Elsie's Girlhood

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Elsie's Girlhood Page 7

by Martha Finley


  How many pleasant faces shed their light on every side.


  "Remember it is for only one week; you must be back again nextWednesday by ten o'clock; I can't spare you an hour longer," Mr.Dinsmore said, as the next morning, shortly after breakfast, heassisted his daughter to mount her pony.

  "Ten o'clock at night, papa?" asked Elsie in a gay, jesting tone, asshe settled herself in the saddle, and took a little gold-mountedriding whip from his hand.

  "No, ten A.M., precisely."

  "But what if it should be storming, sir?"

  "Then come as soon as the storm is over."

  "Yes, sir; and may I come sooner if I get homesick?"

  "Just as soon as you please. Now, good-bye, my darling. Don't go intoany danger. I know I need not remind you to do nothing your fatherwould disapprove."

  "I hope not, papa," she said, with a loving look into the eyes thatwere gazing so fondly upon her. Then kissing her hand to him and hermamma and little Horace, who stood on the veranda to see her off, sheturned her horse's head and cantered merrily away, taking the road toAshlands on passing out at the gate.

  It was a bright, breezy morning, and her heart felt so light andgay that a snatch of glad song rose to her lips. She warbled a fewbird-like notes, then fell to humming softly to herself.

  At a little distance down the road a light wagon was rumbling along,driven by one of the man-servants from the Oaks, and carrying AuntChloe and her young mistress' trunks.

  "Come, Jim," said Elsie, glancing over her shoulder at her attendantsatellite, "we must pass them. Glossy and I are in haste to-day. Ah,mammy, are you enjoying your ride?" she called to her old nurse as shecantered swiftly by.

  "Yes, dat I is, honey!" returned the old woman. Then sending a loving,admiring look after the retreating form so full of symmetry and grace,"My bressed chile!" she murmured, "you's beautiful as de mornin', yourole mammy tinks, an' sweet as de finest rose in de garden; bright an'happy as de day am long, too."

  "De beautifullest in all de country, an' de finest," chimed in hercharioteer.

  The young people at Ashlands were all out on the veranda enjoying thefresh morning air--Herbert lying on a lounge with a book in his hand;Harry and Lucy seated on opposite sides of a small round table anddeep in a game of chess; two little fellows of six and eight--John andArchie by name--were spinning a top.

  "There she is! I had almost given her up; for I didn't believe thatold father of hers would let her come," cried Lucy, catching sight ofGlossy and her rider just entering the avenue; and she sprang up insuch haste as to upset half the men upon the board.

  "Hollo! see what you've done!" exclaimed Harry. "Why, it's Elsie, sureenough!" and he hastily followed in the wake of his sister, who hadalready flown to meet and welcome her friend; while Herbert started upto a sitting posture, and looked enviously after them.

  "Archie, John," he called, "one of you please be good enough to handme my crutch and cane. Dear me, what a thing it is to be a cripple!"

  "I'll get 'em, Herbie, this minute! Don't you try to step without'em," said Archie, jumping up to hand them.

  But Elsie had already alighted from her horse with Harry's assistance,and shaken hands with him, returned Lucy's rapturous embrace as warmlyas it was given, and stepped upon the veranda with her before Herbertwas fairly upon his feet. As she caught sight of him she hurriedforward, her sweet face full of tender pity.

  "Oh, don't try to come to meet me, Herbert," she said, holding out herlittle gloved hand; "I know your poor limb is worse than usual, andyou, must not exert yourself for an old friend like me."

  "Ah," he said, taking the offered hand, and looking at its owner witha glad light in his eyes, "How like you that is, Elsie! You alwayswere more thoughtful of others than any one else I ever knew. Yes, mylimb is pretty bad just now; but the doctor thinks he'll conquer thedisease yet; at least so far as to relieve me of the pain I suffer."

  "I hope so, indeed. How patiently you have borne it all these longyears," she answered with earnest sympathy of tone and look.

  "So he has; he deserves the greatest amount of credit for it," saidLucy, as John and Archie in turn claimed Elsie's attention for amoment. "But come now, let me take you to mamma and grandma, and thento your own room. Aunt Chloe and your luggage will be along presently,I suppose."

  "Yes, they are coming up the avenue now."

  Lucy led the way to a large pleasant, airy apartment in one of thewings of the building, where they found Mrs. Carrington busilyoccupied in cutting out garments for her servants, her parents Mr. andMrs. Norris with her, the one reading a newspaper, the other knitting.All three gave the young guest a very warm welcome. She was evidentlya great favorite with the whole family.

  These greetings and the usual mutual inquiries in regard to the healthof friends and relatives having been exchanged, Elsie was next carriedoff by Lucy to the room prepared for her special use during her stayat Ashlands. It also was large, airy, and cheerful, on the secondfloor--opening upon a veranda on one side, on the other into a similarapartment occupied by Lucy herself. Pine India matting, furniture ofsome kind of yellow grained wood, snowy counterpanes, curtains andtoilet covers gave them both an air of coolness and simple elegance,while vases of fresh flowers upon the mantels shed around a slight butdelicious perfume.

  Of course the two girls were full of lively, innocent chat. In themidst of it Elsie exclaimed, "Oh, Lucy! I have just the loveliest bookyou ever read! a present from Mr. Travilla the other day, and I'vebrought it along. Papa had begun it, but he is so kind he insisted Ishould bring it with me; and so I did."

  "Oh, I'm glad! we haven't had anything new in the story-book line forsome time. Have you read it yourself?"

  "Partly; but it is worth reading several times; and I thought we wouldenjoy it all together--one reading aloud."

  "Oh, 'tis just the thing! I'm going to help mamma to-day with thesewing, and a nice book read aloud will make it quite enjoyable. We'llhave you for reader, Elsie, if you are agreed."

  "Suppose we take turns sewing and reading? I'd like to help yourmamma, too."

  "Thank you; well, we'll see. Herbert's a good reader, and I daresaywill be glad to take his turn at it too. Ah, here comes your baggageand Aunt Chloe following it. Here, Bob and Jack," to the two stalwartblack fellows who were carrying the trunk, "set it in this corner. Howd'ye do, Aunt Chloe?"

  "Berry well, tank you, missy," replied the old nurse, dropping acourtesy. "I'se berry glad to see you lookin' so bright dis heremornin'."

  "Thank you. Now make yourself at home and take good care of your youngmistress."

  "Dat I will, missy; best I knows how. Trus' dis chile for dat."

  Elsie's riding habit was quickly exchanged for a house dress, herhair made smooth and shining as its wont, and securing her book shereturned with Lucy to the lower veranda, where they found Herbertstill extended upon his sofa.

  His face brightened at sight of Elsie. He had laid aside his book, andwas at work with his knife upon a bit of soft pine wood. He whiledaway many a tedious hour by fashioning in this manner little boxes,whistles, sets of baby-house furniture, etc., etc., for one andanother of his small friends. Books, magazines, and newspapers filledup the larger portion of his time, but could not occupy it all, for,as he said, he must digest his mental food, and he liked to haveemployment for his fingers while doing so.

  "Please be good enough to sit where I can look at you without toogreat an effort, won't you?" he said, smiling up into Elsie's face.

  "Yes, if that will afford you any pleasure," she answered lightly, asLucy beckoned to a colored girl, who stepped forward and placed a lowrocking chair at the side of the couch.

  "There, that is just right. I can have a full view of your face bymerely raising my eyes," Herbert said with satisfaction, as Elsieseated herself in it. "What, you have brought a book?"

  "Yes," and while Elsie went on to repeat the substance of what shehad told Lucy, the latter sli
pped away to her mamma's room to makearrangements about the work, and ask if they would not all like tocome and listen to the reading.

  "Is it the kind of book to interest an old body like me?" asked Mrs.Norris.

  "I don't know, grandma; but Elsie says Mr. Travilla and her papa wereboth delighted with it. Mr. Dinsmore, though, had not read the wholeof it."

  "Suppose we go and try it for a while then," said Mr. Morris, layingdown his paper. "If our little Elsie is to be the reader, I for one ampretty sure to enjoy listening, her voice is so sweet-toned and herenunciation so clear and distinct."

  "That's you, grandpa!" cried Lucy, clapping her hands in applause."Yes, you'd better all come, Elsie is to be the reader at the start;she says she does not mind beginning the story over again."

  Mrs. Carrington began gathering up her work, laying the garmentsalready cut out in a large basket, which was then carried by her maidto the veranda. In a few moments Elsie had quite an audience gatheredabout her, ere long a deeply interested one; scissors or needle hadnow and again to be dropped to wipe away a falling tear, and the voiceof the reader needed steadying more than once or twice. Then Herberttook his turn at the book, Elsie hers with the needle, Mrs. Carringtonhalf reluctantly yielding to her urgent request to be allowed toassist them.

  So the morning, and much of the afternoon also, passed mostpleasantly, and not unprofitably either. A walk toward sundown, andafterward a delightful moonlight ride with Harry Carrington andWinthrop Lansing, the son of a neighboring planter, finished theday, and Elsie retired to her own room at her usual early hour. Lucyfollowed and kept her chatting quite a while, for which Elsie's tenderconscience reproached her somewhat; yet she was not long in fallingasleep after her head had once touched her pillow.

  The next day was passed in a similar manner, still more time beinggiven to the reading, as they were able to begin it earlier: yet thebook was not finished; but on the morning of the next day, which wasFriday, Lucy proposed that, if the plan was agreeable to Elsie, theyshould spend an hour or two in a new amusement; which was no otherthan going into the dominions of Aunt Viney, the cook, and assistingin beating eggs and making cake.

  Elsie was charmed with the idea, and it was immediately carried out,to the great astonishment of Chloe, Aunt Viney, and all her sabletribe.

  "Sho, Miss Lucy! what fo' you go for to fotch de company right yereinto dis yere ole dirty kitchen?" cried Aunt Viney, dropping a hastycourtesy to Elsie, then hurrying hither and thither in the vain effortto set everything to rights in a moment of time. "Clar out o' yere,you, Han an' Scip," she cried, addressing two small urchins of duskyhue and driving them before her as she spoke, "dere aint no room yerefo' you, an' kitchens aint no place for darkies o' your size or sect.I'll fling de dishcloth at yo' brack faces ef yo' comes in agin fo'you sent for. I 'clare Miss Elsie, an' Miss Lucy, dose dirty niggahsmake sich a muss in yere, dere aint a char fit for you to set downin," she continued, hastily cleaning two, and wiping them with herapron. "I'se glad to see you, ladies, but ef I'd knowed you wasa-comin' dis kitchen shu'd had a cleanin' up fo' shuah."

  "You see, Aunt Viney, you ought to keep it in order, and then youwould be ready for visitors whenever they happened to come," said Lucylaughingly. "Why, you're really quite out of breath with whiskingabout so fast. We've come to help you."

  The fat old negress, still panting from her unwonted exertions,straightened herself, pushed back her turban, and gazed in round-eyedwonder upon her young mistress.

  "What! Missy help ole Aunt Viney wid dose lily-white hands? Oh, go'long! you's jokin' dis time fo' shuah."

  "No indeed; we want the fun of helping to make some of the cake forto-morrow. You know we want ever so many kinds to celebrate our twobirthdays."

  "Two birthdays, Miss Lucy? yo's and Massa Herbert's? Yes, dat's it; Idon't disremember de day, but I do disremember de age."

  "Sixteen; and now we're going to have a nice party to celebrate theday, and you must see that the refreshments are got up in your verybest style."

  "So I will, Miss Lucy, an' no 'casion for you and Miss Elsie totrouble yo' young heads 'bout de makin' ob de cakes an' jellies an'custards an' sich. Ole Aunt Viney can 'tend to it all."

  "But we want the fun of it," persisted Lucy; "we want to try our handsat beating eggs, rolling sugar, sifting flour, etc., etc. I've got agrand new receipt book here, and we'll read out the recipes to you,and measure and weigh the materials, and you can do the mixing andbaking."

  "Yes, missy, you' lily hands no' hab strength to stir, an' de firespoil yo' buful 'plexions for shuah."

  "I've brought mamma's keys," said Lucy; "come along with us to thestore-room, Aunt Viney, and I'll deal out the sugar, spices, andwhatever else you want."

  "Yes, Miss Lucy; but 'deed I don't need no help. You's berry kind, butole Viney kin do it all, an' she'll have eberything fus'-rate fo' deyoung gemmen an' ladies."

  "But that isn't the thing, auntie; you don't seem to understand. MissElsie and I want the fun, and to learn to cook, too. Who knows but wemay some day have to do our own work?"

  "Bress de Lord, Miss Lucy, how you talk, honey!" cried the oldnegress, rolling up her eyes in horror at the thought.

  "Take care; Miss Elsie will think you very wicked if you use suchexclamations as that."

  "Dat wrong, you t'ink, missy?" asked Aunt Viney, turning to the youngvisitor, who had gone with them to the store-room, and was assistingLucy in the work of measuring and weighing the needed articles.

  "I think it is," she answered gently; "we should be very carefulnot to use the sacred name lightly. To do so is to break the thirdcommandment."

  "Den, missy, dis ole gal won't neber do it no more."

  Chloe had been an excellent cook in her young days, and had notforgotten or lost her former skill in the preparation of toothsomedainties. She, too, came with offers of assistance, and the four weresoon deep in the mysteries of pastry, sweetmeats, and confections.Novelty gave it an especial charm to the young ladies, and they grewvery merry and talkative, while their ignorance of the business inhand, the odd mistakes they fell into in consequence, and the comicalquestions they asked, gave much secret amusement to the two oldservants.

  "What's this pound cake to be mixed up in, Aunt Viney?" asked Lucy.

  "In dis yere tin pan, missy."

  "Is it clean?"

  "Yes, missy, it's clean; but maybe 'taint suffishently clean, I'llwash it agin."

  "How many kinds of cake shall we make?" asked Elsie.

  "Every kind that Chloe and Aunt Viney can think of and know howto make well. Let me see--delicate cake, gold, silver and clove,fruitcake, sponge, and what else?"

  "Mammy makes delicious jumbles."

  "Will you make us some, Aunt Chloe?"

  Chloe signified her readiness to do whatever was desired, and began atonce to collect her implements.

  "Got a rollin' pin, Aunt Viney?" she asked.

  "Yes, to be shuah, a revoltin' roller, de very bes' kind. No, MissElsie, don' mix de eggs dat way, you spile 'em ef you mix de yallerall up wid de whites. An' Miss Lucy, butter an' sugar mus' be workedup togedder fus', till de butter resolve de sugah, 'fore we puts deudder gredinents in."

  "Ah, I see we have a good deal to learn before we can hope to rivalyou as cooks, Aunt Viney," laughed Lucy.

  "I spec' so, missy; you throw all de gredinents in togedder, an'tumble your flouah in all at once, an' you nebber get your cake nicean light."

  They had nearly reached the end of their labors when sounds as ofscuffling, mingled with loud boyish laughter, and cries of "That's it,Scip, hit him again! Pitch into him, Han, and pay him off well forit!" drew them all in haste to the window and door.

  The two little darkies who had been ejected from the kitchen, weretussling in the yard, while their young masters, John and Archie,looked on, shaking with laughter, and clapping their hands in noisyglee.

  "What's all this racket about?" asked Grandpa Norris, coming out uponthe veranda, newspaper in hand, Herbert limping along by
his side.

  "The old feud between Roman and Carthaginian, sir," replied John.

  "Why, what do you mean, child?"

  "Hannah Ball waging a war on Skipio, you know, sir."

  "History repeating itself, eh?" laughed Herbert.

  "Ah, that's an old joke, Archie," said his grandfather. "And you'retoo big a rogue to set them at such work. Han and Scip, stop that atonce."


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