Kira's Reckoning

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Kira's Reckoning Page 10

by Sasha Parker

  "They care deeply for you, Kira. That is good." Vesta nodded with approval.

  Kira blushed. "I care for them a great deal too. They are very special men."

  "You will need their support and guidance in the future, Kira," Vesta told her. "Be aware of your gifts and follow the earth."

  Kira turned to look at Vesta as she said those words. "Do you know who it is that is trying to hurt my family?" Kira said suspiciously as she regarded Vesta, knowing the words she uttered could be taken badly by the Priestess.

  Lucky for Kira, Vesta smiled at her and said, "I am on your side, Kira, fear not. I do not know who the evil one is. I only know that you and your sisters will battle him or her to the death. Only one can come out victorious."

  Kira nodded. "I know there is a battle coming. I can feel it. I am worried about my sisters. One of them is sick and we don't know why."

  "Calli. Yes, I have heard she was unwell," Vesta said sadly. "Have you any idea as to what is plaguing her?"

  "No, we don't. She has had several tests and seen many doctors, but no one has a clue yet as to what is wrong," Kira told her.

  Vesta shook her head. "Such a young life." She reached out to put a hand on Kira's arm. "Fear not, Kira, we will find answers."

  Kira smiled at her. "Thank you, Vesta, for all that you and the Council are doing. My family and I are very grateful."

  "We are happy to help the Blessed Five in any way we can," Vesta said with a small graceful bow.

  They got back to work, looking through more books, searching for answers. Time seemed to fly by as the next thing Kira knew, Tobin was coming in to announce that it was almost dinner time. Vesta excused herself, saying she had private dinner plans and asked Kira to meet her again the next afternoon, after Vesta had finished with Council business. Kira agreed and Tobin stayed to help her straighten up as well as lock the small room before the headed out to dinner.

  Kira and Tobin met the men in the dining hall with Donald and they had a wonderful dinner, laughing and talking about their day. The men filled Kira in on the mock battles that occurred with the trainees and funny anecdotes with jabs at each other. While Kira told of her exploration in the library with Vesta and the information they had found in the grimoires. Tobin was a delight, regaling them with stories of the odd visitor to see the Council. It was a pleasant way to spend the evening, Kira thought as she looked around the table. Her only wish would have been that her sisters could have been there too.

  Under the table, Ronan and Brendan both laid their hands on her thighs and squeezed gently. It was as if they knew what she was thinking about and how she was missing her family. With that one touch, they reminded her she wasn't alone and that they cared. As she joined in the laughter at the table, she covered their hands and squeezed back, letting them know she was grateful to have them.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Kira woke with a need to be with her earth. She took a long, hot shower and then ate the wonderful breakfast her thoughtful men sent up to her. As she got dressed, she decided she would go out into the garden. She needed to make contact with the earth again and she also wanted to have another look around. Something out there was calling her and she wanted to see if she could find out what.

  Before she left, she checked her email and saw that her sisters had responded to her email the day before. She laughed aloud at the response. She was encouraged to enjoy her men in many ways and to remember to write down details, except about how she enjoyed her men. She wrote a response, telling them to behave and that she was going through the books with Vesta. She added a few details about the castle and the people, including meeting Donald. Then she sent it off with her love and headed out.

  She entered the back garden through the music room as she and Donald had the previous day. Once again, she went to the back of the garden and dug her hands into the soil. She closed her eyes and just let herself feel. The earth welcomed her as it wove itself around her fingers. She reveled in the feeling; it was like being surrounded by her men. A warmth that wrapped around her, making her feel safe.

  She stayed that way for a few minutes, recharging, until she heard her name being called. She looked up and around her, finding no one near. She slowly stood and heard it again, someone was calling her. She frowned as she again looked around, not seeing anyone. Suddenly, a small fox appeared at the edge of the woods and turned, waiting. Kira knew she needed to follow the fox, she knew she would be safe, but she needed to follow.

  She slowly started forward and the fox began to walk further into the woods. As she followed, she saw out of the corner of her eye that they were now surrounded by several small animals. There were squirrels, chipmunks, and birds following too. The fox began to slow and Kira was stunned at the sight before her.

  There, in front of her was a fairy. An honest to goodness, tinkerbell flying, fairy. She didn't know what to do. She stopped dead in her tracks and just stared at the little fairy, floating in front of her.

  "Greetings, Kira of the Blessed Five. I am Breena, Princess of the Fae," the little fairy said.

  Kira swallowed hard and said, "It's nice to meet you, Breena."

  The little fairy inclined her head. "I am here to escort you to him."

  "Ah, who would that be?" Kira said a little weary.

  Breena gave a little tinkling laugh and said, "Why the Green Man, of course. He wishes to meet you."

  "Okay." Kira didn't know what else to say.

  "Come," Breena said as she began to flit further into the woods.

  After a while, they came upon a giant oak tree. Kira was amazed at the size of the trunk. She knew it would take two people wrapping their arms around the trunk and still they may not touch. Breena floated around the tree twice and giggled, looking at Kira with her finger up to her mouth, indicating they should be quiet.

  Breena lifted her arms and said, "I call to you now, spirit of the nature, strong and free, come and teach us. We honor you, celebrate your gifts, reveal yourself, Green Man. Weave your magic and come to us."

  Kira watched as the trunk of the massive Oak began to shimmer, then slowly turn into a face. Her jaw dropped open as she watched the face form and literally come to life. Breena flew over to her and gently pushed up on her bottom jaw, giggling as Kira closed her mouth.

  "Ah, child, so you have finally come," the deep voice boomed.

  Kira opened her mouth but nothing would come out. There was a tree talking to her! She didn't know what to think.

  "Come forward and let me see you more clearly," the Green Man said.

  Kira stepped forward on shaking legs and stood before the tree. "" She cleared her throat. "It's nice to meet you." It was the only thing she could think to say.

  The Green Man smiled at her and said, "Please, sit. Let us talk."

  Kira looked down and saw a lush green patch appear, so she sat down and found the spot to be very soft. "Thank you."

  Breena flew over to her and brought her a flower. A large yellow flower that looked like a tulip. As Kira reached out to take it, Breena said, "It is a nourishing drink for you."

  Kira looked down into the flower and saw that it was indeed full of liquid. She cautiously took a sip, feeling no danger from these creatures and realized the liquid inside tasted like butterscotch. It was smooth and although there wasn't a lot of liquid inside, it did fulfill her thirst. "Thank you, Breena. That was lovely."

  Breena grinned and then flitted over to perch on a mushroom cap that was growing at the base of the Oak. Kira looked up at the face of the Green Man and saw him watching her. Then he smiled.

  "Kira Kirkpatrick, I called you to me so we may speak. You are a child of the earth, we are family," the Green Man said.

  Kira now knew what the 'calling' was that she had been feeling. "I apologize for not answering sooner. I did not know what the calling was. I am new to this."

  Breena and the Green man laughed. "You are forgiven, child. I understand. It can all be overwhelming. I wanted to meet you a
nd tell you that I am here for you," he told her. "Your magick is strong, Kira. You may call to me anywhere, in any forest and I will answer."

  "Really?" Kira asked in shock. "How? How do I call you?"

  "Just as Breena did. She is like my gatekeeper. If you call to her, she will appear and in turn call me," he explained. "I have much to teach you."

  "I am eager to learn," Kira said enthusiastically.

  The Green Man smiled at her. "I am happy to hear it, child. You are in danger and must take care. This threat against your family is a serious one. Attention must be paid."

  Kira frowned. "How do you know about the threat?"

  "There is not much I am not aware of. The earth and the creatures born from it see all and know all," he answered.

  "Do you know who the evil one is?" Kira asked.

  "Sadly, not yet," he said. "Breena tells me the creatures here say he is coming."

  "Coming here?" Kira asked, shocked.

  "Yes," he answered. The wind picked up and the creatures around them began to stir and chatter. "It seems your men are searching for you. You must go to them."

  Kira grimaced. "I am sorry. Can I see you tomorrow?"

  "Of course, child. Just call to Breena and we will be together again," the Green Man told her. "Now go, before your young men become too worried. They are good, strong men who will keep you safe. I would like to meet them sometime."

  "Thank you so much. I am honored to have met you," Kira said reverently.

  "Until we meet again, Kira Kirkpatrick," the Green Man said and then shimmered, disappearing.

  Breena flitted up to face level as Kira stood and said, "Come, I will lead you to your men."

  Kira nodded and followed Breena back through the woods. Once the castle was in sight again, she heard Ronan calling her name. She called back to him and then turned to Breena. "Thank you for finding me and helping me get back, Breena. It was lovely to meet you. I look forward to seeing you again soon."

  Breena did a little curtsey in the air and said, "It was my honor, Kira Kirkpatrick. Until we meet again." She flitted off back into the forest as quick as her little wings would carry her.

  Just as she turned toward the castle, her men came crashing through the woods. When she saw the look on their faces, she knew she was in deep trouble. "Ah, shit."


  "What the hell were you thinking?" Ronan roared at her. They were sitting in their suite where the men had lunch delivered so they could yell at her in private. She grimaced, they were really pissed.

  "I'm sorry, I lost track of time." She tried to remain calm as she sat on the couch looking at her two men. "I went out into the garden and the woods called to me." She had decided not to mention the Green Man just yet. She hoped that soon she could introduce them to him.

  "You scared us when we couldn't find you, sweet," Brendan told her. "Even though we are on magical ground, that doesn't mean evil cannot find us here. We still must see to your safety."

  Kira sighed. "I know. All I can say is I am sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."

  Ronan was still pacing, not saying anything. Kira knew he was trying to calm down, she had never seen him this upset. She reached out a hand to grab his and he stopped pacing. She stood and ran her hand up to cup his cheek. She looked directly in to his angry eyes and said, "I am so sorry but I am okay. Nothing happened." As he opened his mouth to say something, she put a finger over his lips and continued, "It will not happen again. I will always tell you where I am going. Promise. I am sorry I upset you."

  Ronan's eyes changed as she spoke and softened as they looked upon her. His lips moved to suck her finger into his mouth and she gasped at the sensation. She slowly slid her finger out of his mouth to replace it with her lips. She kissed him slowly and softly, showing him silently that she meant the words she spoke. He deepened the kiss, showing her with his mouth that he was worried for her. All of his emotions were poured into the kiss as well and she wrapped her arms around him to hold him to her. Brendan came up behind her to wrap his arms around her and kiss her neck.

  She broke the kiss with Ronan, panting, trying to regain her breath. Brendan reached up and turned her head so he could kiss her as well, pouring all his emotion into his kiss as well. Kira was overwhelmed with emotions and felt the tear slip down her cheek as she kissed Brendan back. She felt Ronan reach up and wipe away her tear, caressing her face as he did.

  Brendan finished plundering her mouth and said, "Now come and let's eat before you have to meet Vesta."

  Ronan pulled out her chair and they each sat on either side of her. They fed her bites of food throughout the meal and spoke of inconsequential things as they ate. When they were done, they walked her down to the library and kissed her, telling her they would be waiting for her when she was done. She shrugged, knowing it was not the time to argue, as things were still dicey from earlier.

  Kira entered the library and walked to the back room. Vesta was already inside, looking at one of the books, sitting in one of the comfortable chairs. "Good afternoon, Vesta, how are you?"

  Vesta looked up. "Merry meet, Kira. I am well. I hope you are."

  "Yes, thank you," Kira said and chose one of the books she had been looking at the day before.

  "Ah," Vesta said and Kira looked at her.

  "What is it?" Kira said, hoping she had found something useful.

  "You have met the Green Man," Vesta said with a knowing smile.

  Kira gasped. "How did you know that?"

  Vesta laughed. "My dear, it is clear to me. Your aura has changed color slightly to indicate you met with him. He is wonderful, is he not?"

  "I was in awe. I had no idea anything like him existed," Kira said honestly.

  "You are lucky. He only shows himself to the most powerful in the line. I am proud of you," Vesta told her.

  "Thank you. I was honored to meet him," Kira answered.

  They poured over the books for the rest of the afternoon, again with Tobin coming in and out, checking on them. He brought in snacks again, halfway through and Kira thanked him as he blushed. Kira turned back to the book she had and saw an interesting entry.

  "Vesta, can you come look at this?" Kira pointed to what she was reading.

  Vesta came over to join her at the table and looked at what she indicated. "Well, it says here the Blessed Five powers can be transferred if the one taking the powers has the blood of the eldest, and three magical pieces." Vesta frowned. "It doesn't say what the pieces are."

  "I will keep reading, maybe it says it further in," Kira said hopefully. "This is the most information we have found so far. It's obvious someone wants our power."

  "Yes, keep digging." Vesta encouraged her. "Don't worry, Kira. It will come."

  Kira nodded and turned back to her book. They had to find something and soon, Kira could feel the evil creeping up on her. The Green Man had warned her it was coming. She just wished he had said who or when.


  He hung up the phone and growled. "Thomas!"

  Thomas came in his office and shut the door behind him. "Yes, sir?"

  "We need to go on a little trip. It seems the Council has a little visitor and now might be the time to pounce," he said. "Kira Kirkpatrick is visiting the Council and I want her power. This is my opportunity to get to her without her sisters around."

  "Yes, sir. I will go prepare for the trip," Thomas said dutifully.

  "I want to leave immediately," he said. Thomas nodded and left the room. He sat back in his chair thinking of all he could accomplish.

  He switched his thinking, trying not to get too excited over this new development. He had plans to make. One of which was to deal with the issue at his own estate. His guests were going to have to be dealt with and soon. He had them there for the purpose of getting the sister to come to him but that may not be necessary now. Just when he thought to rid himself of the trouble, a little voice told him to wait. He always trusted his intuition. It had told him to send the Dark One ins
tead of going himself that fateful day and that had paid off.

  He wanted that power, time was running out. According to the grimoire, he just needed a few more things. One he knew he could get if he went to the Council now and could get his hands on Kira. His hands tingled as he thought about how close he was to having it all.

  He stood and walked around his desk, looking out over his backyard. He now had to go make sure everything was set to go to the Council. He had calls to make to pave the way for him. He had to have a good reason for visiting or he would raise suspicion. He knew what he would say and who to say it to.

  He walked back over to his desk and picked up the phone. He dialed the number and waited. "Ah, Tobin. Good to hear your voice."

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kira rubbed the back of her neck as she bent over yet another book in the Council's library. She had been there for over a week and a half, working diligently, looking through each and every grimoire in the library. She had found many references to the Blessed Five that told of a destiny wrought with danger. Kira and Vesta had also found a section of one of the grimoires missing from the book. It was there they guessed lie the main answers to their questions.

  Kira had immediately switched tactics, trying to find out who instead of why. Vesta had Tobin and Twila looking through visitor records to try to figure out who could have taken the pages. There weren't many who were allowed access to the library of grimoires. Vesta, as well as the rest of Council, was enraged that someone had deceived them.

  Kira had gone back to the woods several times, meeting with the Green Man, trying to find answers. He worked with her on her powers and her connection to the earth. She was excited because she had arranged to take her men there to meet him that afternoon. She had kept the Green Man secret from Ronan and Brendan, although it killed her to do so. She had been worried they wouldn't believe her.

  She giggled to herself as the thought went through her mind. They wouldn't believe her. Anything was believable there, at the Council, as she had found during her time there. Magical creatures were everywhere and anything could happen at any time. She had been coming out of her room, going down the stairs, when an explosion had occurred on the ground floor. She was surprised when no one really reacted, they just kept going about their business. Kira was stunned and headed to where she thought the explosion had taken place to see if anyone was hurt.


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