Welch, D [Shadow People 03] Shadow Twins

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Welch, D [Shadow People 03] Shadow Twins Page 10

by Doug Welch

  After making sure that the Shadow couldn’t get free even if he regained consciousness, he took the gun from Dani and forced the Normal at gun point into the apartment. After the landing was clear, he closed Dani’s door and had the man sit in the middle of the living room, immobilizing him again.

  Crashing from the adrenalin rush of the encounter, Paris sat heavily on the couch staring at the wreckage of his plans.

  Dani came over and sat beside him. “My brother wants to know what you intend to do with them.” She gestured to the two men on the floor.

  Paris rubbed his hands over his face and eyes. “I don’t know. I need to think.”

  A long moment of silence passed while he zoned out. It was broken by Dani’s voice.

  “That was amazing. –I mean I knew that they could do that, but I’d never seen it. He just appeared out of nothing.”

  Paris broke his trance. “They don’t actually disappear. They just trick your mind into not seeing them.”

  “Can you do that?”

  Paris avoided a direct answer. “Have you seen me vanish?”

  “No,” she replied, “but you didn’t answer my question. Can you do what he did?” She pointed again at the Shadow.

  “I can do a lot of things, Dani, but disappearing in front of ordinary human beings isn’t one of them.” No, he thought, not normal humans but Shadows, yes.

  “Why did you call him a Shadow? We’ve always referred to them as The People.”

  Paris sighed. He was in no mood to answer a lot of questions, he needed time to think. “It’s what normal people who know about them call them. They don’t like it, but I don’t care.”

  “But you’re one of them.”

  “By birth, Dani, not by choice.”

  Her attention was distracted by her brother, who spoke a flurry of Italian at her. She barked a few phrases back then turned to Paris. “My brother’s still asking what you’re going to do.”

  “I don’t know yet. What does your brother suggest?”

  She returned her attention to her brother and spat a few terse sentences. He replied and she slumped back in the couch. Staring at the floor she said, “He hates the Borgias. He’s talking about dumping them in a marble quarry, in a big pool of water, where no one will ever see them again.”

  Grimacing, Paris dismissed that option. The Shadow underlings were just doing what they’d been ordered to do. They didn’t deserve death and if they didn’t report back, Dani was in serious danger.

  “Tell your brother that I forbid it. Tell him that if the Shadow doesn’t report to the Borgias your life is endangered.”

  A look of fear crossed her face. “Are you sure? Do you think they might come after me?”

  Paris nodded. “I’m sure of it. I think I can change that, but only if they’re freed and allowed to report back to their masters. Even then, you’re going to need to leave your apartment, at least for a while.”

  If looks could curdle blood, Paris felt he’d found the man that could do it. After Dani finished explaining what he’d told her, her brother’s eyes narrowed and the man looked as if he wanted to strangle him.

  Dani’s brother had paced the room during the entire conversation. He had Dani’s glossy black hair and brown eyes and his complexion was the light olive of much of the Italian population. An American woman would have been delighted with him.

  Annoyed at his glower, Paris said to Dani, “Ask him to sit, I can’t think with him looming over me.”

  Dani barked a command and the man flopped on the only available chair, still casting murderous looks at Paris.

  “What’s your brother’s name, Dani?” Paris asked.

  “Emiliano,” she replied.

  Paris nodded to him and spoke his name, “Emiliano.” Emiliano nodded back.

  Paris touched his chest. “Il mio nome è Paris.”

  Emiliano seemed surprised at the mention of Paris’ name but made no reply.

  Having exhausted most of his knowledge of the Italian language, Paris turned his attention to Dani. “What does your brother do for a living?”

  “He helps my father at this time,” she said. “All of my brothers work for him. They were let go from the places they worked at and jobs are hard to find in Italy.”

  Appraising Emiliano, Paris asked, “Are all of your brothers as big as he is?”

  Dani laughed. “Emiliano’s the runt of the family. You should see my older brothers.”

  Her laugh caught Emiliano’s attention. He asked her a question and she replied. Exchanging his glower for a smirk, he seemed more relaxed, settling back in the chair.

  Paris came to a decision. He wouldn’t run. Dani’s family stood a better chance of surviving if he stayed. “Dani, ask your brother if he’d like to work for me. Tell him I’ll pay well for his help.”

  Dani translated and when Emiliano replied, turned to Paris. “He said it depends. Will it have anything to do with hurting the Borgias?”

  Paris nodded. “Everything to do with that. Will your other brothers also work for me?”

  Dani hesitated “I can’t speak for them but I suspect they’ll help.”

  Directing a hard look at Emiliano, Paris replied, “Si, Borgias. Morte.”

  Chapter 13


  Driving into Jamestown, Caesar parked his truck in the Family Center’s parking lot.

  Looking up at the building, he marveled at how much had been accomplished in just one year. The ground floor housed a complete urgent care clinic with four full-time doctors and out-patient services. A money loser at first, now it had begun to pay for itself in spite of the fact that one of the doctors provided free services to Shadows living in Kentucky.

  The second floor contained the Family offices, including its computers and the administration of the Family’s finances. On the top floor, hotel-like accommodations were reserved for transient Shadows or visitors. Only Shadows or Family were allowed there.

  As his destination was the second floor, he ran up the stairs, ignoring the elevator.

  Emerging in the vestibule, he looked around for a familiar face. Finding none, he approached the security desk. “Is June here?”

  “Certainly Mister Rowan, would you like me to ring her?”

  “Yes, tell her I’m heading to her office.”

  Passing the monitors that hung over the guard’s’ station, he walked down a corridor lined with plush carpet. To either side, doors led to Tom Bradley’s lair where all the computer security was handled, and Dan Simmons’s offices where he used his detective skills to make sure the Family was safe from outside interference. Finding the door to June’s suite of law offices at the end, he entered her waiting area.

  Clients lounged around, paging through magazines, while waiting for June or her two associate lawyers to see them.

  He walked up to the receptionist who immediately recognized him and said, “She’s waiting for you Mister Rowan.”

  Caesar opened one of the double doors to June’s office and walked in.

  Before he could speak, June said, “Caesar, I’m glad you’re here. Close the door, I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”

  Caesar sunk into one of the plush office chairs facing June and crossed his legs. Not knowing how to start the conversation he simply asked, “Have you seen Paris?”

  June shook her head. “No, and that’s why I’m glad you’re here. I know he’s back. Several people in town have seen him, you know how the word gets around in a country town as small as ours, but he hasn’t visited me yet and I expected him to do so as soon as he got back.”

  Caesar knew what she meant. Since the Family had settled in Jamestown, the small community had experienced a surge in prosperity. With construction contracts, land acquisition, and local employment, the impact of the Family was hard to ignore. Paris as the head was viewed by many locals as being somewhat like an economic savior, and his popularity and the unwanted notoriety of the Family made him easily recognizable to the locals.
  “I haven’t seen him either,” Caesar said. “Elizabeth informed Alex that he’d returned but she said... and they’re both pregnant, mind you...anyway, she said that Beth felt that the man who returned home wasn’t Paris. Now you know how emotional pregnant women are, but I trust my sister, and if she has reservations...well then...”

  June laughed. “Men! As if you have any idea of what makes us tick! I’ve never been pregnant but I’m confident that a woman’s never as mentally strong as when she is about to give birth. So what are you saying? Do you think that there’s someone posing as Paris?”

  Caesar shrugged, throwing his hands in the air. “It sounds preposterous but Paris and I encountered something in Iran that’s even more impossible, another damn near identical twin.” The urge to add more felt strong, but he respected Audrey’s decision so he didn’t say anything about her baby or the events leading to it.

  June looked worried. “Speaking about that, the young woman you rescued called me yesterday. She’s decided to join the Family and take Paris up on his offer, but... here’s the weird part. She’s requested a Family meeting, something important that she wouldn’t discuss over the phone. Do you have any idea what it’s about?”

  Caesar mulled several possibilities. Did she want help to locate her child? Did she have additional information about what happened in Iran? What could it be?

  “No, but I think we should hear her out, It may be important. Fly her to Kentucky and she can stay temporarily at our house. I don’t want anyone to see her until we’ve had a chance to talk...and that includes Paris.”

  June’s eyes opened wide. “Paris is the Family’s head. How can we exclude him?”

  “Do it on my authority. If he isn’t the real Paris, I don’t want Audrey near him.”

  June’s look changed to suspicion. “Do you know something I don’t?”

  Caesar nodded. “Yes, but I’m not at liberty to say. If Audrey gives me permission, I’ll inform you...completely.”

  June nodded. “Well that may settle something that has me puzzled. Paris called me a few days ago and requested that the Family set up an account in Italy, one that he could use to employ certain people. At the time, I thought nothing of it because he had all the proper pass codes and verifications. I’d assumed he’d keep me posted as soon as he returned.

  “But here’s the strange part. Paris made substantial withdrawals from the account in Italy as of today, all on his passwords.

  “If he’s in Italy, then why is he here in Kentucky?”

  Chapter 14


  Paris sat in an armchair in the spacious villa that Dani’s parents owned outside Naples, waiting for Dani’s father. He’d questioned Dani’s brothers about working for the Family but to a man they’d told him to ask their father’s permission.

  It had turned out to be easy to implant false memories in the two Borgia agents. He thought he might have trouble with the Shadow, but the man had limited abilities and resisting an Adept wasn’t one of them. He released them to report back to their masters, but insisted that Dani stay in her father’s house where she could be protected.

  Hearing a sound from the next room, he waited. Shortly a tall, slim older man entered. Paris rose from the chair, extending his hand. “S. signore Karela. Il mio nome è Paris Fox

  Karela gestured to the chair after shaking Paris’ hand, “Si sieda. What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” He sat in the chair opposite him.

  Paris relaxed. “It’s a good thing you speak English, sir, I’ve just exhausted all my Italian.”

  Karela waved a hand. “Non è importante. If you spoke any of six languages I would be able to converse with you.”

  Paris compared that with the meager foreign language skills of most Americans and was momentarily embarrassed. He’d passed Spanish in college, but doubted he’d retained enough to hold an intelligent conversation. He’d had a crash course in Arabic in Iraq, just enough to give orders and understand simple phrases.

  “Mister Karela, I need your help. I’m sure that your son told you what happened in Dani’s apartment and I’m concerned for the safety of her and your family. I can prevent much of that, but I can’t do it alone. I also have a mission to complete for Chairman Chandler. Therefore, I have a proposition for you, a business venture.”

  Karela leaned back and folded his hands at his waist, looking at Paris through narrowed eyes. “What is this business matter and how does it affect my family?”

  Paris leaned forward in his chair, folding his hands between his knees. “I propose that I establish a business here in Italy and employ your sons. My House will provide the capital and your sons can engage in any business matter they choose, but they’ll also conduct investigations for me. For their service they’ll be paid a monthly salary, a substantial monthly salary.”

  “Will this have anything to do with the House of Borgia?”

  Paris nodded. “Yes, partially, but they’ll be free to conduct any profitable business they want on the condition that there’s nothing illegal. I don’t want the government interested.”

  Karela barked a laugh. “Ha! I can see you have no experience in business matters in Italy. All the illegal activities are conducted by the criminal organizations, or as you Americans call them the mafia, and they’re controlled by the Borgias in one way or another. That’s why we’ve never been able to completely weed out corruption in this country. Let me handle the business matters. I’m more concerned as to what you intend with the Borgia House.”

  Paris’ grin grew feral. “I intend to hurt them. I intend to set the other Houses and the Council against them. And I want to start with their biotechnology investments. I believe that’s their weak point. They’re engaged in some experiments on humans that most of the People would find threatening and I want to find out what they’re doing. If it’s as bad as I think it is, it’s a good weapon to use against them. Do I have your blessing to proceed?”

  Karela nodded. “Yes but I think I should become the front for our little venture. I have established businesses and your capital will allow me to branch out. Stay for dinner Mister Fox and we can discuss it.”

  * * *

  Paris sat at a conference table with Dani and her four brothers. The men were uniformly handsome, varying in height, but all with appearances similar to Emiliano’s.

  The building they sat in was owned by Dani’s father. The bottom floor was destined to become the store front and offices for the business and the second level held two small apartments for him and Dani.

  He’d been aching to call home and find out how Elizabeth was doing, but Dani had cautioned against it. As long as he stayed in Italy calls outside the country would be monitored and reported to the Borgias. As far as he knew, they didn’t know were he was and he wanted to keep it that way. He’d promised Elizabeth he’d be back in two weeks and the first week was up, so he needed to work quickly.

  Dani translated as Paris spoke. “How many of you speak English?” Dani and one of her brothers raised their hand.

  Focusing on the brother who’d indicated he spoke English, Paris asked, “What’s your name?”

  “Carlo. My name is Carlo. I not speak English as good as Dani, but good enough for visiting tourist.”

  Paris smiled at him. “Good, then I have a task for you. Your first job is to travel to Belgium. I’ll give you one of my bank cards. I want you to withdraw money with it at various places on the way. Pay for your meals with it. Pay for the train tickets and have a good time. I’ll give you a letter to deliver to Chairman Chandler. Then with the cash, fly back to Italy under your own name. Do you understand?”

  Carlo looked helplessly at Dani. She grinned and fired a rapid string of Italian at him. His smile widened. “Si, Si, I can do this.”

  Dani turned to Paris. “I think you’d better let me translate your orders from now on.”

  He winced. The language barrier was becoming a problem. “More than that Dani, I want you to run this
circus. Do you think that your brothers will take orders from you?”

  Dani laughed. “I’m their baby sister. I have been bossing these hunks around my entire life. I don’t think that will change. So, yes, I think they will listen to me.”

  “Okay then, I have a few tasks for the others. Do they have any computer skills?”

  She pointed to Emiliano. “He’s the best. He knows the most about computers, but all of us can use them.”

  “That works,” Paris said. “I’ll need Emiliano to set up a complete computer facility with a fast connection to the internet.”

  “What will we be looking for?”

  “Start with a Borgia named Gerardo. I don’t know his last name, but it’s likely the House name. He looks a little like the pictures of Mussolini only with hair. I want to know what he does, who he visits, and what his connections to the Italian biotechnology industry are. Find anything you can discover and we’ll go from there. Also I may need to acquire an insider, some Normal who works for them. We’ll explore that problem once we’ve identified the likely target.”

  “What will you be doing in the meantime?” Dani asked.

  “Until your brother makes the trip and returns,” Paris replied, “I can do little but help with the search and guard the place from Shadow incursions. I’m hoping he can convince the Borgias I’ve fled the country. That’ll take the heat off and we can work with more freedom. Oh and one other thing. Find me a cell phone, one that’s untraceable.”

  * * *

  Although Paris had worried the language barrier would become a potential liability it had turned into an asset as they researched the Borgias vast empire in Italy. All the information was written in Italian, at least the important data. Paris realized he would never have been able to find it by himself. In a mercifully brief period of time they’d uncovered mountains of data that he would never have been able to decipher. He planned to kick-start the operation and return home as soon as he could.


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