Homecoming Hearts Series Collection

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Homecoming Hearts Series Collection Page 105

by HJ Welch

  Reyse’s mind warred over what to worry about more. Family, work obligations, or the man sleeping ten feet away from him.

  A soft knock at the door made Reyse freeze. Had he imagined that? He blinked and sat up, turning on the lamp sitting on his nightstand. “Hello?”

  The door opened a crack. The corridor was dark outside, but there was no mistaking Corey’s beautifully sculpted physique. He was just in boxers and a tight white T-shirt, his expression apprehensive. “Uh,” he said, like he was already regretting this decision. But he swallowed and gave Reyse a half smile. “May I come in?”

  Reyse didn’t trust himself to talk, so he just nodded. Corey came inside and quietly closed the door behind him. Reyse tried very hard not to look at the outline of Corey’s cock in his loose boxers as he dashed across the room and sat on the end of Reyse’s bed.

  Reyse felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. He wanted to lift the covers up to hide his naked torso. Instead, he bunched the comforter up in his fists, licking his dry lips.

  “Hi,” he said, finding his voice again. “What are you…are you okay?”

  Corey crossed his arms over his chest, then immediately uncrossed them, placing his palms down on top of the bed sheets. “Me?” he asked, his voice kind of a squeak. He cleared his throat and his lips twitched in a nervous smile. Why was he here? Why was he nervous? God, Reyse had to work hard not to let his hopes climb. “I’m fine, dude. I wanted to check on you. You got ambushed by like fifty people and your uncle’s a douche and you gotta be worried about your dad and looking after your mom…” He frowned and appeared to mentally backtrack a step. “I mean, your uncle seems…”

  “Like a douche,” Reyse agreed with a grin. He felt himself relax just a fraction. “Yeah. He makes my dad look like a hippy in comparison. Sorry he was weird with you.”

  Corey shrugged. “He was weird with everyone,” he said. His gaze was on his fingers, tracing patterns in the bedding, like a child playing in the sand. “Your aunt is cool, though, in a slightly scary sort of way.” He laughed and Reyse laughed with him. “She loves you like crazy. So does your mom.”

  Reyse swallowed. “Thanks,” he said. “I, uh, well, I guess it’s been easy to let those feelings fade when I haven’t felt like I could come home. But it’s nice now.”

  Corey nodded. “Yeah,” he said.

  Reyse’s heart ached. Corey didn’t know what it was like to have a mom or an aunt or anything. “Hey,” Reyse said. Before he could overthink it, he reached out and took Corey’s nearest hand in his own. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  Corey looked down at their linked fingers. “Here at the house, or…”

  Here in Reyse’s room.

  If he was honest, he was scared shitless. But that was only because he was terrified what could happen. He didn’t trust himself to do the right thing. Or, rather, his opinion on what the right thing was had become fuzzier. Right thing for who?

  Fuck, it felt so good to hold Corey’s hand after all afternoon and evening apart. Was that insane? They’d only had one night together, after all. But even just this small skin-to-skin contact was exhilarating.

  “I’ll take what I can get from you,” Reyse admitted quietly to Corey.

  Corey shifted closer, making Reyse look up. Corey’s chestnut eyes were a warm brown in the soft light of the bedside lamp. His eyelashes cast shadows on his cheeks. Reyse’s heart skipped a beat.

  “Do you mean that?” Corey asked.

  Reyse did his best to swallow but there was a lump in his throat. “Before…” he said, sidestepping the question. “When we…Well, I asked you not to hurt me.”

  Corey nodded. “I remember.”

  “And you didn’t,” Reyse said. “But…my heart hurts anyway. Seeing you. I…” He trailed off, biting his lip.

  Corey rubbed his thumb against the back of Reyse’s hand. “I’ll be honest, man,” he said, shaking his head. “I can’t stop thinking about you. And you’re right here.” He sighed and licked his lips. “I tried to sleep, I really did, I swear. But then I thought I’d just come and ask you how you felt.”

  “About what?” Reyse asked.

  Corey lifted his gaze so they were looking at one another. “About one more night together,” he said evenly. “I know we can’t…it’s not possible. In the long run. But for the next few hours?” He exhaled and gave Reyse a shaky laugh. “It’s killing me thinking about the time we’d be wasting when no one would ever find out. But if that’s cruel, if you don’t want that, I’ll leave right now. I’m not going to put you in a position where-”

  Reyse didn’t know what Corey meant to say after that, because he rocked forward on his heels, grabbed Corey’s face, and kissed him hard on the lips.

  In a flash, Corey’s hands were on his bare torso, holding either side of his ribs as he kissed him back. “I’d give anything for one more night,” Reyse whispered into Corey’s mouth.

  Corey held Reyse’s face, too, their noses almost brushing. “You don’t have to give anything,” he said. “We can share this together.”

  Reyse swallowed. There was still a raw sort of panic in his chest. But a happiness was also blossoming. Sheer relief that he could have this precious gift, even if it was only one more time.

  “I want that,” he confessed. He’d been wanting this since Corey had come back to him with that damn box of pizza in his hands.

  “Me, too,” Corey said.

  This was it. The point of no return. Reyse was pretty sure his heart might not recover from this.

  But right then, it was totally worth it.



  As much as Corey had hoped Reyse would say yes, he’d not really let himself believe it was possible until they were toppling gently back down onto Reyse’s pillows, their kisses hot and a little desperate. Side by side, their bodies lined up, their legs entwined and their rapidly hardening cocks rubbing together through their underwear.

  Every worry had been worth it to finally knock on Reyse’s door. To be here, now, getting this chance to be with him again, made Corey’s heart sing. Reyse just made him so damn happy. He was sweet and earnest and seeing him at home like this it was like he’d totally forgotten he was a fucking pop sensation. Here, he really was just Reyse Hickson, a guy who was nice to his mom and shy about asking a guy to bed.

  Corey loved it.

  He couldn’t afford to think of this as anything more than just another hookup, but he found himself grinning at Reyse and tickling his side. Reyse yelped, then immediately slapped his hands over his mouth. “My family,” he whispered scandalously.

  Corey tried to taper his grin, but he couldn’t. “Are all on different floors,” he assured Reyse, but he stroked along Reyse’s flank where he’d tickled anyway. “Sorry, I won’t tease you.”

  Reyse shook his head and looked up at Corey through his golden lashes. “I…I like it when you tease me a bit,” he said. “I mean, I like sex to be fun.”

  Corey sighed and nuzzled his face against Reyse’s neck, inhaling his scent deeply. “You’re fun,” he said. “My little firecracker.”

  Reyse stiffened in his arms, his hands clinging on tighter to Corey. Ahh, shit. Maybe he shouldn’t have said ‘my’? Reyse couldn’t be his. Thinking that would just hurt them both. But in that moment, he couldn’t take it back. Instead, he just began to kiss Reyse’s neck.

  A thought crossed his mind, though, that stopped him in his tracks. “Oh, fuck,” he said, pulling back to look at Reyse. “I don’t have anything. Do you?”

  Reyse shook his head, but he didn’t seem that upset. “I’m not sure I feel like anal,” he said, but then he raised his eyebrows. “Unless, you…”

  Corey quickly shook his head. “I kind of like this,” he said, cuddling Reyse closer. “But fewer clothes, maybe?”

  Reyse chuckled and rested his head against Corey’s, rubbing his back. “You just make everything easy, don’t you?” he murmured.

  Corey was pre
tty sure he made Reyse’s life ten times more complicated than it needed to be. But he took the compliment for what it was.

  “Come on, then, Romeo,” Corey said playfully as he tugged at Reyse’s briefs. “Let’s get rid of these, shall we?” Reyse chuckled and shimmied free of his underwear, allowing his cock to spring free. It was hard and eager for attention already.

  But Reyse immediately reached out for Corey’s T-shirt, wrestling it off him before tackling his boxers. In no time at all, they were lying under Reyse’s sheets, naked again.

  Reyse ran his fingers over Corey’s abs with a reverent look in his face. “You’re so gorgeous,” he whispered. “Perfect. Seriously.”

  Corey smiled and kissed Reyse’s lips once to bring his attention back up to Corey’s face. “You know that’s kind of funny, coming from you?” he said, gently teasing. “Haven’t you been given literal awards for how hot you are?”

  Reyse rolled his eyes. “Shut up,” he mumbled. But Corey just grinned harder, skimming his fingers over Reyse’s own abs and lower.

  “I think I want to see these cum gutters live up to their name,” Corey rasped, tracing down the defined groves that led from Reyse’s hips to his crotch in a V-shape. He was thrilled when Reyse blushed and bit his lip.

  “You’re so bad,” he admonished.

  But Corey shook his head. “I’m going to show you just how good I am, Reyse Hickson,” he said. “Now how about you lie back and let me take care of you?”

  He reached over, intending to turn off the lamp and plunge them into darkness. But Reyse suddenly propped himself up on his elbows. “No,” he said urgently. Corey looked back to meet his gaze. “I…is okay if we leave it on? I want to see you.”

  Something either terrible or wonderful lanced through Corey’s heart. Of course he could see Reyse whenever the hell he liked. A quick internet search would bring up thousands of photos of him from over the past decade. But Reyse wanted to see Corey now. It didn’t take a genius to work out that their time was limited. Typing ‘Corey Sheppard’ into a search engine brought up dozens of guys from all over the world, almost none of which were Corey. He had made sure not to have his face plastered everywhere.

  It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Reyse wanted to see as much of Corey as he could while he had time. To commit him to memory, perhaps.

  Jesus fucking Christ. This was so unfair. Corey had never felt this strongly about anyone. If Reyse was the guy next door, Corey would just take that leap and ask if he wanted to date. But he wasn’t. So Corey could get pissy about it or he could continue looking after Reyse like he said he would. They were supposed to be having fun.

  He gave Reyse his most sultry grin and slipped back into the bed, leaving the light on. “Sure thing, gorgeous,” he said as their bodies slid against each other once again, like two jigsaw puzzle pieces, slotting together perfectly.

  Reyse looked at Corey with wide eyes. “Can I suck you?” he asked, his voice almost giddy.

  Corey beamed at him. “Oh, hell yeah,” he said, kissing Reyse on the lips in excitement. “I’d love that. Do you want to make me come like that?”

  Reyse shook his head. “I liked the cuddling plan,” he said with a nervous laugh. “I just thought I could start you off with a blowjob. If that’s okay?”

  “Babe, that’s more than okay,” Corey assured him.

  He allowed Reyse to move them around so Corey was lying on his back. Then he scooted down Corey’s body, running his hands along his sides as he did. Corey pushed back the comforter. If they were going to keep the light on, he wanted to witness every second of this delicious show.

  Reyse rested his hands on Corey’s thighs, rubbing down the coarse hair there as he trailed openmouthed kisses along Corey’s left hip. Then he lifted up his right hand and began stroking Corey’s hard cock with his fingertips. There was a reverence to the movement, especially as he nuzzled his nose against Corey’s thatch of dark pubic hair.

  Corey bit his lip and did his best not to move, despite wanting to thrash around. It felt like his heart was fluttering in his mouth as he watched Reyse’s ministrations.

  “You smell good,” Reyse murmured, running his cheek along the side of Corey’s dick.

  “You look good,” Corey rasped. Fuck. He was going to have to work hard not to come down Reyse’s throat after all.

  Reyse smiled bashfully and licked the tip of Corey’s cock. Then he wrapped his lips around the shaft, pressing his tongue on the side as he bobbed his head up and down. He didn’t attempt to take Corey down too deep, instead sucking and licking the top half of his length. He curled his fingers around the bottom half and pumped, making Corey moan. Corey respected Reyse’s wish not to be too loud, even though he was sure they were pretty safe on this floor. But if keeping quiet meant Reyse was more relaxed, it was worth it.

  “Reyse, oh my god,” Corey hissed.

  He had to admit, it wasn’t the most confident blow job he’d ever had. But Reyse’s attentiveness and consideration were so sweet and his mouth so hot and wet it more than made up for it. Besides, the emotional connection was really what was setting Corey’s heart racing. He’d take this intimacy over spectacular head from a stranger any day.

  He ran his fingers through Reyse’s soft hair, loving the feeling of his head bobbing up and down under his palm. Reyse looked up at him, his eyes still sky blue and bright in the dim illumination from the lamp. They were like sapphires sparkling just for Corey.

  “Come here,” Corey suggested. If he didn’t stop this now, he was definitely going to come and that wasn’t what Reyse said he wanted. “Kiss me, gorgeous.”

  Reyse slid his lips off Corey’s cock and wiped his mouth before crawling back up his body. “Was that okay?”

  Corey grinned and cupped Reyse’s face to kiss him tenderly. “Really good,” he said honestly. He almost said next time he could teach Reyse exactly how he liked it. But there wasn’t going to be a next time.

  Although…that was what Corey thought before. Yet here they were.

  “I don’t know about you,” Corey said playfully, “but I’m pretty keen for an orgasm.” He wrapped his hand around Reyse’s hot cock and kissed his lips. “Unless you want to play around a bit more?”

  Corey didn’t mind waiting for a climax sometimes. It was fun to edge with other guys or make himself hold out if he was with a girl, making her come several times before he even penetrated her. There was something amazing about knowing you were causing your partner so much pleasure. But he could tell he and Reyse were both close, so he didn’t mind at all when Reyse shook his head.

  “I’m ready,” Reyse said. “Can I go under you?”

  This was why Corey liked sleeping with people more than once, even if he’d been bad at dating. It was cool to learn what your partner enjoyed. Reyse might not have had any inclination for bondage, but he certainly liked Corey to physically take charge and be on top. Corey was more than happy to use his size to make Reyse feel safe and secure.

  They rolled around so Reyse was on his back. Corey leaned behind him and pulled the comforter over them again, snuggling them up. He straddled Reyse around his thighs and lined up their cocks, wrapping his hand around them both. They were both leaking and Corey was wet from Reyse’s mouth. It was enough to make them a little slippery as they began to frot, rubbing their chests and hot, hard dicks against one another while they kissed.

  It was bliss.

  Reyse clung to Corey’s back, moaning into his mouth. “Yes, Corey, yes,” he whimpered.

  Corey had a sudden pang, realizing that both tonight and their night before were tinged with a slight sadness. A knowledge that they could never fully let go because doing so would make walking away all that harder. But Corey banished that thought. If he was going to get mopey, there was no point in doing this at all. They needed to have fun while they had the chance.

  “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he gasped while he grinned down at Reyse between kisses. “Does that feel good? Do y
ou like it?”

  Reyse nodded frantically and grabbed the back of Corey’s head. “Close,” he uttered.

  “Can you hang on for me, beautiful?” Cory asked, breathless. He was peaking but wasn’t quite there yet. Besides, it gave him a kick to ask Reyse to follow an instruction, especially when he nodded again, his eyes alight with passion. “We can come together.”

  “Yes, Corey,” Reyse said. “I’ll wait. Just tell me. I can hold on.”

  “God boy, so good,” Corey murmured.

  He didn’t talk after that. He simply focused on letting his body relax, allowing his climax to build quickly. He kissed Reyse and sucked on his lower lip, looking into his eyes as their breaths mingled. They were both damp with perspiration, and where Corey touched Reyse’s skin, he was as hot as Corey felt. Like they were burning up and melting at the same time.

  “Oh, god,” Reyse stuttered. “Corey – I – please!”

  But Corey was just about there too, thrusting in his hand against Reyse’s hard cock. “It’s okay, baby,” Corey uttered, not bothering to stop himself using the pet name. “Come for me. Come, Reyse, I’m ready.”

  Reyse made a strangled noise and gritted his teeth, digging his fingers into Corey’s flesh as he started pumping hot cum between them. The erotic sight tipped Corey over, pushing him into his orgasm, like plunging into water. Waves of pleasure wracked his body, making him shiver as he came. He let go of both their cocks, hugging Reyse to him as they both quivered, coming down from their highs.

  When Corey could summon the energy, he nuzzled their temples together. Then he gently kissed from Reyse’s neck over his cheek until he captured his mouth for a sweet, unhurried kiss.

  “That was perfect,” Corey said.

  Reyse bit his swollen lip and smiled. “Amazing,” he agreed with a nod. “I – thank you.”


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