Running from Monsters: A High School Bully Romance: (Blackwood Academy Book 2)

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Running from Monsters: A High School Bully Romance: (Blackwood Academy Book 2) Page 6

by K. J. Thomas

  The trig teacher takes the piece of paper from him. “Malcolm, why don’t you go sit...” He looks around the room and notices me and Tate in the back. In this class we have tables that sit three students each. Tate and I growl at anyone that wants to sit with us, but hey, this guy is gorgeous.

  My best friend quickly gets up from the middle seat, pushing all of her stuff over to the edge as she turns and gives me a wink making it so Malcolm has to sit in between us.

  “Well, I guess you have a spot lined up between Tate and Avery.” The teacher hands back the paper while Malcolm gives us his over cheery smile. One of those cheesy ones on the toothpaste commercial that just comes out of nowhere. Most of the kids in the class giggle.

  “Hi, I’m Mal,” he says as he looks at both of us. Tate and him immediately connect, they just start talking, and we’re way in the back where the teacher can’t hear us. He’s an older man with some hearing problems and most definitely hates being here as much as we do.

  Mal is freaking hilarious. In no time he has us laughing our asses off.

  “And those girls right there, stay the fuck away from them. They will eat you up and spit you out.” Mal nods as Tate goes around the room and explains who everybody is. Purposely staying away from Asher and his friends.

  I slightly tilt my neck to the side, trying to discreetly look at Asher. He has a stern expression and he’s grabbing the sides of his desk pretty hard letting his knuckles turn white. If looks could kill I would drop dead right in my seat. At least I won’t be intriguing anymore. Jealous much?

  I just sit and continue listening to them. It’s only been five minutes, but it feels like an hour. I want to know how in the hell Tate seems to know everybody’s life story and she hasn’t even been here that long, this girl gets around.

  I did find something out about the guy in the front who has a cool pair of glasses. They’re light when he’s inside and when he walks outside the lenses darken, damn I need to get out more. Apparently this dude’s father beats the shit out of his mom. His dad is back in jail again and his mom will likely let him come home when he’s released. How Tate knows this shit beats the hell out of me.

  “Who’s that hottie?” Mal asks as he narrows his eyes, looking directly at Asher.

  “No,” Tate and I both say together, you can hear the disappointment laced in our voices. He’s too hot to be gay. Tate seems really interested. I thought she had someone on the side, at least the person that owns the house.

  “Sorry ladies,” he says as he wraps an arm around each of us, pulling us closer to him.

  Tate and I are both equally astonished. To be able to click with somebody else so instantaneously is awesome. It’s unheard of, I mean I clicked with Tate right away, maybe he’s just supposed to be the third member of our group.

  Or maybe this is a set-up, and this guy is just really good at what he does. I glance at Tate and she narrows her eyes, she’s thinking the exact same thing I am. We’re just gonna have to look into him more. But he’s an absolute joy to be around.

  I totally forget about Asher for the rest of period. I just concentrate on Tate and Mal, every now and then trying to listen to what the teacher is saying. From the start of the class to the end of it our teacher stands up at the chalkboard and doesn’t turn around.

  When the class is finally over, all three of us stop by my locker to shove our shit in, putting Mal’s shit in there, too.

  I stop before we reach the entrance to the cafeteria and look at Tate. “Will you get me a hamburger, fries and onion rings?”

  She nods and says, “with mustard and ranch.” I laugh and nod.

  “I’ll be there in one minute.” Which is true, I will there in one minute.

  Mac sees me alone and is getting closer as I get his attention. “That new kid, find out who he is, please.” He snaps his attention toward Mal to get a good look at the guy and then takes off. He’s most likely going to go to the administration office and find out more information. I know he heard his name on the recording from the room earlier.

  I make my way over to the table ignoring everyone in the cafeteria. I don’t need to see the stares or the looks of disgust, or the ‘I’m gonna murder you,’ face from Asher.

  “... He just won’t stop. For some reason he’s just obsessed with my best friend.”

  They both stop talking when I come up to the table, but I already heard enough. Tate is feeling Mal in on everything.

  Animals can always tell if someone’s good or bad. If your dog doesn’t like the friend you have over, there’s gotta be a reason. They’re the best judge of character.

  But as for us humans, we just get feelings, something deep in our gut telling us if this person is good or not.

  Right now, I can feel the air change and it just feels more welcoming. Mal seems like a great guy for us. The whole situation should raise alarms in my head, but it doesn’t. I feel comforted and welcomed just sitting here in the presence of these two.

  Watching Mal and Tate is pretty awesome. They’re clicking so well and they both constantly coax me in. I’m not trying to be an outsider, I just think it’s cute to watch them both. And I can’t stop turning and looking over at Asher.

  I know he wants to come over here and play caveman, but his boys aren’t letting him. All along I’ve been afraid of Luca. I wonder if it was Asher I should’ve been watching out for this whole time. Maybe he’s the one monster that will finally end me.



  Mal and Tate arrive at my house at seven PM. I invited them over because I knew that my gramps and the Stones would be out for dinner. I’m not exactly sure where they went, they could have a business meeting, but I seriously doubt Garrett and Arya would attend one of those. They hate that shit as much as I do.

  I could always call and ask, but then I would have them wondering why I’ve never asked before. I do hope that they’re enjoying themselves. All three deserve it. I would love to see Grandpa at a bowling alley with a beer in his hand.

  “Really you guys? Where the fuck did you get all this shit?” I watch as Tate and Mal come in pulling a cart that has a bunch of dresses and even luggage on the bottom. They look like one of those bell hops in one of the fancy hotels.

  Tate laughs when she sees my expression and Mal gives me a sad smile that lets me know he’s not really sorry.

  “Oh my God Avery, Mal’s mom is a freaking fashion designer.” Tate waves her hands around. My girl loves clothes, so this is exciting to her. This at least explains why Mal is at Blackwood Academy. His mom must be really good.

  “What’s your last name?” Neither one of us know it, at least I don’t. We just started talking, and I never even bothered to ask, never even thought about it.

  “Andover, Regina Andover.” Oh, that makes sense, I’ve heard of that name before. She’s a huge fashion designer in New York, and she’s been slowly making a rank in the world for the past twenty years. The only reason I know this is because my mother was obsessed with the news, and she was in the entertainment shows.

  I walk with them up to my room, well basically just helping them with all the clothes. As soon as Tate starts ripping off shit, I make my way back down to the kitchen.

  I’m sure they haven’t eaten yet, and I would rather cook than have to go through a fashion show. I’d rather have a root canal than have to go through a fashion show.

  Yeah, I’m young, I want to let go, but I don’t wanna waste hours upon hours trying on clothes for one stupid little party. It’ll take me an hour to get ready and that’s including a shower and a full shave.

  I make the one thing I love, basically my comfort food. My mom always made it for me, spaghetti. I don’t make it the Italian way, we both love it the American way. I know my friends will enjoy that and that’s how my mom started making it in the end. Most likely for people that we had over a lot. The sauce is more like a soup here, the sauce in Italy is chunky, that’s what my parents always told me.

e giggling and the talking starts to die down. I know my friends can smell the yummy goodness that’s just about ready. Trying on clothes takes a lot of energy.

  I don’t even need to call out as they both come down the stairs looking for the culprit. When Tate finds me, she smiles and so does Mal.

  I thought I’d get a hug or a pat on the back for cooking. Nope, they both walk past me and start scooping out food. At first Mal looks uncertain but he laughs and follows Tate’s lead. It’s just so comfortable. I don’t have to be awkward around these guys and I know for sure that Tate isn’t.

  We continue talking about our plans for tonight until Tate snaps her head at me. “Why aren’t we drinking? We’ve been trying on clothes for an hour and I totally forgot about that.”

  All three of us laugh. Arya and Garrett always have a mini bar stocked in the house. I’m sure that’s the first place Tate will go after she eats. Luckily for me the Stones are not occupied making sure I don’t get into the good shit. They’re more occupied in making sure I don’t die.

  After dinner, I take care of the dishes and head upstairs. Those two will probably try on all the outfits again. My phone goes off letting me know I have a text message.

  I start to laugh right away. Tate convinced Mal to try on one of the outfits, and he looked rather good. I hate him, I think and what I realize my response should be.

  Me: I hate him.

  Tate: Ha ha.

  I told them both earlier that they could dress me as long as it’s not some godawful design. I don’t want one of my tits sticking out or my ass cheeks showing. No one needs to see my no-no zone.

  Mal comes running down the stairs yelling. “Time to get ready girl!” He has a bit more excitement than absolutely necessary.

  “Here, try this.” Mal hands me an outfit and leads me back up to the room, and I head into the bathroom. I’m just grateful that the fabric covers my hand and most of my arm instead of just a little tiny piece. I wouldn’t be surprised if those two tried to put me in a swimsuit. I can’t wait to see what they decided to wear. I’m not the one that’s going to sit in the back and just be moody the whole time, I am excited about this. I’m just more of one of those that gets more excited the less we talk about it.

  Even though they tried on everything, I bet those two knew what they were going to wear before they tried on the first item. It’s part of the game that does not appeal to me at all.

  “Avery’s family comes from old money, that’s what I heard anyway. One day she’ll tell me everything when she wants to,” I can hear Tate telling Mal. If they only knew.

  “That’s understandable,” he says, and I can actually hear the sincerity in his voice.

  I’m in leather pants, a black lace tank top and a pair of black boots. I look really good. That’s pointed out as soon as I walk out of my bathroom door.

  “Damn girl,” Tate says as Mal wolf whistles loud and highly effective.

  “Why do you have to be gay?” I ask with pleading eyes as he gives me a wink then shrugs his shoulders. “The hearts of women all over the country are breaking.” We all laugh.

  When I talked with Mac earlier, I agreed to have armed guards around me all the time, but I convinced him and the others to stay outside.

  I don’t know if it’s the glass of wine that relaxed me, it’s making my head a little off, but it has me wondering. If Mac witnesses some guys jump another kid or just some stupid teenage shit, will he jump in and help the innocent? No, I shake my head, I seriously doubt it. When you have a job that’s all you’re supposed to do. Maybe if he knew that I was one-hundred percent safe, he might have another guy do it.

  I really need to slow down my drinking. I’m gonna have this outfit on all fucking night.

  IT TAKES ALMOST TWO more hours before I can drag those two assholes out of the house and over to the party. Yeah, two hours, and they were already dressed. Tate is in a fiery red thing that brings out more of her hair color and gorgeous curves. She’s topping it off with knee-high leather boots. The top of the dress is like a bodice, it looks really good, a little slutty, but really hot and classy. Mal looks equally gorgeous with a tight pair of leather tan pants and he’s wearing a gray T-shirt with a pair of loafers, yeah loafers. God, he kills it, too, he looks absolutely incredible.

  I get a weird feeling from him, like I actually know this guy. Maybe it was from a past life or interaction somewhere. It’s weird and awkward, but I can’t get it out of my head. I wish Mac would hurry up and figure out who this guy is. I know he has to somehow run it nonchalantly through my grandfather’s man, but I don’t have any men to run it through. Mac is my guy.

  Mac drives us in my truck to the party, and there’s a black SUV behind us, loaded with more guards that are going to wait around the perimeter. One of the younger guys will be inside nonchalantly just checking things out trying to blend in.

  Tate and Mal walked down when Mac and I were talking about it earlier, and they quickly grabbed the younger guard and took him upstairs and dressed him for the party. I don’t even think they give a shit why they were doing it, they just had somebody else to experiment on. Thankfully, it wasn’t me.

  They did an awesome fucking job, this guy looks like he belongs. I know he’s in his twenties, I’m just not sure exactly the age.

  All three of us are slightly tipsy. No less than what should be average for the pre-party drinks. Sober is boring. You can’t go there all straight-laced and awkward, then you go stand in the corner, which is what I plan to do anyway. I wanna dance but I also want to just sit and people watch. I want to notice, not be noticed.

  “I’m so glad we came,” Tate has one arm through mine while the other one is intertwined with Mal. It’s awesome to see her so happy, and she’s had a lot of shit to deal with, shit she’s still dealing with.

  Mal gives me a wink as we make our way through the front door. The street doesn’t look too full, they probably have valet. I didn’t realize on the way here that this was Paisley’s house, oh joy.

  When you have a big party and you want to avoid certain people, usually it’s not that difficult to do. I’ll just stay out of her way and hopefully she’ll stay out of mine. Tate and I talked about if we should even go the other night, and we both decided definitely yes, and if it gets too bad, we’ll just leave.

  When the big party starts to die down, other parties pop up everywhere, and we can just hit one of those.

  Everyone is eyeballing us as we walk in. We see jealousy from both the guys and the girls. If Mal is straight, he’d be a lucky son of a bitch with us both on his arm. That’s probably why he’s walking taller with his head held high, the fucker knows this.

  “Ladies,” Mal says as he finds us a comfy little loveseat in the corner, not far from the living room, it looks to be by the dining room. “I’m the only one who gets your drinks tonight unless you physically get them yourselves.”

  We both mask our giggles with smiles. We know this, I think, this isn’t our first party. Unfortunately, this spans to us and every detail of our life. Especially in public, anybody could try to knock us off at any second.

  A girl screams and we snap our heads in that direction. She starts laughing as she’s running from the guy chasing her. It looks like the dude took her shirt off over her head. I want to say unfortunately for her she’s not wearing a bra, but I’m sure that was planned, her boobs are flying and flopping everywhere. Some people notice, but don’t give it a second thought.

  Maybe this is the one girl in the school that does everybody. This is my first year here, so I have no clue. Tate is in the same freaking boat, we are both transplants. Now, Mal will make three.

  We dance, we drink, and we have a fucking blast. Several times a couple guys try to come up to us, but Mal gets rid of everybody. Tate and I couldn’t be happier. This is one of the best nights, probably the best that we’ve had together. A big part of it is Mal, the other part is we’re teenagers not fucking caring and worrying about all the shit in our liv
es anymore. Whatever’s going to happen is gonna happen, it’s just how you deal with it from now on. And we’re excited to do it in our own special way, which is working wonderfully for us.

  After my third manhattan, I’m a sweaty mess from dancing and I really need to pee. I’m not even sure what’s in a manhattan, Hell, I’m not even sure if Mal made them for us, he did give them to us. Either way they’re fucking divine. I just love these so much, I just love everybody so much. I feel like I’m gonna start crying.

  Yep, I’m drunk.

  Paisley still hasn’t noticed that we’re here yet. Earlier when we were sitting on the loveseat she was around the corner in the kitchen, and I heard her talking with Palmer and some other chick about the bathrooms and the line for them. There is one always open on the third floor, but that’s her parents’ area, so stay away, blah blah blah.

  Me personally I would’ve locked that shit up. People are gonna start wandering even though they’re all rich, but that makes everything more exciting.

  I look at the lines on the first floor, and there’s at least ten girls waiting to get in the bathroom. If I was a dude I would just go outside and pee like the rest of them are, lucky bastards.

  The first and second floors are packed with students and it looks like some college kids. It takes me a while to find the stairway to the third floor, it’s down at the end of a long dark hall, which makes sense why nobody’s over in this area.

  I can see why her parents like this house, they have almost the whole third floor to themselves, like one huge bedroom. There’s a bathroom suite over to the right and on the left there are two huge walk-in closets. Let’s not even get started on the vanity area, plus there’s a little reading nook in the corner.

  I could almost cry in relief when I finish and start to pull up my pants. I wash my hands quickly. I would like to get back to the party with Tate and Mal. They were having so much fun and I didn’t want to distract them to drag their asses up with me to pee. Mal is pretty much one of us now. I’m enjoying my quiet time, those two are by far more shit faced than I am.


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