The Tree Goddess

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The Tree Goddess Page 10

by Tom Raimbault

  The three of them; Mary, Aunt Loraine and Daren; remained motionless in the living room and in silence. The husband and wife sat on sofa, holding hands; while Aunt Loraine sat in the old, rocking chair with eyes fixed to the floor. The silence was broke with the entrance of both detectives.

  Detective Tom announced while entering, “Okay, we're almost done here. One final thing: you've recently built a new mausoleum on the property, and it's to my understanding that no one, living or dead, should be in there.” Detective Tom then looked directly at Daren. “Sir, would you mind unlocking that door and letting us check it out?”

  Daren looked bewildered. “You want to investigate the inside of the family mausoleum?”

  Mary exhaled loudly. “It's fine Daren! Under the circumstances, I think you could let the detectives in. I don't think it would be considered sacrilegious.”

  Detective Tom sensed the sudden hesitation to unlock the door. “Should I get a search warrant? You've been cooperative up until now. What's the problem?”

  “No, I'll open it. It's not a problem. Forgive me; the mausoleum has a sacred value. But my wife is right. Under the circumstances, the door should be unlocked for you.”

  Aunt Loraine nearly jumped out of her seat, eager to witness the incriminating discovery made in that building. But she was quickly brought back to her seat by Detective Larry who announced, “Ladies, Detective Tom wants to ask Daren some questions, so we're going to ask that you remain inside and in your seats.”

  Detective Tom stepped outside with Daren and stopped at the front porch. Reaching inside his jacket pocket, he quickly looked up at the suspect, “Do you mind if I have a smoke?”

  “No, not at all; feel free.”

  “So when did you build this mausoleum of yours?” The two walked over to the building.

  “Early in the summer.”

  “Yeah? It looks nice. It's not every day someone builds something like this on private property. What gives?”

  Building a mausoleum is something a family man does. Daren wasted not a minute explaining this. “Well, I'm a family man, and I believe that owning a mausoleum in the backyard shows dedication to the family and fidelity to a marriage.”

  But it was only show for Detective Tom. “Oh yeah? Nice touch.”

  Then Detective Tom noticed the equipment outside the building. “Is that air conditioning?”

  Daren proudly nodded, reached into his pocket for the keys and then unlocked the thick, iron door that squeaked when opened.

  “Jeez; you better get that fixed, Daren!” The detective took a deep drag from his cigarette and extinguished it on the wet grass. “Don't want to smoke in your family mausoleum.” He entered the building and immediately took notice of about a dozen cases of wine that were stacked up against the far wall, just beneath the two sconces.

  “You drink a lot of wine, Daren?”

  “Yeah, I like wine.”

  “It's one hell of a place to keep it. And these are the crypts? Is there anything in here that you want to tell me about, anything that might affect our investigation?” Already, detective Tom was carefully examining the mechanics of sealing. Simple crypt locks held the covers in place that could easily be removed. Under normal circumstances, he would feel disrespectful with no regard to one's resting in peace. But the crypts were supposed to be unoccupied, and the detective had an undying devotion to seeking justice for those who may have been wronged.

  Perhaps the suspect didn't hear Detective Tom, so the question was asked again. “Daren, anything you might want to tell me about the insides of these crypts?”

  Daren reassured the detective, “No, nothing illegal in there.”

  “Very well; why don't you have a seat on your bench and I'll check these out. Nothing personal; just detective work.”

  Detective Tom carefully unsealed each crypt and examined the insides under the illumination of his Bic lighter. It was the last crypt on the left-hand wall, nearest the door where Detective Tom noticed that the drawer was heavier than the others. His face grew pale, expecting to make a terrible discovery. But the discovery was unlike anything he expected. The drawer contained two large coolers filled with ice and plenty of beer!

  Although relieved the discovery wasn't a body, the sight was surprising." Let me guess, Daren. This is going to be your final resting place?"

  Detective Tom closed the drawer, sealed the crypt and then sat down on the bench next to Daren. “So why in hell do you have beer in there? That's kind of strange! Can't you keep it in the refrigerator or in your basement?”

  Of course Daren was embarrassed. “Well, my wife doesn't like it when I drink too much beer. But I like beer and enjoy a few cold ones at night.”

  “So you come outside to your mausoleum, crack open your tomb and crack open a cold one? That's freakin' sick!” Detective Tom gave Daren a moment to comment, but the suspect remained silent.

  “Alright, I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me. That girl that was living here: were you fooling around with her?”

  Sitting on the very bench where Kelly laid many a night, Daren answered a firm, “No!”

  “You sure? You absolutely positive?”

  Daren reassured the detective, “Absolutely positive; I wouldn't do something like that.”

  Well Daren, I hope you're telling me the truth. There's going to be a serious investigation into the disappearance of Kelly; and if someone mentions that you and her had a thing going on, you will become a prime suspect. For now, you're off the hook. Let's just hope it stays that way."

  And with that, Detective Tom rose from the bench and walked out of the mausoleum. Daren automatically followed behind, and locked his sacred mausoleum for the night.

  But the Mapleview Detective left the husband and wife on what was a very, strange note for Mary. Detective Tom bid them good evening and then suggested to Daren that he relax and, “have a cold one” while motioning towards the mausoleum.

  The wife looked in confusion at the husband who only shrugged his shoulders in a look of dramatic confusion.

  Part Two: The Thing in the Crawlspace

  Chapter 12

  Turn left onto Creek Highway, just before the main road of Mapleview opens into Route 4. Slightly past Hotlicks Sports Bar and Grill, the road borders what could be considered the very edge of the town of Mapleview. Creek Highway runs about 7 miles of open forested road before connecting with the interstate roadways. But there is no need to venture that far. And there's no need to be concerned of the neighboring towns that are just past the interstates.

  Turning left onto Creek Highway immediately yields more untamed forest with access given by three small parking areas that are distanced by a half-mile or so. The region is not as popular as the Hidden Lake Forest Preserve, but is enjoyed by hunters and serious hikers alike. The very, first, graveled entryway leads to a narrow walking trail that soon opens up to a steep hill that only one fit for such a climb would ascend. It is here where most hikers turn around; not for the strenuous walk, but for the apprehensive thoughts that are often interpreted as danger.

  The thoughts are overwhelming as one might ask, “What if I become seriously injured, bleed profusely and am unable to reach the bottom in time for help?”

  Most believe it to be a premonition of some wild animal that is just around the corner and about to attack. But people familiar with the gruesome discovery of 10 years ago know that the apprehension along with sensation of inevitable danger are residual emotions of trauma that call out for help. And it was a place where a concerned husband would daydream of a bloody scene that involved his wife. The vision was so powerful, that he emailed her with a desperate warning. To understand the gruesome discovery, one must venture a decade into the past, to the turn of the century.

  As the world anticipated the arrival of Y2K and the silly bug that would create havoc on the magical day of January 1st, Stephanie realized she was soon to reach thirty-years-old. Stephanie refused to be
overtaken by those apparitions most women encounter in adult life. Shortly after the birth of her 1st child, she noticed herself changing into the very woman that she promised herself to never become. Stephanie despised the idea of identifying with one of those plain, frumpy, used-up and often overweight moms who knew nothing other than the confines of their homes and the activities of their children. Domesticated, aged and somewhat lacking an understanding of the outside world, these women often have a reputation of being undesirable by their husbands and most often abandoned for a younger, more energetic woman. Of course, in reality, there is nothing wrong with being a woman who stays at home to take care of her family. But as you will soon learn, Stephanie had all sorts of erroneous beliefs and distorted perceptions.

  Only shy 4 months of 30, Stephanie realized she was quickly approaching the threshold of “getting old”. 30 was still young, but it seemed like just a few months ago that she was in college and celebrating her 21st birthday. 40 could arrive in a time comparable to next week! It was then that Stephanie decided to gain control of her life.

  Strict diet and extreme exercise are most often the initial remedies that most women in this mindset follow. These things were followed by trips to the hairstylist, new clothes and time spent at the tanning bed; all activities which produced a seemingly new Stephanie. In comparison to the fellow moms on her block, Stephanie was anything but plain, frumpy, used-up or overweight. But she still hadn't surpassed the apparitions that sought to overtake her. Although maintaining her youth and vitality, Stephanie remained domesticated and on her way to lacking an understanding of the outside world. It was then that she introduced the idea of venturing back into the world of work to her husband over dinner one night.

  “Back to work? Steph, we don't need a second income! And what about Paul? Who's going to take care of him? And I thought you wanted another baby. We cannot have a second baby with you being a working mom.”

  She knew he wouldn't understand. And she realized that this dream of being a stay-at-home-mom only seemed like a good idea once-upon-a-time. As Stephanie felt, a woman should have the right to change her mind and enjoy a life with more purpose and direction. Stephanie could be both a mom and professional woman if given the chance.

  Despite what the bitter wife assumed of her husband, and how much she now hated him, Joe was a very understanding and patient man. He was aware that people change throughout the years and that his wife wasn't quite ready for the fulltime mom status. Perhaps if his wife spent some time in the work force, she would find what she was looking for and once again be happy. Joe finally supported his wife's decision to go back to work. Within months of job hunting, Stephanie landed a position in the career she worked prior to being a mother.

  Ask someone at the time to describe “the new Stephanie”, words such as energetic, dynamic, intense or high-spirited would be supplied. “The new Stephanie” was so much better than the Stephanie of younger days. She had a drive to get the most out of life and prided herself in being super woman with an ability to do everything all the time. I mean this woman could do it all! Not only was she a rising star in her successful career, but remained a fulltime mother and wife; meeting and succeeding her responsibilities at home. She awoke at 3:45am each day for a grueling workout. Then fueled by a yogurt, banana and a half-pot of coffee, Stephanie spent time with her toddler son, Paul, giving him breakfast and shuttling him off to day care. Oatmeal bar and more coffee in the midmorning supplied just enough energy until lunch when Stephanie would devour a salad. While most might give in to temptation at night, Stephanie religiously ate grilled chicken stir-fry with vegetables for dinner. Of course she didn't expect her husband to eat this each night. Stephanie also prepared the steak and baked potato or some kind of down-home, cooked meal for Joe.

  Those apparitions were left somewhere in Stephanie's dust, and for the first time since being married, Stephanie felt in control of her life. But could she have taken it a step further? She felt so young and alive. Could she have gone back to the days of 21 and embrace the playful, silly mood of once-upon-a-time? One element that Stephanie couldn't have back was the playful, teasing games that were once enjoyed with the opposite sex. Flaunting an irresistible sexiness in her younger years, Stephanie took great pleasure in having guys chase her, only to deny them and cause frustration. Oh, there might have been a couple who were fortunate enough to have a sample, but she couldn't be held down for too long. The playful game was too, much fun!

  As a married woman at the turn of the century, Stephanie had a realm where she could safely embrace those sorely, missed days of play and teasing. It was a place where she could post a profile and photo while watching the hungry men jump in a frenzy for a chance to have some sort of piece of her.

  The Internet today is different from the Internet we had at the turn of the century. Socializing, today, takes place on sites such as My Space, Facebook and Twitter. And if you are reading this 5 or 10 years after today, it's probably much different! Today, we network, maintain relationships and keep a vast collection of friends among people we know. But some people might recall a time when Internet socializing meant logging into an IRC or Internet chat room to make new friends and basically talk to complete strangers. Sometimes an actual cyber friendship could be formed, and eventually the communication merged from chat room to private emails. We don't hear too much about this phenomenon anymore. And I predict that in 10-15 years, if you discuss cyber sex or cyber romances, your mention will be received with wrinkled eyebrows and perplexed looks. Oh, the phenomenon isn't completely dead; but if you've experimented with this activity many years ago, trying logging into a chat room today. The users seem to lack any stimulating mentality.

  Back in those fun days of chat room relationships, Stephanie created an exciting profile based on the person she imagined herself to be. She did this late one night while her husband was asleep, as creating the profile involved posting a risqué photo that would most certainly bring the wrong kind of attention. If the photo didn't attract the wrong people; her alias, sxyblonde, would.

  From the moment Stephanie entered one of the rooms, there were so many men sending messages and requesting private chat sessions with the sexy woman in the photo. They just couldn't resist sxyblonde who stood naked, yet face-up against the wall while exposing her bare bottom. Stephanie felt so powerful turning down the instant messages. Some were compliments; some were downright, dirty, nasty comments. Still, others were requests to join in a private room where Stephanie suspected would lead to online sex. She was no tramp, of course, and wouldn't agree to such a rendezvous.

  One night, Stephanie decided to accept an invitation into a private room with an individual who went by the name of 2Big4U. It felt like allowing a stranger to buy a drink while sitting down with him at a private booth. Requesting her ASL was confusing as Stephanie wasn't quite sure what that meant. But she soon learned it was protocol used by guys like 2Big4U to learn of a woman's age, sex and location.

  In Stephanie's eyes, this guy was pretty stupid! It was apparent in her photo that she was a female and still young. But what business was it of him to ask where she was?

  In his explanation, 2Big4U certainly could see that she was a woman; but he needed to make sure as he stated, “I don't do trannies… nor do I do grannies…”

  Seconds away from Stephanie abruptly ending the disappointing chat session, 2Big4U added an interesting question. “Do you think you can handle this?”

  “Handle what?”

  “C'mon, don't you see my pic? Look at my profile!”

  Stephanie looked at the list of names on the screen and clicked 2Big4U. His profile picture was simply a close-up image of that which makes men different from women. It was really quite large! Of course! His alias implied that he was much, too big for women to handle! But was it really his?

  2Big4U answered, “Of course it's mine! I'll send some more pics if you want.”

  The stranger was most certainly eager to “get off” and sen
d more photos, possibly a form of sex for him. But Stephanie wasn't going to reward him or lead 2Big4U into believing she was interested.

  Seeing that his hope had failed, 2Big4U attempted a different angle. “How about you; is that really you in your profile?”

  But Stephanie was on to the stranger. He was like all men, drooling in a desperate craze to have a piece of the gorgeous Stephanie. But as always, she took great pleasure in being impossible and appearing uninterested. “It's me, and I'm not going to send you any other pictures.”

  And then he asked of her social status, “Married/engaged/BF?”

  “Married, but not happily…” Stephanie wasn't sure why she declared her marriage unhappy. There wasn't anything particularly bad about it, outside the typical challenges people experience. It's interesting to observe Stephanie's behavior online. Not even 5 minutes passed, and already she lied about her age and the state of her marriage. This was a virtual world where Stephanie could be whoever she desired. But she hadn't thought about the stranger on the other side of the screen. She hadn't considered that 2Big4U might be dishonest. Throughout the conversation, he claimed to be divorced and spent much time bashing his ex-wife in many obscene words.

  Stephanie engaged in an online conversation for nearly an hour with this stranger. Once they got past the first few minutes of attempted sex talk that was initiated by the stranger, it appeared to Stephanie that 2Big4U was a really nice guy. But it was getting late, and Stephanie needed to retire for the night.

  But before ending the chat session, 2Big4U hit her with another question. “Hey, can I have your email address? Keep in touch?”

  Stephanie wasn't that easy and desired to test 2Big4U, gauge how serious the man was about her. She left him with, “You'll see me around. Maybe I'll be online tomorrow night at the same time.”


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