Excuse Me, First Love (College Daze #1)

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Excuse Me, First Love (College Daze #1) Page 7

by Danielle Burton


  “What’s the word on Jaybrielle?”

  I kept my stride, giving him a quick glance. “Who?”

  He chuckled, then repeated the name slower.

  It took a lot of self-control not to give him a black eye. “Lay off with that, man. You know we’re just friends.”

  “Ah, so friends massaging friend’s legs must be some new thing.”

  “Like I told you the other day, her leg was sore from a workout. It was a completely innocent, sports related massage. Nothing more. There is no ‘Jaybrielle’, nor will there ever be.”

  “Soooo, we’re just gonna pretend you’ve never been in love with her?”

  I could’ve kicked myself for sharing that information with him. Shortly before Gabi’s departure I’d confided in him about my feelings for her. We were just kids, but I knew I wanted to be her first, her last, her forever. She was my everything and I’d had every intention of telling her that. She’d beaten me to the punch when she’d come to me crying yet again. Two weeks later she was gone.

  But now she was back and being in her presence caused those old feelings to surge forth. Try as I might, I hadn’t been able to shake off the moment with her in my bedroom all week. Having her in my arms, so close, the sweet scent of her perfume and her soft lips on my cheek–memories came floating back. Ones I thought were dead and buried. Along with them came the reminder of the feeling of her being gone. A pain so excruciating I wanted to rip out my own heart. A pain I knew she shared.

  Sure I’d thought about the prospect of us being…us, but the same fears that kept me from acting back then weighed down on me. She was my friend. My best friend. Taking it there could ruin things quick, fast, and in a hurry. So even if I wanted to...No.

  For all I knew her leaving right before I confessed my feelings could’ve been a sign. Our friendship was meant to be only that, a friendship.

  “Your silence speaks volumes.”

  I glanced at Benji and shook my head. “That was a long time ago. Things change.”

  “You know, I might believe that, if you weren’t always staring at her.”

  “What? I don’t stare at Gabi.”


  “Whatever, just run.” I put my earbud back in, and two seconds later he snatched it out again.

  “How can you not know you’re in love with someone?”

  I wondered if I tripped him if he’d fall and bite off his tongue. Maybe then he’d stop asking me dumb questions. “Simple, because I’m not.” I faced forward and tried to ignore his stupid grin.

  “Yeah, keep lying to yourself...JJ.”

  That was it. He never saw it coming.

  ~ ♥ ~

  Benji wrung out his shirt as we walked back to the dorms. “That was a punk ass move shoving me in the lake. You’re lucky yo’ ass ain’t limping right now.”

  I walked ahead of him, scrolling through my phone. Gabi had messaged me about wanting to play her new game. “You’re always running your mouth, Benj. I don’t see you doing shit.”

  Pressure on the back of my knee caused me to lose balance. Before I could correct myself Benji’s thick arm wrapped around my neck and forced me into a headlock. My phone slipped from my grasp and clattered to the sidewalk.

  “You were saying?”

  I struggled to free myself from his hold. Considering how scrawny he’d used to be, I’d seriously underestimated his strength. The girlish giggles coming from my left only added insult to injury, but of course it couldn’t end there. A pair of smooth sun kissed legs appeared in front of me, leading down to a pair of high tops. Gabi.

  She picked up my phone, still laughing at my expense. “What are you two doing?”

  Benji proceeded to embarrass me by giving me a noogie, while I plotted ways to kill him in his sleep. “I’m just teaching your future baby daddy a lesson in manners.”

  I drove my elbow into his abdomen, hitting nothing but a sold mass of bricks. He didn’t budge. Dammit. How the hell was he holding me? He wasn’t even that big.

  Finally, he released me, giving me a shove.

  I stumbled, catching myself on a nearby garbage can, then turned, ready to exact my revenge. Luck was on his side as campus security happened to be passing by. He was safe for now, but I was definitely laying him out later, and he wasn’t catching me off guard the next time.

  Gabi tapped my arm, holding out my cell. “Your phone is ringing.”

  I sent the call to voicemail, not bothering to check the screen, and stuffed the phone in my pocket. “Where’re ya’ll headed?”

  “A late breakfast at Angelo’s.”

  Benji’s eyes lit up at the mention of food. “Cool. Mind of we join?”

  Cam turned up her nose at us. “How about no? You two smell.”

  Gabi tried to hide a giggle behind her hand. “Where are you guys coming from?”

  “Morning run at the lake,” I answered.

  “I didn’t know you ran at the lake. I do, too.”

  “Really? I’ve never seen you.”

  “I’m out before the sun comes up. It’s the only way to get in my run before class starts and still have time to shower.”

  Folding my arms, I gave her a firm look. “You shouldn’t be out by yourself that early.”

  “I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.”

  I shook my head. “It’s still not safe, anything could happen.” She was crazy if she thought I was about to let her run on that trail in the dark by herself where some perv could snatch her. “From now on call me when you get up and I’ll come run with you.”

  She smirked and gave me a little salute. “Yes sir.”

  Cam linked her arm through Gabi’s and smiled. “How about you two go wash off your funk, and then you can join us.”

  “I’m with it. You, Benj?”

  He was too busy eyeing Cam like a man in the desert who had just stumbled across an ice cream cone. “How you doin’, Cam?”

  She looked him up and down with her mouth curled into a frown. “Why are you wet?”

  “Went for a swim. I would ask you the same thing, but you haven’t had the pleasure, and if you had, we’d all know why.” He licked his bottom lip before pulling it into his mouth and winking at her.

  Gabi’s eyes bulged and her cheeks reddened.

  Cam didn’t seem at all fazed by his vulgar statement. “Let me save you some time, Benji. You will never have me.”

  His brow lifted. “Is that a challenge?”

  “No, it’s a fact.” She stepped around us, dragging Gabi with her. “Later boys.”

  Benji watched them leave, his eyes glued to Cam’s ass. “Damn. Baby girl is stacked to be so damn small. I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of that.”

  I shook my head at him. “Don’t do it, Benj.”


  “She’s Gabi’s friend for one, and I’m cool with her, too. All you’re gonna do is make the situation uncomfortable for everybody.”

  “Sorry man,” he said, slapping my back. “But I never back down from a challenge.”

  I lay on my bed texting Brooke while I waited for Benj to finish showering so we could meet up with the girls. Turns out the call I’d ignored was hers, which had pissed her off. Even more so now because she wanted to come over but I was busy.

  Someone knocked on the door, and I hopped up, grateful for the distraction.

  When I opened it, Gabi and Cam stood on the other side holding two large bags from Angelo’s. Gabi smiled and held one out to me. “We come bearing food.”

  “And that, best friend, is why I love you. Come in. Benji’s still in the shower.”

  As if on cue, he exited the bathroom wearing only a towel that was slung way too low.

  The girls stood near the door, their eyes following him across the room.

  Noticing the female presence, he faced them with a smile, and licked his lips. “Ladies.”

  If he ‘accidentally’ dropped his towel he was a dead man.

  After forcing my knuckle-headed cousin to show some respect to our company, we all sat down to enjoy our breakfast.

  Benji was at his desk, me on my bed, and the girls sat cross legged on the floor, playing some silly game.

  “Vin Diesel or The Rock?” Cam asked Gabi.

  Gabi tapped her finger against her chin, pondering the question. “Vin Diesel. Dwayne is fine but he’s way too big.”

  “Giirrrl, that’s what makes him better. I need a man that can throw me over his shoulder, or hold me up against a wall.”

  Benji slurped his orange juice and smirked. “So that’s what you like? Good to know.”

  Cam didn’t even acknowledge him, continuing her conversation with Gabi. “Your turn.”

  “Um, Tyrese or Chris Brown.”


  Gabi’s mouth fell open, as if shocked at the audacity of her friend to say such a thing. “No way. Tyrese, for sure.” She leaned back, resting her weight on her arms. “I love me some chocolate.”

  Benji snickered. “I bet you do.” He leaned back in his seat, sending a sly wink my way. “I have one.”

  Cam waved him off. “No boys allowed.”

  He ignored her and glanced at me. “My question is for Gabi.”

  I sat up straight, knowing what was about to come out of his mouth.

  “Me or Jay?”

  The room grew silent, everyone’s attention turned to Gabi.

  She sat there wide eyed, tugging at a strand of her hair. Her face reddened as her gaze shifted between him and me.

  The air froze in my lungs when her gaze connected with mine.

  “No offense, Benji, but I have to go with Jay.”

  My heart somersaulted into my throat at her confession.

  Benji smirked. “Any particular reason?”

  “Yup, you’re a dirty dirty whore.”

  His sat there slack jawed as the room erupted in a chorus of laughter. “That’d cold, Gabe. I thought we were cool.”

  “We are, but I cherish my lady parts, I don’t want them falling off. I’d have a less of a chance catching something if I worked a street corner.”

  Benji’s eye twitched, his gaze dropping to the floor. I didn’t want to put him on the spot with the girls present, so I watched helpless as he disappeared into the bathroom.

  Cam and Gabi went back to talking, and I laid back with the remote, browsing for a good movie. I glanced over at Gabi and found her observing me. No sooner than our eyes met, hers darted away. I studied her for a moment, curious if she’d look my way again.

  A minute later she did, and caught me staring. Redness again tinged her tanned skin as she captured one of her spiral curls between her lips while nodding along to what Cam was saying.

  I studied her profile, tracing the curve of her nose down past the pout of her lips. Her hot pink top stopped just above her navel, which was again adorned with a small gemstone. I paused at her toned thighs, a familiar sensation stirring below my belt.

  What the hell was I doing? I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing away my carnal thoughts. I cannot look at Gabi that way. Damn Benji.

  My gut churned as I grabbed my phone to continue the abandoned conversation with Brooke, my girlfriend, the only girl I should be looking at that way.

  Me: What r u doin ltr?

  Brooke: Oh now u wanna talk?

  Me: Cut it out. Come over 2nite?

  Brooke: What r we doing?

  Me: Just chillin.

  Benji exited the bathroom and grabbed his keys. “I’m out.”

  The girls stayed over for a while longer, gabbing on about whatever it was they found interesting. I tuned them out after a while and watched Bad Boys. Cam called me rude for ignoring my company, and then they left.

  Once they did, I texted Brooke and told her to come through. She was barely in the door before she had me pressed against it, kneeling in front of me.

  I gripped her under the arms and tried to pull her back up. “Dammit, Brooke. Can you at least greet my first? Maybe have a conversation?”

  She removed herself from my hold and sank to the floor again, working at my belt. “Later.”

  Once my manhood was free from my boxers she used her hand to bring it to attention. I turned my gaze to the ceiling, forcing the air from my lungs. “Come on, Brooke. I’m trying here, but you are making it so damn hard.”

  She chuckled before flicking her tongue over the tip of my erection. “I can see that.”

  Later that night I stared at her sleeping form in my bed, while I sat at my desk trying to figure out what the churning feeling was in my gut.

  As much as I tried not to, I found myself once again thinking of Gabi. Wondering where we’d be if those three years had never interrupted us. Possibilities of what we could’ve been…could be. No matter how many ways I spun it, my imagination always brought me back to the same place, without Gabi. It was too risky. The hell I went through with Brooke on a daily basis reminded me how bad things could get. Gabi was too important to me to ever go through some relationship BS that could remove her from my life forever...again.

  No. Gabrielle Naomi Tanner was off limits.



  I lay in bed thirty minutes before my alarm was set to go off, staring into the inky blackness. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been trying to get back to sleep. Between the beats of my heart skipping and my stomach flip flopping, it was proving impossible to do. It was hard to contain my smile when I thought about how Jay had stared at me. Like he was finally seeing Gabi the woman, and not just his best friend.

  Tossing my blanket away, I climbed out of the bed eager to get my day started. Since it was clear I wasn’t going back to sleep, I might as well.

  After showering, I brushed my hair up into a ponytail and began scrounging through my dresser. Deciding on an outfit to exercise in had never been an issue before now. I usually just threw on some sweats and a t-shirt and called it a day. But this was no ordinary run. I wanted to look at least half way decent before I became a sweaty mess.

  I pulled out my royal blue yoga pants and matching sports bra and laid them out on my bed. I wonder how much he’ll stare at me while I’m wearing this. As an afterthought, I grabbed my black velour jacket. I wasn’t that bold, Plus, mornings near the lake were chilly even in the middle of summer.

  Once I finished dressing, I sat on the edge of my bed and with trembling fingers, dialed Jay’s number.


  The phone almost slipped from my hand in response to the groggy but undeniable female voice. “H-hi, I was um, looking for Jayson.”

  “Who is this?” The voice was now alert, and more than a little hostile.

  “Jay’s friend, Gabi.”

  “And why the hell are you calling my man’s phone at four in the morning?”

  Heat ignited in my chest. I was a hair away from going off on her, but I bit my tongue for Jay’s sake, knowing if we were in person she’d be nursing a swollen lip right now. “We’re supposed to be meeting up to run.”

  “Well he’s busy fucking me, try again later, bitch.”

  The line went dead, and I sat there trying to decide if I was crazy or if this girl had really just hung up in my face.

  The phone rang and I snatched it away from my ear. Jay’s name flashed across the screen, and I could only stare at it. If I answered now she was going to need a dictionary for all the expletives that would come spilling from my mouth. The ringing stopped, and a second later a text came through.

  Jay: Pick up Little Red.

  I smiled at Jay’s nick-name for me as his ring tone played again. “Yes.”

  “Hey, sorry about that.”

  I released a small sigh at the sound of his voice. “It’s okay. We can reschedule if you’re busy.”

  “Nah, I’m not. I was in the bathroom when you called. I caught the tail end, and I am so sorry. I’ll talk to her about speaking to you that way.”

  “You don’t have to do that. Sh
e has the right to be angry about a girl calling her boyfriend at this hour.”

  “Nobody has the right to call you out of your name. I don’t give a damn who they are.”

  My heart thumped a little faster at his words. “Um, I’m all set to go whenever you are.”

  “Alright. Let me get dressed and I’ll see you there.”

  ~ ♥ ~

  The moonlight glinted off the lake making it shimmer. I reveled in its beauty as I zipped up my jacket and shivered. It seemed that summer was finally ending, making way for some freezing September mornings. I glanced at the glowing screen of my watch and noted it was a few minutes past five. I was just starting to wonder if Brooke had talked Jay back into bed when a hand grasped my shoulder.

  Grabbing the person’s wrist with one hand, I drove my elbow back and connected with something hard. There was a grunt followed by the thud of someone falling to the ground. I spun, pepper spray in hand.

  The figure on the ground held up their hands in front of their face. “It’s me, Gabi. It’s Jay!”

  I gasped and dropped to my knees next to him in the sand. “Oh my gosh. Are you okay?”

  “Just a cracked rib.” He rubbed his side and smiled up at me.

  I raised my fist, not caring how cute his dimples were, and punched his shoulder. “Why would you do that?” I punched him again, this time in the stomach, which was delightfully rigid. “You don’t sneak up on people in the dark.”

  He tried to block my hits while I continued my assault. He deserved it for – He caught my fists and flipped me onto my back, pinning my hands above my head. “Calm yourself, little one.”

  My breaths came in ragged bursts as I became painfully aware that he was straddling me. I pressed my legs together in an attempt to put out the fire his closeness ignited. “I’m calm.” No, no I was not. He’d used this move on me countless times during our wrestling sessions when we were younger. I don’t recall it being quite so...sexual.

  He released my hands, but didn’t make any move to get up off of me. “Good, feisty pants.”


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