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Fox Page 4

by Tory Baker

  I’m rinsing fruit off in the sink, preparing to make a fruit salad of sorts with grapes and strawberries. I figure that eggs and toast will help her with any lingering effects of a hangover. What stops me is her hunched shoulders. She looks defeated. That’s not the way I left Melanie. She was fuck drunk, high on life, and happy. I turn the water off and listen in on her conversation.

  “Why are you even calling me? Shouldn’t you be talking to Gene or, I don’t know, have your attorney call mine? Especially after contesting my father’s will.” Melanie is pacing back and forth. I continue with my task, but my eyes and ears are on her.

  “Well, too fucking bad, Agatha. You’re not my mother. You’ve never been. Dad gave you money to leave. Yet the minute he dies, here you come, slithering like a snake. First at his funeral, then contesting his will because he left you out. Why would he ever include you? Especially when you willingly gave up custody for a sum of one hundred thousand dollars. Do yourself a favor, lose my number and don’t call me, or I’ll get a restraining order next.” After she hangs up the phone, she face-plants into the couch and lets out a scream. I’m wondering if she’s even aware where she is, not that it matters. Clearly, something is going on behind the scenes that she hasn’t let on.

  “Now I have to call Gene and let him know about Aggie the Naggie, and after I just had the best orgasm of my entire life,” she’s grumbling into the couch, but I can hear her plain as day. I’m not interrupting her vent session, oh hell no. My mom didn’t raise a fool. Sometimes women need to get out, yell, kick, punch, scream, go for a walk, or drive. There were times my mom did all of the above when it came to Chance and me.

  I’m buttering the toast when Melanie pops her head up. “How much did you hear of that?”

  “The phone call or…?” I leave off the part about the best orgasm of her life, though my smile probably gives it all away.

  “That’s what I thought. All of it. I’m sorry. Ugh. I feel like that’s all I’ve been saying, and I know you told me I’d never have to say those words to you, at least I think you said that?”

  “No need to apologize. I’m not, and yeah, sunshine, those are words I spoke, and I mean them. You wanna talk about it?”

  “As much as I’d love to, and I will, but I have to call Gene, my second dad, well, basically, and let him know what the womb donor is up to now. How much longer until breakfast is ready? I’ll be quick, promise,” she rattles off.

  “Take your time. I can keep things warm and you know I’ll be keeping you to that promise. Now, go take care of your call so you can come back to me.” I made my way over to her while she was talking, not wanting to be too far away in case she needed my arms wrapped around her.

  “And to think your mouth made me want to run away from you when we first met. Now, all I want to do is run to you.” Melanie lifts her head fully off the couch, and I squat down, my lips pecking hers before saying, “They’re open for you. It gutted me to see you torn up about a man. I knew I wouldn’t be able to compete with it if you were still mourning a lover, but sunshine, I’m here. Whenever or wherever, you get me?”

  “I get you.” Melanie’s lips meet mine. It’s not a light kiss either, she takes initiative, and I let her, that is until her tongue meets mine, then my hand delves behind her neck and I take over until we’re both breathless and I realize if I don’t let her do what she needs to, I’ll be burning breakfast.

  That doesn’t mean I don’t watch her sexy ass walk out onto the back deck, another thing that needs to be made a priority with Melanie insinuating she’ll be here more, like I’ve wanted since the moment I got my first look at her. It’s going to be one hell of a ride with the two of us, but boy, will it be worth it.



  Gene was fit to be tied, in fact, he went ahead and got the ball rolling after our last conversation. Starting with contacting her lawyer, pulling the plug on this ridiculousness of her contesting the will. I told Gene to do whatever he needed. Even though my father never wanted anything leaked about how she chose money over visitation, I was done. If he were alive right now, he’d be done too. He’d let it leak that the once beautiful background dancer to so many famous bands is evil to her core.

  She can’t hurt me anymore. I’m no longer that young child or teenager. I’m twenty-five, and I’m no longer allowing her to hurt me in any shape or form. Which is why I’m off the phone with Gene after talking to him about much better things, like Fox and finally somewhat healing even if last night wasn’t really showing that. He told me that sometimes a person is put in your life when you least expect it, and I should go with the flow.

  That’s why I’m blocking her number and everything on social media, even though I haven’t logged on to any of that since I’ve been here. I still don’t want her to have any access to me. Once that’s done, I make my way inside and give Fox the story I was hoping to avoid, but something tells me this former Navy Seal wouldn’t let that slide, so it’s time to put my cards on the table.

  “You get everything handled?” He’s still shirtless, hair rumpled from my hands, and at the stove.

  “Definitely. Gene is going to get the ball rolling. It might mean I’ll be in the spotlight on the news. If you want to disassociate from me for a while, I’ll fully understand.” I may be saying I’ll deal with it, but honestly, I’d probably sink down into a depression, deeper this time because Fox is slowly becoming my person. You know, that person who holds you without knowing you need to be held without telling them. He’s that person. The small touches and the look of happiness I see etched on his face when he gives me those soft looks. Yep, I’m gone for the silver-tongued devil I wasn’t looking for.

  “Come here, sunshine,” he demands, a spatula in his hand, but he doesn’t look happy, that’s for sure.

  “I know it’s a lot.” I’m wringing my hands as I make my way over to him. I watch as he places the spatula on the counter, moves the frying pan to the back burner, then turns the stove off. All while I’m shuffling my feet, afraid of what his answer may be.

  “Fox.” His hands reach for my hips as soon as I’m in touching distance.

  “I’m not going anywhere. This thing between you and me, it’s building, strong and steady. No amount of wind is going to blow me away, you hear me?” That’s all he has to say. Fox dips his head, lips meeting mine, grazing them lightly, before he pulls away and says, “Now, let’s get you something to eat. I want to spend time with you before practice tonight, plus you have a few things to tell me. I’ll be here until you don’t want me here anymore. Even then, I probably still wouldn’t let you push me away.” I wrap my arms around his neck, standing on the tips of my toes, giving him what I’m sure is the biggest smile I’ve ever had on my face when I say, “Thank you. I know I have a lot to explain, and I’ll do that while we eat breakfast, then I’m yours for the day. And I’m sure when you’re practicing, I’ll be drooling over this sexy-as-sin guy who also happens to be my neighbor, more than actually watching him practice.”

  “Fuck yes, you will. Then I’m bringing you home, wining and dining you, maybe a little—” I cover his mouth with my hand.

  “Don’t ruin it Fox.” I shake my head. He licks the palm of my hand before nipping it with his teeth, causing my center to become slick with need.

  I slowly take my hand away. “Come on, you can tell me the details. I’ll even keep my mouth to myself, for now.” Fox takes my hand and sits me on the couch that’s facing the ocean, then heads back to the kitchen, where he plates our food and grabs two mugs of coffee, not even bothering to ask how I take it but somehow nailing it with more cream and less sugar. When he sits down next to me, while shoveling food into my mouth, taking long sips of coffee in between, I open up about everything—how my father demanded custody when she walked out and didn’t so much as say goodbye until she was fired from multiple venues and needed money but also wanted to come back into my life. My dad allowed it, begrudgingly, but when I came home as a t
oddler with a bruise on my upper arm, hand marks clearly showing, and filthy, he called Gene, and they put their plan in action, paperwork stating she’d stay out of our lives forever, which she has until my dad passed away. She walked away with one hundred thousand dollars. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought my dad was worth so much when this story came to life. We lived humbly, even if our house seemed grand. Dad always said to live within our means, and that’s what we both did.

  After I spill my heart out to Fox, he brings me into his lap and hugs me to him, long and hard. No words are spoken. Nothing needs to be said. Being held like this, knowing he’s not leaving, it’s all I need or want.



  We didn’t do much today. Even when Mel came back from getting ready for the day, she put on her bathing suit but put a pair of denim shorts and tank top over it. I put my baseball hat on her head instead of the one she bought yesterday. We hung out around the house, relaxed, talking the day away. Melanie isn’t sure if she’ll go back to California. The memories and the way her mother has made it near impossible to feel safe there has ruined it for her. She asked what I thought she should do next. I didn’t have an answer for her. I did kiss her like my very last breath depended on it when she told me she’d extended her rental for the next few months. Though she wouldn’t need it if I had my way. I didn’t say it though.

  Now we’re on our way to my practice. It’s only a few houses down from ours. Public volleyball is a huge thing here, and we’re always happy to donate our time to give our thanks too. Not to mention a portion of the proceeds from the tournaments are donated right back to Kelson Beach.

  We’re a good group of guys. Most of us are local or have served in one form or another—active, veteran, or medically discharged. None of us care, and we all give each other shit about the branches of the military we served. I know these guys. They’ll think without their heads attached to their shoulders. So, I already knew that as soon as we got here, I’d be laying down the law.

  “You sure it’s okay for me to watch? I don’t want to distract you.” My hand is enveloping hers. I slowly release it, wanting to bring her closer to my body, not just because of the other guys but because her presence is soothing me too.

  My hand moves to her hip, pulling her in. My fingers tip her chin up, and I say, “You’re not going to distract me. I want your eyes on me. Like feeling you around me. I need it, like you need me.” My lips meet hers, lightly kissing her at first before deepening it, that yearning to dominate Melanie.

  “Fox,” she moans into my mouth. I swallow it down, not wanting anyone to hear those noises she makes for me. They’re mine, and I don’t want to share them with anyone.

  “Hold that thought. The second I get you home tonight, I want to hear that over and over again.” I nip her bottom lip, seeing that we’ve been making out like two teenagers and the boys are making catcalls and telling us to get a room.

  “I think your boys want you,” Melanie comments as she pulls back, a chuckle escaping.

  “Yeah, Sloane will be here, but if Jax makes an appearance, I’m warning you now, she’ll be out for blood when it comes to him. Those two are like fire and ice. Neither of them can see what’s right in front of them.” I reach behind my head, pulling my shirt over my head, my eyes never leaving hers.

  “God, Fox, you’re not making this easy on me.” She bites her bottom lip, lips that look bee stung from our kiss.

  “Sunshine, I’m playing for keeps. Now, go sit your ass over there and watch your man, not any of these other hoodlums.” She rolls her eyes and turns around, giving me that delicious view of her ass, and I can’t stop my hand once it moves. I smack her ass, my hand not leaving once it does, palming it. Melanie throws her head over her shoulder. “What was that for?”

  “Making sure these dumbasses know you’re mine,” I grunt.

  “Pretty sure they saw our kiss. Let’s just not pee in a circle around me next, okay?” she smarts off. I shake my head and walk towards the guys. They’re all standing around, shirts off like myself, fucking around and working on a few stretches, and now I’m second-guessing bringing Melanie here. There’s entirely too much skin, and these idiots will definitely make a fool of themselves.

  “About time you made it,” Jax says, and I already know I’m fucked. Sloane said she’d be here to take a few pictures to help promote the tournament this weekend and to post it on our social media pages. My only hope is that he’ll stay the fuck away from her.

  “I was busy. By the looks of it, I’m not the only one that was. Do me a favor, leave Sloane alone. I can’t afford to lose my only employee at the shop because you don’t know how to shut up.”

  “As if she doesn’t start that shit half the time, but I’m staying away, far fucking away.” We go through the rest of our stretches before starting a scrimmage within our own team. My mind isn’t solely on it though. I end up in the sand more than normal, and our side has to work hard to get back in the game. Getting our asses handed to us isn’t something I really want to deal with, especially with Jax on the opposing side. I’m sure he’ll never shut his mouth up about it. No wonder Sloane gets so pissy when it comes to him.

  We wrap the game up on a tie, all of us smiling, shaking hands, and then we go our separate ways. My feet eat up the distance until I’m standing in front of Melanie. She’s sitting on the bleachers. We’re eye to eye. Her cheeks are red, and it’s not from the setting sun.

  “Fox.” She licks her lips. Her gaze moves to my body, which is slick with sweat, covered in sand, my shirt hanging loosely in my hand.

  “Ready to get home?” My voice is deep in its tone.

  “Yes, please.” I hold my hand out. She takes it, and then we’re on our way back home. Where I’m finally going to have Melanie laid out in my bed, where she’s meant to be.



  When I was watching Fox play, his body… damn. That man, he literally had me fanning myself at one point, and I’m pretty sure he saw it happen too. That’s why when he came up to me after their practice was over, sweaty, sandy, hair looking like my hands were the ones to muss it up, I was all too willing to get out of here, and fast.

  Fox’s stride is longer than mine. That doesn’t stop me from attempting to keep up. I get tripped up at one point, which is when he hoists me up in his arms.

  “Hop on. We’ll get there faster.” Fox changes his stance, indicating he wants me to get on his back.

  “I can walk, if you’d just slow down half a step,” I bluster.

  “This will be faster. And, sunshine, the faster we get home, the fucking better.” I see the desire written on his face, the thickening of his length when he turns to face me.

  “Oh, alright, but if you hurt your back, don’t you dare blame it on me.” Fox turns back around while grumbling, “Crazy-ass woman, as if I can’t handle her.” I launch myself onto his back. He’s as steady as an ox.

  “I am not crazy.” My arms are around his neck, my center rubbing on his lower back, which is not helping my heightened state of need.

  “Nah, you just say crazy shit. I’d never let you go. You know that, right?” Fox is moving so fast it’s like he’s in a jog.

  “Well, yeah, it doesn’t mean this won’t hurt your knee though, and that’s what I worry about most.”

  “Love that, sunshine. I’m good though. Running every day and playing volleyball helps.” He’s not even out of breath when we finally make it to his back deck. I slowly unwrap my legs from his waist.

  “Fine, it’s not like I’d ever win this battle against you, but I might be able to one-up you. Race you to the shower,” I say, then I’m the one running to the sliding glass door, slinging it open, and running through the house. I know Fox is right on my heels, so I’m stripping as I go, playing dirty because there’s one thing he’s told me—he loves my body any way he can have it, but naked is his preferred form, and he hasn’t seen me completely bare yet.

; “Christ, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” I’ve barely made it into the bathroom when his arms wrap around me. He’s as naked as I am. Fox’s cock is wedged between the globes of my ass, his hands moving up to cup my breasts.

  “Not me, but seriously, you are not getting me off again. It’s my turn.” I pull out of his hold, turning around reluctantly because there is nothing better in this world than feeling his flesh against mine.

  “I didn’t give you that so you could pay me back, sunshine. I wanted to do that, for not only you, but for me too.” He reaches around me, one hand gripping my hip, the other turning the faucet on.

  “I know that, but I want to do this for you.” My hand fists around his hard cock. The tips of my fingers don’t even meet around his girth, and I already know fitting his length in my mouth will definitely be a task.

  “Sunshine,” he rasps, liking the way I’m stroking his cock. “Come on, let’s get in the shower,” I tell him, my hand abandoning him, swaying my hips in an exaggerated motion.

  “Just you wait,” Fox mumbles, stepping in behind me.

  “Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.” I turn my back to him, tipping my head up, allowing the water to run down my body, trying to entice Fox to really go after what he wants. Though, I have something up my sleeve, and when his hands wrap around my waist, I evade him and sink to my knees instead.


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