by Begley, Adam
Saint Louis Literary Award, 430n
St. Thomas, Updike’s trip to, 380
Sale, Roger, 400
Salinger, J. D., 281
Franny and Zooey, 270–71
influence of, 99, 157, 213
“Just Before the War with the Eskimos,” 77, 99
and New Yorker, 17n, 77, 153, 155
Updike’s reviews of his work, 270–71, 370
Sand, George, 470
Sandberg, Carl, 87
Saramago, José, Baltasar and Blimunda, 461
Sarandon, Susan, 412
Saroyan, William, 103
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 174
The Saturday Evening Post, 37, 102, 122
Saturday Review, 153, 167n
Sayre, Joel, 116
Sayre, Nora, 116
Scientific American, 419
Scott, Sir Walter, The Bride of Lammermoor, 36
Sennett, Mack, 452–53
September 11 attacks, 465–67, 468
Shakespeare, William, 448
Shaw, George Bernard, 77
Shaw, Irwin, 154
Shawn, William, 135, 464
death of, 142, 444
and New Yorker evolution, 138, 362, 444, 445, 446
and New Yorker traditions, 138n, 146
pushed aside, 138, 444
and Updike’s career, 102, 109, 117, 118, 124, 141–43, 151, 444
Updike’s memoir of, 118, 142
and White’s obituary, 111
Sheed, Wilfred, 291
Shepard, Alan, 196
Sherrill, Goldthwaite, 199
Sherwood, Robert, 64
Shilling, Clint, 28
Shillington, Pennsylvania:
and change of, 23–24, 29, 31, 101, 159, 322
churchgoing in, 38–39
escape from, 50, 55–56, 101, 127, 152, 405, 457, 471
Grace Lutheran Church, 39
high school in, 23, 33, 41, 47–48, 49, 52, 54, 65, 80, 199, 225, 336, 391
interviewers’ visits to, 1–2, 16
move to Plowville from, 21, 31, 32–36, 38, 101, 261, 320, 327, 432–33
as Olinger, 2, 40, 41, 48, 99, 101, 145, 163, 172, 185
Stephen’s Luncheonette, 47, 49, 55
Updike’s early years in, 29–30, 46, 244, 336, 486
Updike’s nostalgia for, 7, 31, 56, 78n, 99–100, 113–14, 145, 159, 163, 186, 190, 327, 336, 373, 388, 403n, 427, 428, 432, 482, 486
in Updike’s writing, 5–6, 7–8, 10, 27, 29, 48, 56, 78n, 99–100, 113–14, 145, 158, 173, 176, 185, 186, 190, 322, 388, 427, 428, 453
Sinclair, Upton, 103
Sitwell, Osbert, 193
Skeeter (fict.), 333–35, 337–41
Sky & Telescope, 419
Smiley, Jane, x
Smith, Raymond, 280, 373
Smithsonian Institution, 317
Sondheim, Stephen, 387
Spain, Updike travels to, 312, 317
Spark, Muriel, 271
Spenser, Edmund, 77
The Faerie Queene, 87
Spock, Benjamin, 136, 253
Sport, 440
SS Leonardo da Vinci, 229–30
SS Rotterdam, 297
Stafford, Jean, 111
Steinbeck, John, 263
Steinberg, Saul, 387, 416, 441
Steiner, George, 306, 362, 363
Stendhal, 358
Steuben Glass, 282
Stevens, Wallace, 87, 174
Stevenson, Adlai E., 89, 196
Stewart, Payne, 195
Stravinsky, Igor, 71
Streeter, Edward, 72
Styron, William, 103
The Confessions of Nat Turner, 338–39
Summer, Donna, 394
Summer of Love, 255, 321
Swift, Jonathan, 87
Taper, Bernard, 277–78
Tarbox (fict. town):
founding of, 322
and JFK assassination, 257
in Updike’s writing, 184, 185, 246, 247, 249, 257, 287n, 288–93, 303, 321–23, 343
Targ Editions, 380
Tertullian, 419
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 435
Thomas, Dylan, 87
Thompson, Lovell, 183, 203
Thurber, James, 30, 36, 116–17, 140, 146, 416
Ticknor and Fields, 17
articles about Updike in, 20, 184–85
critical reviews in, 155–56, 250–51
Updike interviews in, 92, 152, 207, 214, 289
Updike on cover of, 1, 292–93
Tolstoy, Leo, 77
Tootsie Roll company, 227
The Transatlantic Review, 45, 301
Trilling, Diana, 294, 333–34
Trilling, Lionel, xii
Tristan and Iseult, 239–43, 258, 316, 367
Trollope, Anthony, 470
Truman, Harry S., 139
Tucci, Niccolò, 147
Tucson, Arizona, Updike house in, 474
Turgenev, Ivan, 153
Turner, Nat, 339
Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de, 133
University of Michigan, 476
Updike, David (son):
birth and infancy of, 134n, 146–47, 161
childhood of, 231, 284, 299, 331
and his father’s illness and death, 483, 484
and his father’s will, 416
in his father’s writing, 329, 347–48, 349–50, 367, 376, 427
in interviews, 9, 354n, 410
in Ipswich, 321
marriage and family of, 415n, 438, 439
at prep school, 359
at wedding of John and Martha, 382
as writer, 376, 384–85, 391
Updike, Elizabeth Pennington “Liz” (daughter):
at Bennington College, 359, 391
birth and infancy of, 107, 113, 119, 297
childhood of, 147, 231, 284
children of, 414, 415n, 423
and her father’s birthday, 441
and her father’s illness and death, 483, 484
and her father’s will, 416
in her father’s writing, 329, 346–47, 352, 367, 376
in Ipswich, 320–21, 325
marriage of, 376
as teenager, 299, 320–21, 325
travels with, 307–8
and wedding of John and Martha, 382
Updike, Hartley (grandfather), 42–43
Updike, John Hoyer:
“abstract-personal” work of, 234–37, 246–47, 254–55
and adultery, 159, 197, 207, 208–12, 218–20, 223, 224, 227–29, 230–31, 233–34, 236–37, 242, 245, 253, 254, 258–59, 262, 285–86, 287, 294, 303, 328, 344, 346, 354–55, 356, 366, 368, 369, 378, 389, 409, 442, 465
and aging, 429, 437–38, 446n, 452, 454–55, 456–57, 469, 474–75
ambition of, xii-xiii, 41, 46, 50, 55, 77, 82–83, 91, 101, 103, 126, 127, 138, 139, 141, 148, 149–50, 151, 209, 266, 287, 299, 391, 450, 471
amour-propre, 14–15, 31, 46, 56, 170, 172, 242, 245, 253, 257–59, 272, 273, 287, 300, 352, 354, 379, 389
art studies of, 91, 105–6, 114
author’s contacts with, xi, 53–54
awards and honors to, 42, 91, 92, 105, 145, 209, 250, 251, 265–66, 308, 400, 402, 416, 430, 433, 434–35, 437, 461–62, 470, 477–78
birth of, 3, 22
books by, see Updike, John Hoyer, books by
cartoons by, 67, 70, 77, 91
childhood of, 23–30, 50, 297
and cities, 40–41
compartmentalization by, 190, 228, 244, 294, 331, 353, 354, 355, 364, 422
as critic, 143, 225, 240–41, 243, 270–71, 279–80, 374, 384, 416–18, 461, 462–63, 475, 480
critical reviews of his work, 271–73, 294, 310, 316, 332, 333–34, 339–41, 360–64, 369–70, 400–401, 412, 413, 421–22, 434–35, 447, 452, 454, 456–57, 458–61, 468, 469, 470
death of, xi, 484–86
in England, 104–9, 113, 116–17, 298–302, 305–6
and esc
ape, 48–51, 53, 54, 56, 157, 180, 194, 204, 222, 226, 251, 296, 322, 343, 347, 351, 357, 382, 384, 405, 428, 437, 453, 473
European exile of, 229–30, 235–37, 239, 250, 297, 357
and fatherhood, 151, 166, 172, 207, 223, 230–32, 246, 299, 321, 329–30, 331, 346–48, 349, 351, 372, 385, 389, 390–92, 398, 409, 423
and feminists, 255, 378–79, 412, 413, 418, 425–26, 459–60
final illness and death of, 479–86
focus on details, 112, 115, 168–69, 174
and grandchildren, 414–15, 423, 438–39, 481–82
and Harvard, 49–51, 53–94; see also Harvard Lampoon; Harvard University
health issues of, 56–57, 222–23, 238, 243, 360, 423, 428–29, 479–82
income of, 73, 109, 110n, 117, 124, 138, 158, 172, 180, 226, 251, 282, 294, 299, 312, 324, 417, 446, 470, 471, 476
interviews with, 1–8, 9, 15n, 49, 53–54, 73n, 92, 152, 154, 195, 203, 207, 214, 222, 227, 281, 284–85, 289, 293, 354, 376–79, 412, 422, 443, 462, 475, 476
living by himself, 357, 358–61, 368, 370, 384, 403, 442
and marriage, 84, 89–90, 165–66, 211–13, 241, 242–45, 251, 277, 285, 306–7, 344–45, 356–57
and Martha, see Bernhard, Martha Ruggles; Updike, Martha Bernhard
and Mary, see Pennington, Mary; Updike, Mary Pennington
and nostalgia, 3, 13–14, 176, 189–90, 219, 249, 255, 388–90, 431–32, 452, 460, 482; see also Shillington
and obscenity laws, 201–3
papers of, xiii, 471
parents of, see Updike, Linda Hoyer; Updike, Wesley Russell
personal traits of, 38, 48, 53, 66, 102, 103, 138, 185, 259, 285, 306, 374, 427–28
poems by, see Updike, John Hoyer, poems by
professional path of, 102–3, 209
as prolific writer, 119–20, 138, 141, 153, 179, 194, 281, 361, 401, 406–7, 449
psoriasis of, 26, 57, 90, 103, 118, 202, 358, 360, 423
and psychotherapy, 243–45, 248, 249, 368
public persona of, ix-xi, 102, 152, 172, 184–85, 259, 263–64, 266, 267, 269, 278, 286, 293–94, 295, 312, 374, 375, 377, 407–8
public speaking, 7, 19n, 188–89, 190, 376, 377, 380, 381, 386, 416, 435–36, 461–62, 473, 479
real life as source of fiction, 8–16, 21, 31–32, 41–42, 52, 98, 126, 129–30, 132–33, 134, 136, 137, 163, 179, 185, 190, 199, 211, 212–15, 219–25, 234, 247–48, 249–50, 270, 273, 342, 345–50, 351–55, 367–70, 471
and religion, 38–40, 103, 107–8, 114, 133, 179, 196–97, 217, 218, 220, 221, 223–24, 317, 327, 328, 418–20, 424, 482–83
reputation of, 1, 2, 53, 92, 154, 186, 294, 407, 427, 449, 458–60, 462
sensitivity to criticism (of others), 155–57
sex scenes in writing of, 200–201, 203, 212–13, 294, 340
sixtieth birthday of, 441–42
and smoking, 47
social life of, 147–48, 305–6; see also Ipswich, Massachusetts
stories by, see Updike, John Hoyer, short stories and articles by
stutter of, 26, 53, 57, 66, 103, 226, 277, 377, 423, 428, 453
and success, 103, 150, 158, 180, 209, 251, 259, 266, 270, 294, 296, 299–300, 304–5, 324, 377, 471
and technology, 471–75
as teenager, 30–52, 122
travels of, 257, 262–65, 297, 303–4, 307–18, 350–51, 360, 388, 416, 424, 479
wills written by, 263, 309, 415–16
writing career of, 98, 100, 102, 120, 124, 141–43, 146, 154, 173, 180, 209, 250, 281, 300–301, 304–5, 406–7, 410, 446, 449, 458, 471
writing style of, 254, 394, 411, 463n
Updike, John Hoyer, books by:
Always Looking, 485
Americana, 448
Assorted Prose, 124n, 143, 270–71, 281, 361
Bech: A Book, 296–97, 332
Bech at Bay, 411, 439n, 446n, 472
Biscuits for Cerberus (orig. title), 161, 168
Brazil, 309, 316, 452
The Carpentered Hen, 73, 139–40, 168, 170, 180, 186, 300
The Centaur, 1, 9, 21, 34n, 38, 41–42, 44–49, 117, 163, 173, 222, 223, 230, 250, 262, 265, 348–49, 400
Collected Poems, 1953–1993, 139n, 446–48
The Complete Henry Bech, 469
The Coup, 275, 309–11, 312, 342, 363, 381, 392, 411, 468
Couples, 78, 158, 210, 246–50, 257, 270, 279, 282, 287–94, 296, 300, 306, 307, 333–34, 340, 354, 377, 379, 382, 409, 455, 465
Due Considerations, 440
The Early Stories, 53, 80n, 86n, 96, 99, 128n, 129, 242, 301, 469
Endpoint, 11, 101, 485
Gertrude and Claudius, 457
Go Away (unpublished), 173n
Higher Gossip, 440, 485
Home (unpublished), 126, 149, 161–63, 170, 179, 263
Hugging the Shore, 403, 440
In the Beauty of the Lilies, 452–54, 455, 468
Just Looking, 417
The Maples Stories, 212n, 469
Marry Me, 249–55, 259, 263, 377, 380
Memories of the Ford Administration, 442–44, 475
Midpoint, 279
A Month of Sundays, 195–96, 362, 368–70, 379, 380, 443
More Matter, 440, 449
Museums and Women, 346
My Father’s Tears, 10, 439n, 485
Odd Jobs, 440
Of the Farm, 1, 9, 16, 21, 28, 34n, 41, 48, 117, 163, 173, 250, 259–62, 272, 350, 361, 368, 432
Olinger Stories, 14, 98, 173
Picked-Up Pieces, 361–62
Pigeon Feathers, 9, 165, 250
The Poorhouse Fair, 1, 163, 167, 169–71, 173, 174, 175–80, 186, 204, 209, 250, 266–67, 341, 469
Problems, 348n, 366–67
Rabbit, Run, 1, 114, 118n, 173, 195, 197–206, 207, 212, 222, 227, 250, 252, 297, 299, 314, 331, 341, 379–80, 398, 400, 437
Rabbit Angstrom, 341n, 403
Rabbit at Rest, 206, 434–38, 460, 467, 469
Rabbit Is Rich, 1, 195, 206, 392–402, 407, 411, 434
Rabbit Redux, 195, 206, 275, 332–42, 344, 362, 369, 377, 394, 398, 436
Roger’s Version, 369n, 418–23, 471, 472
S., 369n, 425–26
The Same Door, 9, 128n, 129, 165n, 186–87
Seek My Face, 457
Self-Consciousness (memoir), x, 5, 8, 12–14, 34, 44, 46, 76, 107, 158, 181, 223, 225, 258–59, 275, 276, 277, 286, 319, 344, 388, 423–24, 426–28, 433, 437, 476, 478
Terrorist, 457, 466–68, 473, 477
Toward the End of Time, 224n, 454–56, 459, 461, 478
Trust Me, 439n
Villages, 78n, 457, 468, 471, 472
The Widows of Eastwick, 317–18, 457, 469, 479
Willow, 78, 82, 457
The Witches of Eastwick, 410–14, 419, 426
Updike, John Hoyer, poems by:
“All the While,” 306–7
“Apologies to Harvard,” 55–56, 89
“Azores,” 230
“Capacity,” 128n
“Child’s Question,” 37
“The Clan,” 112
“Duet, with Muffled Brake Drums,” 73, 97, 120, 446
“Elderly Sex,” 437
“Elegy for a Real Golfer,” 195
“Enemies of a House,” 324, 326n, 448
“Ex-Basketball Player,” 98, 100, 113, 162
“The Fall,” 431
“Fine Point,” 482
“Golfers,” 193
“The House Growing,” 350
“The Hypocrite,” 72
“Icarus,” 467
“Lament for Cocoa,” 162
“Leaving Church Early,” 280
“Living with a Wife,” 306
“March: A Birthday Poem,” 106–7
“Midpoint,” 24, 50, 295, 296
“Minority Report,” 302
“Mobile of Birds,” 129
“Mountain Impasse,” 71
“My Children at the Dump,” 231–32, 390
“My Mother at Her De
sk,” 19
“An Oddly Lovely Day Alone,” 376
“An Ode,” 140
“Perfection Wasted,” 447–48
“Planting a Mailbox,” 161
“Poetess,” 71n
“The Population of Argentina,” 71n
“A Rescue,” 450–51
“Shillington,” 31–32, 448
“Shipbored,” 162, 214
“Spanish Sonnets,” 312, 382
“The Sunflower,” 112
“Tao in the Yankee Stadium Bleachers,” 139n
“Thoughts While Driving Home,” 185
“Why the Telephone Wires Dip,” 71, 71n, 485
“Youth’s Progress,” 162
Updike, John Hoyer, short stories and articles by:
“A&P,” 213
“The Accelerating Expansion of the Universe,” 317
“Ace in the Hole,” 96–97, 98, 110, 113
“The Alligators,” 113, 145, 172, 173, 188
“And Whose Little Generation Are You? Or, Astrology Refined,” 167–68
“Aperto, Chiuso,” 316
“The Apparition,” 317
“The Astronomer,” 53
“Augustine’s Concubine,” 343
“Australia and Canada,” 308
“Avec la Bébé-Sitter,” 233, 235–36
“The Baluchitherium,” 343
“Bech and the Bounty of Sweden,” 461
“Bech Enters Heaven,” 387
“Bech in Czech,” 314
“Bech in Rumania,” 296
“Bech Noir,” 460–61
“Bech Pleads Guilty,” 401
“Bech Presides,” 387, 461
“Bech Swings?,” 298–99, 304–6, 449n
“Bech Takes Pot Luck,” 283–84, 296, 297–98
“Bech Third-Worlds It,” 308
“Being a Self Forever,” 423
“The Black Room,” 31n
“The Blessed Man of Boston, My Grandmother’s Thimble, and Fanning Island,” 213–15, 217–18, 219, 221
“The Bulgarian Poetess,” 264–65
“Cemeteries,” 301
“The Christian Roommates,” 60–63, 84n, 100
“Commercial,” 343–44
“A Constellation of Events,” 365–66
“The Corner,” 301
“Couples,” 246–49
“Cruise,” 316
“Daughter, Last Glimpses Of,” 346–47
“The Day of the Dying Rabbit,” 302
“The Deacon,” 303
“Dentistry and Doubt,” 109, 114–15
“A Desert Encounter,” 474
“The Dogwood Tree: A Boyhood,” 7n, 25, 50, 158
“Domestic Life in America,” 359–60
“Drinking from a Cup Made Cinchy,” 195
“During the Jurassic,” 343
“Eros Rampant,” 325n, 329, 345
“Far Out,” 343, 344n
“Farrell’s Caddie,” 313n