One Hundred Mistakes: An Aspen Cove Romance Book 16

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One Hundred Mistakes: An Aspen Cove Romance Book 16 Page 9

by Kelly Collins

  “Do you have something to wear?”

  He decided to mess with her some more. “I sleep in the nude.”

  Her eyes shot to his, and they lowered to his groin. She stared at him so long he felt the heat of her gaze seep past his denim.

  “You’re sleeping in the nude in the bed next to me?” She touched her forehead. “I have to tell you, Merrick, a girl can only take so much.”

  He offered her his hand and yanked her to her feet. “Go get dressed.” He turned her toward the bathroom door and gave her a swat on the backside.

  With a yelp and a giggle, she skipped forward and disappeared behind the door.

  “What the hell am I going to do about that woman?” he mumbled. “There’s a spare toothbrush in the drawer,” he called out loud enough for her to hear.

  “Thank you,” she answered back.

  While she changed and readied herself for bed, he slipped out of his clothes and into an old pair of sweats. Though he usually didn’t wear anything to bed, to go nude in a room where Deanna only wore a T-shirt wasn’t wise. He liked her far too much not to want her. Her words replayed in his mind. “What’s wrong with me?” Nothing was wrong with her, and that was a problem. He wanted her in the worst way possible, but not for a single encounter. He was an always man, and in his experience, always only lasted until someone better came along.

  By the time she entered his room, he had laid a blanket on the floor and was using the beanbag as a pillow. It wasn’t comfortable, but he’d slept in worse places.

  “What are you doing down there?”

  “I’m a gentleman. Now climb in bed and go to sleep.”

  “I thought you were sleeping with me.”

  “Told you, if I were in that bed, you’d get no sleep.”

  He sat up, and the cover dropped from his shoulders to expose his chest.

  Her eyes grew wide.

  He knew attraction when he saw it. Deanna was as drawn to him as he was to her.

  “You’re not going to get much sleep on the floor.”

  “Go to bed, Deanna.” His voice came out sterner than he planned.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “No. Now shut off the light and climb into bed.”

  She let out a huff and moved toward the door where she flicked the switch off. But even in the dark, he could see her outline cut from the light of the moon peeking in the window—small waist, round hips, and legs that went on forever.

  What started as heat in his groin turned into an insistent throbbing.

  The swish of the sheets pushed the scent of her perfume through the air. Its sweet smell drifted through the room to mix with everything else about her that turned him on. He let out a groan and turned his back to temptation.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  He didn’t answer but let the silence sit between them.

  Just when the heat of his desire ebbed, she spoke. “Merrick?”

  He took in a deep breath and let the exhale whistle out. “What do you need, Deanna?”

  She was silent for a stretch, and he was certain she’d fallen asleep, but then her voice, the barest of whispers, broke the quiet. “I need you. Come to bed with me.”

  His heart pounded so hard he was convinced his pecs would hurt from the beating. “If I climb in that bed, you know what’s going to happen.” He waited for her reply. Expected her to come to her senses.

  “Come to bed, Merrick. Let’s not make a liar out of your mother.”

  He flew from the floor and climbed in next to her. “My mother has no place in this bed. It’s you and me. If I stay beside you tonight, it’s just us. Okay?”

  “Just us.” She reached out to trace her fingers over his chest.

  Like a bolt of lightning, her touch charged him. “Make sure this is what you want.” His hands shook to touch her, but he needed her to reconfirm her desire. “This has to be you talking, not the wine. You have to want me. Not just a stand-in for someone else.”

  “I want you.”

  He pulled her into his arms and nuzzled her neck. “You’ve got me, babe. I’m all yours.”

  When their lips met, it was like he was kissing her for the first time. Maybe that was because this time, it all felt real. Like somehow, during their make-believe love affair, something genuine had transpired.

  He nipped at her bottom lip until she gasped, then sucked it between his lips until she moaned. When she pressed her hips into his, he did the same, showing her how aroused she made him feel.


  “Deanna?” He said a silent prayer that she wasn’t calling this off. That she hadn’t come to her senses and decided he should go back to the floor.

  “Take your sweats off.”

  Thank the heavens. He shimmied out of his pants while she pulled her shirt over her head. God, she was beautiful. He didn’t have the light of day to see her, but the shadowed outline of perfect breasts and a body was enough. He promised himself he would do his best to rock her world.

  He took his time with her. Something told him that Deanna had been sorely neglected by the men she dated. Any woman who settled for an asshole like Red didn’t know she could ask for more. It was his job to show her what more was.

  He spent endless minutes on her mouth before moving his way down to worship her breasts. Lord, she had fabulous breasts. Not the overstuffed, never budged from their spot, surgically enhanced type, but the kind that filled a palm to perfection.

  Her skin tasted like a sweet dessert, and the moans that slipped from her lips were like music. As her body started to tremble, he knew she was close, and he hadn’t even arrived at the good stuff.

  One subtle kiss to her core sent her soaring, and when she came down, he sent her over the edge one more time before he took his place cradled between her thighs.

  He was wrong. It wasn’t him who rocked her world but her who destroyed his. That one time was all it took to fall head over heels in love with Deanna.

  When they lay sated in each other’s arms, he pressed his lips to her damp forehead. “I want to do that again.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I promised you all night.”

  “That you did.” She snuggled into his body. “Are you a man of your word?”

  “I never make a promise I can’t keep.”

  As round two began, there was a pounding on the wall. “Keep it down in there. This girl needs her beauty sleep.”

  “Oh my God,” Deanna said between giggles.

  “Just ignore her.”

  He moved inside her, feeling the connection between them build until he fell over the edge. In his post-coital bliss, he reached out and pulled her to him. She fit against him like every one of his muscles was designed for her curves.

  Words of love were on the tip of his tongue, but as he held her close and opened his mouth to tell her how much he’d come to care for her, she said, “At least our story is solid. No one would believe we’re not the real thing now.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Deanna woke up, she was alone. The residual heat from Merrick’s missing body was the only thing that confirmed she hadn’t slept alone. That and the delicious soreness that pulled at every muscle.

  She flopped onto her back and relived the night in her mind. Merrick had done things to her she’d never experienced. How was it this man could make her feel so good? Not just physically, but in every way. For a moment, it felt real. In fact, she’d thrown it out there last night and made an offhanded comment that no one would believe they weren’t a genuine couple, but he didn’t take the bait. He didn’t tell her she was wrong, and they were indeed together for real. Nope, he gave her pleasure, took his own, and then he rolled over and fell asleep. The arms she hoped to wake up to were gone.

  Merrick seemed different from all the others, but he wasn’t. Men were all the same. They got what they wanted and moved on. What made last night any different from her time with Red?

  The sex was better last nig
ht. So much better.

  She threw off the covers and gathered her clothes. “What’s wrong with me?” She entered the bathroom and turned on the shower. Sherman took a seat next to the sink like he did at home. She looked at him. “You’re the only loyal man in my life, and that’s because I buy your favorite kibble.”

  Once under the water, she let the heated stream sluice over her sore muscles. “Why couldn’t this be real?” She stuck her face under the water and let the tears come. All she wanted was someone to love her. Having sex, as wonderful as it could be, wasn’t love. It was just about perfect last night, but waking up alone reminded her that she’d offered another man everything, and he took what he wanted and left.

  Fifteen minutes later, she was downstairs, standing on the back patio watching Sherman chase a rabbit. Maybe this was what her life would be like. She wouldn’t be a single woman with a bunch of cats, but perhaps the only true love she’d experience was that of a loyal dog.

  “Good morning,” Beth walked out of the house carrying two cups of coffee. She offered one to Deanna.

  The first sip was so good. It had the perfect ratio of cream to sugar. “How did you know?”

  “Merrick told me. He said you liked it strong and sweet, like your men, but toned down with a splash of cream.”

  “He did, huh?” How could a man be so considerate to remember her coffee but not stay in bed to say good morning? “Where is Merrick?” That was the question of the day.

  “He’s helping Mom load up her car. She’s doing a free book fair at the homeless shelter and needed to borrow my brother’s muscles.” She leaned on a nearby rail. “Sounded to me like you both got plenty of exercise last night.”

  “Oh my God, don’t go there.” Her face had to be red since she could feel the flame-like heat on her cheeks. “I’m not talking about what happened last night.” She was still processing it herself. There was great joy followed by severe disappointment.

  “I want what you two have.”

  Deanna wanted to scream,—We have nothing!—but she wouldn’t do that to Merrick. They had an agreement, and she’d stick to her part of the bargain. However, she wouldn’t hold him to his. All this make-believe made her believe.

  “You’ll find your prince.”

  “Are you sure you can’t introduce me to Red?”

  “I could, but then your brother would be forced to commit murder, and I’m sure that goes against his whole serve and protect persona.”

  “Why all the color names for the band? What happened to Axel? Is Samantha as pretty in person? Did her husband really kill someone?” She rambled off several questions before taking a deep breath.

  “Um, Red’s name is really Red. Gray is actually Gary. I think he and Red made a bet of some sort, and Gary lost, and that’s how come he changed it to Gray. Something about Gary being boring. Axel’s name is Alex, and he hooked up with the schoolteacher and found out he has a five-year-old daughter. He’s been fully domesticated since Mercy came into his life. Samantha’s beautiful inside and out, and yes, Dalton killed someone, but it was because he was protecting a woman. It’s not what the press made it out to be.”

  “I bet my brother would kill anyone who tried to do you harm. I’ve never seen him look at a woman the way he looks at you.”

  He’s a good actor. “Your brother is a good man.” There were times when she said things, and they didn’t feel right, but that was a statement that felt solid. Merrick was good. He just wasn’t her man. Her heart became heavy at the realization that she had fallen for Merrick while she was chasing Red.

  “I’ve always known that, and I’m glad he found you because you are perfect for each other.”

  “As I said, he’s one of the good ones.”

  “Do you love him?”

  “Love?” This was getting far too complicated. “It’s way too early for love. I hardly know him.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I call bullshit. I can see your affection toward him in every look you send his way. What I see is love.”

  “I suppose you’ll see what you want to see. You love your brother and want him to be loved.”

  The door opened, and a shadow fell across them. “What about love?” Merrick’s deep voice vibrated against her skin, and every hair stood up like they were begging for his touch.

  Beth turned to face her brother, but Deanna continued to stare into the yard. Facing him seemed an impossible task. She had to get her feelings in check before she could plaster a look of disinterest on her face. Anything less than void would show him how much his dismissal of her hurt. She was tired of men stomping on her heart.

  “I was telling Deanna that I’ve never seen two people more in love with each other. I adore seeing this soft side of my brother.”

  Deanna turned to face them, hoping she’d compartmentalized her feelings.

  He let out a sigh. “Don’t reserve the church just yet.” He knuckled the top of Beth’s head, which sent her running into the house.

  Once Beth was gone, he turned to her. “Mom asked us to stay for lunch, but I told her we needed to get back, so as soon as you’re ready, I think we’ll hit the road. I can go through a drive-thru on the way to get a burger or whatever you want to eat.”

  “Oh, umm, okay. Let me get my bag and feed Sherman, and then I’ll be ready.”

  He shoved his hands inside his pockets and looked at the ground. “Thanks for everything.”

  Part of her wanted to smile at the little boy inside the man, but the other part of her wanted to slap him upside the head. He was acting like she gave him a lollipop when she gave him so much more than that.

  “Yep,” she slid past him. “Glad I could help.”

  Before she could escape, he reached out and touched her arm. The touch tingled all the way to the pit of her stomach. “Do you want to talk about last night?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. It was a mistake. A good mistake, but honestly, that shouldn’t have happened.”

  When she looked up, his eyes bore into hers. “I wouldn’t call it a mistake.”

  “It wasn’t the objective or part of the plan. It just happened.”

  His jaw hardened, and his lips thinned. “Right, the plan.” He dropped his hand from her arm. “Best to keep with the plan.”

  “Right,” she said and walked inside the house, feeling worse than she did when she slid off the hood of Red’s car that night. As she marched up the stairs, she considered her choice of men. Red and Merrick were polar opposites, but they were twins when it came to women and commitment. They were happy inside a woman’s body but never interested in living in her heart.

  She made the bed because this wasn’t a hotel, and Merrick’s mother wasn’t their maid. She picked up her bag and fetched Sherman. Elsa walked into the house just as she exited.

  “I’m so sad you two can’t stay for lunch. Merrick said you have a busy schedule. Something about a project for work you need to complete.”

  The only project she knew about was Red, but at this point, she was done with men, Red included. Dogs were so much easier. They loved you unconditionally, and they rarely complained when you got home late or didn’t have supper ready at a specific time. They never snuck out of bed before daybreak.

  “Yes, sorry about that.”

  Elsa pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so glad you’re part of the family now. Let’s keep it that way.”

  She hated to string Merrick’s mom along. It hardly seemed fair to make her believe there was hope for them when all hope was lost. “You’re a lovely family. Thank you for your hospitality.”

  “We’ll see you soon.” She kissed Deanna on the cheek and walked inside.

  Deanna situated Sherman in the back seat and climbed into the passenger’s side to wait for Merrick. He came out with Beth, his arm wrapped around her protectively. She’d miss that arm and all the times it draped over her shoulder.

  Beth opened the door and flung herself toward Deanna. “I’m coming to Aspen Cove to visit. I ex
pect you to set me up on that date with the bass player.”

  “Your brother is right. He’s not a good guy.”

  Merrick had climbed inside in time to hear her comment. “But women love him anyway. What’s with the attraction to bad boys? They don’t value you, they rarely show up emotionally, and they treat you like crap.”

  “It’s like taming a wild horse,” Beth said with a giggle. “Few people can do it, but it doesn’t stop you from trying.”

  “Red is off-limits. Listen to Deanna. He’s not a good guy. She should know. She dated him.”

  Beth’s jaw dropped. “You dated Red?”

  Deanna was ready to choke Merrick. “No, I didn’t date him, I just … let’s say this. Like you, I found him attractive, but men like Red can’t be tamed.”

  “We’ll see.” Beth turned around and walked away.

  “Why would you tell her that?”

  He backed out of the driveway, and they headed for Aspen Cove.

  “Why wouldn’t I? Beth is hardheaded, and if she thinks she’s got an in to meet Red, she’s going to take it. Every family has a saint and a sinner. I’m the one with the wings.”

  “Don’t fool yourself. You’re no angel.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “And then she told me I was no angel.”

  Cannon filled Merrick’s mug and slid it across the bar.

  “Don’t ask me for love advice. It took me forever to get Sage to say yes, and when she did, it took her another lifetime for her to say I do. I suck in matters of the heart.” He nodded toward the end of the bar, where Doc sat sipping his beer. “He’s Dr. Love. I mean … any man who has been around as many decades as he has, knows something about women and hearts.”

  “I’m not after her heart.” But she managed to bruise mine.

  “That’s your problem,” Doc said. “You young'uns don’t know how to woo a woman. You think romance is a dinner out, a glass of wine, and a roll in the hay, but for women, romance begins in the head and lodges in the heart before their feminine parts ever get involved.” He patted the stool beside him. “Come on over.” He lifted his half-empty mug toward Cannon. “Put this and the next one on his tab.”


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