Kira's Reckoning

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Kira's Reckoning Page 8

by Sasha Parker

  They once again all headed out into the courtyard and joined the rest of the family. Kira looked at them curiously when they reemerged and Brendan just shrugged as if whatever they talked to Coni about was commonplace. They ushered Kira into the SUV amidst calls of farewell and they headed out to the airport where they had a plane waiting for them.

  Kira was impressed as they ushered her aboard the private jet, settling her in the main section of the plane. It looked like a living room with two couches on either side and two captain chairs in between on the aisle. They both made sure she was buckled in and then fixed her a drink.

  Once the plane took off, Kira turned to them and asked, "So are you going to tell me where we are going to this almighty Council?"

  The two men looked at each other and then at her with a frown. "Almighty Council?" Ronan said with a growl. "Kira, you need to show respect."

  Kira sighed. "Sorry, I get flippant when I am nervous."

  Brendan reached over and put his finger under her chin, tilting her head up so he could look her in the eye. "You have nothing to be nervous about. The Council will love you and we will find what we need." Then he slid his hand around to cup her cheek in comfort.

  She turned her head and kissed his palm, then said, "So where are we going?"

  Ronan leaned in to kiss her neck while Brendan kept his hand cupped on her cheek. "We are heading to Italy. The Council is located in Nascosto; however, we will land in a town called Lenola. We will take a car from there as the area is heavily wooded to protect the Council from being discovered," Ronan explained to her.

  "We thought in the mean time that we would give you a tour of the plane," Brendan said with a twinkle in his eye.

  They unbuckled her belt and then stood her up. Brendan took the lead and headed down the aisle, Ronan was following close behind her. They pointed out a small kitchen area behind the captain seats that held snacks and drinks as well as some meals. Then they showed her a door leading to the back of the plane. When they opened it, she saw a large bed in the center with a nightstand on each side. All around the room there were flameless candles, setting a beautiful glow to the room, making it very romantic.

  Kira gasped as she took in the scene before her, then turned to the men. "This is beautiful," she whispered.

  Ronan shook his head. "You are beautiful." He leaned down and kissed her, plundering her mouth, showing her how he desired she was.

  As the plane winged its way toward the Council and goddess only knew what danger, Kira's men began to make love to her, each showing her how she was desired and loved. Afterward she slept in their arms, knowing that no matter what happened, these two men cared for her and would protect her.

  When she woke, she knew then and there that her heart was lost, there was no denying it, she was in love with Brendan and Ronan. As much as she might love them, she also knew she had to remember her vow to protect her family. She sighed, she knew that to have her men and her family safe, she would do anything, no matter the cost.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kira emerged from the en suite shower just as the bells overhead were dinging. Brendan stuck his head in the bedroom and said, "Sweetling, we are getting ready to descend now, we need tae get you strapped in."

  She took his outstretched hand and followed him back into the main cabin saying, "Wait, I can't find my shoes."

  "I have them here, luv," Ronan said as he held them up to show her.

  She sat down in between the men and as Brendan buckled her in, Ronan slipped on her sandals. She leaned over, kissed each man on the lips, and then said, "My heroes."

  The men laughed and then strapped themselves in as the plane began its descent. Kira turned in her seat in order to watch as the landscape came into view when the plane broke through the clouds. She gasped at the beauty laid out before her. It reminded her of Ireland. Vast forests, lush and green, spread out over the landscape below with winding streams breaking through them. The difference was that she could almost feel the pull of magick from this place.

  When they disembarked from the plane, there was a young man waiting for them. The men introduced her to him as Tobin, he was an assistant to the Council, working alongside his twin sister, Twila. Tobin drove them through the streets of the small town of Lenola. Kira, who was sitting in between her men in the back seat, saw there were some quaint shops there as well as a beautiful, old church that sat on a hill.

  They left the little town nestled in the hills to begin to drive deeper into the forest, heading for Nascosto and the Council. Kira began to get nervous as she could feel the magick swirling around them in the car. It was as if long tendrils had reached out and were running over her body, feeling her out to see how much magick she had and what kind.

  'She can feel the magick,' Brendan sent to Ronan.

  'You knew they would feel her out, see what she could do,' Ronan sent back.

  'Did you feel that? She pushed back,' Brendan said, awed by the power his woman could wield.

  'She is amazing,' Ronan agreed.

  "Look dearling, we are arriving," Ronan said to Kira as he pointed over her shoulder.

  Kira leaned over Brendan's shoulder, peering out the window. "I don't see anything." She frowned.

  Brendan turned his head and kissed her cheek then he whispered in her ear, "Wait."

  Kira kept her eyes on the landscape as she shivered, feeling Brendan's breath on her ear. She saw ripples in the air first, moving slowly in waves. Her mouth dropped open in shock as she watched the ripples change to the colors of the rainbow. She turned to look out the front windshield and saw the kaleidoscope of colors suddenly part, allowing the car to pass through like a gateway. Kira gasped.

  Up ahead of them was a giant castle, it made their castle in the glen look like a beggar's cottage. There were so many turrets that Kira lost count and she was stunned to actually see a drawbridge over an actual moat. The car drove over the bridge and into the vast courtyard where Kira saw a large fountain in the center. Kira knew she looked like she was in a tennis match with her head bouncing from side to side trying to take everything in all at once.

  She looked on in awe as a giant troll walked in front of the car they were in, while around the grounds she saw dwarves and elves mingling. She watched a group of men off to the side of the castle fighting with swords like the Guardians carried.

  She shook her head, thinking of how dizzy she was going to get if she didn't focus on one thing. She just couldn't get over all the magical creatures who were there all at one time. She knew they existed now, thanks to her grandmother and their family, but it was shocking to see them nonetheless. How she wished her sisters were there right then.

  "I wish I had brought my camera," Kira whispered.

  "It wouldn't have worked, luv. Nothing like that does here unless you have permission,” Ronan said as the car stopped. He exited the car and turned to help her out.

  "It wouldn't work? Really?" Kira asked as she joined him, standing in by the car.

  "Sorry, sweet, it's the rules," Brendan told her as he joined them.

  Kira pouted. "How am I supposed to just remember all this for my sisters?"

  Ronan laughed. "Don't worry, we will help you." They watched as some of the men came over and began to take their suitcases out of the trunk and whisk them inside.

  Kira smacked him on the shoulder as he took one of her hands and Brendan took her other to lead her up the steps into the large castle doors where Tobin was patiently waiting for them. As she stepped through, Kira once again felt as though someone was frisking her body and she stopped, turning left then right.

  "What is that?" she asked her men.

  "That is the magick of the land checking out your magick," Brendan answered.

  When Kira looked even more confused, Ronan explained, "This land and castle were enchanted a long time ago when the Council was formed. The magick here is very powerful and actually has a life of its own. It is feeling you out, as you are new here. It wants to k
now who you are and what power you wield."

  "I see," Kira said. "Well, it could have just asked instead of feeling me up," she huffed.

  Both men laughed at that and Brendan said, "Come on, Tobin is waiting."

  They followed the patiently waiting Tobin through a long hallway down the center of the bottom floor. Kira saw two large staircases on her left and right, leading up to a second level. As she looked up those stairs, she saw the castle had several levels. She itched to run up and nose around in every nook and cranny of the castle. She knew there had to be some killer hiding places, then it hit her there had to be hidden passages and she had to make herself not run to find them.

  She turned to find both her men watching her curiously as they walked through the hallway. She shrugged and said with a sheepish grin, "Curious as to where all of these passages lead."

  They both broke out in smiles, giving her knowing glances as they stopped before a large set of doors Tobin disappeared through. Kira could feel the power emanating from the room itself and knew that the Council resided behind the two massive doors.

  Ronan turned to her. "Kira, when you enter, remember to not speak unless spoken to."

  "Also, when we stand before the Council, you will need to curtsey or give a little bow. It is done as a sign of respect to the elders," Brendan instructed her.

  Kira nodded. "Anything else I should know?"

  "Be yourself and be honest. They do not like lies," Ronan answered.

  Kira swallowed nervously, suddenly realizing she was going before the most powerful magical beings there were and then she began to shake a little. "O-okay."

  Immediately sensing her distress, both men surrounded her with their warmth. "Shh, dearling, you will be fine," Ronan assured her.

  Brendan kissed her temple and said, "No worries, sweet, we are with you."

  Kira closed her eyes and drank in their support. "Thank you," she whispered.

  She stayed like that, snuggled between the two strong Guardians who were hers, closing her eyes, she prepared herself for what was to come. Her family was counting on her to find answers there, answers as to who was threatening their very existence. She felt the men's strength in the arms they placed around her and in the beat of their hearts that she felt. With Brendan pressed against her back and Ronan hugging her front, it felt like they had one heartbeat together.

  There was a scraping noise that broke the solemn moment and the threesome broke apart. Kira turned to see Tobin standing within the opening of the two large doors, gesturing for them to come forward. She took a deep breath as she felt both men take her hands in theirs. The time had come for Kira to meet the Council.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The first impression that Kira had about the Council was that they were really old. The room they were led into was vast in size. There were large columns throughout the room, as though they were needed to hold up the ceiling. The room was mostly bare where they entered, but as they continued to walk forward, Kira saw there were couches strategically placed around the room. The room reminded her of the old movies that showed a throne room for the King and Queen. There was even a dais at the end where there were, indeed, four large comfortable looking chairs. Three of those chairs were occupied by beings who immediately drew Kira's attention.

  Una was easily recognizable, as Kira knew her from Ari's wedding. Una was a stunningly beautiful woman with long, blonde hair flowing down her back. She was wearing a wreath of flowers on her head with ribbons entwined throughout as she had at the wedding. Today her gown was made of a deep, royal purple with long sleeves draped elegantly over her arms.

  Beside Una was Kai, High Priest of the Warlocks. He was a handsome man, although he was sitting down, Kira could tell he was tall. He had dark hair with gray showing at his temples. His face was blank as if he didn't show emotions often. There was an empty chair beside of him, in which Kira guessed that Eragon, leader of the Elven, would sit when he was there. Brendan and Ronan had explained to her that he was away on Council business but would return soon.

  Next to the empty seat on the end sat Vesta, Priestess of the Wiccans. When Kira laid eyes on her, she gasped. Although Kira had seen Vesta before through Skype, seeing her in person rendered some shock to Kira. Vesta was a stunningly beautiful woman with long flaming red hair, whose very power glowed around her. She was wearing a gown that flowed to the floor, draping over one shoulder, all in gold. Kira couldn't help but stare at her in awe.

  Ronan gently but firmly squeezed Kira's hand as he and Brendan released her hands to give a formal bow to the Council. The men raised a fist over their hearts and bowed deeply from the waist. Out of the corner of his eye, Ronan saw Kira snap out of her trance and gracefully execute a deep curtsey that surprised him.

  'Where did she learn that?' Brendan asked him with shock in his voice.

  'That is a question we will ask her later, brother,' Ronan shot back with humor.

  "Welcome, Guardians and Kira, come forward and talk with us," Kai's deep voice boomed over the space separating them.

  They straightened back to standing then the men led Kira over to one of the large couches nearest the dais. Kira wanted to giggle aloud at the audacity of it all. There they were, in a giant castle, meeting the Council who basically sat on thrones, only to sit down on couches like they had come for tea. It all seemed so surreal to her.

  "I am sure it does, dear, but nevertheless, it is how we do things," Vesta said as she stood and then came down off the dais to join them on a couch opposite them.

  Kira frowned. "I'm sorry?"

  Vesta gave a small laugh and said, "You were projecting so loudly that I heard your thoughts. You are, after all, one of my most beloved children."

  Kira bowed her head, hoping she had not embarrassed her men with her thoughts and said, "Thank you. I apologize for thinking too loudly, ma'am."

  Once again Vesta laughed and Una along with her. Vesta gestured to Una and Kai who joined her on the couch. "This is better for Kira, is it not?" Vesta looked at Kira questioningly.

  "Ah, however you are most comfortable is fine." Kira tried to be diplomatic.

  "Twila?" Una called out in a low voice.

  A small woman appeared immediately from around one of the columns. "I am here."

  "Please have the snacks served now. I think our guests are parched," Una instructed.

  Twila bobbed her head and disappeared behind the column again before reappearing minutes later with a cart full of several different treats and drinks. Kira marveled at the small sandwiches and cookies, not to mention the various slices of cakes and brownie treats.

  "Tell us, Kira, what are you hoping to find here?" Vesta asked her once they had drinks.

  Caught off guard in the middle of sipping her drink, Kira swallowed quickly and answered, "Ah, I was hoping to find some information that might lead me to whoever is attacking my family and why. It occurred to me the answers might be found in the grimoires here that refer to my family and their past."

  Vesta nodded. "Yes, we do have one for every family here. I agree there may be answers."

  "Guardians, what say you about this threat?" Una asked.

  Ronan frowned as he said, "There is no magical signature after each attack. We have scanned and found nothing. That is confusing to us. Also, we wonder if he isn't receiving inside information."

  "How have you come to this conclusion?" Kai asked in a deep voice, suddenly sitting forward looking angry. Kira knew in that moment she would never want to cross him, he looked dangerous.

  "Whoever this is has known when and where the women would be at certain times they were vulnerable to attack. Someone would have to have inside information on their comings and goings," Brendan answered.

  Kai nodded. "I see. Well, maybe it is time for you to set a trap."

  Ronan shook his head. "None of us are willing to place any of the Five in danger. That is not an option."

  Kira looked over at Vesta who seemed deep in thought as she sipped
her tea. Their eyes met and Vesta wiggled her pinkie at Kira, Kira immediately felt a zip of power go up her arm. When Kira raised a brow at Vesta, she shook her head, indicating Kira should be quiet.

  "I will allow that for now, but this threat is greater than the Five if he or she gets their power," Kai stated.

  "We must see that this doesn't happen," Una said firmly. "Guardians, we must also discuss who will be coming to join your fight in the glen, but this will wait for another session."

  "Yes, it is clear that you all must rest now. Kira, I trust that you will meet me in the library in the morning?" Vesta asked.

  Kira turned to her and said, "Of course, whenever it is convenient for you."

  Vesta's laugh rang out over the hall. "You are a great diplomat. Yes, I will send Twila for you when I am ready."

  Kira nodded. "I will be ready. Thank you."

  Una sat forward. "I think that will be all for now. Tobin will show you to your suite."

  Brendan and Ronan stood then took Kira's hands as she stood as well. The three followed Tobin as he appeared out of nowhere to lead them back through the large doors they had entered in through.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tobin led them up one of the staircases Kira had seen when they had first arrived. Then they turned down a long hallway with doors on either side. Tobin indicated the first door on the right, nodded to the Guardians, and then headed back the way he came. Brendan reached out and opened the door then swept his arm out, silently telling Kira to proceed into the room.

  Kira entered the room and her jaw dropped open. It was a large suite decorated beautifully in earth tones that she loved. She walked around the living area to see there was even a small kitchenette off to the left and a bedroom to the right. When she went into the bedroom, she found a large king size bed with a nightstand on either side and two dressers. There was also a giant bathroom, complete with a double sink and Jacuzzi tub that could easily fit four large people. There were plants scattered throughout the rooms and Kira smiled thinking of how wonderful it was to be near her earth power, even inside, it made her feel safe.


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