Amy Phipps - Amanda Blakemore 01 - A Bazaar Murder

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Amy Phipps - Amanda Blakemore 01 - A Bazaar Murder Page 3

by Amy Phipps

  “Oh my....That is....” Margaret couldn't find the words to describe.

  “Horrible!” Amanda supplied,“Low down....dirty.....rotten.”

  “Yes all of them.” She agreed looking at Amanda with sympathy. If she could get her hands on him Margaret thought. “I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and him.”

  “I'm beyond hurt now..... I'm mad.” She huffed with her fists clenched at her sides.

  “What are you planning to do?” Margaret asked.

  “This is damage control.” Amanda commented her hands on her hips. “And Daniel is good at damage control. First I'm going to go through those papers with a fine tooth comb and then go from there.” She paced back and forth in the kitchen some more. “Daniel is a very good lawyer so I will have to make sure I read them very carefully.”

  “When are they coming?” Margaret asked.

  “They are going to overnight them.” Amanda huffed. “The faster the better it seems.”

  “Sit down and eat, since there is nothing you can do about it now.” Margaret ushered her to a chair.

  “Your right,” Amanda answered. Taking a set at the table she jammed a piece of ham and cheese sandwich in her mouth and washed it down with a gulp of green tea.

  “Do you still want to help set up for the church bazaar tonight?” Margaret asked quietly.

  “What?” She had been lost in thought.

  “I will understand if you don't” Margaret offered.

  “Absolutely, I'm still going . Your right there's nothing I can do about it tonight and going will help keep my mind off of things.” Shoving the rest of her sandwich in her mouth.

  “And do some good for the community.” Margaret added with a smile.

  Chapter 3

  Once again Olive's driving had the precision of a drunken turtle, slow and weaving wins the race, Amanda thought. “Can't wait until Nana gets that car fixed.” She whispered to herself climbing out of the back seat of Olive's car. Making their way through the parking lot toward the shelter house Amanda could hear the snow and ice crunching under her boots. The shelter house is located about fifteen feet from the small white church. It too looks in much need of repair.

  Making their way into the building Margaret, Olive, and Amanda stomped the snow from their feet and shed their coats, hats, and gloves. Florence rushed over and announced in frustration. “It's about time someone showed up to help. I was beginning to think I would be the only one.”Amanda noted that Cassandra was carrying boxes.

  “We are 20 minutes early.” Olive's reminded waving her hand as if swatting Florence’s words away “They'll be here.... don't get your pantyhose in a knot.”

  Looking shocked at Olive's outburst Florence huffed. “I hope you are right. There is so much that needs to be done.”

  “What would you like us to do first?” Margaret asked trying to defuse the tension as Amanda struggled not to laugh.

  “You and Olive can sort through those boxes of decorations and you.” Florence pointed to Amanda. “Help clean and set up the tables.”

  Amanda walked over to where Cassandra was and said. “Hello Dr. Hardy, I was sent to help with the tables.”

  “I guess she finally noticed I was here.” Cassie smiled and winked at her. “I will accept any help that is offered and call me Cassie.”

  “She is a little blind to the accomplishments of others.” Amanda offered giving her a weak smile.

  “You will get used to it.” Cassie waved a hand in the air.

  “Maybe” She didn't sound convinced.

  “I learned a long time ago I would never make my mother happy no matter what I do” Her words had a bitter tone to it.

  “My relationship with my mother isn't that great either.” Amanda sighed.

  “Sounds like we are two peas in a pod.” Cassie shook her head and laughed.

  “Sounds like,” Amanda smiled. “So... where does she want the tables?”

  “I'll show you.” Cassie waved her hand for Amanda to follow.

  As they worked cleaning and setting up the tables, helpers slowly trickled in. Florence ran the preparations like a drill Sargent, and Amanda learned a lot about Cassie as they chatted. Cassie loved her job as a veterinarian. She wished that she could say that. Working for Kimberly was not the highlight of her life. As a proofreader and data entry specialist for a small publisher she worked long hours. After getting her English degree she helped Daniel start his law practice. In the early stages she did a little bit of everything from filing to event planning. After the business became successful he replaced her with more qualified people. All the time telling her it was best for the practice. She never questioned it. Kind of like their marriage, she thought. He was replacing her with someone he thought was more qualified. Jerk!

  “We're finished.” Cassie's voice brought her mind back to the task at hand.

  “What should we do now?” Amanda asked patting the dirt from her jeans.

  “I think we should help Olive and your grandmother with the decorations.” She pointed at Olive trying to climb the ladder to hang decorations from the ceiling.

  “Your right, especially if she climbs as well as she drives. We're in big trouble.” They rushed over to help. “Olive how about I do all the climbing and you can hand me up the decorations.” Amanda offered.

  “Yes, I think that's a good idea.” Cassie agreed holding onto the ladder to help steady it.

  “No need. I am doing just fine.” She answered from the third rung of the ladder. “Had I been born in a different era I could have been a mountain climber.”

  “Olive Simon! What do you think you are doing!” Margaret demanded placing her hands on her thin hips.

  “Hanging decorations. Anyone can see that.” Olive huffed looking down from her perch.

  “Not from that ladder you're not.” Margaret called up to her. “Come down from there!”

  “Olive there you are.” Came the deep voice of Pastor Max. “ I been looking for you. Would you help me with the center pieces for the tables. You do the best flower arrangements of anyone I have ever seen.” Giving Olive a handsome smile. He's good Amanda thought, watching Olive's face light up from the compliment.

  “Absolutely, Pastor....I was just showing these girls how to do it.” She smiled brightly and climbed down the ladder to follow the Pastor across the room.

  “Sometimes I wonder what's going through her mind.” Margaret sighed shaking her head.

  “She seems to keep you busy.” Amanda admitted laughing.

  “It's a good thing she has a crush on Pastor Max, if not this could have been disastrous.” Cassie added trying not to laugh.

  “I better go and keep her out of trouble.” Margaret announced shaking her head as she followed after Olive and Pastor Max.

  “Your grandmother is always trying to keep Olive out of trouble.” Cassie mused.

  “They have been friends all their lives.” Amanda laughed shaking her head. “I think if it wasn't for Olive... Nana would be very lonely.”

  “If I had to bet that probably goes both ways.” Cassie added, “It would be nice to have a best friend like that.”

  “Yes I think it would,” Amanda agreed. Watching Margaret and Olive as they pulled flowers out of the boxes and started placing them into vases.

  “We better get started before she comes back.” Cassie laughed pointing up at the ceiling.

  Climbing up and down the ladder made Amanda's legs tired and her neck hurt from looking up and reaching above her head. But she continued to gently place each decoration in the perfect spot. If she didn't Florence was running over to inform them to change it.

  Cassie called from the floor “That's the last one.”

  “Thank God.” Amanda admitted. “I don't think my legs can take much more climbing.”

  “Let's get something to eat. I'm starving.” Cassie suggested motioning over to the refreshment table that was set up by Debbie Sutton the owner of the local diner.

good.” Finally reaching the floor she said. “Let's hurry before your mother gives us something else to do.” Cassie laughed as they made their way to the table set up with sandwiches and drinks for the volunteers.

  “Well hello little sister.” Adam called filling his plate with food.

  “What has mother been making you do?” Cassie asked following behind him making herself a plate of vegetables.

  “Making signs.” He said holding up one hand with maker smudges on it.

  “How did you get by with something so easy?” She asked giving him a dirty look.

  “My handwriting is better than yours.” He laughed looking at Amanda and said. “You know how bad doctor's handwriting is.”

  “Very funny!” Cassie answered taking a seat at the table.

  “I agree with Cassie. You should have had to do at least some heavy lifting.” Amanda joked taking a bite of sandwich as she sat down beside Cassie.

  “I'm not sure I would eat that Priscilla has been helping with the food.” He said pointing at her sandwich.

  “How could your sister manage to mess up a sandwich?” She asked looking at her food with caution.

  “Adam you know she just placed them on the table she didn't actually make them.” Cassie slapped him on the shoulder.

  “I don't know?” Giving the girls a warning look. “She's been standing by the refreshment table all evening.” They all looked over to where Priscilla was standing.

  “That's only because she's afraid Mother is going to actually make her work.” Cassie rolled her eyes.

  “How are you enjoying our little town?” Adam asked drinking his coffee.

  “So far so good....Not much has changed since my childhood.” Amanda admitted shrugging one shoulder.

  “You grew up here?” Cassie asked with surprise in her voice.

  “I lived here until I was thirteen, but after my dad died my mom decided to move.” Amanda answered tossing a chip in her mouth.

  “I'm sorry about your dad.” Adam said, “But I don't remember you.”

  “I don't either.” Cassie admitted.

  “That's okay. I don't remember you guys either but...” Glancing over at Priscilla “I do remember your sister... a little.”

  Cassie laughed. “Everyone remembers Priscilla.”

  “She does make an impression.” Adam shook his head in agreement. They watched as Priscilla pulled a mirror out of her purse to check her makeup. They all burst out laughing.

  Amanda looked down at her empty plate “We better get back to work. Here let me throw that away for you.” Amanda reached for Cassie's paper plate and knocked over her pop right into Adam's lap. Jumping up trying to save himself he knocked over his chair, but he was too late. The front of his pants was soaked. Amanda was mortified. “I'm so sorry.” Reaching for napkins to soak up the spill.

  “It's okay. I have my workout clothes in the car I can change into them.” He said wiping the front of his pants. Cassie laughed at her brother's expense.

  “I'm really sorry.” Amanda's face was bright red and she was so embarrassed that she wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole.

  “Don't worry. I can just change.” He reassured her as he walked away Amanda slapped herself in the forehead. “I can't believe I just did that.”

  Cassie still laughing. “Don't worry about it, Adam needs a good dose of humility.” Amanda gave Cassie a confused look. “It must be hard always being perfect.”

  “I wouldn't know. I have never been afflicted with perfection.” Amanda announced, then they both laughed.

  After about ten minutes Margaret called from behind them. “Sorry girls don't mean to interrupt but Amanda could you help me with something.”

  “Sure” Amanda followed Margaret toward the back of the shelter house. “What do you need help with.”

  “There should be some more boxes of decorations downstairs. I might need your help carrying them up the steps.” Margaret said and motioned for her to follow.

  Walking down the stairs to the basement they made their way past the emergency exit that led outside. “I didn't know there was a basement under the shelter house.” Amanda commented surprised.

  “It's used for storage.” Margaret answered and gave out a startled cry. She entered the room first and suddenly grabbed Amanda by the arm.

  Amanda turned to see what her grandmother saw, there on the floor was Florence Hardy. She was lying on the floor her eyes fixed open staring at the ceiling and her lips were purplish blue. Grabbing her cell from her pocket and dialed 911. Margaret rushed forward and placed two fingers to the side of Florence’s carotid artery. Nothing. Margaret sighed, “Tell them she's dead.”

  “Dead!” Amanda squeaked placing her hand over her mouth.

  “We also need the Sheriff.” She informed.

  “Sheriff......What......Why?” Amanda stammered.

  “I don't think this was a natural death.” Margaret announced shaking her head.

  “What....This was probably a heart attack or something.”Amanda reasoned her blue eyes wide with shock.

  “I would have thought that too but look at the side of her neck there is a drop of blood.” Margaret without touching the body.

  “So...” At that moment the operator came on the phone and their conversation stopped.

  Turning off her phone and putting in back in her pocket. “She said they will be here soon.”

  Margaret turned and grabbed Amanda by the arm looking her straight in the eye. Margaret's face took on a very serious expression. “Amanda I need to go upstairs and tell everyone what has happened, and I need you to do something for me. It's very important.”

  “Of course, anything.” Shaking her head in confusion still staring at the body lying lifeless on the floor.

  “I need you to take pictures of the entire room and the body as fast as you can.” Jerking her eyes away from the body to stare at Margaret as if she had lost her mind.

  “Like crime scene photos... that's crazy!” Pulling free from her grandmother's grasp.

  Margaret looked directly into Amanda's eyes with determination and exclaimed. “We are going to figure out who did this!”

  “I think we should leave this to the police.” Amanda pleaded.

  “Trust me, Sheriff Thomas is not going to to solve this if left to his own devices.” Grabbing Amanda by the arm again she pleaded. “Please, help me with this.”

  Amanda had never seen her grandmother so desperate she sighed. “Fine.....but just for the record I'm not comfortable being left alone with a dead body.”

  “Thank you” Margaret sighed with relief. “Now hurry......Oh and absolutely do not touch anything.”

  “I know that.” Rolling her eyes she grabbed her phone from her pocket and got to work.”I've seen CSI, before.”

  Moments later the storage room was swarming with police. Sheriff Thomas was talking to his Deputy about something that Amanda couldn't hear. Margaret and Amanda waited patiently right outside of the storage room to be questioned by the police. This was taking forever, Amanda thought. The police just kept walking past them ignoring that they were even standing there. They were just stepping over Florence's body like it was a mud hole and they didn't want to get there boots dirty. One deputy was even talking to his girlfriend on his cell phone, well she assumed it was his girlfriend he kept calling her “Sweetheart” and “Baby.” She noticed that Margaret let out a long breath and placed her hands on her hips before very loudly clearing her throat.

  Sheriff Thomas glanced over to where they were standing and rolled his eyes before making his way over to them. “Is there something I can help you with Mrs. Blakemore?” He asked in a sarcastic tone.

  “As a matter of fact there is.” She returned in a very calm voice.

  “By all means, it's not like I am doing anything important right now.” He announced while a deputy chuckled at his witty remark.

  “You're right, the only important thing you are doing is messing up the crime sce
ne.” Crossing her arms to emphasis her point.

  “Crime scene?” He chuckled, “This is a heart attack.”

  “Shouldn't the coroner decide that?” She asked hotly.

  “When he gets here, I'm sure that he will come to the same conclusion as the professionals.” Another chuckle erupted from the deputy standing behind the Sheriff.

  “Well then, when a professional arrives I will share my information with him then.” Margaret huffed.

  “Look...Lady, I understand that your husband used to be the coroner, but until you get your medical degree don't tell me how to do my job.” Before Margaret could comment on the Sheriff's rude remark a voice interrupted their conversation.

  “Sorry, it took so long, Sheriff.” Everyone turned and to Amanda's surprise there standing in front of her was the most annoying man she had ever met. Margaret's voice interrupted her thoughts. “Oh look, the professional has arrived.” She smiled sweetly at the Sheriff before continuing. “Dr Winters after you have made your assessment. I would like a word.” Sheriff Thomas made a growling noise and turned to walk away.

  Jonah looked from Margaret to the Sheriff in confusion and politely said. “Sure thing, Mrs. Blakemore.” Barely glancing at Amanda he walked over to where the body was and went straight to work.

  Watching Jonah as he worked she wondered how her life had managed to spin so far out of control. First, her husband had an affair with her boss and she runs away to a small town with no job or money. Second, she makes a total idiot out of herself in front of one of the most annoying human being on the face of the planet. Finally, a murder that she just happened to stumble onto. Her life is turning out to be just like a bad movie. Nana could be wrong she told herself. Maybe this was simply just natural causes and her grandmother was jumping to conclusions, but judging by the determined look on her face Amanda doubted that.

  The Sheriff hovered as Jonah did his work. Finally he stood and pulling his rubber gloves from his hands saying. “You can bag the body now.”


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