Club Fantasy

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Club Fantasy Page 8

by Desiree Holt

  She nodded her head, his fingers still tight on her jaw, her skin jumping from the flurry of alternating sensations, her nipples aching painfully from the heavy clamps dragging them down.

  “That’s a good type of play to move on to.”

  “Y-yes, Master.” She could hardly get the words out.

  Without warning he slid the cold instrument between her legs, drew it through her slit and then away. “Damn, girl. You’re very responsive. A good choice for this.”

  His words wrapped around her like a warm blanket. She wanted to tell him she was responding as much to him as to what he was doing.

  She waited, her mind drifting, for the next assault on her senses. Was he getting the flogger? But she’d quickly lost the ability to think for herself or make decisions.

  A good Dom will do that for you, lead you into subspace, and make safe decisions for you.

  She tried to make her brain work, to visualize the flogger and the scenes where she’d seen it used. While she was struggling, her nerves still jumping from the hot and cold play, a bundle of leather straps struck her ass.

  “Don’t move, girl.” His voice was firm, harsh even. “Remember. Not one movement at all.”

  Yes, she understood, but damn, it was hard. She had watched Florentine flogging before, two bundles of leather straps with bound handles, applied in a figure eight movement. She tried to concentrate but the steady strikes of the leather soon had the last vestiges of conscious thought disappearing. Up, down, circular, one after the other, so it soon became one continuous sensation. Heat blazed over every surface of her skin and it became increasingly difficult to maintain her balance.

  When Cade stopped suddenly she wanted to cry out but she knew it was not her place.

  “Stand completely still,” he ordered.

  In a moment a leather strap encircled her waist and she felt a clamp biting into the fabric. Cade gave it a slight tug. She knew what this was. A metal twine hung from the ceiling, locking onto the belt, holding her more firmly in place as she lost the ability to control her balance.

  The flogging began again and this time she just fell into it, her cunt pulsing, her breasts throbbing, her skin on fire. More than anything she wanted the release of a climax but he had not given her permission. Instead she gave up fighting at all and just let sensation take her.

  At some point the pattern of flogging stopped but it took her a moment to realize it. She was vaguely aware of the belt around her waist being released, the handcuffs unlocked. Next to go were the clips, pain shooting into her nipples as blood rushed back into the abused tips. Then Cade was lifting her, carrying her. He wrapped something warm around her and sat her in the big armchair at one side of the room. When he removed the blindfold she blinked at the sight of him crouched in front of her. He was using the scarf to blot her cheeks. She was embarrassed, unaware she had even been crying.

  He fetched a bottle of water from the tiny fridge and fed her small sips, urging her to drink slowly. She let him feed her the cold liquid, still struggling to cast off the cocoon of subspace. As she drank he studied her face, a strange look in his eyes. At last he nodded, apparently satisfied that she was all right, albeit tired. And did he also know she was acutely sexually aroused? What was she supposed to do about that?

  “Do you know that you are a born submissive?” he asked her. “Oh, maybe not outside the bedroom, or possibly in the privacy of your own home. You’re so responsive, so giving of your body, so…” He shook his head. “You should be careful who you play with, Fee. Let Reulas choose your Doms for you if you go further with this.”

  “We’re done?” She frowned. “We didn’t get through all the cards.”

  He just shook his head. “I’m going to rub a soothing balm into your skin as soon as I think you’re recovered enough. And I’ll give you some cream to treat those nipples with. They’ll be sore for a few days. I’m actually not sure I should let you drive home.”

  “I’ll be fine if you just give me a little more time,” she protested.

  His mouth crooked in a grin. “Arguing with your Master? You’re not being a good little subbie.”


  He touched the tip of one finger to her mouth. “Hush. Let’s get you taken care of and dressed and I’ll discuss it with Reulas.”

  “I want to have another session with you.” The words burst from her mouth before she could stop them.

  That closed-off look washed over his face again. He said nothing, just shook his head and went to fetch the cream for her body. He said nothing else while he was tending to her and she was wise enough to know she should just shut up. At least for right now. She’d talk to Reulas tomorrow.

  When he was finished and she was dressed, he left the room for a moment. While she waited for him to return she tried to carve every moment of the evening into her brain. As abbreviated as it had been, it far exceeded her expectations. She was sure a lot of that had to do with Cade himself. She had to find a way to get his story from Reulas.

  The door opened and he was back in the room, her purse dangling from his fingers.

  “I’m driving you home. Reulas will follow and bring me back for my truck.” When she started to protest again he shook his head. “You’re still unsteady. And still my responsibility. Take orders like the sub you want to be. Give me your keys.”

  Reulas smiled at her and winked as they all proceeded out the back door but he didn’t say anything. Neither did Cade. In fact, he was completely silent on the drive so Fee held her tongue, too. When they arrived at her house he fiddled with the keys to find the one for her door and ushered her inside. When he handed the keys back to her he stroked his fingers once down her cheek.

  “Will we have another session?” she asked.

  “I don’t think so, Fee.” He caressed her cheek again, his eyes now filled with sadness and regret. “I wish we had met a long time ago, little sub. Then, maybe…” He shook his head. Then he put his mouth close to her ear. “You have my permission to bring yourself to climax.”

  Then he was gone, and Fee was left with a cauldron of emotions bubbling up inside her.

  Chapter 3

  Cade looked at the man sitting across the kitchen table from him.

  “I never should have let you talk me into that,” he said, regret in his voice. “I knew it was a big mistake.”

  Reulas smiled. “She got to you, right? I knew she would.”

  “So you set me up.” He shook his head. “Why didn’t I see it from the beginning? A fresh sub. New to the lifestyle but eager for it. Warm and giving.”

  “And certainly stable or I wouldn’t have her working for me,” Reulas pointed out.

  Cade pushed away from the table and took both coffee mugs back to the pot for a refill. “A temptation, right? To seduce me back into the scene?”

  Reulas took the mug from him and shook his head. “More than that. She’s exactly what you need to bring you back to life.”

  “There’s nothing I need,” Cade insisted. “I’m alive. I’m just fine. I’m happy with my cows. When they misbehave I just take out the whip.”

  Reulas grinned. “You could do the same with Fee.”

  Cade glared at him. “I hope you reinforced what I told her—that I wasn’t planning on another session with her. Fee is young and unspoiled and not one for a damaged old man like me to get near.”

  “First of all, she’s older than she seems.” Reulas cocked an eyebrow. “How old do you think she is, anyway?”

  Cade shrugged. “Twenty-four or twenty-five.”

  “She’s thirty-two,” Reulas told him smugly, laughing at the stunned look on his friend’s face. “Second, she’s exactly what you need. Forget about training again, unless you decide to re-open academy classes. Let this relationship develop. I know she connected with you on a really deep level. She didn’t say so but everything she’s said and done since then has been like a neon sign pointing in that direction. She’s certainly done her damndest to get y
our story out of me and persuade me to set up another session.”

  Cade shook his head. “You can just tell her no dice. We’re once and done.”

  “Cade.” Reulas leaned forward. “She’s exactly what you need. And unless I’m wrong—which I’m not very often—you have some feelings for her. I can tell by the look in your eyes, not to mention the muscle that twitches in your cheek every time I say her name. I know you, old friend, all the signs, so don’t think you can fool me.”

  Cade glared at him. “I don’t care what you see. I’m damaged goods, something she doesn’t need. Besides, it’s probably just a student crush on the teacher, especially since she’s a neophyte.”

  “This is no crush, Cade.” Reulas took a swallow of his coffee, staring at the man across from him. “I could tell right away how you felt when you gave me a report on the session, so don’t try bullshitting me. Both of you are very important to me. I’ve been in this business long enough to see when people meet that one person who can complete them and I see it here.”

  “Fuck, Reulas,” Cade growled. “You sound like a goddamn romance novel.”

  Reulas laughed. “Maybe. But I’m telling you the truth, even if you don’t want to hear it. Do both of you a favor and see where this takes you. The journey can be as rewarding as the destination.”

  Cade sipped his coffee. He hated to admit his friend was right, on more than one count. Fee Wilder had definitely gotten to him, in a very short time and in a way no other woman had. Ever. His dreams every night had been filled with images of her luscious body, her unrestrained responses. Shockingly, his heart had responded to her as much as his body, and he’d sported a perpetual hard-on since that night. He’d give anything to see where things went with the two of them. But history made him leery of stepping into another relationship of any kind. And set up another training session for her? That would be just asking for trouble. When he walked away—and he knew he would because he was too damaged to do anything else—the pain would be too sharp for both of them.

  “Forget it. I’m sorry you took the trip out here for nothing. It was just a waste of your time.”

  Reulas studied him for a long time. “Listen to me, Cade. You’re my oldest friend. I know you probably even better than you know yourself. Let me tell her your history so she won’t be walking into something blindly. But give it a try. You’ll regret it forever if you don’t.”

  Cade stared into his coffee mug, trying to give Reulas some reasonable objections. But all he could see was Fiona Wilder’s face, eyes softened from subspace, body flushed with desire, cheeks damp from tears of pleasure. She’d been the only thing on his mind since he’d left her at her door. Had she pleasured herself the way he’d told her to? He wanted to call her and ask her to tell him about it in intimate detail.

  Oh, who was he kidding? He wanted her in his house, in his bed, in every room. Naked, on her knees, bent over his lap, a million different ways. Could he take the chance? Would it blow up in his face?

  Finally he drained the last of his coffee and pushed the mug aside. “Let me think about it, okay? I’m not saying no, just that I want some time.”

  “Fine. I’ll give you until the end of the week. But if I don’t hear from you by then I’m bringing her to your front door and leaving her there. You won’t turn her away. I know it.”

  Cade sighed. He knew his friend would do just that. Somehow he’d have to figure out a way out of this situation. “Okay. The end of the week.”

  But even as he said the words, a knot formed in his stomach. Was it possible this could work? That Fiona Wilder could bring him back from emotional death? Was he even ready for it? He’d spent so much time after the disaster questioning himself both as a teacher and a Dom. If he was making a mistake here it would end badly for both of them. He guessed he’d just have to trust his friend to know what was right.

  * * *

  Fee turned off the ignition and sat in her car, not yet making a move to get out. Since her long talk with Reulas she’d been by turns excited and nervous, sometimes even fearful. From the moment her eyes had connected with Cade’s she’d known there could be something between them, something more than trainer and student. The brief session she’d spent with him just reinforced it.

  She’d thought long and hard about coming here today to Cade Sullivan’s ranch. But the story Reulas had told her, plus his long history with the man, had made her take the chance. It might not work out, but she’d never know if she didn’t try. The truth was, she’d met a lot of men she’d wanted to have a deep connection with but something had always been missing.

  It wasn’t just admitting she’d discovered her inner sub. Reulas could have paired her with any Dom he trusted and the night would have been great, but without the incredible chemistry she felt with Cade. No, it was the man himself, combined with her new knowledge of herself. She’d felt it the moment she walked into that private room and saw him standing there.

  Now she was about to take another very huge step, and those familiar butterflies in her stomach began beating their wings double time. She drew in a long steadying breath, let it out slowly, and got out of the car. She had brought a small overnight bag per Reulas’s “Just in case,” but she left it for the moment. First she had to make sure the man would even let her in the door.

  She took a moment to check herself over, brushing imaginary specks from the hip-hugger shorts and tank top she wore, smoothing her hand over her hair. Then, gathering her courage, she mounted the three steps to the front porch and rang the doorbell. When Cade opened the door, for a long moment she could only stand there, staring. He was just as erotically handsome as she remembered. The tee shirt and jeans did little to disguise the exquisite masculine body she remembered, and his coffee-dark eyes were just as penetrating.

  But more important, the electric sizzle between them still snapped in the air. And judging by his expression, she knew he felt it, too.

  He studied her for a long moment before standing aside and motioning her inside.

  “Reulas assured me you’d be expecting me,” she said nervously. Then she gave a tiny smile. “Master.”

  His lips twitched as he did his best to suppress a grin. “Ah, yes. Reulas. Should we call him the master, also? Master manipulator?”

  Fee clutched the strap of her purse. “If this is a bad idea—”

  He held up a hand to cut her off. “We won’t know that until we give it a try, will we? Come in.”

  She followed him through the house, down a short hallway, and into what was obviously the master bedroom. The focal point of the room was an oversized bed, flanked by polished oak nightstands.

  “You brought an overnight case with you?” he asked.

  She nodded. “It’s in the car.”

  “We’ll bring it in later.”

  “Just like that?” she asked. “I mean—”

  God. Could she sound any more like an idiot?

  He walked over to stand in front of her, hands on her shoulders. The touch of his fingers burned into her skin.

  “We spent one hour together, Fee. I shock myself by admitting you affected me as no other woman has for a very long time. I know Reulas told you my story. Maybe he’s right, maybe I am finally ready to move on, and you’re the one I’m meant to move on with. In that one short hour together I felt more alive than I have for a long time. Our friend tells me you have similar feelings. He’s persuaded me to see if this works.” He smiled. “I want that, if you do.”

  “Yes.” Her heart was beating so hard she was sure he could hear it. “I want that, too.”

  “Then we shouldn’t waste any time. Let’s find out if Reulas is right.” He took a step back. “From this moment on you are completely my sub. You will do whatever I tell you, and if something makes you uncomfortable, tell me and we’ll negotiate. Understood?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “I can’t create the kind of situation I’d really like because I have hands who work for me who come to the
house off and on. That prohibits me from ordering you to leave off all your clothes except when we go out.” He locked his gaze with hers. “That works well since I’m not as addicted to every aspect of D/s as some Masters are. I like a certain amount of independence and certainly intelligence in my sub. But in this room, I am in charge. Understood?”

  She nodded again.

  “Excellent. You brought the cards?”

  “Yes. I did.” She set her purse down on the dresser and removed the cards they hadn’t gotten around to using the last time, fanning them out on the hard surface.

  “Dealer’s Choice, just like the last time,” he told her.

  With a hand that shook only slightly, she pulled out two cards. One showed a woman on her knees, handcuffed, a man’s cock in her mouth, a butt plug inserted in her ass. The other showed a woman on her hands and knees, blindfolded and gagged, a man behind her with his cock in her. Beside them, as if tossed there after their use, lay a coiled, long tail whip and a paddle.

  Cade narrowed his eyes. “You’re sure?”

  She dipped her head once in acknowledgment.

  “All right, but there’s one thing I want to do first. I haven’t wanted to do this with a woman in a long time. It’s too personal. But I’m ready to chance it with you.”

  He cupped her cheeks in his work-roughened hands, tilted her face up to his, and took her mouth in a kiss so rough and hungry and demanding it made her knees buckle. His tongue was a hot invader in her mouth, possessive, taking, sweeping across every surface. Every nerve in her body fired, her cream soaked her thong, and every pulse point in her body pounded with need.

  When he finally lifted his mouth from hers she had to cling to his wrists to steady herself. But it was the look in his eyes that undid her. It was so ravenous and possessive that her breath caught in her throat.

  “I think it’s time for something else to be in that sweet mouth,” he told her. “Take off your clothes.”

  Still trembling, she stripped as quickly as she could. Then she dropped to her knees in front of him, awaiting his next command.


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