Still Her (Turn it Up Book 2)

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Still Her (Turn it Up Book 2) Page 25

by Natalie Parker

  “Mayzie,” Morris starts in, “while I’m here, I want to advise you to seek out a trauma counselor. I know you don’t think what you went through last night was trauma, but it was.” At his words, I feel Jack’s arms tighten around me a little bit, and though he doesn’t speak, it feels like he’s having a moment of appreciation for Morris. I know Morris is thinking ahead, that this may catch up with me, that I may have triggers that will take me back to last night and put me in a state of panic. Honestly, I think as long as Jack never buys that rancid cologne, drinks gin, or calls me ‘Kitten’ I’ll be okay. But I get it. It only just happened, I’m still processing it, and he’s been through this with others. Including his girl.

  “Please consider it,” he adds.

  “Okay,” I nod reassuringly. “I will.”

  He smiles tightly and nods, seemingly pacified by that. “Man, I went after him in that interrogation room,” Morris muses. “But it looks like he’s been advised to the hilt by his lawyers because he didn’t give me shit, kept his mouth clamped shut the entire time until his attorney showed up. But it doesn’t matter,” he continues, “it’s just temporary. After the court proceedings, he’ll be back in there for quite a while thanks to what you uncovered last night.” I look down, thankful for the compliment, but can’t grasp the validity in it. It was hard, but at the same time, I don’t feel triumphant or accomplished. I still just feel like me. “Mayzie,” Morris prods, making me look back up. “You did good.” He gives me a tight smile and slight nod, before gathering up his camera, and heading towards the door without a backward glance.


  Eli Costa, CEO and owner of NoLimit PR, was seen being led out of NYC’s Capulet hotel by NYPD officers last night. No details have been released about his arrest, although the band Turn it Up, one of the most high profile musical acts to sign with Costa, released the following statement via Rachel Lawrence of Excel PR this morning:

  “As of last night, we will no longer continue a professional relationship with Eli Costa or NoLimit PR. Recent behaviors and incidents have given us cause to legally break our contract and take our venture in a different direction. We are currently in negotiations with EXCEL PR, and are hopeful they will be representing us henceforth.”

  Jack Krasinski, lead guitarist and vocalist for Turn it Up, released his own statement just hours later:

  Eli Costa is a sexual predator who has been abusing his power in the music industry. He harassed and assaulted my wife, Mayzie Krasinski, and threatened to sabotage Turn it Up if she did not cooperate with his advances. My wife bravely worked with law enforcement to obtain the necessary proof of his wrongdoings. This involved putting herself in a dangerous position. However, her courage prevailed and the truth came out. If there are any other women who have found themselves victim to this sorry excuse of a man, I urge you to come forward so that we can make the most of Mayzie’s efforts.”

  Costa was released on bail…

  Awaiting word of a court hearing that will determine if this will go to trial…


  Our light, contented morning grew more intense as time went on from Morris’s visit. We had to make some difficult phone calls to our family, the worst of which of course was to my parents. They were shocked and obviously worried, not to mention they had a hundred questions; especially my father, who definitely employed the most colorful words of his vocabulary. It took some time, but Jack and I were able to reassure them that I’m alright, and more importantly, it’s over; this is the time to move forward.

  While that conversation was certainly the hardest, Annie’s was a close second. Holy shit is that girl ever hormonal. Her concern for me has never been questionable, but “freak-out” doesn’t even begin to cover it.

  With the important people in our lives filled in, statements were released and the chief of police held a press conference, both of which created the perfect media storm. Jack and I have gone out of our way to not turn on the TV or go on the internet. It’s not like we can avoid it completely, but just for these first couple of days, we figured it’s for the best.

  Tonight is the first of two shows at Madison Square, not making it any easier, but the show must go on and all that. The SUV waits close by the back entrance for us, although that didn’t stop a handful of photographers and reporters from finding their way back there. Sunglasses in place, I hurry to the vehicle with Jack and Shane on either side of me, all of us keeping our heads high but we don’t acknowledge any of the pleas for comments.

  The concert goes off without a hitch, the guys actually able to play with a relaxed air about them. They talk to the audience and get them amped up between songs, but don’t address what’s going on with Eli. Following the show, we opt to stay on the buses instead of at the hotel since it’s our last night in the city anyway.

  Two days later when we find ourselves traveling across New York State towards Buffalo, we get a call from Detective Morris, informing us that three women have already come into his department to file complaints about Eli, each contributing to the case being built against him. With this revelation, I feel like I’m able to fully exhale, knowing this case will definitely go somewhere with more accusers than just me, enabling me to settle back into a routine. I continue to write and briefly acknowledge the recent events in my blog, while advising readers that I cannot disclose anything more than I am already doing, that I’m alright, and that we are all moving forward.

  It’s going to be a while, as well as consulting with Mike and with Rachel, before I can publish anything more detailed regarding the incident.

  We make our way back across New York and Ohio before we end up in our home state in time for an incredible two week break for the holidays, which is only interrupted once when the band has to go back and make up their appearance on the Up All Night show. The producers thankfully had Dan Coleman make only a brief acknowledgement to Douche Gate that the guys could answer on a superficial level during the interview portion.

  I opted to stay home during their jaunt out to NYC for the appearance. It was only going to be a two-night trip, but after everything, I just craved being home for some R&R without having to pack up and get on a plane smack in the middle of it. It’s too bad for the guys, but call this one of the times I get to be selfish. And while Jack said he’d miss me, he completely understood.

  It’s late in the evening and I’m at our kitchen island, just wrapping up the blog post for the week when I hear the buzzer, indicating someone is at the gate at the bottom of our driveway. I’m not expecting anyone, so my hackles immediately spring up. I head over to the intercom in the kitchen, the dogs curiously wagging behind me, as they know by now what that buzzer means.

  “Who is it?” I call out as I hold the button down.

  “Mayzie?” I hear a female voice on the other end. I know better than to confirm my identity and my residence in the same go, as some fans out there have proven themselves to be downright certifiable, but the voice has a vague familiarity that is pulling at me.

  “Who’s this?” I reply cautiously.

  “Hi… it’s… Melanie,” the voice responds tentatively.

  What... in the actual… holy shit.

  “Melanie?” I repeat, my voice going up at least three octaves in shock that I don’t even bother trying to hide.

  “Yeah…” she says, sounding timid and downtrodden. “I’m sorry… but could I please come in?”

  Oh my God. “Yes!” I frantically punch the button that opens the gate before rushing to the door, the dogs still at my heels. I throw the lock and yank open the door, just as a car that must be an UBER pulls up. The back door opens, and out steps the sister-in-law that I scarcely know. I wait up on the front steps as the driver retrieves her suitcase from the trunk and she starts coming up the walkway. I take in her dark hair that has a few lighter, reddish strands in it picked up by our front porch light, and her obviously exhausted makeup-free face as she reaches the top of the steps.

  “Hey,” sh
e greets me, her eyes flickering up to me cautiously.

  “Hey,” I give her a gentle nod in greeting before tentatively pulling her in for a hug. It’s light and gentle, and though she hesitates, she returns it. “Come in,” I insist as the chill starts to sink through my sweater. We pull her suitcase through the door and the warmth from within the house envelopes us. Both dogs’ tails are going crazy as they sniff the hell out of her.

  “I remember these guys,” she muses as she squats down to give them both some love. After half a minute of that, I call them to the back slider and put them outside. As happy as I am to see Melanie, I’m eager to find out why she’s here. Once they’re outside, she and I stand facing each other in awkward silence for a moment before I finally break it.

  “Can I get you something? Some tea?” I offer.

  “Sounds nice,” she nods. “Thanks.” I nod and carry the kettle over to the sink to fill it with water. “So, where’s Jack?” she inquires after her brother.

  “He and the guys are in New York. They’re taping the Up All Night show. They’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.” She looks down and nods as I start the kettle and pull out some mugs. “So…” I decide to dive into the burning question. “This is unexpected. Are you okay?” I ask, resting my hands on the counter as she takes a seat at the island across from me.

  “Yeah,” she nods with a sigh that leaves me feeling a tad unconvinced, but I let it go. Surely she’s just had a long journey. “Yeah, I’m fine. It was just… time to come home.” That last word was very hesitant, but again, I don’t push and just nod at her instead. “I’m sorry for not calling ahead. My cell phone battery died midflight, and the charger plug-ins on the plane are not the greatest.” But she didn’t call before leaving wherever she was, when she decided to come home. I get the feeling it was spontaneous.

  “Does Sarah know you’re back?” I ask as the kettle whistles and I pick it up to pour the hot water in the mugs.

  “No,” she answers. “I will let her know tomorrow. I just, thought I’d come here first. Don’t get me wrong, I love my sister, but she would not be handling this the same way you are,” she gives a humorless chuckle. “I just want a chance to catch my breath before I talk to her, you know?” The visual of a pregnant, hormonal Sarah losing her shit over her elusive sister showing up on her doorstep with no notice comes to life in my mind and I immediately concur.

  “Yeah, I get it,” I answer with a half-smile, pushing a mug and the honey towards her as I turn and get the milk out of the fridge. “Do you need a place to stay?” I ask as she takes a grateful sip.

  “No, that’s okay. I don’t want to impose. Could I trouble you for a ride to a hotel though?”

  “No, don’t be silly. We have a guest room. Stay here,” I shrug, showing her it’s no big deal.

  “Okay,” she nods. “I’d love to… if you’re sure.” She raises an eyebrow, seeking reassurance.

  “Of course,” I affirm gently.

  “I really appreciate it Mayzie. I’m exhausted. But I promise I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow. I’ll talk to Sarah, and hopefully she’ll let me stay with her or in her pool house or something while I get set up.”

  “Set up?” I look up from straining my tea bag. “Does that mean you’re staying? You’re home for good?”

  She blows out a breath and nods like she’s confirming it, more to herself than to me.

  “Wow,” I quietly exclaim. “That’s amazing.” I don’t push for more details. Like she said, she came here to avoid that sort of welcoming party. She just nods again and gives me a polite smile before shrugging out of her coat, seemingly finally warmed up enough.

  Our conversation turns to superficial small talk as we finish our tea and I take her upstairs to get her settled in our guest room. I presume she crashes out right away as I don’t see her again the rest of the night.

  I lock up the house and turn off all the lights as I make my way to mine and Jack’s bedroom. Melanie showing up practically out of thin air is definitely a lot to process. As I settle down with my Kindle on my side of the bed and the dogs curled up in their respective beds in the corner, I can’t help but be positive that this is a good thing.


  With the taping of the show finished and behind us, Matt and I hole up in my hotel room late into the night and keep it low key as we hang out and work on some songs. A quick look at my watch tells me I should call my wife if I want to hear her voice before she falls asleep, so I grab my cell off the coffee table and dial her number.

  “Hey baby,” her sweet voice greets me softly. My heart gives a grateful squeeze every time I hear the lightness in her voice these days. It’s been three weeks since the sting, and while I still struggle with what she had to go through, it being over has given me my girl back. It also helps that in that time, six women have come forward to put their complaints of Eli harassing them on record, both in New York and L.A. It’s like our sense of justice grows with each report.

  “Hi sweetheart, how’s your night been?”

  “Um, interesting. How was the taping?”

  My forehead scrunches at her reply. I look over and see Matt plucking at his guitar and scratching notes down on his notepad.

  “It was… fine. No issues, it went great. What do you mean, ‘interesting’?” She blows out a breath on her end of the line before answering.

  “You’re sister’s here.”

  “Okay…” I shake my head, still confused. “So you’re feeding her brownies and having a girl’s night?”

  “Not Sarah, Jack. It’s Melanie.” Her voice is still soft, but assertive.

  What in the actual fuck?

  “Melanie?” I repeat into the phone, my voice full of disbelief. I barely register Matt’s head jerking up in my peripheral. “Mayzie, are you shitting me right now?”

  “I’m serious Jack. She’s here. She’s asleep in our guest room. She just got in from wherever she was tonight.”

  “I don’t believe this,” My eyes wander back over to Matt who is now staring intently at me. “Is she alright?” I ask as I try to decipher his expression. He quickly blinks and looks back down at his notebook.

  “She’s alright, as far as I can tell. She didn’t give me much; just said it was time for her to come home and it looks like she’s planning on staying for good.”

  “For good?” I let out a sarcastic chuckle. “We’ve heard that before.” Matt’s eyes are still cast down to his writing, but he doesn’t seem to be actually looking at it.

  “I know…” Mayzie responds, trailing off, and I know she’s shaking her head and giving a half-shrug, not knowing what conclusion to draw. I’m right there with her. I just can’t seem to get my head around this. My sister took off years ago because she wanted to see the world. That part wasn’t what bothered anyone so much, as how little she made contact with any of us while she was away. We were happy to have her home for a few months last year before she unexpectedly took off again, and once more, hardly kept in touch. It’s hurt me, Sarah, and our dad a lot over the years.

  “Okay then… I guess I’ll find out more when I come home tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” she says with an agreeable sigh.

  “I miss you baby. Get some sleep okay?”

  “I miss you too. I will.”

  “Okay, and hey… I love you.”

  “I love you,” she repeats back to me before hanging up. I set my phone down and pick my guitar up. Matt is still playing possum when I turn back to him. Maybe he was just trying not to eavesdrop.

  “So Melanie is back in town. She’s at my house.” I look down and start picking at my strings. He takes in a sharp breath before looking up.

  “Yeah, I gathered that from your call.” He goes back to writing something on his notebook and then without looking back up asks, “Everything okay with her?”

  “Yeah, I think so. It’s just crazy, you know?”

  “Yeah… fucking crazy,” he agrees. “But good. Glad she’s alright.” He f
inally looks back up at me with a carefree smile in place.

  I nod. This has shaken up my snow globe a bit, but I try like hell to focus as we get back to writing what could hopefully be our next great hit.



  Jack came home earlier today and his reunion with his sister is going… well, it’s going. He got in early this afternoon, and after a reception that was as equally awkward as the one Melanie and I had, they are now out on the back deck and seem to have slipped into comfortable arguing. At least they’re talking, I suppose. I’m in the kitchen preparing a few sides for dinner while Jack and Melanie are outside by the grill, bickering from the looks of it as he cooks up some steaks.


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