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Offside Page 43

by Bianca Sommerland

  “She doesn’t seem like a tomboy.”

  “She’s not . . . really. She loves dressing up, but only one or two other little girls are interested in hockey. Casey takes offense to anyone not knowing who ‘Landon Bower’ is.” A soft smile on her lips, Becky glanced over to a large photo of her brother and Casey on the mantle. Bower was in uniform and Casey was about three, sitting on his knee and beaming for the camera. “He’s her hero. And all the most important men in her life have been part of the game. Her father hates it, but . . . sometimes I wonder if that doesn’t make her love it more. They aren’t close.”

  “He’s an idiot.” Scott paused, then cleared his throat. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. It was one thing for Becky to say things about her kid’s father. It was different for him to do it. “I mean—”

  “It’s all right.” She put her hand on his arm. His heart stuttered as she peered up at him, something vulnerable in her eyes. “As long as you don’t say that in front of her . . . it’s just . . . sometimes I wonder why he can’t be a better father to her. She deserves so much more.”

  “So do you.” That didn’t make any sense. He swallowed as she shifted closer to him. Fuck, her soft warmth felt damn good against his hard chest. Cool it, Demyan. “I mean, you deserved better from the man you married.”

  “I knew what you meant.” She met his eyes. Pressed her hand to his cheek. Her hot gaze was a lick of flames straight from the center of his chest to the tip of his dick. “Scott . . . I won’t have what I have with Zach with you. But I can’t take control and—”

  So not a problem. He slammed his lips to hers, groaning against her lips, lifting her up against the wall. She tore at his shirt even as he lifted hers over her head. Both ended up tangled together on the floor. He hissed in a breath as he kissed her throat, and her nails dug into his shoulders. He had her pants undone. Bent to pull them off. Straightened, claiming her lips as she worked on his belt.

  His dick pulsed pure heat as her fingers wrapped around it. Raw lust clawed at him as he brought her up again. Her hand left him and her arms wrapped around his neck. He held her hips with one arm as he grinded against her.

  “Condom.” She gasped, shoving at him with one hand, holding him against her with her arm looped around the back of his neck. “My purse.”

  When did he ever forget a condom? Hell, thankfully she had some, because he hadn’t even put one in his wallet. He put her down and tripped over their clothes, halfway across the room before he realized he had no idea where her purse was. And to top it off, there was no way he was going through a woman’s purse.

  Becky found her purse before he had to worry about invading her privacy. She dropped to her knees in front of him, then rolled on the condom. When her lips slid over him, he buried his hands in her hair. Not moving. Hardly breathing. This was Becky. His Becky.

  All the times he’d come on to her, all the times he’d pushed for some cheap, torrid affair between them—fuck, he’s was glad she’d shot him down each and every time. Because it wouldn’t have been like this. The way she gazed up at him as she took him in deep brought more than unbelievable pleasure. It pierced his heart, injecting his love for her straight into his blood until he could feel it flowing through his veins, thick and pure. That love had been there from the first time he’d laid eyes on her, but he’d been too messed up to see it for what it was. And he’d almost ruined it.

  Being with a woman almost always came with the risk of him seeing . . . someone else. No matter what they did, flashes of the past would sear the inside of his skull, burning straight into his brain if he didn’t numb it with about a dozen shots first. But he was sober now. Sober and all he saw, all he felt, was Becky.

  The second he closed his eyes, the second he gave into the pleasure—he couldn’t see her. All he could feel was lips around his cock. The sensation was too clear. He forced his eyes open, gulping against the strained sound coming from his throat. Becky. He pulled her to her feet, staring at her as he lifted her up against the wall. He held her gaze as he slid into her body.

  She gasped, her legs wrapped around his waist, pressing her eyes shut as she took him in deeper.

  “Look at me, Becky.” He kissed her, thrusting in, whispering against her parted lips as her eyes met his, “Becky. Becky.”

  Her fingers dug into the back of his neck. She bit his bottom lip hard, panting, never looking away from him. “That’s right. Becky. I’ve got you, Scott. Ah! God! I’ve got you!” She whimpered as he hammered into her, dragging her nails across his shoulders. “Ah!”

  She undulated around him, screaming, gasping into his mouth. He tried to hold back a little longer, but she clenched down hard and pleasure erupted, numbing his brain, so fierce and abrupt his mind never had a chance to go anywhere else. He leaned into her, fighting to hold her up as a merciless, fiery fist gripped the base of his spine, blazing up and around his cock, spreading along his muscles until the effort to stand had him shaking.

  Their bodies were both slick with sweat as he gently pulled out and set her on her feet. He removed the condom and went to the kitchen to toss it in the trash. When he got back to the living room, she was gathering all their clothes. He watched her for a beat before laughing and sweeping her up into his arms. He managed to grab her purse before he headed up the stairs.

  And he was halfway up before she made a shocked sound of protest.

  “Hush, babe.” He strode up the last few steps, then kissed her until she didn’t seem like she much wanted to talk anymore. “We’re not done yet. Not even close.”

  * * * *

  The sweetest, softest kisses eased her awake, making her smile sleepily and let out a contented sigh as the scent of coffee greeted her. She laughed as weight pinned her legs and scruffy cheeks rubbed between her breasts.

  “Scott.” She tipped her head back as he drew a nipple into his mouth. “Mmm . . .” Feels so good . . . why do I have to stop him again? She slit her eyes open and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 10:15 a.m. She nudged Scott’s shoulder, quickly sitting up. “I slept in. Damn it! I’ve got to get everything ready!”

  Scott made a face, looked like he might protest for a minute, then nodded, handing her one of the cups of coffee he’d left by the clock. “Drink your coffee first. What time is everyone supposed to be here?”

  “My brother and a few other people are coming early for last-minute things. Ten thirty? Eleven?” She groaned as the doorbell sounded. “Now?”

  “Ah . . .” Scott went still at the sound of the door opening downstairs. “Who has your key?”

  “Landon, but don’t worry, I’ll—”

  “Becky! Where do you want the cake?” Landon called out.

  “Shit.” Scott dragged his jeans up over the boxers he’d slept in. He gave her a quick kiss, ignoring her surprised stuttering, and headed toward the window. “Stall him. I’ll disappear.”

  “Scott, you don’t need to—” Becky ground her teeth and hurried to grab her robe as she heard Landon on the stairs. She opened the door a crack. “I’m coming!”

  “Are you still in bed?” Landon sounded shocked. No wonder. She never slept in like this. “You feeling okay?”

  The window opened and closed behind her. She braced her forehead against the doorframe, wondering if Scott was more likely to break his neck if she went and shouted for him to get his ass back in here. Was he really that scared of her brother?

  “I’ll be right out.” She smirked, knowing from experience exactly how to get her brother to back off. “I just started my period last night and—”

  Landon grumbled something and his footsteps sounded down the stairs twice as fast as he’d come up. She hurried to the window, opening it quietly and sticking her head out to try and see Scott. She spotted his hands on the ledge. They disappeared.

  No scream of pain. He was all right.

  But by the large crab apple tree in her backyard, stood Zach. His expression shifted from relief to anger. He met her eyes bri
efly before moving forward, probably closer to Scott.

  And there was no mistaking that look. He thought she’d used Scott, treated him like the snack she’d called him, then kicked him out. Damn it, she needed to let him know . . .

  Only, she couldn’t. Not until after the party. She wished he knew her well enough, that he’d trust her enough—and yet, she’d already proven he didn’t. He couldn’t.

  She had no one to blame but herself. She just hoped he’d give her a chance to explain.

  * * * *

  Zach rolled his shoulders and inhaled slowly, forcing a smile as Scott righted himself from his dangerously high drop. Fine, it was no different than a teen jumping off the monkey bars in the park, but no less stupid. And said teen wasn’t inching close to thirty, with a professional hockey team that needed him healthy and whole.

  Damn it, I need him healthy and whole.

  This wasn’t the time or place to come down on Scott about being careless, or Becky for being . . . what exactly? Heartless? She wasn’t that. And yet, a big part of their issues were about her making Scott feel like he was a negligible part of the relationship. Or not part of it at all. He didn’t expect her to announce what went on in her bedroom to the world, but would it have been so hard to say Scott had shown up early to help?

  Scott stared at Zach, barefoot and shirtless, a blush staining his cheeks. He cleared his throat as he pulled on the pale blue T-shirt he’d had tucked into the back of his jeans. “Ah . . . hey, Zach.”

  “Hey.” Zach shook his head, laughing as he reached out and pulled Scott against his side, one arm draped over his shoulders. “You dumbass. Tim would kill you if he saw that.”

  “Yeah, well Landon would freak if he knew I spent the night.” Scott glanced toward the front of the house as another car pulled up, then drew Zach closer to the house, out of sight. “You’re not pissed, are you? I’m not sure how this is supposed to work. You said it was okay and—I don’t have to ask every time, do I? That would be—”

  “No. You don’t have to ask.” He fisted his hand in Scott’s shirt, brushing his lips over Scott’s, not quite kissing him. “So long as you always come back to me.”

  They didn’t have much time. He shouldn’t be doing this here. But Zach couldn’t help himself. He slid his hand up to Scott’s throat, feeling the rapid pulse under his palm. Teased the crease of Scott’s lips with his tongue until Scott groaned and let him in. And then did the best he could to show Scott exactly how much he meant to him.

  “You coming, Pearce?” Tim shouted from the front of the house.

  Zach eased away from Scott, his hand on Scott’s shoulder, not ready to let him go just yet. He replied loud and clear, “I’ll be right there!” Then locked his eyes with Scott’s passion-glazed blue ones. “I hope you enjoyed your night. And I’ll tell you the same thing I told her. I won’t get in between you, but—”

  “We’ve all got to be open and honest. Got it.” Scott gave himself a little shake. “You two are gonna drive me nuts. All this talkin’ can’t be healthy.” He winked to show he was joking, then adjusted himself in his jeans and strode out to meet Tim and the next car pulling in. “Carter! Long time no see!”

  The group converged on Becky’s living room, talking loudly, all excited for the birthday girl to get there. Zach was a little surprised to see both Landon and Dean there without Amia. Neither seemed to leave the baby’s side for long. Dean spent most of his time on the phone—likely organizing last minute details for Casey’s other party. Laura left Tyler and Chicklet with Landon, arguing about the cameras and video recorders, and joined Becky in the kitchen to help set up lunch. Scott followed her and, after a moment, Zach did as well.

  “Thank you so much!” Becky smiled at Laura as she took over peeling cucumbers. She gave Scott a shy look, handing him a plate of pigs in a blanket. Then her smile faded as she turned to Zach. “Umm . . . we should probably talk.”

  He agreed, but it could wait. Casey didn’t need to see her mother stressed-out because of him on her birthday. So he shook his head, giving her an easy smile. “Later, little doe. What can I do to help?”

  Becky looked uncertain but quickly pulled it together and nodded at the fridge. “I made sandwiches. Five different kinds. Can you put them on those trays?” She gestured to a stack of trays on the counter. “And bring them to the dining room table?”

  “Sure.” Zach stepped up to her side, kissing her cheek and whispering in her ear. “I meant what I said on the card. Things are going to be okay.”

  That brightened her up considerably. She flushed, then scurried off as someone rang the doorbell. Soon the house was even noisier, with little boys running around, demanding autographs and chatting with the players. He had to stop his task several times to sign hats and jerseys. But, by the time Casey arrived with Jami, Silver, and Amia, everything was in order.

  Casey screamed as she stepped into the living room, bouncing up and down and pressing her hands to her cheeks. She spun around in a circle to take in all the streamers, the signs, and the party accessories with Cobra logos on every available surface. She ran up to her mother, hugging Becky’s legs and screaming “Thank you!” over and over.

  The excitement startled Amia and she burst out in shrill cries. Silver patted her back awkwardly, looking ready to cry herself. The second Landon took Amia, Silver excused herself and hid in the kitchen.

  Becky’s hand went to her throat. She glanced at Casey who had been distracted by Carter furtively handing her one of her gifts. Then she slipped away from the crowd as though to follow Silver. Dean caught Zach’s eye from across the dining room. Shook his head before going after Silver himself.

  Zach reached Becky by the doorway, his hand on her arm, speaking low. “Silver will feel even worse if she thinks she’s taken you away from Casey. Enjoy the party.” He kept his arm around her as she nodded, knowing how hard this would be for her. Nothing was more important than her family. Yes, her daughter came first, but she’d be torn, seeing how distracted Casey was and how broken Silver looked. But she listened to him. She stayed. And seemed to find strength in having him at her side.

  Which somehow made it easier for Zach to breathe, to relax and enjoy the party himself. He ate a few sandwiches, grinning when Becky laughed at the face he made when he stuffed a banana and peanut butter one in his mouth. She rescued him with a glass of root beer as he scraped his tongue with his teeth and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

  “Not a fan of bananas?” She asked.

  He shook his head. “Peanut butter. I can’t stand the texture. It’s an insult to the banana to put them together.” He gulped down the root beer, then took an egg salad sandwich. “These, however, I could eat every day.”

  She bit her bottom lip. Her blush made her adorable as she whispered, “I’d make it for you, Sir.”

  He took another and winked at her. “I may take you up on that.”

  When it came time for presents, he took Becky aside, speaking quietly as he pulled an envelope out of the back pocket of his jeans. “I meant to ask you earlier—I figured I should before I give it to her. With how passionate she is about hockey, I thought she might like to join a minor novice team. I got a gift certificate to cover the equipment and paid the registration . . . it can all be refunded if you don’t like the idea, though, so don’t worry about—”

  “Oh, Zach, it’s too much!” Becky took a deep breath, staring at the envelope as though he’d just signed over a million dollar check. She covered her mouth with a hand. “I know how expensive it is—I looked into it last year when she asked to join.”

  In other words, you shouldn’t have. Seriously. Idiot. He kept his smile in place. “I can get her something—”

  “I could strangle you and Scott. No, you don’t have to get her something else.” Becky folded her arms over her breasts, giving him a stern look. “Yes, my pride is grumbling because I couldn’t afford to do this for her, but I won’t let it deny her the opportunity.”

��All right.” Zach frowned at the envelope. Would a six-year-old really understand a gift like this? Maybe he should have gotten some equipment to go along with the papers, but he’d thought she’d want to pick it out with her mother. He handed the envelope to Becky. “This doesn’t fit with everything else she’s gotten, so—”

  “Oh yes, it does.” Becky snickered as Casey unwrapped an Under Armour shirt and leggings. The little girl looked confused for a bit, but when Chicklet explained what it was for, she got excited and decided she needed to try it on right away. Becky stopped her daughter from stripping right there. “Poupée, not here. Unwrap the rest of your gifts, and then I’ll help you try them on upstairs.”

  “Sorry, Maman.” Casey giggled, then tore into her next gift. Hockey books from Carter and Ramos. She gave Ramos pretty eyes, scooting up next to him on the sofa as she asked him to read Z is for Zamboni to her. At Becky’s shrug, Ramos cleared his throat, and the other children all sat on the floor around him.

  The way Jami was staring at Ramos—Zach glanced over to where Richter stepped in with Silver tucked to his side, then exchanged a look with Becky as Richter shook his head and loosened his tie as though it was suddenly strangling him.

  Scott sidled up to Zach’s other side, nudging him with an elbow. “I think boss man’s going to be a grandpa soon.”

  “I think you’re right,” Becky said, jutting her chin toward Carter, who was standing at the other side of the room, cooing to Amia who he’d temporarily gotten Landon to hand over. “One way or another.”

  “You’re going to be the next Karen Koch. Yes, you are. You are.” Carter didn’t seem to notice there was anyone else in the room. And only Vanek seemed likely to tease him about the baby talk.

  Vanek’s lips barely parted when Chicklet leaned close to him, a smile on her lips, but her eyes hard enough to crack cement. A few quiet words from her and it didn’t look like Vanek would open his mouth again during the party.

  When Ramos finished reading, Casey grabbed her next gift. New skates from Landon and Richter. Becky moved forward to stop her from stuffing her feet in them. Had her open the next few gifts, leaving Zach’s and the largest one for last.


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