A Bride for Sam (A Red Maple Falls Christmas Wedding Novella)

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A Bride for Sam (A Red Maple Falls Christmas Wedding Novella) Page 8

by Theresa Paolo

  Kate was silent for a moment then let out a shaky breath. “I’m happy for Shay and Matt. Of course I am. They’re giving me another nephew or niece, and they deserve the big family that Shay’s always wanted.”


  “I guess I’m a little jealous is all.”

  “What happened to not wanting kids?”

  “I don’t think it’s a good time to talk about it.”

  “Humor me, please, before I lose my mind.”

  Kate shrugged then sunk back into the bench. “After Sam’s accident, it kind of did something to me. It was pretty scary when he was lying in that hospital bed, and we had no idea if he was okay or not.”

  Hadley swallowed down the lump that always formed in her throat when she thought about that dreaded day.

  “Afterward, Caleb and I discussed kids, and to my surprise he actually didn’t care whether we waited or not, so that night we started trying and we’ve been trying ever since. So when Shay said she was pregnant it kind of struck a chord.”

  Hadley squeezed Kate’s hand, knowing that the comforting gesture was more important than any words she could say.

  Kate’s lips pressed into a thin line, and her eyes watered. She laughed as she swiped a finger under her eye, clearly embarrassed by her unexpected show of emotion.

  “Sometimes I wonder if it’s my fault.”

  “Your fault? How?”

  “For not wanting kids sooner, for being selfish and wanting to spend time with Caleb just the two of us.”

  “Kate, you know that’s ridiculous.”

  “Is it? Because we’ve been trying for almost a year now, and I just feel like I’m being punished.”

  “You’re not being punished. Some people take longer to conceive that’s all. Have you spoken to your doctor?”

  She shook her head. “I’m afraid they’re going to tell me I’m broken.”

  “Kate,” Hadley said, turning to her older sister. “You’re not broken. Make an appointment, and when I get back from my honeymoon, if you need someone to sit with you I’ll be more than happy to.”

  “You would?”

  “Of course. I’m a little insulted you don’t think so.”

  “Okay. I will… when you get back. I’ll make an appointment.”

  “Good. And Kate, I’m sorry for being distracted.”

  “Now you’re being ridiculous.”

  “You okay?”

  “I will be.” Kate rested her head on Hadley’s shoulder, and Hadley smoothed her hair back. Daisy popped her head in, a blonde curl falling in her face and a curious eyebrow arching.

  “What’d I miss?”

  “Just us getting sappy.”

  “You better not ruin that makeup.” Daisy laughed. “Care if I join you?”

  “You don’t have to ask,” Hadley said, moving over to accommodate one more on the bench.

  Daisy sat down and now with the distraction of Kate’s conversation gone Hadley’s mind went right back to Sam and the fire.

  “Daze, what time is it?”

  “Don’t worry about the time,” Daisy said. “Grandma and Terry are leading the guests in Christmas carols, and Shay set up a hot chocolate bar and a dessert table made out of two ladders and a plank of wood. The girl is out of her mind but totally loving every second of it. People are eating, drinking, singing, and having a blast. Hal is even doing sleigh rides and Old Man Simpson is giving out samples of his moonshine.”

  “What about Missy and Sam’s Mom?”

  “Taking a sleigh ride as we speak. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Except my fiancé, who is currently risking his life when he should be here, safe with me.”

  “He will be fine,” Daisy said.

  “How do you know that?” Now that Hadley was no longer Kate’s shoulder to cry on the weight of her own grief was weighing heavily on her.

  “What is the one thing that Sam has always promised you? Even before you two were together.”

  “He’d always come home to me.”

  Hadley thought about the day when she pressed a pewter charm into his hand. The word ‘loved’ was engraved into it and the O was replaced with a paw print. Fourteen years ago, after the wildfire that tore through the Pines, she told Sam as long as he had the charm he would be safe because he would remember that he had people who were counting on him to come home. He promised her then that he would always come home to her, and it was a promise he had kept. Last year he almost didn’t, and that nearly broke her, but when Sam Bennett made a promise, he honored it. He found his way back to her, and he would find his way back to her again. She just needed to silence the fear and hang on to his words.

  Hadley did just that.

  The sun shifted in the sky and the seconds ticked into minutes and into another hour, but she didn’t let any fear in. Sam was a man of his word.

  Someone had said the fire was on every news station, and they had been keeping her posted. Finally, she felt up to leaving the bench and making her way to her guests. She didn’t want them to see her before the wedding, but by the time she got married, it would be dark and they wouldn’t be able to see her anyway, so she might as well make her way out to greet them, especially since they all had stuck around.

  Lady rolled to her side and Hadley knew she wasn’t going to leave her nice warm spot to venture out into the cold so she didn’t bother trying to encourage her.

  She heard the off-key notes of I’ll Be Home for Christmas, and she smiled. The day might not have turned out as planned, hell nothing had turned out as planned, but looking around at all the people who stuck around to see her marry the love of her life filled her with warmth.

  Shay paced back and forth behind the dessert table with baby Matthew on her hip and Hadley made her way to her. “This looks amazing,” she said, but Shay didn’t acknowledge her she was too focused on her phone.

  With a sigh, Shay let the phone slap against her thigh then adjusted Matthew to her other side. “What is the point of having a cellphone if you don’t answer the dang thing?”

  “Matt not answering?”

  “No, he’s not. God knows where he is.”

  “I heard the cell service is spotty where they are.”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” Shay started to pace back and forth, her emotions getting the better of her as one minute her face was set in annoyance and the next melting into panicked sadness. She waved her hands at her face. “I’m going to kill him. He could at least send me a text.”

  “I’m sure they’re fine.”

  “How are you so calm?” Shay started to pace again, Matthew reaching for the desserts on the table but always just out of reach.

  “Because I’m not a pregnant hormonal mess like you are.” Hadley laughed but Shay didn’t look as amused.

  “Wait till you’re pregnant.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll love every second of it.”

  “Damn straight.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, earlier I was a sweating puddle of nerves and fear but not anymore. I figure this is just another speed bump. Life throwing curve balls our way to show us how our love can endure anything. I’ve waited for what feels like my whole life for this moment and nothing is going to take that away from me. Not a collapsed roof, a suit mix up, or our priest coming down with the flu and definitely not some fire. Sam will be here and so will Matt. I’m sure of it. I’m used to waiting, so as long as Hal’s fire is still burning and the hot chocolate is flowing, I’m not leaving until I kiss my groom.”

  “Shay?” Kristen Morgan said, walking toward the dessert bar. “I believe this might belong to your husband.” Shay reached out taking the cell phone that Kristen was offering. “It appears Matt gave Travis here his phone to play a game on and when they left on the call he never grabbed it. I didn’t even realize Travis had it until just now.”

  Shay laughed, hugging the phone to her chest. “That explains why he hasn’t been answering my calls.”

  “I hope it d
idn’t cause you any worry.”

  Shay met Hadley’s eyes and smiled before turning back to Kristen. “Not at all.”

  “Mom how much longer do we have to be here?” Travis asked.

  “I’m so sorry,” Kristen said to Hadley with mortification in her eyes.

  “It’s been a long day. We’re all getting pretty restless. Thank you so much for staying.”

  “Of course. You and Sam are family now. We wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  Travis’ eyes doubled in size as they locked onto something behind them. “It’s Santa!” he exclaimed and Hadley spun around along with Kristen.

  A warm smile spread wide across her face as her eyes landed on the jolly figure taking a seat on the big green chair inside Santa’s Village.

  “Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!” The words echoed through the lot and all the kids went running, including Travis.

  “Excuse me,” Kristen said. “Travis slow down before you fall and dirty your pants.”

  “Who is that?” Shay asked, squinting her eyes.

  Caleb walked over an amused smirk on his face. “Old man Simpson saw the kids getting restless and decided to take matters into his own hands.”

  “Where did he get a Santa suit from?” Hadley asked with a laugh.

  “Hal had one in the back. Hope it’s okay. I told him to go for it.”

  “It’s more than okay,” Hadley said. “What’s Christmas without Santa?”

  “I’m going to bring Matthew over. Call me if you hear anything,” Shay said.

  Caleb squeezed Shay’s shoulder as she walked by and then turned back to Hadley. He looked toward the line of kids waiting to sit on Santa’s lap and let out a breath. “Kate told me she talked to you.”

  Hadley nodded.

  “I just want to say thank you.”

  “She’s my sister and I should have realized something was wrong sooner.”

  “If you haven’t noticed your family who all hate surprises are pretty damn good at keeping secrets.”

  “I haven’t noticed.”

  “So how you holding up?”

  “I’m okay just eager to get married.”

  “He’ll be here. If he has to move heaven and hell he will.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m going to go find your sister. Do you need anything before I go?”

  “No, go find your wife.”

  Caleb walked away and Hadley pulled her flannel shirt tighter around her chest as she detoured away from the excitement of Santa Clause and toward the parking lot. She just needed a minute but just as she was about to disappear behind the row of cars her name floated across the lot like a warm caress.

  Her heart stopped, and she froze in place before turning around and locking gazes with those beautiful aquamarine eyes.

  “Sam?” she said, her voice barely a whisper, choked by a flood of emotions that she no longer could hold back. A layer of soot covered his face, sweat lines cutting through the black sheen.

  Her feet moved before her brain could process, and she threw herself into his arms. “Oh my god, Sam.” She inhaled the scent of burnt wood and nuzzled into the warmth of his body.

  “You’re going to get your dress dirty.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “What happened to not seeing the bride before the wedding?” he asked, nudging her chin up with his finger.

  “We’ve never been good with rules.”

  With his hands on her arms he stepped back and gave her a once over. “You’re beautiful.”

  “You should’ve seen me before I had tears messing up my makeup.”

  “Tears or not, you’re still beautiful.”

  She laughed then realized there was a bulge in his coat. “What’s this?” she asked, looking down and poking at whatever he was hiding behind the zipper.

  “The reason I’m late,” he said. He pulled on the zipper, bringing it down and the cutest gray and white head popped out.

  “Oh my god! Who is this little cutie pie?” Hadley asked, taking the adorable dogs face into her hands. The pup licked her and Hadley laughed. “You’re such a good boy, aren’t you? Yes, you are.”

  “He doesn’t have a name yet. Chase rescued him from the fire. Once I saw him I knew I couldn’t just leave him.”

  “Of course not.”

  “See my fiancé is kind of a dog lover and I figured she’d know exactly what to do with this little guy.”

  Hadley took what she assumed was a terrier mix out of Sam’s coat and held him up. “Definitely a boy.” She brought him back into her arms and smoothed his white and gray coat down.

  “So this is why you’re late?”

  “Matt went to track down the owner of the store we found him in. Turns out he was a stray that the owner fed and had felt bad about leaving outside during the holiday so he let him inside. His wife is allergic to dogs so he can’t take it. I would’ve called but Matt couldn’t find his phone and mine is dead as a doornail. Chase and Miguel stayed behind at the fire while I joined Matt in the hunt for the owner.”

  “I can’t even be mad.”

  “Were you? Mad?”

  Hadley met his eyes, gentle and caring. “Never…just worried.”

  Sam drew her against his chest. He kissed her head and held her tight. “I’m so sorry, Hads. I didn’t mean to scare you or to ruin our wedding day. But I made a promise to you.” He took her face in his hands and she looked into his eyes past the surface and down to his core. “And I will always come back to you, okay? I will always come back to you.”

  She covered his hand with hers and linked their fingers together. “I know that. It just took me a minute to remember.”

  He kissed her forehead and it sent a rush of warmth through her body. “What do you say? Want to marry me?”

  Hadley held up the fluff of white and gray and nuzzled his nose. “I don’t know, Marshmallow, what do you say?”

  “I guess he has a name then.”

  Hadley smiled up at Sam and his eyes twinkled as he looked down at her. “He does.”

  “So what does Marshmallow say?”

  “He thinks you’re a hero and I should get this show on the road and marry you.”

  Sam laughed. “And what about you? What do you think?”

  “I couldn’t think of anything I want to do more.”

  Chapter 15

  Hadley stood at the end of the burlap runner that would lead her to Sam, her arm linked through her father’s as her grandmother walked down the aisle, tossing flower petals as she went. The guests egged her on with laughs and applause.

  “You ready?” her father asked, resting his hand on hers.

  “You have no idea.”

  The music began to play, and Hadley walked down the aisle toward her future husband. The sun was setting in the distance. Their family and friends were all wrapped in blankets stood in front of their chairs, their eyes locked on her.

  Sam stood beneath a pine covered arch in the suit that Ivy managed to get in time. On one side of him, Terry stood in her usual five-inch heels, her red hair bigger than ever, but her usual leopard print signature was missing. Instead, she wore a gorgeous purple wrap dress and a black fur shawl. On the other side of Sam, her three brothers and Chase all looked dashing in their own suits each having their own style infused in their look. Lady sat at Sam’s feet, a diamond encrusted collar that Sarah specially made sitting around her neck. Marshmallow, the new edition to their family, sat with Travis in between Matt and Mason.

  Sam’s eyes met hers, and his lips curved upward, revealing the slight gap between his teeth. She could feel his love radiating off of him. Behind him rows of Christmas trees sparkled with white lights and the smell along with the spirit of Christmas surrounded them.

  At the end of the aisle, Jonathon Hayes kissed her cheek then placed her hand in Sam’s.

  “I think I’ve made you wait long enough,” Sam said as she turned to him.

  “I think so.”

y, do your thing,” Sam said.

  Terry held up her hands and brought them together as she looked out to the crowd.

  “I know you all are probably waiting for me to do something crazy and outlandish, probably even have bets on it. I’m looking at you George. But that’s not going to happen… Well, not now. Definitely at the reception after a few cocktails, but right now, this moment is about two extraordinary human beings. Two people who go out of their way to be kind, to make you feel special, and whose love for each other burns hotter than any fire Sam has ever put out.”

  Laughs erupted from all around them, and once it died down, Terry continued.

  “Hadley and Sam share an unbreakable bond that has been obvious to most of us for a very long time, and while it may have taken some a little longer to catch on, cough, Sam, cough, in the end, we all knew it was inevitable. You two are great people, but together you’re even greater. You bring out the best in one another, and your love is an example to others. It is pure and real and breathtaking to witness. I know I can speak for everyone here today that we are blessed to be here and to witness your ultimate vows of love for one another.”

  Hadley wiped a tear from her eye, but they kept coming. “Geez Terry,” she said with a laugh. “You’re making a girl cry here.” Sam reached up, running his thumb beneath her lids.

  Terry dipped her hand into the top of her dress and pulled a tissue out, causing a few laughs from the crowd. “Here you go, honey.”

  Hadley took the tissue not giving a second thought to where it came from. “Thank you.” She blotted her eyes then crumpled the tissue in her hand. Kate leaned forward and took it from her. She mouthed her thanks then turned back to Sam.

  God, he was handsome. She wondered if he would always take her breath away, and she knew then that the answer was and always would be yes. His aquamarine eyes that were more green today bore into hers, and she knew right then that no matter what curveballs life threw at them, they would always find each other. Nothing was ever going to keep them apart.

  “Sam, repeat after me,” Terry said.


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