The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure

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The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure Page 100

by TJ Reynolds

  Imagining a life with Rhona was beyond belief, especially when they faced such trying times.

  And she was but part of the situation.

  He’d expected the dragonlings to grow, and to do so quickly. But now each was a huge beast of admirable intellect and capability. Having such creatures as allies was one thing, but leading them was another thing entirely.

  What do you think, Ban? Can I do this? Can I really be the Elder Dragon and lead those four properly?

  His Earth Core friend sighed mentally. Ah. That is why you complained about the mantle so much.

  Kai quirked an eyebrow. No, Ban, that’s not—

  Don’t worry! Ban interrupted. We all fixate on the things we can control. It is normal and, as the expression goes, only human.

  Before Kai could object, Ban said, And yes, of course I do. You have continued to surprise me since the day we met, Kai. Few others could have managed what you did given your position. I am proud to call you my dragon.

  Kai rubbed his face, somehow even more humbled by Ban’s praise.

  Thank you, Ban. I guess I just still feel like a grubby-handed potato farmer half the time.

  Ban’s laugher rang out in Kai’s mind. Don’t worry, Kai. Half the time you still look like one. It’s the other half, when you walk with the poise and confidence of a king, that truly matters.


  The Value of a Packing List


  The following morning the occupants of the Sunken Keep met once more for breakfast.

  While the younger dragons flew off to find their own meal, Kai, Jakodi, Ban, and Rhona talked strategy.

  All came to the same conclusion.

  If ascension for all was the best step forward, then all should leave this place behind and fly deeper into the mountains than Kai had gone before.

  This would not only provide a chance for Kai and Rhona to grind out the whopping 86,400 Progression needed to advance to Viridian, but also for the dragonlings and Ban to make progress as well.

  It was tempting to stay at the Sunken Keep until Kai and Rhona hit their next significant increase. After reaching Emerald 3, however, Rhona had found the ether given off by Ban’s lower-level minions significantly decreased.

  “We’ll save time in the long run if we can manage to find an area with powerful monsters,” Rhona said with confidence. “Imagine if we can fight Emerald 3 or even Viridian 1 beasts as a group. If we are careful, all of us can reach our goals quickly.”

  Kai nodded. “I agree. And after that last Earth Core, my own Progression is sorely lacking. I only took a part of the ether given off by the abyss beast, so I am essentially starting at the base.”

  Jakodi cleared his throat and reminded them all of the importance of their mission. “There will be more of those monsters, Kai, and soon I would presume. That beast at a shivvered Earth Core is not a good sign.”

  “But what could that mean?” Ban asked in Greg’s rumbling voice. “Will these monsters rise up and seek the Earth Cores that remain?”

  The old wizard shook his head, eyes squinting in worry. “I believe the situation is far worse than that. The last time this threat came to Anvar, much was lost and destroyed. But some scrolls still remain describing creatures of darkness who possess a tireless hunger. They consume everything in their path that contains ether. That means the Earth Cores, yes, even the shivvered ones. It also means mankind, dragons, and every other creature and race in this land.”

  Kai stood up, resolute. “We leave by noon, then. Ban, let’s work together to see if we can’t modify the saddles to contain some supplies. For such a long trip, it would be best to be prepared for everything.”

  Thus, the rest of the morning was spent in a careful and chaotic rush of planning and packing. Before he turned to more important tasks, Kai found Kotsi where the kobolds had camped out for the night.

  A few of the creatures were fishing in the river.

  They were attempting to make jokes and enjoy themselves, but it was clear their spirits were still low from their recent loss.

  Kai sat down beside Kotsi on the stream bed and sighed. “I am sorry your people were forced to pay such a high price yet again. Sora was a brave and loyal warrior.”

  “He was—more so than I ever will be,” Kotsi replied, his eyes fixed on the swirling waters. “I’m just a grumpy old drunk who happens to be good with an axe.”

  Kai chuckled bitterly.

  A few moments of painful silence passed, then Kai got an idea. “I’ll tell you what, Kotsi. We might have a solution to prevent this in the future. If Tessra approves, I suggest you send a group of your elites to Ban’s tower. He will be focusing on converting most of his time and energy into Progression, but it won’t be such an arduous task for him to provide you all with minions to fight. Without having to search for more Earth Cores, at least for the time being, it seems like the greatest priority.”

  Kotsi’s face scrunched up in a scowl. “But to take the ether from our sworn dragon’s core? Such would be a crime, Kai.”

  “Not at all. If it helps, I could make it an order.”

  The war chief searched Kai’s face. Then, slowly, a faint smile touched his reptilian face. “I will leave with my warriors at once and ask Tessra. Should she approve, we will be back to do as you say.”

  Kai patted Kotsi on the back. “Thank you. Now, please excuse me. I have far too many things to get ready and far too little time.”

  As Kai strode back to the tower, he heard Kotsi bark out an order, and moments later, the kobolds were readying themselves for another march.

  Kai’s mind flicked through the list he’d made, and aside from the tedium of packing, there was one major concern.

  Ban, I think we need to get Anatoth ready first. If he can’t master this then we’ll need to modify our plans.

  The Earth Core, as usual, wasn’t far behind. Of course, Kai. Bring the dragonling when he’s finished eating, and we can give this a go.

  An hour later, Kai and Rhona struggled to place the saddle on Anatoth.

  Ban fashioned it so it could grow with the dragon, a task that wasn’t at all easy to perfect, according to the Earth Core.

  The leather seat strapped around the Azure’s neck, shoulders, and beneath his belly.

  Considering that the saddle had to ensure flight as well as breathing and even combat, should it come to that, Kai was impressed with how quickly Ban had managed to do so.

  The saddle Kai would be carrying was much larger, and contained two huge pouches that could hold all of the party’s supplies, and even the weapons and set of armor Greg would wear when they reached their destination.

  Kai would carry Rhona as well.

  But Greg was to be given over to Anatoth.

  The burly champion clambered up onto Anatoth’s back, eager and awkward in equal parts.

  “I believe I’m ready,” Ban said in Greg’s voice.

  Here I go! Anatoth shouted mentally. Prepare to be amazed!

  Kai saw the problem at once and flung out his arms. “Hold! Greg hasn’t strapped in his legs yet!”

  The Azure took to the sky in a mighty leap, and Greg tumbled backwards, arse over teakettle, rolling off his dragon mount.

  Landing hard on the bedrock below, the champion groaned while Anatoth flew ever higher.

  It isn’t so bad at all! Anatoth pronounced. I must be a stronger flyer than I thought.

  By the time Ban had healed Greg’s broken spider legs and Anatoth had returned for a second round, both were greatly humbled.

  The second attempt was more promising by a long shot.

  Still, when the Azure winged around the chasm, the extra, bulky weight made it much harder for him to maneuver.

  Poor Anatoth had the tip of one wing strike the waterfall briefly, which sent him tumbling into the icy waters below after trying desperately to correct himself.

  After some experimentation, Ban finally discovered the problem.

  It wasn’t the weight. />
  By shifting the saddle back three feet, Anatoth found he could turn about easily once more. With that problem solved, the rest of their preparations went quickly and easily.

  Kai and Rhona were about to say farewell to Jakodi, who would be spending his time training the kobolds should they come by, when Ban interrupted them with one of his signature surprises.

  Attention! Ban cried out in everyone’s mind. Attention, everyone! I would like a moment, please!

  When even Freya had stopped talking, all listened up as the Earth Core gave an announcement.

  My dragonling friends, thank you all so much for taking the effort to return to me the suits of armor I fashioned. It is a pity they did not last longer, but if you can’t wear something, it cannot benefit you.

  Kai smiled, hoping he knew what was to come next.

  After the dragonlings had ascended, each had grown so large that Ban’s clever armor was rendered useless. Knowing the metal was precious, Kai had forced the dragons to haul the armor back.

  Now, as four pillars of bright ether erupted nearby, the dragonlings were gifted a new set.

  Keeping the same general design and color scheme, there was little to discover regarding these new items other than the fact that they fit now.

  But of course, when Kai inspected them, he discovered Ban had thought up another way to make them useful.

  Not only did the armor provide a higher defense, but it granted an additional bonus.

  The previous items had reduced weight and increased agility and flight speed. Most likely relying on an adding an additional rune and using more ether in the creation, Ban had included one more bonus that might prove most beneficial of all.

  The armor now gave a significant improvement to stamina regeneration.

  On a potentially length trip, Kai couldn’t have been happier.

  As the humanoids scuttled about to help fasten the new armor in place, the dragonlings struggled to stay still and keep quiet.

  Oh, Anatoth, you really do look handsome in that, Freya said, eyeing the Azure enviously.

  He lifted his head even higher as he responded. Thank you, Freya. Your armor flatters you as well. It isn’t as majestic as your natural scales, but it comes close.

  Hazel tried her best to keep quiet, but she kept turning her head around to peer at the golden plate mail as it was buckled in place.

  Calreem must have noticed, for he assured the Orondi, You are the very image of beauty, Hazel. You will shine brighter than the sun.

  At last, Calreem was decked out in the armor as well, and feeling more than a little generous, the other three dragons showered him with his own compliments.

  Rhona chuckled as she worked, shaking her head occasionally.

  When the job was done, Kai walked a short distance away and transformed. Rhona stooped to pick up one end of the bulky saddle and waited for Greg.

  The champion didn’t move, however.

  You think I would forget you two? Ban said at last. For Rhona, I would have loved nothing more than to craft a set of resplendent armor. That goes against the rules of your class, however. The Earth Core summoned an item at Rhona’s feet. For you, I had to think of something indirectly beneficial.

  Rhona picked up a length of gold-thread rope. It was a sash, Kai realized.

  The monk inspected it a moment, then ran over to Greg to hug some version of Ban.

  What does it do? Kai asked in Rhona’s mind, curiosity getting the better of him.

  Rhona spun around, already tying the sash in place about her waist. “It increased my intelligence by 5 points and improves my Ether Regeneration as well. It’ll allow me to use my new skills much longer than before!”

  Kai had known Ban’s study of runes was improving, but the progress was startling.

  Just months ago, Ban could hardly remember a handful of runes. After absorbing Imogen’s seed of knowledge, however, and more importantly, experimenting over the long winter months, Kai’s Earth Core had become a master.

  At last, Kai’s sensitive dragon vision was assaulted by a flare of ether as Ban summoned a final gift.

  Kai stared in wonder at the gleaming set of mail sized just for him.

  Unlike the armor for the smaller dragons, this one had been pared down quite a bit. It focused on the vital areas alone.

  Still, having the durable sheets of mithril alloy covering his chest, ribs, and head would be a fine advantage.

  Rather than completely protect his tail, Ban had forged a weapon that attached to the back half of Kai’s long appendage.

  Kai inspected a piece of the armor first.

  Mithril Alloy Crinet of Leadership

  Defense: + 45 Armor

  Protection: Face, Head

  Quality: Masterwork

  Properties: Increased Agility, Increased Stamina Regeneration, +5 Charisma, +5 Wisdom

  Bancroft! Kai exclaimed. You’re amazing!

  Kai wanted to embrace his friend, but the threads of pleasure coming through their emotional bond were enough for now.

  This will not only benefit how easily and quickly the dragonlings follow my order, but it will also help me make better decisions, Kai mused, mostly excited about the bonus attribute points.

  Too excited to hold back, Kai checked out the tail weapon next.

  Tail Mace of Doom

  Attack Bonus: Greatly Improved Blunt Damage, Improved Attack Speed, Improved Accuracy

  Quality: Masterwork

  Properties: All attacks performed after Breeze Step is employed will be greatly amplified

  Not only was Kai excited to use the tail weapon in combat, but he was touched by the coloration Ban had chosen.

  Somehow, he’d mastered something very close to Kai’s shifting scales.

  The plate mail seemed black or dark gray at first glance, but when Kai moved his head side to side, a rainbow of colors reflected back.

  The new armor and weapon were too large for Rhona and Greg to handle alone.

  Ban ordered the daldrim over to lend a dozen hands, and soon Kai was sitting pretty.

  The added weight, especially after the saddle and equipment were thrown over him as well, gave him pause. But he would trust in Ban’s handiwork. The added Stamina Regeneration and Flight Speed would make up for the difference.

  Kai whispered privately to Ban, Thank you, friend. This mission will be a success, I know it. And in great part thanks to you.

  I’m just pleased to see you wear it, Kai, Ban replied. I couldn’t be more proud.

  Kai pushed out a stream of gratitude and love towards the glowing stone that was his best friend.

  Rhona excused herself to say goodbye to Honor. Their trip wouldn’t be long, but the horse was so fond of her, he needed his own time as well.

  Kai decided to go with her, and they both pet the horse for a few minutes before leaving him be with a bucket of fresh oats.

  Then, after shouting one final farewell to Jakodi, he leapt into the sky with Rhona on his back.

  The group flew up and out of the chasm, and soon, they were climbing over the Zargan Mountains themselves.

  All were quiet, the anticipation and anxiety of the trip present in everyone’s mind.

  To distract himself, Kai brought up his character sheet. He wanted to review his progress as well as consider what he might do when he reached Viridian ascension.

  Family Name: Kaius Unterinan

  Alias: Kai

  Level: Emerald 3

  Elemental Affinity: Lumen

  Accolades: Core Mender, Briga’s Ally


  Strength - 15 = Base 11 (+4)

  Dexterity - 16 = Base 10 (+6)

  Constitution - 17 = Base 12 (+5)

  Intelligence -20 = Base 9 (+11)

  Wisdom - 17 = Base 10 (+7)

  Charisma - 17 = Base 7 (+10)

  Spells: Flame Spear, Restoring Tide, Confounded Core, Breeze Step, Shimmering Shield, Barbed Barkskin

  Each of his previous level gains, from Em
erald 1 to 3, had granted Kai an addition 5 Attribute Points apiece.

  He’d invested heavily in Wisdom and Charisma, and then spread the rest out over Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.

  His scores were impressive, especially since they did not include the item bonuses he had.

  When I reach Viridian, he thought, I’ll invest heavily in Intelligence again. I will need as much spell power and Available Ether as possible.

  He dismissed his character sheet but continued to wrestle with the numbers in his head.

  With vast amounts of Progression needed till he could ascend to Viridian, Kai knew he would have plenty of time to consider these things.

  But as they flew over the snow-peaked Zargan Mountains, he couldn’t help but go over his potential decisions time and again.

  He only hoped they could somehow come across more spell scales, for otherwise he would reach a limit to his strength that didn’t otherwise need to exist.


  A Place to Grow


  Rhona still wasn’t sure which was stranger, that she was riding on Kai’s back like a flying, scaled horse, or that she kept forgetting how strange it was.

  The mind can get used to practically anything, she mused. Hells, if I sprouted wings, I’d probably grow bored of them in a year or two.

  Witnessing how Kai flew for hours on end, and the strain it caused him, gave that theory some weight.

  But the dragonlings were another story entirely.

  They were still so young that each moment was new.

  In fact, Anatoth nearly killed Greg on their second day.

  Freya had clipped the big Azure with her tail, and Anatoth had folded his wings to chase after her as she fell away.

  Greg’s roar of terror had echoed in the mile-high canyon they were flying in.

  It must have been one of the few times Ban decided it would be pleasant to inhabit his champion’s body.


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