Life In The Packs

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Life In The Packs Page 4

by Jd Huber

  Chapter 4

  Last Goodbye

      I couldn’t figure out what I should do. I looked back at the house and seen that there were no lights on in the house. Alex looked at my purse and looked back at me. Without thinking I put my hand on the top of my bag and felt the letter poking out of the top of the bag. I pulled it out and handed it to Alex. “It says in here to meet you hear at sun rise. So I did what I was told. “Well thats good. I wasn’t expecting you to meet me here but I am surprised you came alone.” Alex said. “I do stuff alone. I don’t really do stuff with other people there to help me.” I said. I handed Alex the letter and said, “OK, explain.”

      Alex looked at me with a blank look on his face. “I think I explained it all in this letter. I just told you to meet me here just in case you had any questions and if you had decided if you wanted to go to the human world.” Alex said holding up the letter. I didn’t dare say anything. I couldn’t say anything. Me and Alex stood in the meadows for a long time.

      “So have you thought about going?” Alex urged me to answer. “No I just got the letter yesterday night I haven’t had time to think about what my decision will be.” I answered. “OK. I’ll give you time. I have to have your answer in 3 days’ time. Or I will make up your mind for you.” Alex said. His voice changed. He went from a happy vampire to an ‘I’m going to kill you’ kind of vampire. “Three days? If I do chose to go. I’m not packing up and leaving Rider right then and there. What will he say?” I commented. “Don’t worry. You will be able to travel between worlds whenever you’d like.” He said handing me a necklace with half a heart on it. “Who has the other half?” I asked. Alex leaned into me and whispered into my ear. “The other half of this heart belongs to the person that is most important to you.” He said then walked away. “Wait! One more question.” I said stopping the vampire from taking another step. “OK what is it? And make it quick. I need to go soon.” He turned and said. “Will we look the same in the human world as to we do here?” My question catching Alex off guard. “Yes, you will look the same. But to warn you, you might not be the same age then you are here.” Alex said then disappeared.

  I dropped to my knees and thought about what Alex had said. What did it mean by the owner to the other half of the heart on my necklace was the one who mattered to me the most? The only people I could think of was my sister, and Rider. I got up and ran to my dad’s territory. My sister was playing with her pups. “Kayla!” I called. She turned around and looked at me with cold eyes. “What?!” She said in a mean voice. “Are you mad at me?” I asked.

  “What do you think?” She said again in a mean voice. “But why? What did I do?” My voice shaking. “You left dad to fend for himself, so now this packs leader is dead.” My ears laid down on my head. He was fine when I left and Keasha couldn’t have done it because she followed us out.” I seen that Kayla didn’t have the other half of the heart so I went home. Thinking about what had happened to my father I walked past Rider and into my room. I didn’t bother asking if he had the other half. Rider looked at me with a worried look in his eye and followed me to my room. I closed the door behind me and locked it. “Arrai, darling what’s going on?” He asked. I didn’t answer him instead I shifted into a wolf and curled up into a ball in the corner. “Arrai? What happened?” I still didn’t answer. I didn’t want to talk to anyone since I had just found out that my father was dead. Instead of talking Rider began sliding notes under the door. The first one said,

      Arrai, if I don't know what’s going on then I can’t help you.

  A few minutes had passed before the next one had been written.


  Please, Love, I hate seeing you like this, please let me help.

  I then decided to unlock the door. My face was swollen from all the crying. Rider opened the door and seen that I had been crying, he picked me up and put me on my bed. “Now, what’s wrong darling?” He said while hugging me. “My dad is dead.” I managed to say. Rider looked at me and seen that I wasn’t joking. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry!” He gave me a hug and comforted me.

      He seen the letter on my bed and grabbed it. “Rider.” I said. “Yes darling?” He answered. “Can I ask you a question?” My face still in his shoulder. “Yeah, you can ask me anything, you know that.” His smile seemed to be glued onto my face because I couldn’t stop smiling. “What would you think if I said that I had to go and live with the full bloods?” I said pulling away from him. I couldn’t look at Rider’s face, I was worried that I had said the wrong thing and hurt Rider. He pulled me close and said, “Arrai, you don’t have to worry. I would say that I was proud of you for taking on the full bloods because not many of us wolves and vampires are brave enough to do what you are doing. Who else is going?” He said.

      I smiled at Rider’s comment and it took me a while to answer his question. “It’s me, 2 girls, Luna Azmear and Braylie Black, and someone close to me, I can’t figure out who it is though.” Rider’s eyes widened. He seemed like he knew who the mystery person was. I tilted my head to one side. He looked down and played with his fingers. “Rider? Do you know who the other person is?” I asked.

      Rider nodded his head ‘yes’ and he went to talk but changed his mind. “Rider? Who is the other person?” I asked. His face was dark. I could tell that me asking wasn’t helping the matter so I got up and walked outside. When Rider heard the door click, he knew that I was outside. He reached into his back pocket and read the note. “So she got one to? I want to tell her that I am the 3rd person but I am worried that things are going to change between us.” He said to himself. He got up and walked to the outside door with the letter in his hand. Before he could completely reach for the handle he seen that the handle had moved. He put the letter in his back pocket. “Dude! What are you doing? You look like you were just hit by a train.” Justin said. “I just woke up.” Rider said avoiding his brother’s question. “OK. Anyway your girlfriend is at the Big Oak Tree with some guy. She seems bothered.” Justin said. Rider was still a little tired and couldn’t comprehend what his brother was saying. Then it finally hit him. “Thanks man. I owe you one.” Rider called.

      Justin looked at his brother and wondered, “Why is he so up and going today?” I was at The Big Oak Tree for a reason. I had made up my mind on whether I was going to the mortal world or not. I decided to go. “So Arrai! Have you made up your mind yet?” Alex asked. “Yeah. I have decided to go. But under one condition.” I said holding up my index finger. Alex nodded his head as if saying ‘sure go ahead and tell me the condition I would love to hear what you want to say.’ But the slight eye role made it obvious that he didn’t care. “I will go only if I can know who the mystery person will be.” I said. Alex didn’t exactly want to say who it was. But I could tell that he was desperate enough to get me to go. Then he looked behind me and let out a sigh of relief. “Look behind you and you will get your answer.” I did just that. The person I saw was low and behold, by boyfriend, Rider Black. “Rider? You were going to the human world and you didn’t tell me?” I asked. Rider nodded his head, he had a lonely look in his eye that not even I could fix.

      Alex put his hand on my waist and whispered in my ear. “You know, I am still going to be single if you want to leave this one.” Rider was getting mad. And I could tell. I stepped away from Alex and I stepped out of the way right in time. Rider had started running toward Alex. I could tell by the expression on his face that he wasn’t happy with Alex. I couldn’t watch. I didn’t want to see what my boyfriend was going to do to Alex. I looked at Rider and he had Alex pinned to the ground. “You ever do that to my girlfriend again I will have your head you hear me.” Rider snapped. Alex flashed an evil smile and laughed.

      Rider couldn’t figure out what was going on. I looked back at Alex and Rider and seen that Rider was pinned. The tables have turned and Alex had the upper hand. It was time I stepped in. “Alex!” I yelled. Alex looked at me.
“He’s not the one you want! I am!”

      “Arrai! What are you doing?!” Rider yelled trying to get up. “Don’t worry about it. I am settling this once and for all.” l said. Alex began running toward me. I could tell that this fight was going to end up like the one with my mom and I didn’t want it to. Alex was my only way getting to the human world and I was to get out of this world. I shifted out of my vampire self. I could tell that Alex was surprised when he had seen my nine-tailed wolf. I didn’t have my guard up the whole time. When Alex had found a way to take me down he went for his chance. “Why are you doing this Alex? I thought you were on our side.” My heart dropped. He smiled and gave me a look of betrayal. I couldn’t believe what was going on. “Do you really trust a vampire?” He said... “Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I trust someone that I am a part of? I am a vampire.” His eyes widened. After I had said that he let me up and looked around. “I am so sorry. I didn’t know.” I said. He looked at my boyfriend and gave him a look of apology. Rider couldn’t bear look at Alex for what he had done. He tried to take me, the love of his life, away from him. “Let’s just get on with the meeting.” Rider said not making eye contact with Alex.

      “Well now that everyone knows who is going. Or rather might be going to the human world I guess that there is no reason to keep it from you two anymore.” Me and Rider gave each other a look of concern and looked back at Alex. “So tell us, what is the location and when are we going?” I asked. “The location isn’t decided yet. And when you are going, well that is hard to say, but we have our eye set on 2 weeks from now.” Alex answered. “So what you mean is we are going to the human world on June 15th?” Rider said. “Yeah so this is the last time you are going to see me. And if you want to meet up with the others before you leave then here is the location of the other two.” Alex said while giving me and Rider a piece of paper. “Oh and Arrai. Here you're going to need it.” He tossed me a bottle. I went to ask what it was but before I had the chance to ask he was already gone.

      “What is it?” I asked Rider. “I think I know what it is. I think that if you drink it, it will take one of your most hated powers away. Not forever but just until you need them the most.” Rider said. “But Rider! I am not going to get rid of my powers, not unless you want me to.” I exclaimed. Rider grabbed my arms and looked into my eyes. “Don’t worry! If you want then I will do the same thing with you.” Rider said. Rider could tell that I was in pain. But he couldn’t point out the reason why. “Rider, you don’t have to do anything. I don’t really want you to give up any powers.” I replied. Rider gave me a hug that melted me inside. We hugged for the longest time. I was surprised that he was being so loving, but it was Rider. I had grown up with my mom always trying to kill me and I honestly didn’t get the loving care that I needed. So I felt a little uncomfortable when Rider hugged me for that long.

      “Ok I guess we should drink this now.” I said. Rider nodded hesitantly. I took the cap off of the vial and drank some of the contents in the vial. Rider looked at me and gave me a strange look. I wasn’t sure if I was dizzy or not. But I sat down anyway. Rider took the vial away from me and drank the rest. Instead of sitting down, Rider had passed out.



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