The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure

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The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure Page 106

by TJ Reynolds

  “What sort of monsters did you find?” their friend asked, heedless of Kai’s question. “Oh, and any materials or designs you think I might be able to obtain?”

  Kai frowned and pressed again. “Focus, Ban. We’ve been fighting all day. You have no idea how many fish, bats, and muskrats we’ve killed.”

  “Fish?” Ban asked incredulously. “What sort of a dungeon summons fish? So then, no need to fuss. If it was only a small Earth Core there’s little chance I’ll learn much.”

  Kai closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

  Bancroft spun around on his heel, fascinated in spite of himself. “It couldn’t be that small. Not with such precision. Then again,” he mused aloud, “Some Earth Cores are simply more fastidious than others. I certainly am.”

  “Ban!” Rhona interjected, saving Kai from losing his temper. “Snap out of it! To answer a few questions quickly, the dungeon is huge, it’s Kai’s father’s old dungeon. We are as amazed as you are. But today wasn’t all fun and games. So, if you know something we don’t, please tell us!”

  Greg’s stout head swiveled on his shoulders. Kai stared into the champion’s inky eyes and saw a sparkle of Ban’s intelligence flickering there.

  Cracking a smile, the Earth Core nodded politely. “I can see there’s a great deal for me to catch up on. This adventure has worn down your spirits. Sorry I wasn’t there for you, Kai. I’ll get to the point. The engravings are evenly spaced, and from the looks of them, they appear to be made for a purpose other than mere decoration.” Ban strode across the room. “I’d like to take a closer look, but at a glance, it seems they are inlaid with luminous crystal.”

  Rhona was about to ask what luminous crystal was when all became quite apparent.

  Trying to make room for Greg to pass, she brushed against the symbol for Fate.

  As soon as she did so, the engraving glowed a pale blue.

  “Aha!” Ban cried out. “Thank you, dear Rhona, for granting us such a well-timed demonstration.”

  “I didn’t—“ the woman began, but her words cut off when she saw the lit-up symbol.

  The nature of the room suddenly became apparent to Kai. “You were chosen by Sheerda,” he said, pointing to Rhona. “So you have the power to light up the Fate element!”

  His mind reeled at the implications. At first, exhaustion had him pondering how they might usher the dragons into this cramped space.

  None would come close to fitting.

  Then he shook his head and laughed. Biting his lip, he said, “Better hope this works!”

  He touched the Earth symbol, then Abyss, Holy, and Soul.

  Moving around the chamber, Kai illuminated the rest of the eight symbols, well aware that he was the only being in this world who could do so.

  As the eighth element lit up, an ear-splitting crack sounded.

  A deep rift separated the far wall as a wide section sunk inward before splitting down the middle and sliding open to reveal a narrow passage beyond.

  Beyond, another small room became visible.

  A simple wooden chest sat inside. Naught else but bare stone could be seen.

  Though there was plenty of room for her to enter with him, Rhona gripped him by the hand and smiled. “I think this is something you should do on your own, Kai.” Gesturing to the chest, she added, “I hope you find what you’ve been looking for. I’ll be back in the core room waiting. Call if you need me.”

  She left him, as did Ban.

  Kai listened to the sounds of their footfalls. The noise of their departure cut off abruptly when they left the second room—some trick of the walls, no doubt.

  He walked over and knelt before the chest.

  Then he stretched out his hands and placed them on the polished wooden lid.

  Taking a deep breath, Kai pushed aside his fears and opened the box.


  Secrets of the Scale


  With no clue what to expect but a heart loaded with desires, Kai lifted the lid of the chest.

  No bright flash of released magic shone in his face.

  He found not a single gem or gold coin.

  Instead, Kai took in the few contents he found, each of them much more valuable than any trinket or bauble could be.

  A stack of Spell Scales sat in the corner, green, red, blue, and metallic. The scales promised power and ability that Kai desperately needed.

  Two of the scales looked odd.

  The first was a brilliant golden white that lit up the inside of the chest.

  The other was clear. Its comparatively dull appearance drew Kai’s eye, and he reached out to pick it up.

  Then he saw the other two objects in the chest.

  A ring sat atop a patch of red velvet. The band was wrought in some silver metal, the shape of a serpent consuming itself. Again, his hand was drawn to it, but the final object in the chest nearly stopped his heart.

  Tied with a simple piece of twine, shining a faint and fiery red, was a lock of hair.

  Kai knew at once what it was.

  More importantly, he knew who it had belonged to.

  Taking up the lock, Kai brushed the tips of the red hair with his thumb. His stomach knotted itself, and tears spilled from his eyes.

  My mother’s hair, he knew in his heart. My beautiful mother.

  Kai recalled the vision Briga had given him so long ago. The fire-haired woman who’d birthed him, who’d burnt out her strength on the long journey home so that he might live.

  He held the lock to his nose and breathed in.

  Sadly, no trace of the woman who’d shed it could be smelled. No scent of soap or skin, just the vague and dusty smell of twenty years of sitting in the dark.

  Kai kissed the lock of hair and tucked it away into a pocket. Thank you, Father, he whispered in his thoughts. Thank you for saving some piece for me.

  Looking back to his treasure, he took up the ring first.

  He knew what the Spell Scales were, if not their precise nature. But this ring? Surely, it must contain some hint or secret he needed to know.

  Ring of the Elder Dragon

  Defense Bonus: None

  Quality: Legendary

  Properties: Allows Bonding of Two Additional Spells above Ascension, Allows Removal of Spell Scales Without Deterioration, Grants Knowledge of Spell Scales by Touch Alone, Moderately Improves Ether Regeneration, Greatly Increases Pool of AE

  “Andag help me!” Kai hissed. “Two more spells?”

  The increase to Ether Regeneration and a larger ether reserve would make the ring a boon all on their own. But the ability for Kai to command two separate spells might very well save them all.

  And with the sudden influx of Spell Scales, the timing couldn’t have been better.

  Being able to remove the scales and reapply them when needed would also be a great advantage. He only wondered if he could do the same with the Spell Scales the other dragons were bonded with.

  Kai instinctively slipped the ring on, and as he did so, the ring blazed hot.

  The snake ring coiled tighter, gripping his finger and biting into his flesh. Blood trickled down his hand as a fiery presence wormed its way into his mind.

  He realized the ring was testing him somehow.

  It was tasting him to see if he truly was the Elder Dragon.

  After a few painful moments, the ring quieted.

  Kai took a deep breath and shook out his hand. The ring seemingly weighed nothing now, and he had the disturbing impression that it would not come off—not easily, at least.

  Better think about that later, he decided. I’m not done here, not by a long shot.

  Kai scanned the Spell Scales next.

  When he picked up a green scale, he brought up his Etheric Interface and read the description.

  Golem’s Favor - A spell of Andag’s Earth, Golem’s Favor forges a suit of ethereal armor that will protect the caster or any ally against all forms of physical damage. The suit of armor will absorb 100% of incoming d
amage until it has reached capacity, after which it will evaporate. Cost: 100 AE. Casting Time: 10 seconds. Cooldown: 10 minutes.

  The spell’s potential was mind-boggling.

  Kai imagined stepping into combat with the full knowledge that any attack that landed on him wouldn’t hurt his body in the slightest.

  “Physical damage,” he reminded himself. “It has its own limitations. I’d best remember that. The only real question is, how much damage can it absorb?”

  He pushed the question aside for the time being and picked up a few more of the scales, examining them one at a time.

  Helio Inferno - A spell of Yugos’ Fire, the Helio Inferno spell calls down a pillar of flames from the heavens. All enemies touching the pillar are struck by massive Fire damage as well as a Burn effect that causes additional damage over time. Enemies standing within 20 feet are affected by Burn and Blind effects for 30 seconds. Cost: 500 AE. Casting Time: 2 Minutes. Cooldown: 2 hours.

  Storm Shriek - A spell of Briga’s Water, Storm Shriek acts by massively amplifying a battle cry and shattering the enemy’s morale. All enemies within a 50-foot radius are stricken with either the Confused or Terrified effect. If Confused, enemies have a 20% chance of attacking their own forces. If Terrified an enemy will attempt to flee. Cost: 80 AE. Casting Time: 30 seconds.

  Spectral Champion - A spell of Niama’s Soul, Spectral Champion summons a Greater Spectral Champion to fight at your side. The champion’s attributes match that of the caster. They will fight independently or will respond to mental commands. Cost: 200 AE. Casting Time: 10 minutes. Duration: 1 hour or until champion is defeated. Only one champion may be active at a time.

  Kai fingered the others.

  There were several more, all most likely as amazing and powerful as the ones he’d just studied.

  Any one of the Spell Scales might have impacted their fates, but the addition of so many gave Kai hope that they would truly be able to survive.

  He couldn’t imagine casually casting a single spell that cost 500 AE, but the ring did increase his reserve of AE. By how much, he would have to wait and see since the ring hadn’t automatically filled his available pool.

  Still, Helio Inferno sounded like a battle-ending spell, something so powerful that no enemy could withstand it.

  Thinking of the hulking abyss monsters gave him pause, though. How little had Flame Spear harmed the last beast he’d fought? How many of the abyss monsters would be immune to Fire spells?

  Storm Shriek was a spell Kai could more easily comprehend. He wanted to have it for himself, but then his thoughts fell to the dragons.

  Anatoth possessed Winter’s Wrath, a straightforward attack that was devastating. But he was already asleep, his core ascending to Golden.

  When he woke, the dragon would be able to accept another spell.

  “And Storm Shriek will be perfect for him,” Kai whispered. “I can’t take any of these on until I’ve thought about what they might benefit from as well. These won’t be easy choices.”

  Kai set the colorful scales down and picked up the clear one. Something about it intrigued him, and when he inspected it, at last he understood why.

  Spell Scale of Learning - A spell of the Fundament. Only the Fundamental Dragon may use. Spell triggers a memory recorded by Trier Unterinan. Cost: 50 AE. Single use item. Spell scale deteriorates after use.

  Kai’s hands trembled.

  He stared at the concave item clutched in his fingers. Like a massive fish scale, clear and filled with fibrous veins, the Spell Scale was altogether unremarkable.

  Yet a message from his own father was locked inside.

  Kai opened his Interface and assigned the scale to one of the two new slots now available in his ring.

  The familiar burning sensation passed quickly, and for a long moment, he waited to see what might happen.

  Just before disappointment could tug at his heart, the room suddenly went dark.

  Kai blinked, but the change in lighting had nothing to do with his eyes. He wasn’t in the room at the bottom of the dungeon any longer.

  He was somewhere else entirely.

  Then a voice filled his mind, and the image of a huge dragon’s head appeared before him.

  You have my congratulations as well as my apologies. Taking on the mantle of the Fundamental Dragon is not easy to bear. Many have come before you, and hopefully, if the gods will it, many more will follow.

  A surge of emotion flooded Kai’s heart.

  This was his father, or at least it had been. The dragon who’d sired him stood before him in the flesh.

  Kai realized he was standing in the core room. A bright glow of an enormous Earth Core filled the chamber, and standing proud before it was Trier Unterinan, his father.

  I have no way of knowing who you are. There is a chance the gods have chosen some dragon I have never known, a hatching that survived the war against all odds.

  Or… perhaps you are my son.

  I will hope that it is you, Kaius, who has inherited my title. I will address you as Kaius, for I am but a selfish being driven by my own passions like any other mortal.

  Hearing his name spoken stirred something deep inside Kai. He wanted to scream, to dash forward and embrace the dragon, to transform and rake his claws across the beast’s chest.

  Instead, he did all he could do.

  He focused his mind on remembering every second and every word.

  More and more detail continued to fill in the empty spaces around and behind the dragon. The core room had once been well furnished, a place where his father must have spent lots of his personal time.

  His father tilted his head up, and his multicolored scales reflected in the light of the Earth Core.

  It seemed as if the dragon were smiling. And even if you are not Kaius, you are my son, in a way, nonetheless. You’ve inherited my position as the Fundamental Dragon, and it is my duty to pass on very specific knowledge to you.

  Suddenly, the dragon shifted into a man. Kai stared into the man’s slitted eyes, admiring his golden skin and long hair.

  Smiling, his father continued, speaking aloud now. “By activating this Spell Scale, you will learn the knowledge of how to recreate it yourself. The cost is steep, paid in Progression, so do not use the skill lightly.

  “Should you live a happy life, something that is not likely, you can make a Spell Scale of Learning late in your life… but there is something I must tell you, Son.

  “There is a danger coming, one that lurks beneath. Beasts will rise from the depths of this world and attempt to overthrow all other living beings.”

  His father sighed and closed his eyes briefly. When he resumed, gone was the soft fondness that had made Kai feel as if he were meeting his father for the first time.

  Now he faced the Fundamental Dragon, a being who shouldered great burdens.

  “They have been called many names, but my predecessor called them Gil’Rahim, Bringers of Darkness. They are false servants of Angut. None of the eight gods are good or evil.

  “All simply exist as various aspects of the Fundament. The legend claims the Gil’Rahim burrowed into the abyss in the center of our world.

  “Shattering Angut’s throne, they consumed his body and gained powers not meant for mortals.”

  Kai’s father laughed, his eyebrows raising an inch and wrinkling his forehead. “I don’t know if any of that’s true, but what matters is that the Gil’Rahim are real, and they will come. One of the Spell Scales I have left in the chest is powerful enough to end that threat. It uses Lumen, the element of the Fundament, so you will know which I speak of.

  “I give you two commands, Kaius. If you reign in a time of peace, you must pass on the knowledge I’ve given you now along with the Spell Scale to he who will follow. If you are unfortunate enough to reign when the Gil’Rahim come, you must use the Spell Scale. Believe me, I know the cost is great… but such is our duty.”

  His father looked up at the ceiling and then behind him toward
the Earth Core. “I wish you could have seen this place as it is now. Men can be ambitious fools, though, and as I’m sure you know, they brought war and destruction when it was not needed.

  “Not all are evil, however, and the Council of Dragons has prepared for a second coming. If you have not already, look to the Sunken Keep. The dragons must return, for we are the guardians of Anvar.

  “Trust also in the Surtir. The ancient family lives on, tucked away in hiding, and waiting for the moment to rise up and rule Hintar once more. They created the Sunken Keep for the sole purpose of granting the dragons a chance to survive the betrayal.”

  Suddenly, the man’s eyes were filled with intense sadness. He stared straight at Kai for long moments, perhaps trying to convey more than words were capable of.

  Kai wished he could reach out and touch his father.

  He wanted to ask questions, to sit near a fire and hear what Trien’s childhood was like.

  All he could do was wait for the granted memory to be over.

  Then he realized that his father had been feeling that same sense of futility and powerlessness. He had wanted the same as Kai so many years ago.

  “There is so much more I want to tell you, Kaius. Your father is an ambitious fool.” He chuckled. “Your mother a stubborn and brilliant woman. I knew the betrayal was coming, as did the Council of Dragons. Some chose not to believe, but when the gods stoop to speak with mortals, it is wise to listen.”

  His father held up one finger. “The one surprise that changed my whole world was meeting your mother. Never could I have foreseen that, and Briga was kind enough to keep it a secret.

  “I know you will be strong enough to do what needs be done. Guide the dragonlings when they come back into this world. Should the old man live, you will have help in doing so. And if that’s the case, do tell Jakodi I said hello.


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