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Redemption Page 11

by CaSandra McLaughlin

  “Wow, what did you do?”

  “I stopped talking to her and then she started stalking me.”

  “Stalking you?” Tania shouted.

  “I ended up getting a restraining order against her and thank God I haven't seen her since then.”

  “That sounds like something you see on a Lifetime movie,” Tania pointed out. “This thing with Zach is crazy. I honestly don't want to attend the rehearsal dinner tonight or the wedding tomorrow.”

  “We can do something different if you'd like. I can be there in the next hour or so.”

  “Ok sounds good, see you then.”

  “See you in a bit,” DeWayne said and hung up the phone.

  Tania disconnected the call and sat in her car looking at herself in the mirror. She felt like a high school girl about to prepare for her first date. DeWayne gave her butterflies and his voice excited her in ways that she never thought she would be.

  Tania grabbed her purse and headed upstairs to her room. Mentally, she rehearsed how to tell Naomi that she wasn’t coming to the dinner. Honestly there was no easy way. No matter what, Naomi would be upset. But since Tania wasn’t in the wedding, it certainly wouldn't stop the show.

  To Tania’s relief, she got her sister’s voice mail. “Naomi, honey, I hope you won’t be too disappointed, but I’ve made other plans tonight. That whole incident with Zack kind of shook me up. But I will support your decision by attending the wedding tomorrow. Love you, sis. Talk to you then.”

  Relieved to have gotten her thoughts off her chest, Tania only had an hour to get ready. She wanted to look extra special tonight, especially since she would have DeWayne on her arm.

  Time was of the essence so Tania quickly showered, dried off and applied lotion to her body. Tania oiled her twists and pulled them into a bun, leaving a strand on both sides. Pleased with her hair, she needed to find the perfect outfit.

  Going through her things she decided on wearing her navy, high split maxi skirt, with a white blouse with silver sparkles in it and a pair of white and silver bling sandals. When she tried the outfit on she thought it was cute and secretly thought that she'd purchase the items but lose a few pounds before wearing it. Making those types of bargains with herself was a habit that she'd formed. As a result, Tania had a closet full of clothes with the price tags still on them because dropping those pounds was easier said then done.

  Today she wasn't worried about those pounds, she felt great. Her level of confidence was through the roof. Tania decided that she would apply some makeup as well. Normally she wore foundation, eyeliner and lipstick. Although she had eye shadow she never really learned how to apply it. Finding a tutorial on YouTube on how to apply eye shadow Tania nervously went through the process and created a blue smokey eye. She couldn't help but to stare at herself in the mirror. She was impressed with the look she had created for herself.

  Putting on the new outfit sealed the deal. Tania checked every angle and she liked what she saw; she looked like a new person.

  At 5:40 Tania received a text from DeWayne stating that he had arrived.

  She made her way to the hotel's elevator and went downstairs.

  With her shoulders back, and head held high Tania strutted into the lobby.

  DeWayne was standing in the lobby waiting on her.

  “Love, you look amazing,” he said, hugging her.

  “Thanks, you look great too.”

  “People are going to think we planned our outfits,” Tania said.

  DeWayne had on a pair of navy slacks, a white shirt, and a navy blazer to match.”

  “You know what they say, great minds think alike.”

  “Babe, you working that outfit, I'm not sure if I need to be around you, looking the way you looking.”

  “Um... is that good or bad?” Tania giggled playfully.

  “It's all good of course.”

  She and DeWayne walked out to the car and he opened the door to let her in.

  “I don't know what I'm going to do when you leave,” he said.

  “I think we're going to be ok, especially since we plan to see each other some weekends.”

  “Tania, you're awakening me in areas that I thought were dead. My thoughts have been of you for so long, and now that we're actually here together, I don't want to let you go. I don't want to think of spending any time away from you.”

  “DeWayne what are you saying?” Tania asked as her heart skipped a beat.

  “I'm saying that I have had strong feelings for you for a long time and although we haven't been in contact or around each other, my feelings never died. I'm saying that I don't only just want you, I need you in my life to make my life complete. I know you may think we're moving too fast, but the timing is God's timing, so it's perfect timing.

  “I can't lie when I tell you that I feel the same way. I have never in my life been so enamored. Right now my heart is beating fast, my hands are sweaty and my knees are shaking.”

  DeWayne grabbed her hand and kissed it softy.

  “Sounds like we both know what we want,” he said.

  “Yes we do,” Tania said, almost in a whisper.

  “Babe, now all we have to do is keep God in it and ask Him to be with us.”

  “Say that again.”

  “What part do you want me to repeat?”

  “Us,” she said shyly.

  “I'm for real about us,” DeWayne repeated and gave her a reassuring smile.

  His smile was one that could have been on a billboard.

  Hearing him say those words was music to her ears. Yes it was fast; yes she was scared; but it just felt right. “I love the way that sounds,” Tania said.

  “I know we have to get to know each other and introduce our families and stuff. I can't wait to show you off.”

  Tania had never even met most of the guys’ families that she dated. She had begged to go to family reunions or even be there for funerals. Tania had found out later on that she was never included in any family activity because she wasn't the only person her ex was dating. She was one of the many women in his life. Hearing DeWayne talk about showing her off was something she'd dreamed that she would one day experience. She closed her eyes and opened them again to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

  “Babe, what's the matter?” He asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong, just taking in everything that you're saying. I hope your family likes me.”

  “No worries. They are going to love you. I am certain that my brother, sister-in-law and niece will love you. My oldest sister, Meredith lives in Chicago; you'll meet her during Christmas. We have a big Christmas celebration at our parents' house every year.”

  “Wow...every year. I bet that's fun,” Tania imagined out loud.

  “What do you usually do for the holidays?”

  “I normally just go to the church banquet. We exchange gifts, eat, hear the word and then go home.”

  “Well this year it's going to be different. You'll be with me and I promise you, it'll be like nothing you've never experienced.”

  “Where are we going tonight?”

  “I figured we'd go see this play I heard about last week. It's called Resting on God's Promises. It's at Mt. Elbert Baptist Church and I called to make sure we could pay at the door. I hope you don't mind.”

  “No, that's fine. The title sounds interesting, so I can't wait to see it.”


  Tania and DeWayne arrived at the church and found a parking space up front.

  DeWayne opened the door and Tania got out. He escorted her to the door and Tania felt as if she was a princess walking with her Prince Charming.

  Chapter 21

  During intermission Tania noticed that she had 12 missed calls. Half from Leslie and half from Naomi. She'd been having such a great time at the play that she'd forgotten all about the rehearsal dinner. She excused herself and found a quiet area to call Leslie.

  The phone barely rang before Leslie answered.

; “Where are you, girl?” Leslie said in a panic.

  “I'm at a play with DeWayne,” Tania said calmly.

  “At a play! You're supposed to be at the rehearsal dinner. You and Mona both tripping!” Leslie yelled.

  “I called and left Naomi a voice mail. And technically I'm not in the wedding, so there’s nothing for me to rehearse. But I don’t get why Mona didn’t come. Did she say why?”

  “Girl, she said something about not feeling comfortable about being in the wedding. Mona was talking about she wasn't worthy enough, something about her past. I really couldn't understand what she was saying. She was crying like crazy. I figured you and Naomi knew what the problem was.”

  “I will leave here and go over to Mona's to check on her.”

  “T, what's going on with everybody?”

  “I told you. We killed a lot of things today. The enemy’s just trying to resurrect them, but I won’t let him. I have to help my sister. Just promise me you'll let Naomi know that everything's going to be alright.”

  “Ok I will.”

  “Go ahead and text me her address now so I won't forget,” Tania said.

  Leslie retrieved her cell and sent the address to Tania as requested.

  Tania went through the rest of the play with her mind on Mona. She had to beg DeWayne to take her back to the hotel to get her car because he wanted to be by her side. Tania had told him that she needed to handle things with her sister alone and promised to call him when she made it back to the hotel.

  Afterward, Tania drove to Mona's house and sat in the driveway for a few minutes before getting out of the car. She had no idea what she was going to say or even do, so she whispered a prayer and asked God to give her the words to say.

  She walked up the steps slowly and rang the doorbell. After ringing the doorbell five times, she began to bang on the door. There was no way she was going to give up. The porch light came on and the door flew open. “My mom said she's doesn't feel like having company.”

  “Are you Alexis?” Tania asked.

  “Yes, you must be my Auntie Nia.”

  “Yes, sweetheart, I'm you're Auntie Nia,” Tania said as she hugged Alexis and closed the front door. Alexis was a cute little girl, she was what the country people would consider a pretty black girl, with curly hair and long cheerleader legs. “Sweetheart, where is your mom?”

  “She's in her room in bed, but she ain't sleep.”

  “Ok, sweetie which room is it? I'm going to go check on her.”

  Alexis pointed down the hallway. “Last door on the left.”

  “Ok sweetie, thank you.”

  “You welcome.”

  Tania walked down the hall to Mona's room. The door was closed.

  Knocking lightly on the door, Tania waited for a reply to enter.

  After realizing Mona wasn't going to reply, she entered the room.

  Mona's room was small. She had a queen-sized bed, a chest, and a nightstand with a lamp on it. The light from the lamp was dim. Mona was lying on her side with her back to the door and the bed was full crumpled up Kleenex tissues.

  “Mona, sis, what's going on with you?” Tania said, tapping her lightly on her shoulder to get her attention.

  “How'd you get in?”

  “Alexis let me in.”

  “I told that girl I didn't want any company.”

  “She told me that's what you said.” Tania giggled.

  “She wasn't supposed to be opening the door,” Mona fussed.

  “Sis, don't be mad at her. I'm glad she opened the door. We were all worried about you when you didn't show up for the rehearsal. Naomi is super-stressed right now.”

  “I didn't mean to stress her, it's just best that I don't be in the wedding.”

  “Why Mona? Why would you drop out of the wedding now?”

  “Tania, I thought about everything that we discussed earlier. I don’t think you’re right. God is not pleased with me. I honestly just don't feel up to the wedding. I don't want to mess it up.

  “Mess it up how?”

  “Tania, I've done so much dirt and I'm the reason why Naomi is about to marry a jerk. I’m the one who taught her to settle for any man so long as he’s bringing some kind of money to the table.”

  “Mona, it’s not your fault. Whatever was wrong with you, I realize now it had something to do with Mama. And probably her Mama. And her Mama’s mama. But don’t let that stop you from receiving the word of God in your life. God’s given you a daughter. He has given you another chance. You can break the cycle with Alexis. You can teach her better as you learn better.”

  “Tania, you don’t know half the stuff I've done.”

  “Sis, it doesn't matter. God is a forgiver and it says in His word to forget not the benefits that He offers. The benefits of love, forgiveness, healing and redemption. Girl, God has forgiven you, so lay down those burdens you've been carrying. You have to forgive yourself.”

  “That's easier said than done.”

  “No it's not. All you have to do is do it. Mona there's no ritual for you to do, you don't have to turn around three times, or touch your neighbor in order for you to be made whole again.

  “All you have to do is ask Him. It's because of His redeeming love that we are here, sis. I refuse to let you wallow in self-pity.”

  “I'm just not right yet. I'm not a holy roller,” Mona said.

  “I'm not a holy roller either. I don't even know what that means.” Tania laughed.

  “You know the church people who carry their Bible everywhere, pointing out other folks’ faults, and telling them that they are going to hell for everything that they do.”

  “Mona, that's folks period. Don't worry about them.”

  “I want to change, and I want to be a better person.”

  “You will be. It's not going to happen overnight, but it will happen. Believe. And don’t let the enemy steal that hope in Christ from you.”

  “Thank you.” Mona said.

  “No need to thank me, thank God.”

  “Mona although we don't agree with Naomi's decision to marry Zack we've got to be there for her.”

  “I guess you're right.”

  “I’m honestly praying that she will see the light.”

  “I want to grab her and shake her and say ‘Come Into The Light, Carol Anne,’ like that little short lady in the movie, Poltergeist.

  “Me, too.” Mona said.

  “Are you going to be in the wedding?”

  “Naw girl, I'd probably catch a case. I'm the one who’s supposed to be giving her away. I can’t give her to that nut. I’m just going to try my best to sit there quietly, but it's going to be hard, for real,” Mona said.

  “Well, It's getting late, so I better head back to my hotel to get some rest. I'm going to text Naomi and tell her that we’ll both be at the wedding,” Tania replied.

  “Alright, see you tomorrow,” Mona stated as she walked Tania to the door.

  “Good night, Mona.”

  “Good night, Missionary Tania.”

  They both laughed.

  Chapter 22

  “Tania, are you sure Mona is coming?” Naomi asked as she paced the parlor room floor of the house.

  “Naomi, calm down. She'll be here.”

  “Yeah, Naomi, it's still early. The only reason T and I are early is because you kept calling us,” Leslie said.

  “Your hair and makeup artist should be here soon so Leslie and I will finish getting your things out of the car. You stay here and unwind,” Tania reassured her.

  Lord knows Tania wanted to grab some rope, tie Naomi up and kidnap her.

  Leaving Naomi in the parlor room, Tania and Leslie went to retrieve Naomi's things.

  “T, do you think Mona is really coming?”

  “Yes, I believe she'll be here.”

  “What was going on with her?”

  “Long story short she's just had a lot going on for too long, and now she's turning over a new leaf,” Tania said.

m so happy for her. She's been through so much, and I'm glad that God has you here to help her work it out.”

  “Isn't it funny how you have plans of how things will be and God shows up with His blueprint and rearranges everything? Girl, that scripture in Jeremiah is the truth when God says He knows the plans He has for us, to prosper us, not to harm us and to bring us a future filled with hope.”

  “In the words of my mother: He's God all by Himself, He don't need our help,” Leslie said, placing one hand on her hip and waving her other hand toward heaven.

  “Girl, you sound just like Aunt Jean.” Tania laughed.

  “So is DeWayne coming to the wedding?” Leslie quizzed.

  “Yes, he'll be here.” Tania smiled.

  “I haven't heard this kind of excitement in your voice since they announced Blue Bell was back.”'

  “Leslie, I have never felt this way before. I'm ashamed to say that I have never really experienced true love. My definition of love was all wrong until now. I always based love on how much time or money was spent on me, or how many times I was intimate with a person. DeWayne is so different and I have to learn to adjust.”

  “Girl, that's good. It's hard these days to find a man. I have given up. I guess God will have to send me a man via airmail because I'm not having any luck. I have been on every dating site there is.”

  “Those dating sites aren't safe, just wait and it will happen. It will come when you don't expect it to.”

  “Are you ready for a long distance relationship?”

  “The distance isn't that far, so we should be ok. I'm sure it'll work out. I'm going to go with the flow, take things one day at a time.”

  “Well, I am happy for you and hope it works out.”

  “Thanks girl now let's go back in here before Naomi start thinking we've escaped,” Naomi said.

  Twenty minutes passed and Mona and Alexis arrived.

  “Mona, oh my God, I'm so glad to see you. Are you ok?” Naomi said, hugging her.

  “Yes, I'm going to be fine, thanks to Tania,” Mona said.

  Tania was on the verge of tears. She walked over to Mona and hugged her.


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