Life In The Packs

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Life In The Packs Page 10

by Jd Huber

  Chapter 10

  Happy Birthday Arrai

      That next day was my birthday. I woke up and checked my phone. I had a text from Rider. “Good morning Beautiful. And happy birthday.” I smiled and hugged my legs. It was sweet that Rider sent me a good morning text and wished me happy birthday. I got up and got dressed. I ran downstairs and seen that my parents were up making something to eat. “Good morning, sweet heart. How did you sleep?” My mom said. “Good, I guess. I got home late last night and didn’t go to sleep till 12.” Brindy looked up from the waffles she was cooking and gave me a confused look. “Why sweet heart? You are normally asleep as soon as you lay down. Is everything OK?” She reached over and felt my forehead. “You're not sick.”

      I shook my head. “No I’m not sick I just had a lot on my mind that’s all,” I looked down at my hands and seen that I still had the ring on. “Hey mom.” She came around the island where she was cooking the waffles and sat down beside me. “Yes dear?” It took me a while to get the courage to tell my mom that Rider had asked me to marry him. I was still in shock from the night before and I know that she won't be very happy to know that I am engaged. “Katie darling you can tell me anything you want.” She smiled.

      “OK, well when I was on my date with Jake, he asked me to marry him.” My mom’s face went white and her mouth dropped. “I’m sorry, I’ll tell him no if you want me to.” My mom didn’t say anything. She only cried. “Mother?” She shook her head and it sounded like she squeaked a little. I guess that is what I get for dropping this all on her so fast. I was turning 18 and I was getting married. I wasn’t sure if that is actually what I wanted anyway. I love Rider. He is the only guy that I care about more than anything in the world combined. Before my mom could answer my dad walked in. “We will talk about this later sweetheart, for now I want you to go into my room and get the presents that me and the kids picked out for you. I stood up and hugged Josh. It was the perfect moment to take the ring off before my father seen. “Good morning dad.” I smiled. “Good morning sweet heart. I suppose you are a grown woman now right?” I smiled and pulled away from the hug. “Sure am!” Keeping the smile I tilted my head and closed my eyes.

      “Well then you are going to like the present I got for you. While you were asleep today I went and bought it for you. I really hope you like it because I am gonna be paying it off for the next six months.” He laughed and rubbed his hand on the top of my head, messing up my hair even more than it already was, and kissed me on the cheek. I ran into my mom’s room and grabbed six presents that were all on the floor. They were carefully stacked in a stack. Smallest at the top and largest on the bottom. I took each present and took them to the living room.

  “OK. The presents are in the front room mom.” Brindy looked up and smiled. “Alright. I will go get the boys. You want to go wake up your sister?” I smiled back. “Yeah. I gotta go get something out of her room anyway. She took my phone charger last night and forgot to give it back. My phone is going to die and I wanted to talk to Jake.” My mom walked past me to my brother’s room and I followed her to my sister’s room. I knocked on the door gently and waited for my little sister’s response. I opened the door and seen that she was still asleep. I went over to her bed and sat down gently on the side of the bed. “Kaybrie.” I put my hand on her shoulder. She didn’t answer. “Kaybrie sweetheart it’s time to get up.” Finally she started to wake up. “Katie?” I smiled and stood up. She smiled back still half asleep and sat up. I helped her up out of bed and she gave me a hug.

  “Happy birthday sis.” She said. “Thanks.” I replied. I grabbed my phone charger and me and Kaybrie walked out into the front room. Josh was sitting on the couch reading the morning paper and Clove was sitting on the floor by the couch. “Man, Clove are you sick?” I teased. “No, I just wanted to get a head start to the day so that I could wish you happy birthday before I go hang out with my friends. My heart dropped. I didn’t know what to say to my brother skipping out on my birthday. My dad folded his newspaper in half and smacked Clove on the top of the head. “Now Clove you know better than to talk to your sister like that. She had plans for today for you and her. Did you ever stop to think that maybe she misses her older brother?” Clove looked down at his game boy and took a deep breath. “Well there is still Dalton. Why can’t she just take him with her for a lame day?”

  A tear rolled down my cheek and I turned around and walked to my room. I got back into my pajamas and got back into bed. I had lost all hope of being happy today. I looked at my side table by my bed and seen the Midnight black ring box that my wedding ring came in and reached for it. I didn’t want to move from the spot I was in--which made things harder than they needed to be-- I got two fingers around the small box and started pulling it towards my palm when the box fell on the floor. It landed with a loud thump and I froze. I thought I had heard something crack or break. I hurried and got out of bed to pick up the ring box. I opened it and seen that the ring that Rider had proposed to me with had broken. I started crying and fell to my knees.

  I thought that Rider was going to be heart broken when he found out that I had broken the beautiful ring he got me. I got up and sat on the bed. Holding the ring box--which held the broken ring inside-- close to me. Dalton walked in and seen me crying. “Kate? What’s wrong?” Although he was a few years younger than me he was the only one out of my three siblings that had an interest in spending time with me all the time. Even though Kaybrie always wanted to be by my side she still had her days were she didn’t even want to talk or be touched.

  I respected that since I understood that loud and clear. After all Beka is about the same age as her and I imagine the full force of Beka when she is mad. I can just imagine the damage that Kaybrie can make. Dalton walked over to be and sat down on my bed with me. “Kate? Sis are you alright?” He seen that I was holding something close to me and took one of my hands in one of his. With his free hand he took the box and opened it. His eyes widened. He could tell what it was. “Kate! Is this?” I nodded. “Yes. That was a 300 dollar ring. Jake proposed with it. I went to put it back on and the box fell off the nightstand. The ring broke.” I started crying even more. Dalton stood up and hugged me. “Well… what are we just standing around here for? Let’s go see if we can get it fixed. The damage isn’t that bad and I know a few people who will fix the ring for free. Plus you have your license. I can’t get my learners till next week.” I looked at my little brother and smiled. “Thanks Dalton. I owe you one. Big time!” He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. He stuffed the ring box into his jacket pocket and offered me a hand. “Well let’s go open those presents of yours and see what dad got you. I am really anxious for you to see it since I pitched in to help buy it.”

  I stood up and hugged him. Seeming how tall I was he was about a half an inch taller than me. I just laughed and ruffled his hair. He smiled and smoothed out his hair. “Let’s go little brother.” I walked out the door and down the hall. I walked into the family room to get my jacket and flats. I was too busy thinking about the ring that I didn’t realise Clove walk up behind me. “Katie, I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier. I was out of line.” I looked at him with a blank face. “I called the guys and told them that I couldn’t meet them today because I wanted to hang out with you. He leaned against the wall and put his hands in his pockets. Despite his immaturity he was older than he looks. Clove could have been moved out one year ago but he decided to stay home and help around the house since Brindy is gonna be 50 in a few months and Josh is going to be 51. My mom still cries every time one of us kids turn a year older. Kaybrie is 9, Dalton is 15, I just turned 18 and Clove is 19.


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