Radioactive Evolution

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Radioactive Evolution Page 13

by Richard Hummel

  What? Jared’s anger peaked. Kill you? Torture me? The idea sent waves of white-hot rage him, and he desperately wanted to vent his anger on them.

  I won’t let them harm you, Scarlet. You have my word. If I have to, I’ll kill every one of them if it means protecting you.

  Jared tested his bonds. He had no wiggle room but believed he could snap the rope with his increased strength. It wasn’t the time to do so with the group so far away, since they’d pull their weapons and shoot him before he made it across the distance. He’d also tipped his hand when he’d first attacked them by the Statue of Liberty, and they knew how fast he was. His strength and the ability to break his bonds were the only advantages he had.

  Are you in a position to help if I attack them?

  They have my mouth tied shut, my wings bound, and my legs tied together with my tail. My wing is also broken, and I can’t heal the way they tied me up.

  Jared took a deep, calming breath and forced himself to remain calm. They’d hurt his companion and were talking of killing her. A fire lit in his belly, a wild burning rage, that threatened to take over any rational thought.

  Jared’s rage reached the boiling point, and he shouted, “I’m going kill you! All of you! First, I will break your limbs, tie them together like you did to Scarlet, and then I’ll blow your brains out with your own weapons.”

  “Tough talk for someone hogtied,” said Jon, his voice a rumbling bass.

  “You think all that muscle will protect you? Seems to me you’re overcompensating for something,” sneered Jared.

  Jon took a few steps toward Jared before Loch intervened.

  “We need to keep him alive.”

  “He doesn’t have to be in one piece,” spat Jon through clenched teeth.

  “Let’s go, meathead. How about you untie me, and I show you how pathetic you really are?”

  Jon blew past Loch and launched a fist at Jared. He maneuvered his body to take the hit on his shoulder and an explosion of pain ignited through his arm. It wasn’t enough to render it useless, but it definitely hurt.

  Jared didn’t relent as he continued to berate them.

  “How about you, you little Irish prick? You think you got the stones to stand toe to toe? You’d probably crap yourself before you took the first swing.” Rob started toward Jared as his cheeks flushed red.

  Insult his heritage and masculinity, check. Jared grinned an evil smile at them, hoping it conveyed his malicious intent.

  “What’s the matter? Your mama too soft on you? Did She wean you until you grew that splotchy little stubble on your face? I bet she’s got a bigger beard than you.”

  Jared grinned in triumph as Rob drew his pistol and advanced on him.

  “I say we kill ‘em right here an’ now.” Rob’s voice promised pain and violence.


  Loch stepped in to referee. It was exactly what Jared wanted.

  Get ready, Scarlet. I don’t think the mental blast will work the same as before, but try your best to confuse them.

  Jared centered himself as best he could, twisted his body and flexed. The ropes on his hands and feet snapped, earning him burns across his wrists and ankles. Ignoring the pain, Jared shot to his feet and dove at Rob, who was the only one with his weapon free.

  He hit Rob with a football tackle and wrested his pistol from him. Jared heard joints pop and guessed he’d snapped Rob’s fingers. His guess proved correct when Rob snatched his hand back with a cry of pain.

  As soon as Jared hit the ground, he rolled, placing Rob between him and the others. Using Rob as a body shield, Jared fired around him at the others.

  Aim left, Scarlet instructed.

  Jared followed Scarlet’s instructions and heard a cry of pain, rewarding his efforts.

  Everyone but Jon dove for cover, drawing their own weapons.

  Jon stood in the same place, staring at Jared, blood dripping from his fingers. A crimson stain spread across Jon’s shirt, and he toppled face first into the ground.

  In normal circumstances Jared would’ve panicked or froze, but all he felt was a sense of urgency with Scarlet bound and unprotected. He’d have time to reflect on his actions later, but right now all that mattered was getting out of this situation and keeping Scarlet safe.

  Rob struggled to free himself, but Jared proved too strong. Before letting go, Jared pressed the pistol to Rob’s chest and squeezed the trigger. His body went limp, and Jared rolled away from him, coming up in a crouch.

  Loch, Iliana, and Lee sprinted in the opposite direction, looking for shelter. Lee was the only one close enough to cover, so Jared focused on chasing him down first. Plus, he had the only rifle of the group, making him the more dangerous adversary.

  Neither Iliana or Loch showed an interest in harming or killing them, but he also didn’t want to risk testing that theory. If they surrendered without a fight, then perhaps he’d have mercy on them.

  Lee darted for an outcropping, while Iliana and Loch sprinted for the cliff face where they could hide amongst the natural caves and crevices.

  Jared smirked. They didn’t know he had Heat Sight, and that he could find them easily amongst the shadows. A feral smile crept up his face just as Lee glanced behind him. His eyes widened, no doubt seeing the manic look on Jared’s face, and he put on a burst of speed, diving behind the rock.

  Right before he reached Lee’s position, the small Asian man leaned from cover, the rifle pressed to his shoulder. Jared launched himself into the air as the shot sailed beneath him. He fired the pistol in a desperate maneuver, hitting the rock and causing shrapnel to assault Lee’s face. A sharp sliver of rock embedded itself in Lee’s cheek and he screamed in agony.

  A testament to his fortitude and battle prowess, the experienced sharpshooter held onto his rifle and fired in Jared’s direction. Moving erratically, Jared managed to avoid the shots, if only barely. If the shrapnel hadn’t impeded his vision, Jared didn’t think he would’ve been able to avoid getting hit. This guy was good. Pouring on a burst of speed, Jared dove through the air, sailing over Lee’s crouched form. In a feat of acrobatic flair, he finished the dive by spinning in the air and firing into Lee’s exposed back. He’d tried to shoot twice, but the chamber clicked empty.

  The single shot hit true, and Lee slumped forward, his rifle falling from his lifeless hands. Jared landed hard, his twist in the air not allowing him to cushion his fall. He slid across the hard-packed dirt and rocks. Pain erupted along his back, where he hit the ground. Jared ignored it and bounded over to Lee’s corpse.

  Keeping a watch on the cliff face and a mental link with Scarlet, Jared quickly rummaged through Lee’s pack and found several boxes of ammunition for the rifle. He didn’t know what kind it was, but he was at least familiar enough to reload and chamber a round.

  Three down, two to go.

  Scarlet, I’ve got them cornered in some caves over here. I think I know a way I can get there without leaving myself exposed. Will you be okay over there until I finish this? Or, should I come back and untie you first?

  I am fine. Do what you must.

  Do you think we’re safe here? Jared flicked his eyes to the top of the cliff, making sure the worm couldn’t see or sense them. If that thing made it down here, I’m not sure we’d survive another encounter with it.

  I do not know, but if it could, it would have already done so after it knocked us from the air.

  We’ll worry about it later then. If you sense it getting any closer, please let me know.

  Jared truly didn’t want to hurt Loch and Iliana, but if they’d left him no choice, he’d end them just like their comrades. His and Scarlet’s safety was paramount to his goals, and he had a vow to keep to Alestrialia.

  Jared skirted a series of jagged boulders when an idea formed in the back of his mind. He raised the rifle to his shoulder, using the s
cope to study the cliff face. He didn’t think looking at the cliff from this distance with Heat Sight would allow him to find the pair, but if he activated Magnified Vision while looking through the scope, it’s possible the two abilities could work in concert to help him find them.

  Scanning the cliff face one more time, Jared located the pair in a shallow depression covered in shadows. A grim smile crept up Jared’s face as he peered down the scope, his Magnified Vision and Heat Sight still active. He centered the crosshairs of the scope on Loch’s head and moved his finger to the trigger. Willing himself to end their troubles and be done with these people, Jared couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger. He drew in a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and tried again, and again, he couldn’t pull the trigger.

  Sighing in exasperation, Jared tried a different tactic. He aimed the rifle just to the left of the pair and fired into the rock wall. Debris exploded outward, making Loch and Iliana jump.

  “Stop! Don’t shoot!” yelled Loch. They threw their weapons and packs on the ground and walked out with arms raised. “We don’t want to harm either of you.”

  Jared knew it would be safer to kill them and walk away, but he didn’t know if he’d be able to live with himself after killing someone that’d surrendered and hadn’t intended or done harm to him. It was one thing to kill the other three in defense, to protect Scarlet. However, he couldn’t bring himself to murder these two in cold blood, especially when they’d been in favor of keeping him and Scarlet alive.

  “Stop!” Jared instructed, as they neared within fifty yards. “Get down on your knees and keep your hands where I can see them. I won’t hesitate to shoot if I think you’re reaching for a weapon.”

  Jared kept a healthy distance from the pair as he circled around, retrieved the packs, and picked up their weapon. His weapons. Of course, they’d choose the best weapons after stripping his gear from him. A small knot of anger coiled in his stomach and he nearly changed his mind about keeping them alive.

  Re-attaching the holster, Jared checked the battery packs to ensure they hadn’t wasted their charge. He slung the rifle over his shoulder and leveled the phase pistol in their direction.

  “Lie on your stomach.”

  They did as instructed and Jared patted them down to ensure they had no hidden weapons.

  “Get up. Walk back to Scarlet.”

  When they reached Scarlet, Jared made them sit off to the side and used the remnants of the rope from his bonds to tie their feet.

  “If either of you try escaping or fighting, you’ll end up like your friend’s over there.” Jared gestured to the lifeless form of Rob, a pool of blood soaking into the dirt beneath him.

  His prisoners secured, Jared turned his attention to Scarlet, examining her wing.

  Scarlet, I need to straighten your wing and bind it to your side. How serious is the break? He made sure to communicate with Scarlet mentally. He had no desire to let Loch overhear their discussion about Scarlet’s injuries and her regenerative abilities.

  It should take no more than a day. I also have yet to expend the last of my mother’s essence, so I should be whole and much stronger after resting for a night.

  Wow, again? You’ve already grown so much in such a short time! I can’t wait to see what happens next. Okay, I’ll leave your wing bound after adjusting it and loosen the rope when you sleep. No need to show them just how fast you can heal.

  Grimacing at what he had to do, Jared asked, Ready?

  I am ready.

  Gingerly he probed her injured wing.

  Spasms of pain made Scarlet flinch.

  Saying a silent apology, Jared grabbed the thick part of her wing, just before the joint that allowed her to fold them against her body and yanked them back into place.

  Scarlet growled low in her throat and steam rose from the sides of her mouth.

  Sorry, Scarlet, Jared apologized. Are you okay?

  I. Will. Be. Fine, replied Scarlet, pain evident in her tone.

  As gently as he could, he guided her wing to her body, threw a rope over her back, and carefully tied the ends together.

  I’ll tighten it to make sure it’s immobile, but let me know if It gets too tight.

  Every movement of the rope sent a stab of pain rippling across their bond. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed to prevent him from walking over to Loch and breaking his arm. As it was, he shot disgusted glances their way and at one point found Iliana staring.

  She blanched and looked away after seeing the anger etched into this face.

  Scarlet taken care of as best he could, Jared raised his voice so that everyone could hear. “We need to get away from here. Whatever it was that knocked us out of the air is still awake up there and I don’t want to tempt fate staying here in case it decides it hasn’t had enough to eat.”

  Jared walked over to Rob’s lifeless body. Looking at the corpse, he didn’t experience the revulsion he thought he should. Examining his own feelings, he barely felt any guilt at killing them given their desires for him and Scarlet. Though it could have been the adrenaline coursing through his body. He would need to dedicate some self-reflection later to what he’d done here and come to grips with it, but for now they needed to move, and he didn’t want to leave all their gear behind.

  Jared looted Rob and Jon’s corpses, taking Jon’s boots as well. They happened to wear the same size, and his desperately needed replacing.

  His dad’s Colt was also on Jon’s body, and he angrily ripped the belt from his waist. He’d give it a thorough inspection and cleaning later to make sure the idiot hadn’t ruined it.

  Once he’d finished gathering the gear and weapons, he slung everything he could over his shoulders, stuffed all he could into his pack, and left a random assortment of junk in another satchel, which he slung over Loch’s shoulder.

  “All right let’s move. You two will walk in front of us, and no dawdling. We need to find shelter before nightfall.”

  Jared reflected over the last couple days while they walked southwest, toward Virginia. If the remainder of the Daggers fraternity held the same views as those he’d killed, there was no point in them continuing their journey south. If, on the other hand, the leaders were more like Loch, they had a shot at finding ready allies. After a long internal struggle, Jared realized it wasn’t worth the risk and shared his decision with Scarlet.

  Scarlet, I think we should head away from the coast after you heal up. We have a long way to go before we’re even remotely ready to fight, and I want to put some distance between us, the Daggers, and the cities out this way. Who knows, maybe we can find other settlements that will help us, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to follow Loch and Iliana to their camp. We’re not likely to get a warm welcome after what I just did to their people.

  They do not have to find out.

  Scarlet, we’ve been over this. I won’t kill them. Besides, can you honestly say you wouldn’t have done the same thing in their shoes? I mean, they see a lone traveler with phase weapons and a dragon poking around a very dangerous location. It raises all kinds of red flags. I wouldn’t try to rob or kill anyone, but I wouldn’t rule out detaining someone for questioning.

  I agree, but my concern still stands. For now, we will head away from the coast and focus on gaining strength.

  Speaking of growing stronger. Jared glanced over his shoulder at Sandy Hook island. What do you think about trying to kill that...worm? Was it a worm? A snake? Whatever it was, we know it’s there, where it lives, and how fast it is. If we can kill it, it’s bound to have a ton of nanites. I mean, how else could it get that big?

  If we lure it out, we might stand a chance.

  Jared spent most of the trek to the coast working out a way to kill the creature. If only they had explosives, they’d make short work of it, but they only had phase and ballistic rounds, along with Scarlet’s fire. />
  Not knowing what species didn’t help, but if it was a worm, then it stood to reason they could kill it by taking out its brain. Jared knew from school that one side of a worm has a darker, wider segment that signified where its brain lived. If they could bait the worm out and find that portion of its body, they’d barrage it with Scarlet’s fire and his weapons.

  You have a photographic memory, right? I mean, your mother seemed to, so I assume you do as well.

  I do.

  Can you recall images of the creature that batted us away and show me?

  Yes, you will need to touch me. Perhaps climb on my back so we can keep walking.

  Scarlet paused just long enough for Jared to mount. After he found a comfortable position and had a clear line of sight to his two prisoners, she showed him the hangar just before the creature appeared. Then, as if in slow motion, the body shot out of the two holes in the ground. Studying its physical appearance, everything pointed to it being a massive worm. There were no scales on it to indicate a snake, no suction cups announcing it as some sort of land octopus, only a thick, slimy membrane-like texture. Its gray, ashen color resembled a rotting corpse.

  “Fast forward until its body reaches out for us in the air.”

  The scene flashed and paused on an image mere millisecond before he’d blacked out. Scarlet’s vantage allowed her to see both sides of the creature, one of which emerged more than thirty feet from the hole. Immediately, Jared spotted was he was looking for.

  There, you see that dark, brownish black band around it? That’s where its brain exists. If we take out that segment, we can probably kill this thing. I know my lessons had more to say about worms, but for the life of me, I can’t remember them right now. Maybe you can do that memory sifting thing and look deeper?

  Now that he knew what it felt like, it was obvious when Scarlet rooted around inside his mind. It was an odd sensation; Not painful or intrusive, but alien. It felt like cool tendrils of force massaging his mind.


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