Untamed (Omertà Book 2)

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Untamed (Omertà Book 2) Page 11

by Anna Widzisz

  He came up to her, reaching for her hand and took it into his. "Do you really want it to be a one-time thing? Drew and Isaac won’t be able to leave, even if I decide that you can. And you’ve shown me countless times that you wouldn’t just turn your back on them," he remarked.

  Inéz sighed. She knew that he was right. There was no way in hell she would do that to her friends. She cared too much to let them go.

  "I wouldn’t let it happen, Inéz. Even though I have the power to do just that. I don’t know what will happen after you complete your task because I’m not the person to make plans that far into the future. I’ve made up my mind, and you’ve made yours. It’s time to carry out our obligations to the Famiglia, cara."

  The Capo looked at the watch. "It’s time to go," he said, guiding the girl out of the room.

  § § §

  The ceremony couldn’t take place anywhere outside of Falcone’s penthouse. It would be too much of a risk that someone would spot them and realize what was going on. They had to be careful since Inéz was to start on her assignment the next day. And since there were only going to be four people as witnesses, it didn’t matter where the initiation was being held.

  The living room was the same except for one small change. The long table was now in the middle of it, instead of the grand piano. Around it, there were Flavio, Nicodemo, Cristian. It looked like another one of those frequent meetings that took place in mafia circles. However, the combination of people sitting in the room was completely out of place. For every initiation, all captains were always present along with the most important witnesses - people that were also part of the initiate’s life. So many more should have been there if it weren't for the fact that Inéz was a woman who shouldn’t even become a part of the Famiglia.

  With a pounding heart, she stood on one end of the table while Noah took his place on the other side. The men stood up. There was a gun and a knife lying down. Inéz had heard Drew’s hints about the whole ritual as he knew about it from Lynette. She realized that it involved an oath of loyalty done with the weapons that were now in front of her. Validation was made with a droplet of blood falling through a cut on her trigger finger. Since she’d been reading up on it, she couldn’t help feeling like there was one thing missing. Mafia initiations were known to include burning a saint’s picture. However, there was nothing indicating such an element.

  It was strange.

  "We have gathered here in such a small circle to initiate Inéz Díez. She is to join us, our cause and swear loyalty, omertà. To serve the Famiglia with the best intentions and putting her whole mind and heart into the job. No other woman has been in this place, this position before. It shows that it’s time for some changes. She’s proven her mettle and is to be rewarded for it," began Noah.

  He then moved towards the girl, taking the dagger from the table. The girl offered her palm. The Capo pricked her index finger with a pin and squeezed until blood came out. Inéz smeared it on the gun, taking it in her hand and placing her finger on the trigger. It symbolized the union and the oath that would start but could also finish with blood and a weapon in the initiate’s grip.

  "If you end up in jail will you be faithful and not a traitor?"

  "I will."

  "Do you want to be part of Cosa Nostra?"

  "I do."

  Noah nodded, stepping to the right. "This blood means that we are now one Family. You live by the gun and knife, and you die by the gun and knife."

  "With the blood on my hands and the loyalty in my heart, I swear to always put the interest of the Las Vegas Famiglia above all. With sin in my veins and the truth in my mind, I pledge my life to you, now and forever. I enter alive and I will get out dead," Inéz swore.

  "Gli affari di questa famiglia sono chiusi."

  The affairs of this family are closed.

  She no longer owed allegiance to the country, her family, friends or God, but to the Famiglia. Her Capo was more important than anything else. He ruled as a Boss of the bosses and his commands had to be obeyed, no matter what would have to be neglected to do so.

  She became part of the underworld.


  It was astounding what people perceived as music. Inéz frowned as she came into the nightclub. The loud sounds irritated her as usual. She was never the type to spend time in places like this partying with friends. It just wasn’t her scene. Rather, the opposite of that. However, this time it wasn’t her choice to go to the club, but Noah’s. He needed her to get the job as soon as possible, and even though Inéz still wasn’t ready, there was no way she could refuse her Capo.

  Ever since his Capodecina was killed a week ago, he had been in a really foul mood. Everything always came down to business these days and finding Lynette, and Inéz couldn’t be sure they didn't blurred into the same thing. After flying out for the funeral, the man developed the habit to go out early in the morning, and come back at night. Isaac and Drew were in the Famiglia’s gym a lot, so her only company seemed to be Cristian when she was home, and Nicodemo when they were training. It was only yesterday when Noah decided to wake her up in the middle of the night to tell her that she was going to go to Gastone’s nightclub and ask for the job. According to the Capo, they couldn’t wait any longer. The Capodecina was getting bolder and more untamed.

  Inéz leaned against the bar, watching the DJ playing. Girls were dancing on the stage in the tiniest clothes she’d ever seen. Soon enough she would be up there too if everything went well. She had half a mind to leave this place and run as fast as she could.

  "Hi," shouted the bartender, making her turn around. "Do you want a drink?"

  Julian Herdes was a tall dark-haired man of twenty-five years of age with a cunning smile that probably worked wonders on many girls. He bartended here each night and went to college in the morning.

  She had done her homework, and couldn’t imagine anyone she didn’t know by now. Each worker had been religiously memorized at least a few times. Noah’s files had contained more than a handful of information and nothing seemed to be omitted from the notes. Almost as if he had them followed.

  Inéz shook her head. "Can you point me to your manager?" she asked, smiling slightly.

  "Thinking of working here?"

  "Yes. I am new in town and could really use the money. I heard dancers here earn quite well," she said.

  Julian laughed, probably thinking that she was cut out more for a waitress job, rather than a dancer. And she couldn’t blame him at all. One look at her and everyone would come to the same conclusion.

  She was wearing a long-sleeved baby blue dress with small, white dots. Not something you could see girls often wearing in such a place. But that was what she wanted to wear for the night.

  If she was to step up her game later as a pole dancer, this could possibly be the last time she would be able to be herself in this nightclub. At least to some extent. She intended to make the best of it.

  "If you really want to be a dancer, you don’t talk to the manager, but the owner himself," he stated.

  Of course, Inéz already knew that, however, she wasn’t supposed to. And as she was focused on staying alive, there was no room for a slip-up. As a new girl in Las Vegas, she didn’t necessarily have to know who the owner was and that he was the one to cast dancers.

  "He is sitting in the last booth on the right side of the main stage. Go introduce yourself, sweetheart." The bartender smirked and returned to his work.

  "Thanks," Inéz shouted through the music, seeing as the man moved on to a new customer. He nodded his head.

  Even though getting to the other side of the dance floor was quite a challenge with all the people there, it wasn’t that long of the way to the earlier-pointed booth. However, Inéz could swear that she managed to change her mind at least ten times during the walk. She found herself wishing someone was there to keep her calm at least. But no one could be seen anywhere near her or the whole plan would go down the drain. Noah assured her that she was safe
and he would make sure of it but didn’t explain how he could make such a promise. Was someone watching her after all? And if so, would they act if she was in danger?

  Her heart skipped a beat, and she stopped in from of the booth where there were four men sitting. Gastone, Alberto and two younger men who were just two years older than her. Twins - Elio and Fabro. They were Gastone’s sons and already initiated Made Men. The men looked at her curiously in a silent question as to why she was there.

  "The bartender told me that you’re the person to speak with if I want a job as a dancer," she said, trying to appear calm which was as far from the truth as it was possible. But thankfully, neither of them seemed to catch on to it. They looked as shocked as Julian had a few minutes before. Inéz fought off rolling her eyes.

  One of the twins shamelessly checked her out and smirked, nodding his head. "What’s your name, doll?"

  Why did every man in the Famiglia keep giving her nicknames? For that alone, they deserved a punch to the face.

  Again, she swallowed down her pride, meeting the man’s eyes. "Layla," she answered.

  Her new identity was properly designed, to give her a better chance at success. The Capodecina was going to do a background check on the girl, so Isaac had worked out what they would find when searching up her name. For now, Inéz Díez was still working for the senator in Seattle.

  Gastone took a sip of his whiskey. "And what is a girl like you doing here, wanting to be a dancer in a nightclub?"

  "I need money."

  That probably wasn’t the first time they heard that from a girl who was working here. Somehow, Inéz couldn’t imagine many women wanted to be here if they had any other choice. She could only be thankful that it wasn’t a strip club and getting naked wasn’t something she would need to do on stage.

  Alberto looked at his boss, waiting for him to decide whether to give the girl a chance or not. Inéz knew that she had to get the job, but deep down wished the man wouldn’t agree. He smiled.

  "Alright, baby girl, let’s see what you’re made of." He motioned at one of the dancers who was the closest to them. The blond girl quickly got down and moved towards them gracefully. Her face fell, thinking that she was probably in some kind of trouble.

  Dear God, Gastone must be some kind of monster.

  "Amanda will take you backstage and give you some clothes and you will dance," he stated.

  That wasn’t something Inéz expected today. She was certain that he would just tell her to come back another day and audition when the club was closed. Not that she will have to show what she could do in front of so many people. For some time now she had been training a few choreographies but they weren’t advanced in any way. They didn’t have to be since all that counted was the overall appeal of the girl, but it still made her want to back out. Instead, she swallowed her fear, nodded and went after the dancer.

  The backstage consisted of three doors. One was said to be a support area, the other a changing room, and the last one wasn’t signed. The brunette entered the changing room. Feeling the dancer’s eyes on her, she turned her head towards her.

  "Size six?" she asked, but before she got the answer, she pulled out a white suit. There was definitely too little of the fabric for Inéz’s taste. She sighed and took it from the blonde’s hand. "Not your style, huh?" She smiled for the first time, giving Díez an idea of the kind of character she might have. She didn’t seem like a bad person. Her smile wasn’t fake either, which was a plus.

  "I’m just nervous."

  "Well, if you want my advice, keep looking at the boss all the time. His word is the most important. Flirt with him a little while dancing and you will get the job."

  The advice might have been helpful, but ventured far from Inéz’s comfort zone. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d flirted with a guy.

  Amanda grabbed a bottle of vodka from the table, holding it out. "This also helps." She laughed, and as much as the brunette knew she shouldn’t drink, it seemed like a gift straight from heaven. She took a few large gulps, needing the additional liquid courage. The taste was bitter on her tongue, but wouldn’t probably measure up to the shame after doing what she was about to do. So even though she perceived alcohol as poison, maybe it would help kill the useless fear that had settled inside her.


  She felt nothing. There was no fear, no anxiety, or shame. For some reason, alcohol worked perfectly and enabled her to do the job. When she looked in the mirror after getting changed, she even admired her appearance. The white suit was basically a sports bra with lace on the back, a cut-out front and underwear of the same color attached to the upper part with two thin strings on each side of her stomach.

  "You’re not tall, so you’ll need heels. At least for today, later if you get the job it’ll be up to Alberto to decide everything," Amanda explained, handing her black high heels suited for a pole dancer. They weren’t as high as the blond girl was wearing, which was good since Inéz wasn’t used to walking in shoes like this, let alone dancing. She could just hope that her training would be enough.

  Taking one last deep breath, she went out after Amanda towards the booth with Gastone and his men. As the owner saw her, he pointed towards the stage which was at this point prepared with a pole in the middle. The brunette walked up to the DJ giving him the song to play, hoping that she could choose. Much to her relief, the young man nodded his head, searching for the music.

  One thing that Inéz decided to ignore was Amanda’s advice on flirting with Gastone. It wouldn’t happen. Not just because the thought of it alone was enough to make her throw up her breakfast, but it wouldn’t do any good if she just gave away everything she had. Living and interacting with men all her life, she had learned one thing. They loved the chase. So, if she could stall on too much interaction with Gastone, it was what she would do. She needed him to lower his guard around her, so she could get the information Noah needed to take him down.

  There were many people and as soon as they saw that something was about to happen on the main stage, they looked her way. Inéz felt numb, not caring about it in the slightest. She heard the first beats of the music and focused entirely on the choreography that she had rehearsed many times. She gripped the pole, letting the music claim her body. After many years she’d almost forgotten how amazing it felt to dance. When she was younger, she used to attend dance classes. It was nothing near pole dancing, but it gave her the same feeling. And she’d missed it. That overwhelming freedom was so pure that she almost gave in completely. But in the back of her head, there was still a voice reminding her as to why she was doing it.

  The look she got from the men in the booth told her all she needed to know. They enjoyed the show very much. Inéz smiled during her routine, positive that the job was already hers. She was moving her hips each time she got away from the pole and relied on her strength whenever she was on it. Each move was different and most were complex, though nothing Inéz couldn’t handle. Everything was wrapped perfectly in grace mixed with a hint of sex. That’s what was expected of her.

  When the song came to an end, the adrenaline wore out, and in came the shame of what she’d done. The hungry gazes that men were giving her made her feel cheap and unworthy. Something she had never felt before. As a student body president, she had always been admired and liked. No one ever based their opinion only on her looks, but also her character. And they liked it. She liked it. But it wasn’t the case anymore. High school ended and she began a new life. One that was going to change her. There was no point denying it. However, if that was supposed to be the feeling she might have to get used to, she didn’t want any part of it.

  She came up to Gastone who smirked making her even more disgusted. How could a man like him get off on something like this? He could easily be her father. But he didn’t have any daughters, so there was no use trying to make him see things differently. For him, it was pure lust and her age played no part here. Made Men used girls for sex and fun. It was thei
r way.

  "That was spectacular," said the Capodecina. "Come here tomorrow around three in the afternoon. Alberto will give you all the information you might need."

  § § §

  Inéz decided to walk home. It was after midnight but she didn’t care. It was not like anyone was looking after her. It would ruin the whole plan. And starting from today, she would live only fifteen minutes from the club. Noah had bought her a small studio apartment so that there would be no suspicion as to where the girl lived, and no one, who might follow her, would see her get into the building where Falcone’s penthouse was. Gastone would do a background check on the girl since many Made Men were paranoid about being caught by the police or someone else. And Inéz would get a whole new life for the time being.

  Layla Acero was a Spanish twenty-one-year-old girl. An only child who’d lived with her parents in Madrid all her life. She had decided to move to Las Vegas after getting into a fight with them. Soon, she got desperate for money, which pushed her to audition for the dancer’s job in Gastone’s nightclub. Or at least that’s what everyone would find about her when they did the research.

  Thinking of the night’s events, she was already fed up with the job but knew better than to say anything to Noah, or plead with him to change his plan. It wouldn’t work on the Capo unless it was his own idea.

  She reached out for her phone, dialing the number of the only person she wanted to talk to at that moment.

  "It’s been a while. Did you forget you have a brother?"

  Francisco’s voice came through the phone as cheerful and full of energy as always. But instead of giving Inéz happiness, she felt the tears slip out and roll down her cheeks. She missed her twin a lot, even wished for his 'I told you so' in spite of how annoying it would be. The man had always been prejudiced when it came to Lynette, believed the rumors going around the school about her being in the mafia, and thought of her as dangerous. It had all turned out to be true in the end. He had his flaws, but they’d never mattered to Inéz because she would always love him with all her heart. As twins, they were almost always inseparable and fighting was just their way of staying sane in each other’s company for so many years. A normal brother and sister relationship. One that the girl wished to have back.


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