Welch, D [Shadow People 03] Shadow Twins

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Welch, D [Shadow People 03] Shadow Twins Page 12

by Doug Welch

  Where was Emiliano? Surely it couldn’t take this long to get food. The afternoon had worn on and if they didn’t act soon, the two men who watched the house could get away with their damaging information.

  About to give up and try to take the men himself, Paris saw Emiliano’s car enter the cut off. Waving him down, he convinced him by using sign language and hand signals to park the car. Opening the small trunk, he searched for the rope they’d used to tie up the other Borgia operatives. Taking it and a lug wrench he beckoned to Emilinao to follow him.

  Weaving through the brush and weeds they crouch-walked near to the site of the parked surveillance car. The Borgia Normal still periodically swept the house with the binoculars and the Shadow had apparently awakened because he stood outside the car watching the road.

  Maintaining silence, Paris tapped Emiliano on the shoulder to get his attention. Using his hands and fingers, he mimicked taking a picture with a camera and pointed to Emiliano’s pocket. Looking puzzled, Emiliano withdrew the camera from his jacket. He looked questioningly at it and then at Paris.

  Nodding, Paris pointed at the camera and then at the car, hoping that Emiliano would get the idea. At first he appeared confused but then his eyes brightened. Nodding back, he turned on the camera and then looked at the car through the view finder.

  At first it must not have registered, because he swept the area without a change in expression. But then he examined the car without the camera and compared that with what the view finder revealed. His eyes grew wide in apparent amazement. He checked twice, confirming what Paris saw.

  Paris pointed down the hill toward Emiliano’s car and crept through the brush away from the surveillance site, relying on Emiliano to follow him.

  Reaching the car, he opened his cell phone, and dialed Dani’s number.

  Dani’s relieved voice answered, “Dio, Paris, where have you been? We’ve been waiting here frantic, expecting at any moment that someone might try to enter the house.”

  “Calm down, Dani, I had to wait for your brother. Your brother and I are going to try to take the Borgias down, but I’ve run out of sign language and I need you to interpret for me.”

  She sighed. “Either you need to learn Italian, or my brothers are going to have to learn English. Okay, what do you want me to say?”

  “I’ve got a plan, but it’s complicated. Here’s what I have in mind...”

  Chapter 15


  Paris waited in the brush observing the car and the two men next to it. Spotting Emiliano’s car ascending the road he tensed his leg muscles, ready to leap to his feet.

  Seeing Emiliano stop the car and get out, he froze the Borgia Normal.

  Emiliano, as instructed, walked across the road and directly toward the surveillance car, carrying the rope. As Paris expected, the Borgia Shadow moved to intercept him.

  Waiting until the Shadow’s back was toward him; Paris hid his image from the Shadow’s mind and burst from the brush.

  Hearing the noise, the Shadow briefly looked back. Not seeing anything, he returned his attention to Emiliano. The sound of Paris’ feet pounding through the brush must have alerted him further, because he again looked back with a nervous expression on his face.

  Reaching the Shadow, Paris body-slammed him and both of them crashed into the brush with Paris on top.

  Emiliano, observing Paris as he rushed toward the Shadow, hurried through the brush toward him. Seeing Paris struggle with nothing, he stopped, clutching the rope, an uncertain look on his face.

  When it came to Shadows, Paris’ abilities were limited. Within reason he could implant false images and prevent certain behaviors, but he couldn’t block motor responses like he could with a Normal. Although most Shadows were slight of build with less muscle strength, it was all he could do to hold the man face-down in the brush and he needed both hands to do it. Hoping Emiliano would recognize the word, he shouted, “rope! Give. Me. The. Rope!”

  At first Emiliano looked puzzled and then he glanced down at the line in his hand. Comprehension lit his face and he tossed the rope to Paris. Paris held the man’s arms behind his back and managed to loop the rope around his wrists, pulling it tight.

  Jerking the the man’s arms, he succeeded in making him stand. With the muzzle of Dani’s automatic pressed to the Shadow’s neck he walked him to the car.

  Indicating to Emiliano that he wanted him to drive, Paris shoved the bound Shadow into the back, handing the end of the rope to Emiliano. Even though he couldn’t see the man, Paris knew that Emiliano would sense any effort by the Shadow to escape, freeing Paris to force the Normal into the front seat.

  Looking confused, Emiliano accepted the rope and slid into the driver’s seat. To make sure, Paris fastened the Shadow’s seat belt to give him some warning.

  Turning to the Borgia Normal, he released the lock on the man’s motor centers and with the gun pointed at his head, motioned him to the car and into the passenger’s seat. Paris squeezed into the back seat with the Shadow.

  With the exception of Paris ordering Emiliano to give him the rope, no one had said anything during the whole altercation. Paris hadn’t because he didn’t know the language, and he suspected the Borgias didn’t talk because they felt they held all the cards and didn’t want to reveal anything.

  The Normal spoke first, an Italian phrase that was gibberish to Paris. Emiliano replied in a harsh tone, started the car and guided it out of the brush and onto the road. He drove the short distance to Bernardo’s house and they got out, hustling the Borgia’s onto the porch.

  They paused at the locked front door and waited until Dani unlocked it. Then they pushed the Borgias into the living room and locked the door behind them.

  Paris covered them with the automatic. “Dani, tell these two to sit on the floor.”

  Dani looked puzzled. “Which two, Paris I only see one?”

  Frustrated, Paris said, “One of them is a Shadow. Just tell them to sit or I’ll shoot one in the leg.”

  Dani gasped at his statement, but then issued a few barking words of Italian in the direction of the Borgias.

  Casting nervous looks in Paris’ direction, the Borgias complied, sitting on the floor.

  “What is happening?” Bernardo said. “Who are you referring to? I only see one man.”

  “It is like I told you, Bernardo,” Dani said. If one of the People does not want you to see them, you cannot.”

  Paris interrupted. “Well we’re going to take care of that in a few minutes. Bernardo, do you have any sleeping pills in the house?”

  “No,” Bernardo replied. “I have not wanted to sleep. I have done everything I can to stay awake.”

  Paris sighed. “Dani, tell Emiliano to unload the food. Then I want him to buy two bottles of wine and some sleeping pills and tell him to hurry. Do you have any rope in the house, Bernardo?”

  “Perhaps, I will have to look.”

  “You do that while Emiliano’s gone,” Paris ordered. “Come to think of it, you’re an electronics guy. Try to find some cable ties. If we tie these guys up, it’ll make me a lot happier.”

  Some time later, Paris stood after securing the last of the cable ties around the Shadow’s ankles and collapsed, exhausted, in one of Bernardo’s chairs.

  “That is amazing,” Bernardo said. “I saw you use the cable ties, but then they disappeared. Are you some kind of magician?”

  Paris rubbed his face with his hands. “No, it’s not a trick. As soon as the ties became part of the Shadow’s world view, he automatically blocked it from your mind.”

  Bernardo reached out from his seat, groping like a blind man, like he was trying to feel the Shadow’s presence. “Well if he’s there, then why hasn’t he spoken?”

  “It’s a reflex,” Paris replied. “As long as he doesn’t speak you’re not aware of him. Also, I think he doesn’t understand English. He doesn’t know what we’re saying about him and I’d like to keep it that way.

  “What d
o you plan to do with them, Paris?” Dani asked.

  Paris studied the Shadow who glared back at him. “I plan to sedate them and then you’ll get a show. The People can’t hold the block when they’re unconscious or asleep, so you should be able to see him. It’ll be instructive. You all need to know what you’re opposing and this is a good way to demonstrate it.”

  He stood and stepped around the Borgia Normal to stand over the Shadow. “Once they’re out, I’ll disconnect the memory of today’s events and connect false ones. It won’t be enough to fool a good Adept, the memories will still be there, but I’m hoping they’ll be too embarrassed at having passed out from drinking and they won’t report it.”

  He turned to look at Dani and Bernardo. “At least it’ll buy us some time to sort this out.”

  Paris heard a knock at the front door and looked through the peep hole. Seeing Emiliano standing outside he unlocked the door, allowing him to enter.

  Turning to Dani, he said. “Tell Emiliano to take the package into the other room and you go with him.”

  Paris followed them into the room and looked around for a clear space. “Check the directions on the pill bottle. I don’t want to kill them, but I do want them to be out for a couple of hours at least.”

  Emiliano found two glasses. He poured them full of the wine, and Dani dropped two pills in each glass.

  Re-entering the living room, Paris stood over the Borgias holding the full glasses. “Dani, tell them that if they want to leave here alive they’ll drink the wine. Ask Emiliano to describe what he’ll do to them if they don’t.”

  Paris stared at the Borgias without blinking, as first Dani and then Emiliano spoke.

  Seeing the men nod in compliance, he hauled the Shadow to his feet and assisted him in drinking the full glass. The Normal was easier. Paris unfroze him and handed it to him.

  Resuming his seat, Paris said. “Now watch the show.”

  They sat silent while one and then the other of the two men slumped into unconsciousness. Paris knew the precise moment that the Shadow passed out because he heard Bernardo gasp. “Amazing! He appeared right before my eyes. Are you sure you are not a magician?”

  “I told you Bernardo,” Dani said. “The People are invisible.”

  “Actually,” Paris interjected, “they’re not invisible. They have the ability to block their image from your mind’s vision field. They’re there, but your mind refuses to see them.”

  Dani shrugged. “As I said, they’re invisible.”

  Paris decided to not argue. “We’ll put these two back in their car after I re-arrange a few memories. Emiliano can drive them back to the place they came from and release the Shadow. Then the question is, what do we do about Bernardo?”

  “What do you mean?” Bernardo asked.

  “My ruse may not last long,” Paris replied. “If they discover it, they can turn you into a vegetable, wipe your mind clean. Do you want that?”

  Bernardo shuddered. “No, but I do not know anything. I can not remember what kind of software I worked on or its purpose. How can I be of any threat to them?”

  Paris passed his hand through his hair. “The memory’s still there, Bernardo and a good Shadow Adept can allow you to remember it again. I need to know what you did and what happened to you. How would you like to return to America? We can protect you. Keep them away from you.”

  Bernardo shrugged. “I have not been to the United States since I was six years old. Italy has always been my home, and I do not have the proper documents to travel to America.”

  Exasperated, Paris wanted to shout, but it would likely scare him. “If you stay in Italy, Bernardo, they will find you. They’re everywhere and you’ll be defenseless because you won’t know when they’re around. Documents are the least of our worries. I can get you a passport. But for now we need to get you out of here and to a safe place.”

  “Where are you planning to take him?” Dani asked.

  “My apartment first,” Paris replied, “then we’ll rent another place. I don’t want him near your family in case we’re discovered. I’ve put you all in enough jeopardy as it is.”

  Dani looked grim. “I think you should allow us to decide that. We are not without resources and my family is not weak. Now that we know about the video cameras, we will take precautions.”

  Paris nodded. “Very well, I’ll arrange for a passport. Bernardo do you have your U.S. birth certificate?”

  “Somewhere,” he replied. “My parents insisted on keeping it safe.”

  “Dani, help him find it,” Paris said. “Meanwhile, Emiliano and I can haul these two out to their car.”

  Chapter 16

  A Family Affair

  Caesar sat in the van belonging to the Family’s bed and breakfast hostel, waiting for the plane carrying Kitty to land. The small airport near Jamestown didn’t serve major airlines so only feeder aircraft landed on it.

  Seeing the business jet land and taxi from the landing strip, he got out of the van and approached the parking area. The jet’s engines whined down and the passenger door opened, lowering the boarding steps.

  Kitty appeared at the doorway and waved to him. Blinking from the glare of the sunlight she slipped on some sunglasses and hauled her luggage through the door.

  Caesar hurried forward and took one of the bags from her, helping her descend the narrow steps.

  On the tarmac he dropped the bag and hugged her. “Welcome home. We’ve missed you.”

  Kitty looked around at the airport and the countryside. “Still green as ever. Who would have thought I’d be back in Kentucky? I’m a city gal.”

  Caesar picked up the bag and led her to the waiting van. “What’ve you been up to? Is the FBI what you thought it would be?”

  Kitty grinned. “If I told you I’d have to shoot you.”

  Caesar laughed and opened the rear of the van, piling Kitty’s bags in the back. Kitty stood outside the vehicle for a moment, her blond hair shining in the sun, and once again swept her eyes around the area.

  Opening the passenger door she climbed into the van’s seat and fastened the seatbelt. In the quiet of the interior Caesar said, “how were you able to get away from work?’

  Kitty rubbed her shoulder. “I’m on medical leave, at least two weeks. I was injured taking down a bad guy.”

  Caesar started the van and drove from the airport. He felt uneasy for Kitty. If she’d been injured in the line of duty, it meant her job wasn’t a safe one. The whole Family adored her. Her cocky humor always brought a smile and they’d be diminished if something happened to her.

  “Alex said you’re working with one of the agents we met in Las Vegas. The one named Pell.”

  Kitty nodded. “Rodger, Rodger Pell. Yeah he’s my partner, actually, my mentor. We have to work with an experienced agent before they turn us loose and I used a few Shadow tricks to get assigned to work with him.”

  Something in the way she spoke about Agent Pell caught Caesar’s attention but he didn’t pry. “Did Elizabeth say why she wanted you to come to Jamestown?”

  Kitty shrugged. “No, she just said there’s a Family crisis and she needed my help. You don’t happen to know what it is, do you?”

  Caesar hugged the wheel while he drove. “Yes and no. It’s complicated, but it’s something to do with Paris.”

  Kitty shot sharp look at him. “What about Paris? Why can’t he handle this?”

  Caesar evaded her question. “I think that will have to wait. We’re calling a meeting of all the family members and you need to talk to Beth.”

  Kitty’s eyes widened. “Why Elizabeth, Why not Paris?”

  Feeling grim, Caesar responded. “That’s one of the problems, Paris returned almost a week ago. He stayed for a few days and then he disappeared. We can’t find him.”

  Kitty’s thoughts churned in a boil. The Paris she knew wasn’t that flaky. He was a stand-up guy who wouldn’t run off leaving the family without a leader. In addition, the suppressed tension that she’
d heard in Elizabeth’s voice during the phone call had given Kitty an uneasy feeling. “You said that was one of the problems. Are there others?”

  Caesar nodded. “You’ll have to see the evidence for yourself. You know that while Paris and I were in Iran to rescue Elizabeth’s mother we met Audrey and brought her back with us, but we didn’t tell the Family everything. Audrey’s here in Jamestown and she’s found something new. Something which Elizabeth says may change everything.”

  Kitty felt like grilling him but thought better of it. She’d wait until the meeting. “Where am I staying?”

  “It’s your choice,” Caesar replied, sounding grim. “Now that Paris has vanished, you’re the Family head.”

  Kitty’s eyes opened wide. “Whoa! Wait a minute. What about you or Elizabeth or Alex?”

  Caesar shook his head. “None of us are Adepts. You’re the only one. Besides, Beth and Alex are expecting at any time. I’ll help, but you have to be the leader.”

  Kitty sighed. It might be a long two weeks. “Is there any room at the farm?”

  Caesar nodded. “I hoped you’d ask, because that’s where I’m heading.”

  Kitty settled in the van’s seat to wait out the trip. She’d find out more after she talked to Beth.

  After entering Jamestown, Caesar took the road leading out of the town and toward Lake Cumberland. Finally arriving at the farm, he parked the van on the front lawn and Kitty got out.

  The house was larger than she remembered. A new wing had been added, likely to house Cecil. The fields adjacent to the house were cultivated and vibrant with orderly green rows of crops. She never got over the assault of green that met her eyes when she entered Kentucky, especially after spending some time in Las Vegas or the city. Her attention was diverted by a shout, “Kitty!”

  Snapping her head around, she saw Elizabeth standing on the front porch. She grinned and hurried over to the porch to greet her.


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