Star Rider and the Golden Threads

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Star Rider and the Golden Threads Page 32

by Heidi Skarie

  Erling hurried up the ramp of The Blue Lady. At the top he stopped and turned to Michio. He saw not Michio, the man, but something more. The spiritual power pouring through Michio was very much like the power that flowed from Master Bakka.

  “That’s what we all are, in our purest form, if we could but be it,” a soft inner voice said.

  Erling entered the ship, pondering what he’d seen in Michio, then slipped into the well-worn pilot seat next to Hendora.

  “Everything’s set to go,” Hendora said.

  “Okay, let’s do it.” Erling started the engines and lifted the spacecraft into the air.

  “I apologize for what I said to you yesterday,” Hendora said. “I don’t really think you’re shallow and insensitive. I lost my temper. I know you care about Onolyn and Zac. You’ve always taken responsibility for those under your leadership at the Coalition. That’s why I couldn’t understand your behavior.”

  “I just needed some time to balance out after my near-death experience. It’s hard to fit back into the world as if nothing happened when I feel so profoundly different. I’m glad we’re straightening out our differences before this mission. We need to trust each other and work together closely if we’re going to find and rescue Zac and Onolyn. We’ll be fighting a powerful sorceress and need to keep our wits about us. Seetva will use any weakness she finds to entrap or kill us.”

  Erling landed The Blue Lady in a remote area in the country of Bhusong near the border of Haklute. After he and Hendora deboarded the ship, he marked the ship’s location on his communicator. Then he put into the map’s GPS the Haklute Military Headquarters’ address. Once he was done, he looked at Hendora. “It says here we have a the ten-miles trek. We’d better get started.”

  As he led the way through an ancient forest of huge trees, Erling began to have second thoughts about the mission. His leadership in defending the planet from Samrat Condor’s space fleet was more important than trying to rescue two operatives who were most likely already dead. Yet his heart wouldn’t let him desert his friends. He had to at least try to find them in the next twenty-four hours.

  Two-and-a-half hours later, they left the woods and continued walking along the side of the road. Before long they reached the main gate of the Haklute headquarters and showed the guard their fake Raptor IDs. The guard let them through and they started across the grounds. To the left was a large airfield filled with fighter aircraft and soldiers.

  “They look like they’re preparing for war,” Erling said. “We have to warn Mich. Their target is probably Jaipar.”

  He pulled out his communicator and pushed the button for Michio’s direct line. “Night Wanderer to Cruiser.”

  “Night Wanderer here,” came Michio’s voice.

  “There’s a storm brewing here; prepare for black clouds.”


  Erling clicked off and stared at a nearby military compound in surprise. He felt Onolyn’s energy coming from the building. He whispered to Hendora, “Follow me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Into that compound. I sense Onolyn’s there.”

  “You sure it isn’t some kind of trick Seetva’s using to lure you to her?”

  He paused and focused within, double-checking. “Yes, I’m sure. Onolyn has very positive energy; it can’t be mistaken for Seetva’s dark energy.”

  “This whole thing doesn’t seem right.”

  “I agree. Be on your guard,” Erling replied. “This way.”

  On a security monitor, King Zanton watched two soldiers, one who was tall and the other, who was unusually short, make their way across the grounds.

  “That tall soldier’s Erling,” Seetva said. “He’s fallen nicely into our trap.”

  Zanton studied the man more closely. “You’re right, I didn’t recognize him immediately in the sunglasses and Haklute uniform. Who is the other man?”

  “I’m not sure. Wait . . . that’s a woman. She was with Zachary and Onolyn when they came to me for the antidote.”

  “Why did you give it to them? Why didn’t you let Erling die?”

  “This is much better. Onolyn and Zachary will capture them, and then I will bring Erling under my power and we can rule Jaipar through him.”

  Zanton doubted it would be so easy. “Are you sure Onolyn and Zachary will do as you instruct?”

  “Yes, they’re both fully under my control now.”

  “How is Major Fenian able to track them down so easily?”

  “Onolyn is drawing him to her,” Seetva said.

  “I have to leave for the attack on Jaipar. Your plan better work or you’ll be facing formal charges.”

  Her exquisite mouth formed a tight line and her eyes flashed. “Don’t threaten me, Zanton. I’m not one of your soldiers! I work for Samrat Condor and he won’t be pleased if anything happens to me.”

  “I doubt he’ll take your side if Major Fenian escapes.”

  Her face softened. “We shouldn’t argue. We’re working for the same goal.” She stepped closer and kissed him, rubbing her body sensuously against his.

  He jerked back. “Your kiss tastes of death and power. You’re a demon under that deceivingly beautiful face.”

  “Never forget that power.”

  “You do not, and will not, control me.’

  “Still afraid of me?” She lifted her finely arched eyebrows questioningly. “I’m about to give you control of Jaipar without even a battle.”

  “See that you do!”

  “It will be my pleasure. I shall enjoy seducing Erling. He’s a fine specimen of a man.”

  He grabbed her upper arms and gave her a shake. “You know I don’t relish the thought of him touching you. You’re mine.”

  “How dare you get possessive after you went to Jaipar to marry Queen Koriann!”

  “What difference does it make who I marry? I can never marry you. I can only marry royalty for the advancement of my country, politically and materially.”

  She pried his hands off her arms. “I’m better than any woman with royal blood. I’m power at your side.”

  “Power isn’t enough. Besides I can’t trust you. I’d be better off disposing of you.”

  “You’ll never dispose of me; you want me too much.”

  “Always so sure of yourself. Our relationship is based purely on our mutual need for one another—nothing more.”

  She began to laugh in her silvery, smooth pitch. “You really believe that, don’t you? It will hurt when you discover my hold on you.”

  Zanton stared at her, knowing there was truth in her words. If only she wasn’t so extraordinarily beautiful and sexually appealing. He walked out without another word.

  Toemeka stared at her monitor, wondering how to make the computer virus work. The team had worked nonstop on the virus since she and Jake came up with the idea. They worked in shifts around the clock, barely taking time to eat or sleep.

  They only had a few days until the eclipse on Jaipar. They’d already figured out how to make the Raptor starships jump from Jaipar’s moon to a distant solar system or into an asteroid field. But unless they developed the virus, the starships could just jump back. They were so close to figuring it out, but not close enough.

  All day and well into the night, Toemeka tried to develop the virus. She was so tired that her back ached and her eyes could barely focus. She was vexed by her own need to eat and sleep and rested her head on her folded arms, realizing she had to accept being pregnant made her have less stamina. Perhaps a short nap would restore her energy and she could keep working.

  Toemeka stirred as she was lifted out of the chair. She opened her eyes to see whose arms she was in. “Jake,” she muttered half-asleep and slid an arm around his neck. “I need to keep working.”

  “You need sleep.” He placed her on a nearby couch and covered her with a blanket.

  “We only have a few days until the lunar eclipse.”

  “They brought in more computer scientists from
a Coalition base. We’ll figure it out.” Jake’s lips brushed against her forehead. Before she could rebuke him, he headed back to his computer.

  Toemeka drifted back to sleep, feeling her baby’s familiar presence. Who was this Soul that would be her and Michio’s child? Someone she loved from another life? Toemeka found herself in the Inner Worlds in a comfortable room with a large curved window, looking over an ocean. Sitting on the window bench was Baymond.

  “Baymond!” She ran to him. He looked the same as when she’d last seen him eight years ago, young and full of life with black hair and olive skin.

  He rose and embraced her. “Hi, little sister. I’ve brought something for you.” He held out Asta, her childhood doll.

  Toemeka took the scruffy-looking rag doll from Baymond. It was dirty and its face was almost worn away. “I loved Asta. I took her with me everywhere until I lost her.”

  “Mother tried to give you a new doll, but you never wanted any other doll.”

  “That doll was real to me. When I love someone, I find it hard to let them go. Baymond, I ached for you so much at first and never stopped missing you. We were very close.”

  “Your pain was partly because you miss having a family. Soon you will have a son who will bring great happiness and love into your life. Look in your arms.” The doll transformed into a newborn baby. “Meet your new son.”

  Love filled her as she gazed at the perfectly formed infant in her arms. “I know you had a hard time of it after our parents and I died,” Baymond continued, “but you know death is an illusion. We’ve met in dreams many times. Only the physical body dies. Soul is eternal.”

  “I know, but it’s still hard when your loved ones die, especially when they’re brutally murdered in front of you. I was so alone after you and our parents left this world.”

  “You were never alone. The Inner Master has always been with you.”

  “The Master’s inner presence is not the same as being with another person. His presence is like feeling the essence of love or feeling the touch of the wind. Sometimes I can’t even feel that when I’m upset or frightened.”

  “It’s time for you to let go of the pain of the past and embrace your new life with Michio and your son. The baby is a Soul you have known in other lifetimes.”

  Toemeka’s gaze returned to the baby. “He’s so precious. Look at his tiny hands and feet.” She held him to her shoulder. “And he has that sweet smell babies have and his dark hair is so soft.”

  “I knew you’d love him as soon as you saw him. It won’t be long before he’s be born.”

  The baby disappeared and her arms immediately felt empty. “Oh, don’t take him away!”

  “You can’t have him yet. I just wanted you to have a glimpse of the future. I thought it might help you accept the transition from being a Coalition agent to a mother. Spiritually he’ll be born at the right time. He is a special Soul and has an important life ahead of him. You and Michio are the right parents to guide him on his journey, so he won’t forget his mission and the God Worlds where he is from.”


  Rescue Mission on Haklute

  Erling and Hendora cautiously made their way through the Haklute military complex. Rounding a corner, they came upon a squad of soldiers walking toward them. The lead officer stepped into their path and put out his hand in an unmistakable signal for them to halt.

  Erling’s heart accelerated as he and Hendora moved close to the wall to make room for the squad. Once they’d marched past, the soldier nodded to Hendora and Erling and said something in Haklute before rejoining his squad.

  “That was close,” Hendora said once they were gone.

  “Too close. Let’s go.”

  They continued down the hall until they reached the first corridor on the left. “This way,” Erling said.

  “Do you still feel Onolyn drawing you to her?” He nodded. “You don’t usually go by what you sense.”

  “I know, but this time is different. I feel her reaching out to me.” They came to a door at the end of the hallway. “They’re in this room,” Erling said. The door was locked so he wired the doorknob with a small explosive, then he and Hendora stepped back. The door handle blew off and Erling kicked open the door and entered, laser gun drawn. Onolyn and Zac were inside the small, cell-like room.

  “You found us,” Onolyn said, rising from the chair she’d been sitting on.

  “I said I’d come for you.” Erling slid his gun into its hip holster.

  Onolyn frowned in confusion. “I don’t remember you saying that.”

  Erling thought it odd that she didn’t remember. Something about her didn’t seem quite right. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Zac drew a blaster and aimed it at Erling. “Put your hands up. You too, Hendora. Onolyn, get their weapons.”

  “What’s going on?” Erling asked, raising his arms.

  Onolyn pulled Erling’s gun from its holster, then reached for Hendora’s.

  Hendora pulled away. “What are you doing? We’re here to help you escape.”

  “Do as they say, Hendora,” Erling said. “Look at their eyes. Seetva’s controlling them.”

  “Soon you’ll be one of us,” Zac said.

  “Never!” Hendora drew her blaster and fired at Zac.

  “No!” Erling yelled as Zac fired back.

  Hendora was slammed backwards, her shot went wild and she crumpled to the ground.

  Erling squatted beside her and pressed his hand against her chest to stop the flow of blood. “Hendora, hang in there.” She mumbled something unintelligible and he leaned closer. “What did you say?”

  “Save Borko,” she gasped. Her eyes focused on something beside him and her mouth curved into a smile. “Master Bakka’s come for me. I’m not afraid.” Her head rolled to the side and he sensed her Spirit leaving her body. His hand shook as he reached forward and closed her eyes. Everything felt unreal. He couldn’t seem to make sense of what had happened. His breath came in short gasps. “She’s dead!” He stared at Zac in disbelief.

  “You’ll die as well if you don’t cooperate,” Zac said.

  “How could you kill her? She was your friend.” He looked from Zac’s expressionless face to Onolyn’s. Both had their blasters aimed at him. The shock was starting to recede and his mind started to function again. Seetva or guards were likely to arrive shortly, but if he tried to escape Zac or Onolyn would shoot him. Then he heard Michio’s inner voice, You have the inner strength to fight Seetva.

  Erling doubted it. He tasted Seetva’s power on his last encounter with her. Yet he had to try. “Seetva!” he yelled, sending out an inner message. “In the name of Master Bakka Utella I demand you release the Souls of Onolyn and Zachary.” He rose slowly to his feet keeping his hands in the air. Operating in duel consciousness, he slid out of his physical body. He focused on Seetva until he made a connection, then let the link between them guide him as he flew toward her across the lower regions of the Astral world. He landed in front of her.

  Her normally refined features were twisted and grotesque, and her dark dreadlocks moved as if it were black snakes. Her eyes were like windows into a fiery hell and bored into him like daggers, spearing into his heart. He felt her trying to capture his mind and bring him under her control, and put up an inner barrier to block her, focusing his attention on the Higher Force.

  Seetva hurled fiery energy at him and it slammed against his barrier. He focused on the inner peace he’d found at Kumba until he was immersed in it, no longer affected by Seetva’s psychic attack. The powers of darkness began to spark like electricity as it continued to try and break through his barrier.

  Erling let himself be a pure vehicle through which the divine power poured so Seetva couldn’t touch him. From this higher state of being, he said, “In the name of Master Bakka, your power over Zachary and Onolyn is broken.”

  Light shot out from Erling’s hand and blasted Seetva. She threw back more psychic energy, but it rebounded on her. Seetva s
creamed a hideous, ear-piercing wail as she was consumed by reddish-orange flames.

  Erling slammed back into his physical body where Zac and Onolyn still held him at gunpoint. Released from Seetva’s hold, Zac began shaking and Onolyn cried out in pain, then both collapsed on the floor. Erling feared they were dead, but then noticed Zac’s chest was still rising and falling with his breath. Squatting down, he checked Onolyn’s pulse. Relief flooded though him when he felt a steady pulse under his fingertips. Yet he sensed her essence hadn’t returned to her body.

  Erling soared back out of his physical body and searched for her distinctive vibration. It led him through a vast realm of clouds to a luminous region filled with stars. A golden staircase appeared and he climbed upward until he reached an archway. A wall of energy prevented him from entering. Beyond it, he could feel Onolyn’s life force. He filled himself with light and love and the barrier began to break apart until he was able to walked through the archway.

  He found her standing in a small temple-like room encircled by columns. Beautiful music filled the air. Light glowed around her tall, slender form, which was clothed in a flowing white gown. Her green eyes sparkled when she saw him and her strawberry-blond hair shone like spun gold as she rushed toward him.

  Onolyn said telepathically, “Erling, I knew you would come! I waited for you in this place of safety I created for myself. I’m not strong enough to fight Seetva and could only withdraw”.

  “I’m glad you’re safe, but now it’s time to return to your body”.

  Her eyes widened in fear. “It’s too dangerous!”

  “I’m physically with you in Haklute and will help you escape Seetva.”

  She backed away from him and he held out his hand, palm up. She hesitantly reached out and clasped it. Erling led her down the stairway and through a starry world. They flew into the realm of billowing clouds until they reached the physical world.

  In Haklute, Onolyn stirred and opened her eyes. Upon seeing Erling, she embraced him. “Thank you for coming. I was so scared.” Then her eyes lit on Hendora and Zac’s bodies and she gasped. “Are they both dead?”


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