Unspoken Vows (The Unspoken Love Series)

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Unspoken Vows (The Unspoken Love Series) Page 6

by H. P. Davenport

  He thrusts his hips a few more times, reaching his climax. The pulse of his erection emptying into my body.

  He whispers in my hair, “I love you.”

  Jamie takes my hand in his as he leads us through the crowd to meet our friends at the table near the stage.

  High top tables are placed around the outskirts of the room to allow more space for dancing in front of the stage. Morgan and Lindsey are talking amongst themselves when we arrive at our usual table by the stage.

  Jamie pulls me into a hug and kisses my temple. “You never cease to amaze me,” he whispers seductively in my ear.

  Laughing, I smack his chest. “Figured you’d enjoy a little spontaneity.”

  “Oh, I definitely enjoyed it.” His dark eyebrows arch mischievously and his smile instantly shifts into a devilish grin.

  Jamie pulls me close to his chest and kisses the side of my neck, sensually licking as his lips move over my skin, instantly making my panties wet.

  “Wait till I get you home tonight,” he growls into my neck.

  Goosebumps immediately shoot up my arms, which Jamie doesn’t fail to miss. He rubs his hands up and down my arms.

  “I love how I can still give you these.” Once those words leave his mouth, he turns around and walks back to the stage. He looks back over his shoulder raising his brows at me, knowing the effect he is having on me. He wants to play dirty now.

  “I’ll be the Rock God up there for the next hour or so.”

  I shake my head back and forth. “Good thing you’re my Rock God.”

  Jamie’s face splits into a wide grin. “Only you, babe, only you.”

  Jamie jumps on stage and screams into the mic, “Hello, everyone!”

  He runs his hands through his hair, which is longer on top, shorter on the sides. His messy hair looks delicious going every which way.

  The crowd roars and the group of girls in front of the stage throw their arms in the air jumping up and down. “Are you excited to hear Side Effects tonight?” Jamie smiles as his voice yells into the mic.

  The cheers from the mass of people is deafening. Jamie waits for the crowd to go quiet, then he cups his palm to his ear. “I don’t think I can hear you.” He works the crowd into chaos again. My eyes scan the dance floor, which is now packed with a sea of people.

  Once they settle down a little, Jamie looks over at me. The cocky grin appears on his face just as if he’s letting me know the effect he has on me as well as with this crowd. He turns his attention back to the audience, “I hope everyone is ready to have a hell of a time tonight.”

  The crowd cheers. “I want everyone to turn your attention to the beautiful brunette sitting at the table right here,” Jamie says as he points his finger in my direction.

  My jaw clenches, my eyes narrow. I know my face is flush. I glare at Jamie as if saying ‘Have you lost your damn mind?’

  Jamie reads the look on my face. He laughs and we share a smile, mine showcasing my embarrassment.

  “I’m marrying her next weekend and I can’t fucking wait. This woman makes me the happiest motherfucker to walk the face of the Earth.” The warmth of his smile echoes in this voice.

  The crowd cheers and a few people walk up to the table to congratulate me.

  “Babe, can you join me up here?” Jamie asks while extending his hand out to me.

  Standing up from my seat, Christian helps me to the stage. Jamie takes my hand in his and pulls me up. “I love you,” he whispers in my ear and kisses my lips.

  Parker places a stool in the center of the stage. Jamie nods his head to the stool letting me know he wants me to sit.

  Jamie turns to the crowd and yells into his mic, “Let’s get this party started.”

  All the lights in Aces shut off right then, leaving the bar black except for the lights lining the back of the bar. It is completely quiet when Isaac taps out a few thumps on the drums. Parker joins in with a few simple chords on his guitar. The crowd erupts, immediately recognizing the fan-favorite song. Jamie’s voice fills the air with the first few words of the song and the goosebumps from earlier blanket my skin.

  A spotlight focuses on Jamie and his gaze is steady as he sings, never breaking eye contact with me. This is one of the very first songs he wrote with my brother when they were in college. As he sings, “What About Me”, my heart pounds in my chest as I listen to the words. Jamie performed this last year and basically professed his love to me in front of an audience of spectators and in front of our friends.

  Every time I hear him perform this song, I feel another piece of my heart float into his hands. He sings about a relationship between two friends. The guy is saying that he will always be there. That his love never went away, even when the girl did. That he could never find the right words to say, that there were always unspoken words between them. How he was afraid that things wouldn’t work if he revealed his feelings. But rather than telling her that he loved her, he just stayed by her side as a friend.

  When he performed this song last year, I wasn’t quite expecting it. Thinking back to that night, I’m glad he put himself out there. I don’t know if I would have been as brave as he was to take the risk.

  When he gets to the chorus, tears build in my eyes. He continues with how his love has grown for her over the years and that no matter what happens he will never leave her. The time is right between them now, then he sings, “What About Me? Why can’t it be me?” He is singing with so much love in his voice, but at the same time, I hear the pain he used to feel. His eyes never leave mine while he sings. I can’t bring myself to look away, either.

  When the song ends, the lights go out and the mood is completely changed when Isaac starts the beat on his drums. The lights on the stage go bright, various colored lights flick around the stage and out into the crowd.

  Jason, the bouncer, taps me on the shoulder. “Camryn, I’ll help you down,” he hollers. Jamie grabs my hand stopping me in my tracks. He claims my lips, crushing his against mine. The caress of his lips on my mouth sets me aflame. Jamie pulls away and whispers in my ear, “There’ll be more of that when we get home.”

  He swats my ass and turns to the crowd. “My awesome fiancée, ladies and gents.” The crowd cheers as I exit the stage and walk back to the table to join the group.

  Jamie’s voice starts in singing “Believer” by Imagine Dragons and everyone goes wild. With every word he sings, the audience sings along with him. People have their hands in the air, rocking to the beat. When the beat of the song picks up, Jamie grips the microphone yanking it from the stand. When he gets to the chorus, he holds the mic out over the group in the front near the stage and they sing into the mic.

  Jamie looks over at me, nods his head, and smiles. The smile in his eyes contains a sensuous flame. Girls are screaming at the front of the stage and Jamie just continues to work the crowd. My man was born to perform. I love to watch him own the stage. He owns it every time he steps foot on it.

  Jamie flirts with the crowd—never too much, but just enough. His eyes flicker over the mass of people, and then they focus on me again. Always back to me.

  After a few original songs and a handful of cover material, Jamie switches gears and slows things up. The pace and tone of the song changes. The beat is slower. Jamie’s entire demeanor changes when he sings the first line of the song “Never Stop” by SafetySuit.

  Jamie looks straight at me, never looking away. His hands curl around the microphone. His smile boyishly affectionate.

  My body shivers. My breathing becomes rapid. My chest tightens and my heart races.

  The lyrics touch me as they do every time he sings this song to me. This song speaks volumes and is sort of our anthem, our special song. Each word that he sings, my body heats with an internal flame that only Jamie can ignite.

  This song is a man telling a girl that he'll "never stop" protecting, and ultimately loving her. He tells her no other woman can touch his heart because she owns it. No matter what she looks like or how
things may change in the future, nothing will change his love for her.

  As the words leave Jamie’s mouth, I watch him with a small smile on my face. Tears run their course down my cheeks and I mouth “I love you.” He reads my lips. He lifts his hand and places it over his heart.

  His dark eyes pierce the distance between us. Jamie hops down from the stage and walks up to me and takes my hand in his hand. He sings the remainder of the song to me.

  When the song ends, I cup Jamie’s face between my hands and claim his lips. He crushes his to mine. My calm is shattered with the hunger of his kiss. When he pulls away, my mouth burns with fire.

  “I have one more song, then we’re out of here.” He leans in and kisses me again, lingering, savoring every moment.

  Jamie makes his way back to the stage.

  “I have one more song for you, then I’m taking my girl home.” He wiggles his brows, “To have a little fun.”

  “He never learns, does he?” Christian slams his beer bottle next to me.

  “Give it a rest, will ya? They’re getting married next week. He’s allowed to have sex with his fiancé, even if it is your sister,” Morgan blurts and her face splits into a wide grin.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the idea. What they do behind closed doors, should stay there,” he says in a deep tone.

  “Wait until you find that special someone, you’ll be singing a different tune, buddy,” I say firmly.


  There’s a knock at the door and I rub my hands over my face, “Come in.” I squint at the sunlight shining through the blinds.

  “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty,” my mom says from the open door. She has a gift in her hand.

  “What time is it?” I ask as I stretch my hands above my head.

  “It’s almost ten o’clock.”

  I toss the covers back and jump from my bed and stumble to the floor.

  “Mom, I was supposed to be up already. Why didn’t you wake me?”

  My mom walks over and places the gift on my bed and extends her hand to help me from the floor. “Honey, the wedding starts at six o’clock. We have to be at the country club at two to start getting ready. You have plenty of time.”

  “I’m going to take a long bath with some bath salts to try and relax. I didn’t get much sleep last night. The last time I glanced at the clock it was after three.”

  “When you're done, come downstairs, I have brunch in the kitchen. Lindsey and Karsen got here a few minutes ago.”

  I nod. “Tell them I’ll be down in a little bit.”

  “I will, but I want you to open this first.” She tilts her chin toward the package sitting on my bed.

  There is a card attached to the box. I slide my finger along the seam, tearing it open. I pull the card out and recognize the handwriting.

  Dear Camryn:

  Something OLD represents continuity. Our bond… a love that will withstand forever.

  Grow old with that young man you are marrying today. Continue to love him every day as he has loved you from the moment he laid eyes on you. He may not have known it then, but us old folks knew it by the look in his eyes every time you walked into the room. You hold a special place in that boy’s heart. Hearts are gentle, they are fragile. Continue to cherish the love the two of you have… every day. Cherish it for you only have one great love.

  Your Papa gave me this and I want you to have it. Wear it on your wedding day. When you think of me that day, touch your bracelet and know that I am there with you. I am in your heart. I'm always with you.



  My mom sits on the side of my bed watching me intently. “Did you know she wrote this?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “She gave it to me and asked me to give it to you on your wedding day. I didn’t know what she wrote.”

  I hand the card to my mom and tear the paper off the box. I lift the lid off the box. Inside sits a diamond bracelet.

  “To my Linny, you complete me. Love Rich.” Is written under the lid. My Papa wrote that to my Nana.

  “My father gave this to my mother on her wedding day. She let me wear it for my something borrowed, but I was asked to give it back to her. She hoped to pass it along to her granddaughter.” My mother wipes the tears from her cheeks.

  I pull my mom into a hug. “Thank you. It’s beautiful.”

  My mom runs her hands up and down my back. “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  Jamie’s mom stands from the kitchen island and walks over to me. She extends her arms to me and I walk into them.

  “Good morning, bride-to-be.”

  “Good morning mother-in-law.” I pull away and look at her and ask. “Have you heard from Jamie today?”

  A smile appears on her face. “I spoke to him briefly this morning. He’s a ball of nerves. Said he didn’t sleep much last night.”

  “I didn’t get much sleep either.”

  “Sit, get something to eat. It’s going to be a long day.”

  I grab a plate and a bowl from the counter. I scoop some fruit into the bowl and place French toast and bacon on my plate.

  Karsen and Lindsey are standing in the yard, talking to my father.

  There’s a knock at the door, then someone opens it. “Hello, the maid of honor is here!” Morgan yells form the foyer.

  “Get in here and get something to eat,” I holler.

  Morgan appears in the doorway of the kitchen and places her bags on the floor.

  She walks over and throws her arms around my neck. “Hello, future Mrs. Banks. Don’t you look gorgeous today.”

  “Shut up. I look like crap.” I point to my face. “How can you miss the dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep?”

  “Shut it. You’re going to be the stunning bride who meets her prince at the end of the aisle today.”

  Morgan grabs a plate and starts piling food onto it. “Did you eat in the past week?” I ask.

  She raises her brow. “Of course, I did. Why?”

  “From the looks of it, you wouldn’t know.” I point to her plate.

  She waves her hand at me and continues to place bacon on her plate. “I’m not the one who will have all eyes on me. Big deal if I my stomach protrudes from my dress.”

  “Morgan,” I say with wide eyes.

  “I’m just kidding, Cami. Relax. Things are going to be crazy today, there may not be time to eat anything until cocktail hour or dinner. I need to stock up now.”

  My mom and Michelle laugh as they watch the banter between us.

  I get up to toss my plate in the trash and Michelle hands me a beautifully wrapped box when I sit back on the stool.

  “Here you go, sweetie.”

  “Oh my gosh, you didn’t have to do this,” I stare at her, tears threatening to spill over.

  “Just open it, darling, you have made me the happiest woman today knowing you are marrying my son and making him the happiest man alive.”

  I remove the card, as tears threaten to blur my vision, and slide my finger in to break the seal. Pulling the card out of the envelope, I start to read the words.

  To my future daughter-in-law:

  The gift you are about to open is your something borrowed which symbolizes borrowed happiness.

  Something BORROWED is our love…we must first give love in order to receive it.

  I want to thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness to my Jamie’s life.


  Your future mother-in-law

  I throw my arms around Michelle’s neck. I clear my throat. “Thank you.”

  My trembling fingers remove the paper, Morgan taking the remnants from me.

  I gently lift the lid from the box. Inside sits a gorgeous knife set and cake server. I lift the knife out and the name ‘Banks’ is inscribed on the handle. ‘Banks’ is also inscribed on the cake server in an elegant inscription.

  “Your mother and father gave us those for our wedding. I thought maybe you would like to borr
ow them.”

  I stand up, pushing the stool back and pull Michelle into my arms and begin to cry. “Thank you so much. They’re beautiful.”

  My mom says, “Now you know why I asked you not to buy these.”

  Morgan, Lindsey and Karsen stand around the kitchen island. “Come in the living room, we have something for you,” Morgan says.

  I follow the girls and sit on the couch.

  Karsen approaches and hands me a box and sits on the floor in front of me. Morgan and Lindsey, sit on either side of me.

  “This is from us girls,” Lindsey says.

  I remove the paper and it’s a shoe box. When I lift the lid a card sits on top of tissue paper.

  I slide the card open and it reads.

  Dear Camryn:

  Here is your something BLUE which stands for pureness and loyalty. Something BLUE is an ocean of possibilities. You have the world at your feet…your journey with Jamie begins today.


  Your best bitches

  I peel the tissue paper back and a pair of blush heels with a striking cut-out pattern, a blue sole, and sparkling embellishments with a feminine touch sit nestled in the box. It’s the shoes that I fell in love with and didn’t buy.

  Tears well in my eyes. “I have shoes. You didn’t have to do this.”

  Lindsey laughs “No, we did. We didn’t miss the look in your eyes when you tried these on. We knew how much you loved them.”

  Lindsey is right. I wanted them, but I couldn’t justify spending that much money on shoes that I would only wear once. I remember the moment Morgan slipped them on my feet. I felt like Cinderella when Prince Charming placed her glass slipper on her foot.

  “If we didn’t buy you these, you would be walking down the aisle in your white Converse,” Karsen adds.

  My eyes go wide. “What do you mean I would be walking down the aisle in my sneakers. I bought a pair of shoes. The three of you were with me.”

  Morgan raises her finger to her chin. “Well…. You see. I returned them.”


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