Illicit Mate: Abducted Series - Book 4

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Illicit Mate: Abducted Series - Book 4 Page 7

by Opal Carew

  Her cheeks heated as she remembered what she’d done with Casey. Touching her soft breasts, caressing her hard nipples. Then opening to Casey as she’d explored Jenna’s slick folds. Jenna had even returned the pleasure, encouraged by the heat blazing in Darrick’s eyes as he’d watched them.

  Overwhelmed by embarrassment, Jenna rolled away from Casey to the side of the bed, ready to flee.

  But Casey’s hand grasped Jenna’s arm gently and Jenna froze.

  “Please stay for a minute, Jenna.”

  Jenna glanced at her hesitantly. Casey’s violet eyes were filled with uncertainty. It was clear she was afraid Jenna would ignore her plea, rejecting her.

  Jenna tucked the sheet closer around her and waited for the other woman to speak.

  “Jenna, I know you’re disappointed that your tanash’ae is a woman. You expected a man and I understand that.” Casey shook her head. “But last night… you must have felt it. When we touched… when we…”

  “No. I was wildly turned on. That was because of Darrick. And you were there and my inhibitions were down and…” She shrugged. “It all just happened.”

  “I agree Darrick was part of it, but…”

  Casey stroked her hand along Jenna’s arm and her skin pebbled with goose bumps. At the same time, heat washed through her.

  “You were reacting to my touch, too.” Casey leaned in closer and Jenna couldn’t seem to move. Casey’s touch was electrifying.

  “Jenna,” Casey murmured against her ear, her soft breath sending tingles through Jenna’s body and the closeness making her ache for more. “I want you to understand. I will do anything to make you happy. I love you from the depths of my soul.”

  Jenna’s eyes widened, seeing the profound emotion in Casey’s lovely eyes. She couldn’t help but believe her.

  “The fact that we’re both women doesn’t matter to me. I want you to be my wife. I will love you until the day we die… and beyond. There is nothing I won’t do for you.”

  Jenna’s heart quivered. This was strange and crazy, but all the lies she’d been telling herself slipped away. She did have feelings for this woman. Definitely a physical attraction. But something more, too.

  But she also felt something for Darrick.

  “So if you want a man…”

  Jenna’s heart seemed to stop. Was Casey going to offer to let her go? So she could be with Darrick?

  Casey pushed herself onto her knees, letting the covers fall away from her magnificent, naked body.

  “I can do something that might help,” Casey continued. “As you saw last night, Darrick is able to adjust his penis size.”

  Jenna remembered. The feel of his member inflating inside her still sent her head spinning.

  “That’s not all we can do. There are other adjustments we can make.”

  “Like what?” Jenna asked.

  As Jenna watched, Casey’s full breasts diminished in size. Jenna’s jaw dropped open. But it wasn’t just that her breasts were getting smaller. In fact, her whole chest was changing. Growing broader. More muscular. And her lovely facial features became more angular and masculine.

  Jenna’s gaze dropped to Casey’s thighs and was shocked to see a penis growing from her folds.

  “Oh my God, you can become a man?”

  “I’m not a man,” Casey answered. Even her voice was deeper. “I’m still a woman in every way except physically.” She wrapped her hand around the stiff cock. “This erection won’t ever be as big as Darrick’s… or even a more modest-sized man. And I don’t have the ability to make you pregnant.”

  She reached down and stroked Jenna’s face. “But I can make love to you like a man.” Her eyes, still violet and filled with emotion. “I hope that will please you.”

  “I… don’t know what to say… I…”

  Confusion spiraled through her. Casey’s hand stroking her face lit a fire inside her. She ached to be touched by her. Her gaze glided down Casey’s body. God, she was a sexy man. Trim but muscular. A handsome face. And those eyes so filled with love.

  Casey leaned toward her and their lips met. The kiss was firm and passionate. His tongue pulsed inside and Jenna groaned, then wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him close. Need ignited inside her.

  Casey drew back and thrust the sheet away, then lowered himself onto her. Jenna sucked in a breath at the feel of his solid chest pressed against her breasts. Her insides melted with need.

  “I want to fuck you,” Casey murmured into Jenna’s ear.

  The words in that sexy deep voice sent electricity humming through her.

  “Yes.” Her body ached for the feel of Casey’s cock inside her. She wrapped her hand around the rigid, slender shaft and guided it to her slick opening.

  Casey took her lips again and as his tongue plunged inside Jenna’s mouth, his cock thrust into her pussy.

  “Oh, God, yes.”

  Jenna clutched around the hard shaft, making Casey groan.

  Casey rocked his hips, filling Jenna in long, slow thrusts. Jenna clung to his shoulders… no, her shoulders she reminded herself… as she kept pumping inside her.

  Casey was a woman, but she was fucking Jenna like a man. Actually, better than most men ever had.

  A wave of pleasure washed through her, building to an ever-rising crescendo.

  “Oh, God, you’re going to make me come.”

  “Yes, please, my love,” Casey said. “Come for me.”

  Casey pumped deep, their gazes locked, and Jenna catapulted over the edge. Casey’s violet eyes, intense with desire, lit with joy as Jenna moaned her release.

  Casey kept filling her, driving her orgasm on and on. She spiraled inside her, then teased her clit with masculine fingertips, thrusting Jenna into yet another orgasm. As she wailed her second release, Casey groaned, then pumped deeper still.

  Finally, Casey collapsed on top of her, both of them trying to catch their breath.

  “Oh, my God, that was spectacular,” Jenna murmured.

  Casey smiled and rolled onto her side, pulling Jenna tight to her body.

  Jenna closed her eyes and realized it would be very easy to convince herself Casey was a man. The muscular chest, the very functional penis, and her deep voice would keep the illusion alive.

  But Casey wasn’t a man.

  And for the first time, Jenna realized it didn’t matter. Because she knew she was in love with this woman.

  But she was also in love with Darrick.


  Casey held Jenna tight, loving the feel of Jenna’s soft cheek on her chest. She liked being strong for Jenna. Being the masculine presence Jenna so wanted. But she also longed to be soft and feminine with Jenna. To feel Jenna’s hands on her breasts again. Her lips. She wanted Jenna’s tongue inside her wet pussy.

  Dahran, her penis had grown stiff at the thought, pushing against Jenna’s belly.

  Jenna rolled away. She had been tentative when Casey had transformed, but she’d allowed Casey to make love to her, which was encouraging. But had Casey’s rising cock ruined things now?

  “May I ask you a question?” Jenna asked.

  Casey’s chest tightened. “Yes, of course.”

  “Did you come?”

  Casey drew in a breath. She hadn’t expected that.

  “Yes. Being with you will always take me there. Are you asking because my cock is swollen? The thing just has a mind of its own. I’m beginning to understand why men have such trouble controlling them.”

  Jenna laughed, then she ran her hand along Casey’s chest and down her stomach. Casey’s eyes widened when Jenna’s fingers curled around her cock and squeezed.

  Jenna slowly stroked up and down with a sensual rhythm that sucked the breath from Casey’s lungs. Her groin tightened and a burning need flared inside her.

  “Have you done this often?” Jenna asked.

  “I’m… not sure… what you mean.” Casey could barely get the words out at the intense sensations rushing through her in
response to Jenna’s erotic attention.

  Jenna grinned. “Yeah, I am keeping you a little preoccupied. I mean have you taken on male attributes many times?”

  Pleasure rippled through Casey’s lengthening shaft and her groin ached with need.

  “No, this is the first time.”

  “Really? You did an impressive job using your new equipment. I mean you took me right over the edge. It was sensational.”

  Casey couldn’t help smiling. “Are you saying that’s the best orgasm you’ve ever had?”

  Jenna smiled, but there was a wistful look in her eyes.

  “Let’s just say that every orgasm I had before I came here paled in comparison to that.”

  Which meant what she had with Darrick had been better.

  Jenna smiled. “So if this is your first time, I guess you’ve never had a blowjob then.

  She dipped her head down. At the feel of Jenna’s lips on her cockhead, Casey gasped. Her fingers twined in the sheets as she crumpled the fabric. Jenna kissed Casey’s sensitive corona, then lapped at it with her tongue. When her lips surrounded it and started moving downward, Casey’s breathing was rapid and uneven.

  Fakkreh, no wonder men liked this so much!

  Jenna lapped around the ridge of Casey’s cock, then continued deeper. Casey stroked Jenna’s short, black hair, loving the silky feel of it against her palms. Jenna glided deeper and finally reached the root.

  Casey was trembling with need.

  Jenna drew back, squeezing her lips as she traveled up Casey’s cock. Then she glided down again.

  “Oh, fakkreh, that feels so good.” She had to stop herself from pulling Jenna tight against her again.

  Jenna sped up, her lips stroking Casey’s cock with every movement. The heat of her warm mouth was heaven. Her hand wrapped around the base of Casey’s cock in a firm grip and moved in unison with her mouth.

  Casey’s groin coiled tighter and tighter and electrical impulses sparked along her nerve endings. Fakkreh, she was desperate to satisfy this agonizing need scorching through her. Building. Throbbing. Pulsing.

  “Gattra, you’re going to make me come.”

  Jenna’s gaze shifted to Casey’s and locked. The heat in her shimmering blue eyes delighted Casey. She was enjoying this, too.

  She wanted Jenna to enjoy this. Her thoughts spiraled around that as Jenna sucked her hard, then pumped until the coil in Casey’s belly clenched, then released in a sharp spasm. Casey shuddered as the most incredible sensations ripped through her when she erupted into Jenna’s mouth.

  Jenna’s eyes widened. She kept gliding on Casey’s cock, keeping the pleasure glowing through her. When Jenna finally slipped from Casey’s rigid staff, she swallowed. White liquid oozed from the corner of her mouth.

  Jenna laughed. “I can’t believe it. You taste like Pina Colada.”

  “Let me taste,” Casey said, opening her arms to Jenna.

  Jenna prowled up Casey’s body then lowered herself. Her soft breasts compressed on Casey’s chest as she offered her mouth to Casey. Casey’s lips covered the liquid that had trailed down Jenna’s chin and she licked it.

  “Mmm, you’re right.” Casey licked up to Jenna’s lips, then pulled her into a kiss.

  Her tongue drove inside and explored Jenna’s soft mouth, lapping around, tasting traces of the sweet liquid still there.

  Then Casey rolled Jenna onto her back and ravaged her mouth with more enthusiasm. When she finally drew back, Jenna was sucking in air, her cheeks a deep rose pink.

  Casey grinned. “I’m glad it worked.”

  “You have control over how it tastes?” Jenna asked.

  “I did some research and discovered that sometimes it works if you think about a particular flavor while aroused. I know Pina Colada’s are one of your favorite cocktails so I gave it a try.”

  Jenna shifted downward and her warm fingers encircled Casey’s cock again. Then she licked the tip.

  “Mmm, I do like Pina coladas.” Jenna grinned up at Casey. “But next time, I think I’d like vanilla milkshake. Just for variety.”

  Casey laughed, delight bubbling insider her.

  “Does that mean there will be a next time?”

  The hope swelling in Casey faded at the change in Jenna’s expression.

  “Before I answer that,” Jenna said, “there’s something we need to discuss.”

  Casey’s stomach clenched. “Aren’t those the most feared words you can say in any relationship in your culture? We need to talk?”

  “I’m sorry Casey…”

  I’m sorry Casey. I’m sorry Casey. I’m sorry Casey.

  The words echoed through Casey’s brain.


  Casey’s gaze snapped to Jenna’s. She had kept on talking, but Casey hadn’t heard a word.

  Jenna took Casey’s hand. Her soft touch was comforting.

  “Casey, I said I didn’t mean it that way. I’m very touched by what you did. Changing your body for me. To make me more comfortable in the relationship. To bring me pleasure. It’s the most unselfish thing I’ve ever experienced.”

  Casey squeezed Jenna’s hand. “I told you, I love you.”

  Jenna nodded. “I know. But I can’t let you do it.”

  “Jenna, please…” Tears welled in Casey’s eyes but she would not let them fall.

  “Casey,” Jenna said gently. “I’m not saying I’m going to walk away. What I’m saying is that I can’t allow you to be something you’re not just to please me. You’re a woman. And you want to be a woman.”

  “But I can’t lose you. I—”

  Jenna’s lips covered hers in a sweet, tender kiss. When she drew away, her luminous sapphire blue eyes glowed.

  “I’m trying to tell you, you’re not going to lose me. I want you to be who you are. Inside and out. I want that because you need to be true to yourself.”

  Casey’s heart pounded.

  “And,” Jenna continued. “I want that because… the true you is the person I love.”

  “You love me?” Casey’s voice trembled as she tried to control her tumultuous emotions.


  Joy burst through Casey. Jenna loved her. And she accepted her just as she was.

  Jenna stroked Casey’s cheek. “I don’t know why I fought the feeling so much. Except that… I’m still confused.”

  “About Darrick?”

  Jenna’s gaze jerked to Casey’s.

  “Yes. My feelings for him are… potent.”

  “Me, too,” Cassey said. “He and I believed we were tanash’aei. Before I realized that you and I were meant to be together. I’ve suspected that maybe…”

  She hesitated, not wanting to throw even more confusion at Jenna.

  “Tell me,” Jenna insisted.

  “I suspected that maybe the three of us are meant to be joined.”

  Jenna’s brow furrowed. “Does that happen?”

  “Not often. Is it something you would consider?”

  Jenna’s eyes glowed. “Spending the rest of my life with you and Darrick… Oh my God, that would be amazing.”

  Now if only they could convince Darrick.


  Jenna laughed. Who would believe she’d have two soul mates?

  “Where is Darrick?” she asked.

  “He had to be on duty early.” The grim line of Casey’s jaw and the cadence of her low voice made Jenna think there was something more going on.

  Jenna’s gaze traveled up and down Casey’s sexy, masculine body, admiring the lean, muscular physique, then dipping to the cock that was starting to rise at Jenna’s perusal.

  Jenna raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to turn back into a woman?”

  Casey’s lips curled up in a half smile. “Not while you’re looking at me like that.”

  Then she tumbled Jenna back and took her mouth in a passionate kiss. Jenna melted into the kiss and when Casey drew back, Jenna gazed into her desire filled eyes.

  Jenna ran he
r hand down the hard chest, over the taut stomach, then found the rising cock. She laughed as she wrapped her hand around it, a tingle of excitement dancing down her spine.

  “Well, as two women, especially ones who share a big, sexy man,” Jenna said, “maybe we should take some time to explore this particular male body part a little more thoroughly.”

  She flattened her hand on Casey’s chest and rolled her onto her back, then dipped down and licked the tip. Casey moaned.

  “You know. We try some things.” Jenna licked around the ridge. “See what the reaction is.” She gazed up at Casey’s face. “You give me the female perspective on how it’s working.”

  Jenna wrapped her lips around the hard cock and took the tip inside her mouth, then began to suck.

  “In theory, that’s great,” Casey said in a desire-roughened voice. “The problem is… Ahhh.”

  She cupped Jenna’s head with both hands and pulled her forward. The cock filled her mouth and glided into her throat.

  “It’s tough to stay focused on anything…”—Casey rocked her hips, gliding the cock in and out of Jenna’s mouth—“except giving this cock exactly what it wants.”

  Jenna grasped the base of the shaft, then pulsed her mouth up and down with gusto.

  She popped off the top. “Well, you see. That’s something interesting to know right there.”

  She suckled the cockhead for a moment, staring into Casey’s eyes.

  Casey chuckled, a low masculine rumble.

  “Laiya, I’m delighted that you accept me as a woman. That means the world to me.”

  Jenna glided deep, making Casey moan again.

  “I don’t think that means we have to stop trying out this male form.” Casey’s voice was coarse with need. “You know, like you said, for research.”

  Jenna kept pumping Casey’s cock, watching her violet eyes grow darker and her facial expression grow tight.

  “Ah, heghat, this is so fakkreh intense.”

  The cock was now pulsing in Jenna’s hand. She tightened her lips around the shaft as she took it deep. Casey’s body tensed.

  Jenna slid the pulsing cock from her mouth, holding it in her hand, and grinned.


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