Club Fantasy

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Club Fantasy Page 10

by Desiree Holt

  And so he did. A man she had developed such a deep friendship with, one she trusted so completely, made her believe one thing. He would not let her come to any harm, either physically or emotionally.

  Now the erotic dream in front of her nodded at the two of them. “Evening, Reulas.”

  “Evening, Garrett,” the dungeon master said. “Meet Sage.”

  She stood there, watching him, as his eyes traveled slowly the length of her body. He took in the sight of her breasts swelling over the top of her bustier, and her cinched in waist, pausing at the tiny triangle of red satin that just barely covered her mound. She forced herself not to tremble under his close scrutiny. Her thong was soaked with the sudden rush of liquid and when his nostrils flared she knew he’d caught the scent of her musk. Did he find it pleasing? Did he find her pleasing enough to take her back to one of the private rooms?

  Lord, she hadn’t been this nervous since her very first scene as a neophyte sub. And this wasn’t just about her physical assets.

  When he nodded his head at Reulas’s silent question she relaxed but just fractionally.

  “Hello, Sage.” His voice was deep yet soft, with a rich timbre that vibrated through her body. Her name sounded like music on his lips

  “H-hello.” God, had her voice actually wavered? What would he think? That she might be too timid for him? She expected Reulas had given the man every detail about her but why hadn’t he done the same for her? She had no idea what Garrett liked. What he wanted. What appealed to him. Damn! She knew she should have asked a lot more questions.

  “I like the name.” One corner of his mouth hitched up in a tiny grin. “And the rest of you. Although I can’t quite see everything.”

  “I’m sure Sage will be happy to remedy that for you,” Reulas said with a smile. He handed Garrett a key card. “Your room is ready when you are.”


  Reulas nodded and moved away.

  “Well, Sage.” That warm voice brushed over her. “I think I haven’t seen quite enough of you yet. Come here.” He motioned for her to stand between his legs.

  As she moved, her eyes automatically dropped to the significant bulge between his legs barely concealed by the dark fabric of his slacks. When she looked up Garrett was watching her.

  “People tell me I have more than my share.” He looked directly into her eyes. “But I promise you’ll be able to take it. Obey me, Sage, and I will give you more pleasure than you’ve ever known.”

  A shiver skated over her skin. “It will be my pleasure to serve you, Master.”

  “I prefer Sir,” he corrected. “On the chance that our connection extends beyond tonight, you should start addressing me properly.”

  “Yes, Sir. Of course.” The slight command made her pussy throb in anticipation.

  “Let me look at you.” He tugged on the lacings of her bustier, loosening them and finally pulling them completely free. The garment fell to the floor. “Leave it for the moment.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She stood there completely still while he cupped and shaped her breasts with his hands, tweaking her nipples with thumbs and forefingers, pinching them until she sucked in her breath. Sharp little arrows of pain shot straight from those pebbled buds to the core of her pussy, sending another flood of cream to her thong.

  He exuded such an air of authority, of command. Not the arrogant one that she had come to realize Andrew wore, but one that came from inner strength, from being a good and respected Dom and having that confidence in himself. Now her nerves jittered for a different reason. She was sure this man was used to accomplished subs, not ones who came with a boatload of baggage. What if she didn’t please him? What if she turned out to be a total failure?

  What if she didn’t and he wanted more from her? All of her?

  Holy hell, Sage. Get a grip. Until five minutes ago you weren’t even sure you could handle submission again.

  Garrett drew in a deep breath even as he continued to pinch her nipples hard, his nostrils flaring. His eyes never left her face as he watched her reaction to everything he did. Was she fooling herself that this was more than just the testing of a sub by a Dom? Had she learned nothing from Andrew? God, she couldn’t do that again, but the electricity between her and Garrett was so strong it threatened to buckle her at the knees.

  “You smell delicious,” he told her. “I can’t wait to run my tongue through your slit and taste all that cream for myself.”

  His words made her tremble with anticipation. She had to curl her hands into fists to keep herself steady as she stood there before him. She didn’t know if people were watching them or what they could see, edged into the corner the way they were, but it didn’t bother her. Many Doms like to show off the assets of their subs, a silent bragging that they’d snagged a treasure. She was used to this.

  “You may pick up your clothing and follow me.” He rose from the stool and headed through the lounge, knowing she would follow him.

  As they moved through the lounge, she kept her gaze lowered as befitted a submissive. She was conscious, however, of the muted whispers and the hum of conversation. She would bet her last dollar that Garrett was one of the most sought after Doms at Club Fantasy. That subs lined up for scenes with him. That being chosen by him was an honor. Everyone who had watched her sitting quietly these past weeks, doing nothing more than observing, was wondering, she was sure, why on earth he had chosen her.

  Knowing that he had accepted Reulas’s invitation to do a scene with her gave her confidence a boost. She kept her gaze lowered as she followed Garrett down the carpeted hall to one of the doors. He unlocked it with the key card, pushed the door open and motioned her to follow him inside.

  Sage drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  Here we go!

  Chapter 2

  Sage had been in all the rooms in her Dallas club but never in one of these. She peeked out from beneath her lashes, taking in her surroundings. The carpeting on the floor was thick and soft, the walls covered in a dark paneling. Along one wall was a tall armoire with its doors open to display a variety of toys and implements. She was sure there were many more, as well as other things like lubes and oils and condoms in the lower drawers.

  A St. Andrew’s Cross took up one corner, with a large easy chair and a small fridge in the other. She also spotted a spanking bench and a padded table before the snap of Garrett’s fingers drew her attention.

  “Some things to get out of the way first,” he said in that deep liquid voice. “You may look at me while we take care of the preliminaries.”

  She looked up. “Yes, Sir.” Automatically she spread her feet wider apart and clasped her hands behind her back.

  Garrett studied her face for a long time. What was he seeing, she wondered. What was he looking for?

  “I want you to relax for a minute. We’re going to take care of all the things dancing around in your brain.” She nodded her head and he continued. “Reulas told me about your background. He said you gave him permission.”

  She nodded. “I did.”

  “That was very smart of you. You left a very bad situation, one that can scar you emotionally as well as physically. I need to be able to spot signs that I’m straying too far into territory that might give you flashbacks.”

  “Thank you.” Relief flowed over her.

  “This is something a responsible Dom would pay attention to. It’s important that you believe I fall in that category.”

  “Because Reulas told you about me,” she guessed.

  “No. Because it’s who I am. I am a demanding Dom but at all times concerned with the welfare and safety of my sub. If there are things that I want and need, things you might not be comfortable with, we can negotiate. In the end we may discover we don’t actually suit each other.”

  His face was expressionless but something hot lurked in his eyes, something that reached into the deepest part of her. Sage didn’t know if he had cast a magic spell—or maybe Reulas
had—or whatever. She only knew that she felt a connection with this man that she didn’t want to have broken. And whatever went on between them, she would not walk away from it. Because just that quickly, she trusted him.

  “Well?” he prompted.

  “I trust Reulas,” she said, “so I trust you.” And that wasn’t the only reason.

  “Fine. Then let’s begin.”

  A fresh deck of cards sat on a small table by the door. Garrett broke the seal and riffled the pack then turned back to Sage.

  “This is a first for me, choosing different scene activities by using a deck of cards.” He riffled them again. “Think they’ve got any ideas from Texas Hold’em in here?” He gave her a smile that reached into every corner of her body.

  She smiled back. “Knowing Reulas, I’m sure there are.”

  He examined the pack, shuffled the cards and stacked them so the edges were even.

  “Okay, my little sub. In Texas Hold’em, each player gets two hole cards. That means you and I will each pick two cards the other person doesn’t see.” He handed the deck to her. “Subs first.”

  She was pleased to see how steady her hands were when she took the cards from him. Turing her back to him she fanned the cards out on the table face up and studied them. After a great deal of thought she chose two—a picture of a flogger and one of the St. Andrew’s Cross. Then she stood there, not quite knowing what to do with them.

  “Just put them there face down,” Garrett said. “We’ll get to those last.” He held his hand out for the deck and made his own choices. When the four cards were sitting side by side, he cut the deck. “I’ll go first this time.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She stood with her gaze lowered and hands behind her back again, nibbling her lower lip as she watched him go through the deck.

  “I don’t want you to be nervous. I am demanding, but I respect my sub’s boundaries.”

  She started to relax a little more until she saw the card he had pulled out. All it showed was a long length of rope, deep purple, probably silk, judging by the image. Sage sucked in her breath at the sight of it and took an involuntary step back.

  Garrett reached out to steady her, his hand closing warmly and firmly over her upper arm.

  “I know your history,” he reminded her. “But the rope is important in play for me so I want to make sure you aren’t afraid of it any more. It will be up to me, as your Dom, to teach you that it can bring pleasure.” He tucked a finger beneath her chin and tilted her head up. “It’s important to me that you trust me, Sage.”

  Her eyes widened. He’d used her name, not the designation. “Why?” The word was out before she could stop herself.

  “I know this sounds strange. Ridiculous, even. At my age I have only been looking for a sub whose tastes are compatible with mine. Someone with whom I could have a lasting exchange of pleasure. Someone who would live the lifestyle with me at home.” He paused.

  “But?” She couldn’t wait any longer for him to continue.

  He studied her face for a long intent moment, as if seeking the answer to some unspoken question. “Reulas is very good at identifying chemistry between people,” he said slowly. “I’m not necessarily one for instant attraction. Been there, done that, got too many T-shirts.” His eyes bored into hers. “You weren’t looking for more than your first scene in a long time, right?”

  “Y-yes.” Where was he going with this?

  “Something happened between us the minute we set eyes on each other.” He gave her a slightly crooked smile. “Let’s go with it, girl. Maybe Reulas knows more than we do.”

  Sage knew exactly how she felt, but to think that it hit Garrett the same way, too…

  “If we’re going to get through this scene and maybe think beyond that, you have to believe I will never abuse the privilege you give me. I will only give you pleasure.” He held up the card with the length of rope on it. “Trust me. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  She blew out a long breath. He was not Andrew; she had sensed that immediately.

  Go with it, Sage.

  She nodded her head.

  Garrett put the card face up on the table and held out the deck to her. “Now you choose one.”

  “Just one?” she asked.

  He nodded. “That’s one for each of us. Tonight it will be about quality rather than quantity.”

  “But what about the hole cards?” She gestured to them lying face down.

  “Those will be for next time.” His blue eyes blazed at her like cobalt fire. “And I promise you there will be a next time.”

  Oh, God, she hoped so.

  Wetting her lips, she took the deck, shuffled through it and pulled out the card that showed a woman on the St. Andrew’s Cross being flogged. Garrett studied it then nodded again.

  “Then we begin. First thing. Safeword. I never play without one, even in private.”


  Garrett nodded. “Because sage is a spice. Very good.” He gave her another long look. “This is your first time in a scene after what happened. If at any moment it overwhelms you, just say your safeword and we stop.”

  “But…” She nibbled her lower lip. “But what if—”

  “That won’t be the end.” His smile warmed her. “We can go as slow as you want, girl. I’m in no rush. If it takes several nights for you to immerse yourself completely again, that’s how we’ll do it.” He cupped her chin. “I want to find out if the unexpected spark is real or a figment of an overheated imagination.”

  She could hardly believe he was reading her mind. But then, back to Reulas, who would only give her someone who understood and respected where she was coming from. Another knot of tension inside her eased.

  “Does that work for you?” he prompted.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Then let’s begin. Shoes off.” His voice had deepened and become more commanding.

  Sage stepped out of her shoes and nudged them to the side.

  “Now the thong. Hand it to me.”

  Her hands shook just slightly as she worked the scrap of fabric down her legs and held it out to him. When he lifted it to his face and deeply inhaled her fragrance she became instantly wetter and needy. She could hardly wait to be bound and helpless for him, feeling the sharp bite of the flogger.

  She stood waiting expectantly for his next instruction.

  Another shiver slipped over her as he walked slowly around her, studying every inch of her. He cupped each breast, lightly pinching her nipples before sliding his hand over the curve of her ass. He let his fingers trail in the hot crevice between her cheeks, the touch so electric, more of her cream flooded her pussy.

  “Go to the cupboard and fetch the purple rope hanging there,” he ordered. “And bring me a small bottle of oil from the top drawer. Jasmine scent.”

  Sage’s hands shook slightly as she lifted down the rope, the woven strands silken against her fingers as opposed to the rough hemp that Andrew favored. For one brief second a flashback slammed into her, but she deliberately forced it away. This was Garrett, not Andrew. Tonight would banish the past from her mind. Grabbing a bottle of oil, she handed that and the rope to Garrett, then stood with her hands clasped behind her back, waiting for his next command.

  Chapter 3

  Garrett was having a hell of a time keeping himself under control. The very last thing he’d expected when Reulas told him about Sage was to be poleaxed by a storm of emotion the moment he laid eyes on her. He’d listened to the dungeon master describe this very special sub, a woman who had been badly treated by her longtime Dom and was just now dipping her toe in the scene again. She needed special handling, firm but compassionate. He had not expected to fall for this woman—or any woman—at first glance. When he retired from the rodeo, all he’d hoped for was a woman with whom he was compatible, who he could share his life with. But this? This was like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

  Lustrous golden blonde hair tumbled to her
shoulders, brushing softly against creamy skin. Hazel eyes flecked with gold looked up at him through the thickest lashes he’d ever seen. Ripe full breasts tipped with rosy nipples made his mouth just water, while his hands itched to trace the curves of her lush lips and a well-rounded ass. A beautiful cunt completely waxed so he could see every mouthwatering inch of it. When he’d slipped his fingers into the tunnel between those sweet cheeks the heat of her had nearly burned his skin and his cock painfully demanded release from its confines.

  The last thing he’d expected tonight was to find a woman he wanted to take home and keep forever. He saw by the look in her eyes that the same thunderbolt had struck her. But first they had to get past the baggage he knew she still carried, which was why he had chosen the rope for his card. He would use it properly as a means to gain her complete trust, to show her how different this could be.

  And make this work. Erase all the bad memories that lurked in the back of her mind.

  “I like to oil my subs,” he said at last. “It not only enhances every contact with the skin but eases the bruising.” He nodded at the padded table, covered with a thick towel. “Climb up on there and lie down on your back.”

  Her movements were so graceful, although a little self-conscious, not unexpected under the circumstances. When she was flat on her back, hands at her sides, he allowed himself a moment to look at her again. Then he toed off his boots and socks, stripped off his shirt and set all the items next to the big armchair. He had to keep his pants on or he was afraid he might embarrass himself. It had been a lot of years since a woman had made him so hard and so hot and so ready this quickly.

  Uncapping the bottle of oil, he drizzled a little into the valley between her breasts then poured some into his palms and rubbed them together. With slow, sure movements he began to spread the lubricant over her skin.

  “Next time,” he told her in a steady voice, “and I tell you again, there will be a next time, I’m going to fit a nice pair of tiny clamps over these gorgeous nipples. Every few minutes I’m going to tighten them a little more, until these ripe buds are swollen and dark with the blood constrained in them. Then I’m going to lock your wrists and ankles to the table and spend as much time as I want just licking and biting them until I make you come from just that alone.” He gave her a hungry smile. “But not until I give you permission.”


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