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Offside Page 30

by Bianca Sommerland

  “When you what, Silver?” Landon swallowed when Silver shook her head and turned away from him. His ex, the mother of his first child, had given up too. And she’d done it in a way that would haunt him for the rest of his life. “You don’t believe the doctor, do you? You’re sure you’re going to die.”

  “If the medication doesn’t work—” Silver cut herself off, her tone hardening. “You need to be prepared. Amia needs you.”

  “Amia needs you! You won’t let her get close to you, mon amour!”

  “I can’t! I know how much it will hurt her when I’m gone if I do!”

  Dean made a rough sound, speaking over them both. “Silver, you listen to me right now. You are going to get through this. If—and that’s a big if—the medication doesn’t work, you have one of the best doctors in the country to perform the surgery. Doctor Singh made it very clear that most patients live perfectly normal lives after the procedure.”

  “Most of those patients weren’t fucking cokeheads! The damage I did to my body . . .” Silver’s cries were muffled against Dean’s chest as he pulled her close. “I didn’t know. I wasn’t thinking of the future when I did it. I’m so sorry. I know Amia needs a mother, but she has both of you. And maybe after, you can find a good woman—”

  “Stop it! Fuck, are you listening to yourself?” Landon’s voice broke. He shoved out of the rocking chair so quickly it slammed into the wall. “Are you ready to leave us? Ready to fucking give up?”

  “I’m not giving up. I’m being realistic.” Silver’s tone became distant. She drew away from Dean. Rose without looking at either of them. “And I’m tired. The doctor said I should rest when I get tired. I’m going to bed.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Dean said.

  “No. Stay with Landon. I need to be alone.”

  Landon slumped against the wall as Silver’s footsteps sounded on the stairs. He sensed Dean moving close to him. His whole body started shaking as Dean’s arms came around him, one hand on the back of Landon’s head, one arm around his back.

  “I’ll make her see someone, Landon,” Dean said, his tone rough. “This won’t be easy, but we’ll pull through it together.”

  “You can’t make her fight to live, Dean.” Landon’s fists bunched in the back of Dean’s shirt. “And if she doesn’t fight, that seventy percent chance she has of pulling through this doesn’t mean anything.”

  “You watch me.” Dean curved his hand around the back of Landon’s neck and pressed their foreheads together. “I’ll make her fight. And damn it, I’ll make you fight too. The only time you’re happy is when you’re holding Amia. Which is good, but you need to keep living. You skipped your last PT.”

  “My leg doesn’t hurt as much anymore.”

  “Which is exactly why you need to work on strengthening it. The doctor said you could get back to the game mid-season if you—”

  “Fuck the game.”


  “No. Dean, I’m serious. Right now, Amia has me and you. But when the season starts, all she’ll have is me. If Silver gets better, things might change. But she’s right about one thing. There’s a big chance she won’t.” Landon pressed his eyes shut. “And if she doesn’t, I’m not leaving my daughter alone.”

  “Amia has your parents. Mine.” Dean shook Landon. “She’ll never be alone; I promise you that.”

  “You’re right.” Landon pulled away from Dean, his eyes hard and cold. “Because she’ll have me. You and the team better get used to that.”

  * * * *

  Becky swallowed and backed into the kitchen, not even sure what she would have said if her brother had noticed her standing there. Everything he’d said—he was right. A child needed to know there was one person in their life who put them before all else. As much as Dean loved Amia, he also had his own daughter and the team to look out for. Silver’s fear had swallowed her whole. Extended family was great, but it couldn’t replace the absolute love and devotion a child needed from at least one parent.

  Just seeing the longing in Casey’s eyes when she watched Landon with Amia made it all too clear that Casey knew she was missing out on something. Her father would never be what she really needed. Maybe Becky could find another man—a man like . . . like Zach—who could fill that place in her life. Zach would make an amazing father. But could he do what Landon was doing? More importantly, could he decide that nothing mattered more than a child who wasn’t even his?

  It was too soon, much too soon, to know for sure. But they’d already exchanged those loaded three words that meant they had some kind of future together. Or hoped to have it anyway. Becky hadn’t planned to go there, but now that she had, she needed to know she was right. That Zach could be that man.

  But if he wasn’t . . . she wasn’t sure she could shift things between them into something casual. If he wasn’t, maybe she’d do what she had before. Go to clubs to take the edge off. Not let anyone get too close. Not let them into her life.

  Because her daughter was her life. And either she meant just as much to whomever she let in, or she wouldn’t let them in at all.

  There was no middle ground. She heard her phone buzz and went to fetch it from her purse.

  Zach. He was waiting for her. Wondering if she’d followed his instructions.

  She had—for the most part. She’d used the Ben Wa balls, hadn’t gotten herself off once. But she hadn’t put them in today. This morning her daughter had been all about coming to Dean’s house to see the baby. She soaked in the attention from Dean and Landon like a desert plant soaks in the rain. Ever since she’d come back from visiting her father, she couldn’t seem to get enough of being the main focus. Becky would have thought she was jealous of the baby, but her eyes lit up every time Amia was around.

  Casey didn’t want to take anything away from Amia. She wanted to be part of Amia’s whole world. A world that was full of love, of devotion.

  Becky would do everything in her power to make Casey feel like she could have that, all on her own. Landon and Dean were Amia’s sun and stars and entire universe. If all Casey had to herself was Becky, then Becky would shine just as brightly as both combined. Having another star would be wonderful for her daughter, but Becky wouldn’t put too much into hoping for it.

  Because the man who should be that star for her daughter wasn’t. And asking any man to take that place might be too much.

  Damn it, I hope I’m wrong. She didn’t pray often, but she did now. God, prove me wrong.

  She heard Casey’s laughter outside as she finished with the kitchen and tipped her head back to repeat her prayer with an added, “Please.”

  * * * *

  There was nothing more beautiful in the world than the sight of Becky coming toward him at that very moment. Her simple pale blue summer dress clung to her thighs as a light breeze moved over her with each step she took. The midday sun brought out the red highlights in her hair which flowed over her shoulders like liquid mahogany with a glorious polished sheen. And her bright eyes, her smile, told him everything he needed to know.

  She’d missed him very, very much. Maybe even as much as he’d missed her.

  Zach left the luggage with Scott, laughing at Becky’s little smirk as she met him halfway across the pier. She’d obviously taken one look at Scott—with his Lacoste aviator sunglasses and bedraggled hair—and figured out that he was hungover.

  “Be nice.” Zach trapped her chin in his hand, bringing his lips close to hers. “He had a rough night.”

  “I can see that.” But at that moment, she seemed to have eyes for only him. “Casey’s spending the night at Dean’s place. She loves his mother.”

  “So I have you all to myself?” He kissed her gently, enjoying the soft press of her lips, the way her breath caught as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Her cheeks were flushed and she seemed to be having trouble holding still. He drew her tight against his body, whispering in her ear. “You did as I said.”

  She glanced around as thoug
h she was sure all the men disembarking the ship could hear him. And know exactly what he was talking about. She inhaled deeply. Let the air out slowly. “I did. It was hard to . . . to keep them inside.”

  “That’s because you’re so fucking wet.” He kissed her throat, grinning at her little shudder. “Would you be more comfortable at your place or mine?”

  “You’re worried about my comfort now?” She groaned as he kissed down to her collarbone. “Zach, everyone’s watching!”

  “Is that a problem for you, pet?” He lifted his head to kiss her lips again, then tucked her against his side. “You haven’t answered my question. We can go somewhere for lunch first if you—”

  “Oh, hell no!” Becky poked him in the side. “You’ve tortured me for days. Take me home. Your place. Before I decide I have plenty of space in my backyard to bury your body.”

  Zach clucked his tongue. “Poking and threatening your Dom is considered rather unwise.”

  “Ha! Keep it up, and I’ll show you how unwise teasing me is!” She yelped when he pinched her butt. “Zach!”

  “Yes, my dear?” God, he loved seeing her all fired up. The “my dear” had her grey eyes flashing like lightning zipping through thick rainclouds. He kissed her before she could say anything else and get herself in trouble. “I’m in a forgiving mood because I’m very happy to see you.” He brought his lips to her ear, lowering his tone to let her know he would only let her go so far. “Be my good girl and don’t make me punish you.”

  The lightning faded, leaving her eyes sparkling with mischief. “What if I want you to punish me?”

  His lips curved into a slow smile. “Then continue.”

  Uncertainty crossed her face like a passing shadow. Then she rose up on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “I’ll take a punishment if it means we’ll get out of here faster. My panties are soaked. You’ve been on my mind every second of every day since you left. No matter how much I wanted to come, I don’t think I could have after what you said you’d do to me. My own touch wouldn’t have been enough. I need you.”

  No sweeter words had ever been spoken. He ran his hands through her hair, tugging lightly until her gaze met his, pressing his hard length against her soft belly so she could feel the effect she was having on him. “We’ll get going since you asked so nicely.”

  Her throat worked as she swallowed. She bit her bottom lip, and the shift in her gaze from challenge to surrender squeezed his heart and his hardened cock. They’d come to a good place together, a place where they could have a bit of fun, not take the lifestyle so seriously all the time. But could delve in deep when they needed to.

  “Go wait at the car while I grab my bags and let the boys know they won’t see me again until training camp,” he said, more than a little relieved to see she didn’t take his command the wrong way, simply nodded quickly and hurried off to the car. He’d be fine keeping her with him from this point on—though that would be rather unpractical—but she wasn’t an exhibitionist. And even though no one knew about the Ben Wa balls held tight inside her dripping wet pussy, she would still feel like she was on display. Which would shift her arousal to discomfort rather quickly if he wasn’t careful.

  Scott was still with the bags—actually, he’d spread them out to make a bed right on the pier. The media was gone, which was good since Scott seemed to have given up on appearances. The remaining players and the Ice Girls walked around him without so much as a second glance. Most had seen Scott being drunk and stupid.

  None of them knew why he was like this. Zach didn’t either, but after last night he knew there was a very serious reason. He’d made some strides in finding out though, and he wasn’t willing to give that up.

  Zach shook his head and nudged Scott with his foot.

  Scott squinted over the top of his sunglasses. “Hey. You leaving?”

  “Yes.” Zach held out his hand and helped Scott to his feet. “How you getting home?”

  Twisting his lips, Scott looked over to where the crowd was converging around the parking lot. “Not driving. I’ll catch a ride with Ramos and Carter.”

  Bad idea. With both Scott and Carter hungover, one of them was bound to say the wrong thing. Zach waited for Scott to grab his bags, then nodded in the direction Becky had gone, toward the far end of the lot. “Come on. I’ll give you a lift.”

  Once they got to the car, Zach handed his bags to Scott to put in the trunk and went to speak to Becky. He didn’t think she’d mind a short detour, but he’d show her the respect of giving her a heads up. “Scott’s in no condition to drive. I’m going to drop him off before we go to my place, okay?”

  “You don’t have to.” Becky relaxed back into the front passenger seat, squeezing her eyes shut and her thighs together. “I won’t object if you decide to bring him along. Right now, I don’t think I can object to anything.”

  He caught Scott stumble at her words from the corner of his eye. Scott wouldn’t object either. But damn it, he didn’t want to share. Not tonight. “Maybe some other time.”

  Becky opened her eyes. Gave him a curious look. Then shrugged. “It’s up to you, Sir.”

  His brow rose at her blasé tone. “You’re right. Perhaps I should take some time to consider . . .”

  “No! Please, Sir. I can’t . . .” Becky squirmed in her seat, her eyes pleading as he slid in behind the wheel. “Let’s drop him off. Or leave him here. Whatever you think is best.”

  Zach put his hand on her knee, grinning when she moaned. “Much better, pet.”

  Scott dropped hard into the backseat, shaking his head. “Lucky bastard.”

  The man had no clue. Someday, he might get one, but not tonight. Every inch of Zach’s flesh craved the woman at his side. And every thought in his mind was focused on a single word.


  * * * *

  The engine of the muscle car roared, sending vibrations right through Becky and bringing her close to the edge every time Zach pressed on the gas pedal. His entire focus was on the road, but she spotted Scott watching her through rearview mirror. The heat in his eyes was almost her undoing. She wasn’t sure whether or not she liked that Zach wasn’t letting Scott come along to play with her. Fighting her own pleasure for so long had finally put her mind in a hazy place where everything that happened around her was arousing. Not just the vibrations of the car but Zach’s laugh at a comment Scott made about a driver that cut them off. The brush of wind coming from her open window which made her nipples grow tight and hard. Even the material of the seat, the texture so rough under her bare thighs, seemed determined to torture her.

  She shifted in her seat, whimpering as the engine got louder, the sound reverberating right into the small, sleek glass balls in her core. The bigger, weighted plastic balls she’d tried at first had filled her up more, but didn’t engage her inner muscles as much as the glass ones. And they wouldn’t have left much room for what Zach had planned.

  Her cheeks heated at the thought. She clasped her hands in her lap, trying very, very hard to stop wiggling as moisture pooled down low. Then tensed as a bump whipped pleasure deep inside her.

  Scott hissed in a breath, dropping his head back on to the back of his seat as Zach pulled over. He made a not-so-subtle effort to adjust himself in his shorts. “Jesus, Zach. I should have walked.”

  “I disagree.” Zach parked the car, then got out. He helped Scott bring his bags to the sidewalk. “I was generous last night, but that changes nothing.”

  Generous? Becky bit the inside of her cheek. She wouldn’t assume anything. Not yet.

  “I didn’t expect it to.” Scott latched on to the handle of his bag. Becky turned in her seat to watch him glare at Zach. Something passed between the men that she couldn’t quite get a read on. “A little leniency for good behavior.”

  “First of all, getting fucking drunk and hitting on one of your best friends isn’t good behavior.” Zach grabbed Scott’s shoulder, stopping him before he could storm off. “Second, you know there wa
s more to it. I meant what I said.”

  Their exchange cooled Becky’s blood and cleared her mind. She finally had her answer.

  She’d needed to know if Zach could put her and Casey first. She knew he would try, but whatever was between him and Scott couldn’t be dismissed. It wasn’t a passing thing, an itch he needed to scratch once in a while. She truly believed she could have handled them together if that’s all it was.

  But it was so much more. Too much.

  She knew what she should do, but when Zach came back to the car, she couldn’t make herself say the words. One look from him and all that mattered was the passion in his eyes and the way he made her feel. She’d pretended Scott didn’t matter for this long.

  One more night. One more night and she’d do what she knew was right for both of them.

  “Are you okay?” Zach asked, taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles. “Maybe we should talk about the cruise before—”

  “No. What happened on the cruise isn’t important.” She brought his hand to her cheek and smiled at him. Lying to him hurt, but the truth would ruin the last bit of time they had together. And anyway, what he’d done wasn’t important. She didn’t want to hear about it. She wanted the last bit of time they had together to be about the two of them. “To be honest, I’m not sure I’d remember anything you tell me by tomorrow. You’ve had me waiting so long that . . .”

  He didn’t make her finish the sentence. “I understand. Tomorrow there are things I need to tell you. But you’re right. I’ve kept you waiting long enough. And there’s nothing I want more than to have you all to myself.”

  “You have me, Sir,” Becky said softly.

  For one more night.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The humidity in the condo after a week without the air conditioning and the sun glaring through the huge windows was almost unbearable. Dust sparkled in the still air, and the faint scent of lemon lingered from the floor polish. Zach threw a few windows open while Becky waited for him in the gym. In his bedroom, he went to his closet for his toy bag and some supplies, pausing to admire the chrome-like gleam of the chains he’d added to his collection just last week. Something about the weight of them, the noise they made when a sub struggled against their cold, impersonal grip on leather restraints, appealed to him more that the pliant caress of ropes. Not to mention how quickly they could be adjusted to manipulate a body into the perfect position.


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