here, many people might already have come this way, walking out of the fog.

  What colour should I use as my background? White would be simplest and use the least paint, but simplicity can also be dull. I often find a flash of inspiration bursting into my thoughts, an unruly, unrestrained image or a disturbing line of verse. These thoughts or ideas leap and spin in my soul. I think about falling leaves in the northern hemisphere’s winter or cherry blossoms drifting through the air and how I grab my camera as the leaves or flowers start flying, but, when I press the shutter button, the resulting photograph only shows them scattered on the ground.

  Heaps of yellow flowers on the ground. Not just yellow flowers, but also fallen leaves and beautiful dreamscapes.

  That day, a gentle wind blows, and soft clouds drift across the sky.

  Next, I try mixing all the colours, seeing if I can produce a shade I have never imagined before. What emotion is this thickness of paint suited to capture? Can I capture this sunlight on my canvas before the sky turns dark? As the sun pours into the jungle or my studio, I seem to see the reflection of a haloed sun in the window.

  Gently, I allow my feet to stir, walking down the mountain road made of hardened earth. The tropical forest exudes a sort of habitual melancholy. Now and then, I encounter a clump of shy flowers, a lone patch of splendour in the vast green jungle. The deluge of sunlight through the canopy of leaves spills onto the brown earth. I try to think how to daub this scene onto my prepared canvas.

  What kind of images makes up this Island Nation after all? The impression of a metropolis made up of steel and concrete? The city’s skyscrapers stand shoulder to shoulder, competing to grow taller till they reach the clouds, and the south coast’s expressway stretches from the horizon, disappearing into the depths of the sea. The attractive Sports Hub spreads its branches, delicately swaying, ready for battle, exuding a sense of well-being towards the lovely coast, the beguiling depths of Kallang Basin. Though of an age advanced enough to have gained wisdom, it still retains the exuberance of youth.


  In my leisure, I enjoy strolling around, my carefree footsteps impressing themselves on various corners of the city. I’m not fond of Orchard Road, preferring instead to spend an entire afternoon in the one-kilometre circle with City Hall at its centre. The Island Nation’s museums are all collected here as well as the National Library, bookshops, theatres, performance centres, and so on. For a few years now, the Management University has also planted itself here, bringing the whiff of book-learning to the city centre.

  This harsh sunlight of this island usually makes it unsuitable for strolling. With difficulty, I wait for an afternoon of milder sunshine and begin to search for the country’s imagery, starting at Bras Basah Complex. Walking along North Bridge Road, I approach the white facade of CHIJMES. In front of me is a crossroads with Raffles Hotel to the left and Swissôtel The Stamford is diagonally ahead. I like dressing up as a tourist in T-shirt and bermudas perfect for this weather, imagining that I am wandering through a foreign land, looking with new eyes at the city I am thoroughly familiar with, which is also sometimes strange to me. Two historical white buildings dating back to the nineteenth century – CHIJMES and Raffles Hotel – eye each other from opposite sides of the junction. The Swissôtel looms between them, a crane standing amongst chickens. The past and present have miraculously congregated at this crossroads. I don’t know who came up with the Chinese name for CHIJMES – zanmei, meaning praise – but it is a wonderful translation. This complex is thronged with bars, coffee shops, and restaurants, exuding a cosily European atmosphere. There is a vista here that I love and would happily put on a top-ten list of the most photogenic spots in Singapore: standing behind the Gothic cathedral, a little to the right, looking towards the wide staircase that links the church building to the lower levels. This is a lovely view, especially when the lights come on after dusk. I remember the first time I came here, many years ago, a chance encounter on yet another aimless walk. It’s hard to believe that such scenery could exist on an island where it is always summer and even more so to think that this was once a school. How fortunate its students were to study in such a pretty campus!

  With the aim of protecting the environment and promoting aerobic exercise, many countries in the world are building more pedestrian streets in their cities. As a result, while the sun might be as fierce as ever, the Island Nation’s city centre now feels more and more like a place suitable for walking. In fact, it can be a form of enjoyment, strolling on a lazy afternoon with the sun as your companion. When downtown, I like sitting within the SMU buildings, watching people go by and reminiscing about my own undergraduate years. While taking part in all manner of literary or film festivals, I often bring a book with me, nesting on a wooden bench downstairs from the Lee Kong Chian library and reading to fill the gaps between my various activities. While doing this, I feel like a student there, breathing in the air of a city university. Making the university more urbanised, making the city more collegiate – how fortunate that we have thought to do this. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a kind of pioneering work. In this place, you already cannot tell whether you’re in the university or in the city. It’s convenient to walk to the National History Museum or Singapore Art Museum. And – you may not notice if I don’t point it out – I’m not sure when it started, but the number of coffee shops in the area has been steadily increasing. The shady groves around SMU have natural
ly made this small urban university greener – which reminds me of Liu Yuxi’s poem “Inscription on a Crude Dwelling”, in which he describes “moss marking a staircase with green, the colour of grass seeping through a window” – a scene that, no doubt, resembles this one.

  If you wish to look out at the vista from a high vantage point, the place to go is the National Library building on Victoria Street. In these surroundings, this sixteen-storey modern building can be considered a behemoth although, at first sight, it doesn’t have much in common with the traditional idea of a library – as if to remind us that we have reached an era in which libraries, too, are high-tech artefacts like the facade of this building. Its existence inevitably causes me to involuntarily recall the old library at Stamford Road, a symbol and landmark that many Singaporeans have fond memories of, an image many of us grew up with. Red bricks covered the entire four-storey structure, heart-warming, and down-to-earth. Up a few flights of stairs was the front porch and main entrance. This was a building that did not seek to dominate, instead inviting closeness, without any sense of distance at all. From four floors to sixteen, I see the upward climb of knowledge – in the digital age, this has gradually crept up to the skies, seemingly ever more distant from us. It’s also true that, from the viewing gallery on the sixteenth floor, we have a bird’s eye view of the entire city centre, and it’s also here that we welcomed Gao Xingjian – I’d never imagined that, in my lifetime, I would have the opportunity to be this close to a Nobel Prize winner. After his speech, I found myself sharing a lift with him. He walked in after us with his party and turned around, at which point he was no more than ten centimetres away from me, easily within reach.

  Just as with the nostalgia for the old National Library building, I am a person who is fond of the past. As a result, you can imagine how quickly the Victoria Theatre and Victoria Concert Hall became important stops on my city strolls when they reopened after many years of restoration work. Next to them is the Asian Civilisations Museum and, to the rear, the former Parliament House now called The Arts House. While work on the Victoria buildings was going on, I had to pause and gaze at them, and the tall clock tower in between, every time I walked past or strolled along the Singapore River. There aren’t many clock towers like this any more – you could say that it’s a witness to history. Our school concerts always took place here. Now there is the Esplanade Arts Centre, but I still feel a nostalgic connection to this pair of greyish-white Victorian buildings. Both have watched the development of this Island Nation’s performing arts culture. In a city with few theatres and performance spaces, these two buildings are all the more precious.


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